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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 2]


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Aww thanks, Scooby! You are beautiful as well! :hug


Yea, Leanne, is she still giving you grief? How's that kindness working for you? Now we know what she looks like, if she's still being a pain...:tryme




I KNEW it!!! You are beautiful, and have the bestest smile!:)



You all are just too sweet and I love ya:yes:yes:yes:hug:manyheart

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Stacy - you have hippo's in your neighborhood?! :rofl


hey... gotta tell you guys... we had so many laughs the other night. Krissy and Petey were googling our last name, and Krissy decided to check out what the name means. It means Sicilian Bad A--! :lol:lol

See? I told you guys that I was connected! :rofl

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Well now you are making me feel bad for being evil. :blush (Dh says I hold grudges much too long.) I will add her to my prayers, too.


Naw, you are the farthest from evil that there ever was!:hug:hug


If you hold grudges, tho, let them go...they are not healthy;)

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Naw, you are the farthest from evil that there ever was!:hug:hug


If you hold grudges, tho, let them go...they are not healthy;)


Yes...letting go is one thing I am REALLY bad at. :blush Dh always says I'm more Irish (because of my temper) than Polish. :lol

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Naw, you are the farthest from evil that there ever was!:hug:hug


If you hold grudges, tho, let them go...they are not healthy;)


I used to hold grudges too. But now I am a blabber mouth say what I think and then act like nothing happened. :lol

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Poor lady. I do feel sorry for her for being sick but you know they always say there is karma. Maybe this will be an eye opener for her.


You and I think a lot alike... and Karma can stink!

She is much calmer, so I hope you are right:yes

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Scooby, there's a pic of me and DD if you go to my public profile. It's from summer '08.



AWWWWWWWWWW how precious. You are really beautiful too. Janna is just so sweet and pretty. If I must say so myself we are an AWESOME LOOKING GROUP OF BESTIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I am like that lately, too..but only with certain people. Others, I just cannot let go of stuff...maybe those are the ones that affect me the most? :think:shrug



At times I let things linger, but it is generally from the people I am closest too. But like LeaAnne said, it isn't healthy so I try not to dwell on it too long.

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Ok, girls...dh wants to go to bed, so I'm going to scoot. Have a great chat and don't stay up too late. :wink:hug Scooby, it was so nice to chat with you finally. :hug



Have a great nite Stacy and it was nice to chat with you too :hug:manyheart

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Good night Stacy! Good luck to Isabella and her eye exam!


Thank you, Scooby! We are pretty cute, aren't we?


My dad and his family are like that. I wish I was, but I'm too scared of confrontation. I don't really hold grudges though, either. I just let it go and convince myself that it could be worse, so I shouldn't let it get to me. It would be nice to have a backbone though.

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Maybe we should be the "hotties" instead of "besties"? :rofl


:hug:hug Stacy! love you, girl! I hope we get to chat again soon! I have missed you!



:rofl:rofl That is too funny!!!! The Hotties. :thinkI can deal with that as long as I don't have to clean in a French Maid's outfit :rofl

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No, no, I think "hotties" would give us big egos. :rofl


:hug Leanne, it was great to chat with you, too! I'm happy that your PTO stuff is thinning out a bit...hopefully you will be around more! :D


Shannon-ness- have a great night and watch out for those rhinos and Godzilla! :lol I've heard they like to work together.

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