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I dont know if this is the place to put this, so if not move it to where it needs to go.

I had some crochet patterns published a few years ago, my name is on them as the designer I sold all rights to it,

the book is no longer published. What I want to know is would it be against copy right laws to put the patterns up for people to use free?

My thought is it is copyright infringement, is that correct? So I could get in trouble if I did even though I am the designer

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What you need to do is go back to the contract you signed with them and see if it says that you sold all rights to the pattern forever. Perhaps there is a clause that may revert it back to you once it's out of print. Not likely, but you never know.


Doesn't hurt to check, right? :bounce

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I recently sold my rights to Loopi to Creative Partners and it is my understanding when you sell your copyrights, you sell them for the life of the copyright, which basically means as long as the copyright laws apply to that particular item. IOW, basically forever.

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I designed doilys , they are published in a book called pinapple treasures, grandmothers crochet, and crochet digest all where published by house of white birchs,

I sold all rights to them and I know I cannot post the patterns here or copy the patterns.

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