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Crochet Pattern a Day 2006

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Caved myself and ordered the calendar from Calendars.com. :yay


Actually, Hubby ordered it and told me after the fact, what a nice guy.:hug


Anyway, he thinks it is neat and will be looking through it himself for my next project. That is when it gets here.:hook

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thanks for posting this up. i went to B&N and they didnt have it... they had the display w/ cross stitch, and water color a day, but no crochet... tho one space was missing, i even asked a clerk when they would have it next, but they said it's not even in the system...how odd...


so i went to borders... and sure enough! they had plenty of crochet calendars along w/ knitting calendars, and cross stitch calendars and scrapbook calendars and.... you know...


has some pretty nice stuff tho... i agree, the tissue box covers, i kinda dislike them.


i wish they had more garments of clothing patterns. but i'm excited that i might be able to try my hand at my first sweater w/ one of the patterns...


hey... is anyone else going to go mad and crazy and broke b/c they want to try all the patterns?


any one have any plans or strategies for using their calendar?

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My husband & I go into B & N all the time. We treat ourselves to Starbucks with out the kids & then look at books. I look at that calendar every time we go in. I just have to have it.

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I bought it this weekend, and couldn't wait, I ripped into it to see it. While there are some neat patterns there, I was a teensy bit disappointed to see 4 tissue box covers in there, one for each season (sorry if that pattern is anyone's here). Couldn't they just have had one with a box on the bottom on how to modify for different seasons using different ribbon, etc? I'd have loved to see more clothes, for adults or kids. Drew's afghan through the year was cool, but there were a lot of granny squares besides his. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed it, and the layout was good, and I'm super pleased to see a calendar devoted to crochet. And with all of these wonderfully creative crocheters on here planning to submit patterns for 2007, I'll bet that one is even better!



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