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HELLO KITTY (hat/scarf for dd) last gift done


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DD loves HELLO KITTY, so I made her a hat, and a scarf for Christmas (had to give them to her early, as I had to measure etc.) She loves it. So with the completion of this set, I am officially done with my Christmas gifts:cheer My RA and Carpal tunnel are giving me fits, so NO more crocheting for awhile:( have a dr's appt in Jan,(pain is terrible right now, can't sleep at night etc.) So it took longer to finish this set than normal., wasn't sure I would get it done in time


I just made a basic beanie, and then made the ears (4) total ears two for each side, then I just used felt for the eyes, and mouth. The scarf just red and white stripes with fringe, no pattern needed. Thanks for looking and have a great day


This is a close up of the hat





This is the hat/scarf set. I also considered just making a white scarf, and crocheting big bows on the end, I may do that yet lol





Thnks for looking

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