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Fuzzy Flurry of Hats


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I rediscovered a large bag of fuzzy yarns that I've accumulated over the past year or so and was really wondering what to do with them. I didn't wanna make fuzzy scarves. I wore myself out on those. I didn't wanna make purses with fuzzy rims. At least not right now. I really just wanted something quick and easy so I grabbed some simply soft and a strand of one of my fuzzy yarns and got busy. Took me a couple days of crocheting of and on to make all those hats. I can whip one out in under an hour.


I'm thinking I'm gonna take these down to a ski shop to see if they'd be interested in buying any of them and possibly ordering more. I really enjoy making them and I know even selling them for 10 dollars a piece I'd still be making a profit.


Anyways, Thanks for looking!!!











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Thanks Gals!!!! My favorite out of all of them is also the top left one. But I also love the Grey and Pink Softy.


Great hats! What pattern do you use? Under an hour? You're amazing.


Thanks Peggy!!! I didn't use a pattern for any of the hats. Just made it up as I go. I never use patterns for any of the hats I've made. I prefer just making my own designs. They always come out fitting perfect and looking alright so it must work. lol


Thanks again everyone!!



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