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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 2]


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I have a spooky Daisy story to share:


Last week, Daisy started barking like crazy. I didn't know why. It was a mean bark, and the hair on the back of her neck was standing up. I looked out the windows, and saw no one. I put Daisy out on her leash, but she wouldn't leave the deck, and she kept barking. I started to walk down the steps, and looked around. Under my deck there was a woman, staring at me! I screamed and asked her what she was doing there. She said she wanted to see the apartment for rent, and was hiding under my deck to not scare my dog!:eek:eek:eek WHAT???!!! I don't HAVE an apartment for rent! I sent her down the street to see the house that does have a rental available. That lady scared us half to death!

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our neighbor across the street was robbed a few weeks ago, and DH said she could've been casing the house. The weird part is that my deck is in the back yard that is fenced in. she never knocked on my front door. I told DH I didn't think to call because she looked "normal"... how dumb is that?

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I don't blame you! Now I'll be scared every time my dogs bark. Oh wait, I do get scared every time my dogs bark. I'm a big baby!

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I wasn't, but now i am! And I now keep my doors locked in the daytime. A few years ago, nobody knew where this neighborhood was (not even the police). but since my "nice" neighbor has had too many creepy visitors, it's hard to feel safe. Especially when something weird like that happens.:(

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Hindsight is 20/20. You didn't think she was a real threat. And she may not have had anything to do with the break-in.


A couple months ago this couple was driving down the road when they saw a naked woman trying to flag cars down. They stopped, and she jumped on the car and came through the sunroof. She was screaming and she hit the man I think. There's more to the story. I'll see if I can find it tomorrow. It was crazy scary!!

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yes, loud music guy, who has been arrested 4 times in 2 months, and who is selling some bad stuff. Cars are in and out of there day and night. The police are watching, but can't seem to catch him "red handed". He's a real beaut, that one!

My dk's don't even go outside to play anymore in their own yard.

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my computer is acting funny...


I'll let you go and get some sleep...

I am so glad you made it back to chat!:manyheart


I have had a great time (as always) chattin' witcha, GF! (i had no idea i had so much to talk about:think:lol)


If I don't see you tomorrow, have fun trick-or-treating!


:hugSweet Dreams!

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Good Morning!

Happy Halloween!


I think it took an hour to read all yesterday's posts! I love keeping up with everybody.


Mary, I love the pics of "God's country!" Thanks so much for sharing them. You live in a beautiful area.


Shannon, I hope your dh talks to your MIL about the pullups. That's just wrong to make our sweet pumpkin go around wet for hours.


LeaAnne, congrats on the job you didn't know you have. I hope it's as wonderful as it sounds.


Stacy, I can't believe your roomie's remarks after her dog left "presents" in your section of the house. Sheesh!


Colleen, Your birthday is my anniversary! I hope you have a wonderful birthday weekend.


Joanne, Enjoy your Delta Force Weekend. I hope you won't have to work too long.


Vicki, Happy Halloween!!!


Jennifer, good luck with school


Scooby, good luck with moving.


I have been crocheting bun covers like a mad woman, and not doing much else. I need to join Shannon and LeaAnne with the decluttering and housecleaning. My dd's room is quite open now, since we pulled everything out to paint. We didn't put everything back in, but I don't think she misses most of it. I need to do that with the boys' room, too. I think I'll start there.


Have a good Halloween!

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Good morning!


Dd has been up for about 2 hours already, saying she can't sleep. Even after she went to bed at 11:30. That girl. :shrug


Leanne, how scary about that woman! I probably wouldn't have though to call the police, either. :blush It is a good idea to keep your doors locked all the time, though. :yes Oh, and I wanted to tell you that my dad is the one telling everyone in MI that we bought the house. Everyone on my mom's side knows we're renting but everyone on my dad's side thinks we own...what a mess that will be if they ever see each other! :rofl My dad tells weird stories that he will never own up to, but I've heard them from enough reliable people to know they are out there.


Shannon, good luck with your Big Clean! I'd like to join but I have way too many projects that need my attention right now. I will :xfin that everything gets done on schedule. :hug


Joanne, Mary, Vicki, Colleen, Scooby, and Beth- Happy Pumpkin Day!! Hppe your weekend is off to a great start. :hug


I need to make cookie dough so the girls can decorate cookies for the dinner. Speaking of which...I don't know what the guests are going to drink. On the invitation it says to bring a dish to pass, but nothing else. I am itching to go out and buy sodas, chips, etc...but this is not my party. I need to sit back and let my inner control freak calm down. :blush That is a big realization for me.


Ok, I'm outtie! (Remember that one? :heehee) Happy Pumpkin Day!!


:jack:ghost:skeleton:skeleton:skeleton (<~~~I love this guy!!)

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