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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 2]


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But doesn't it use raw eggs or something? I'm weird about trying new stuff.:blush Drives dh crazy.

I should take a picture of the lines at Wal-mart the next time I go. Last time I went to buy 2 skeins of yarn, I waited in the "10 items or less" line for almost 30 minutes. :shrug


You are up late! Are you always a night owl?

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Yeah, I am a night owl. I've been trying to get out of the habit though. Lack of sleep triggers migraines for me. I forgot to tell Vicki that. When I laid down with DD before, I ended up sleeping for about an hour. So that messed up my night.


30 minutes?!?!?! That's crazy! I'd have to start shopping in the middle of the night if that started happening here!:yes

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I heard he calls himself "Hotty Scotty" in prison. I don't know how people know that though. Laci was so pretty. He's such scum!


I don't know what's in egg nog. I just know it's yummy!

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Ahh. I so wish I could stay up late, but it's usually eyelids-shut by 9 for me. I usually have to struggle to stay awake until dh comes home from school at 10.


Do you always lay down with dd when she goes to sleep? Eva still sleeps with us sometimes. It drives me nuts but she's turning into quite the little night owl herself, and won't go to sleep unless she's with us.

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I hate to admit it, but I sleep in DD's room with her. She has our old bed, and it's high. I started sleeping with her so she wouldn't fall out of the bed. She's a crazy sleeper, so I'm always afraid to leave her by herself. As soon as she moves into her new room, I'm going back to my room!

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Is she getting a new bed, too?


Mia slept with us until about a month ago. And that's only because Jorge started to bribe her with treats if she slept in her own bed. It's worked so far. She slept in her crib but when we got the bunk beds she wanted nothing to do with them. I think it's because that was when we brought Eva (aka new baby competition :wink) home. And Eva has since she was born because she hated the crib. She even has a toddler bed now and she will only stay in it if she is already asleep when I put her there. :blush

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Ok, I just watched a video on how to make it, and there is no cooking involved. I'm sure the commercially available ones are pasteurized but no way will I try dh's aunts! :lol

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No, she's not getting a new bed, but I'll be able to put "cushions" where she needs them. And actually, she might get a new bed, because the new guest room will need a bed. Hmmm...


The way I look at it is they're only little once, so what will it hurt? It's not like I'll have to move in with her when she starts college!

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Good morning and Happy Friday! Welcome home to Beth's DH!

Finally fell asleep around 1AM so I'm working on about 4 1/2 hrs sleep. I'm not sure if I'll still be up at chat time tonight.


Why, oh why did I stay up to finish the scarf? (except for putting on fringe)? And I don't even like it. LOL... What was i thinking??? Oh, well, time to skadaddle and get ready! Have a great day everyone!

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Hi guys! It's Friday! YAY for FRIDAY!

Hubby is going for his MRI at 11, so we will see what that says. He needs to follow up w/his doctor next week. Hopefully, all will be well.

I fell asleep during the game. I don't even know what happened! My next stop is to the Yankee website and find out!

I hope everyone has a great day! I will let you know about the MRI as soon as I know something! Have a great day!



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Shannon, no worries- my computer started to act up and wouldn't let me back into the 'ville. I posted on your FB to let you know. :lol I've been trying for an hour this morning and barely got in. Maybe it's 'Ville issues? :think


Joanne, sorry you wasted time on your scarf! I bet it is nice though. Do you put fringe on all of your scarves? I'm on the fence about it- I don't like the look of a plain edge, but I don't like the fuss of the fringe. :shrug


Vicki- good luck at the MRI! I will be thinking of you guys at 11.


Beth, welcome home to your dh! Did you get the room finished in time?


Leanne, Mary, Colleen, Jenn and Scooby- TGIF! Have a great weekend!


Well I was all geared up to take a shower, when I realized I don't have any gauze pads. :rolleyes I need to keep the wound covered until my follow-up next week. Now I have to wait until I take Isabella to school to go pick some up. Bleh.

I have to do grocery shopping today, and I am going to make a trip to Joanne's for some tulle and to see if they have the new LB Hometown yarn. A friend from FB posted a "how-to" on making a tutu, so I think Eva is going to be a ballerina. I'll see if Target has a pink or white long-sleeved onesie and tights, and we'll be good to go. :tup


Have a great one! :hug

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:woo Yabba Dabba Dooooooo! It's Friday!

...now off to catch up on what all I have missed...


so far:

Stacy - :hug and hope you are feeling well.

Beth - Welcome home DH!:hug

Vicki - good luck to DH with the MRI :hug

Joanne - sorry about your scarf:( :hug

Shannon - Hope your :yuck job ends up rewarding.:hug

Colleen - Hope you are having fun with Mickey and the princesses:hug

Mary - I need to go see how your meeting went :xfin:hug

Scooby - :welcome home, Luv!:hug

Jenn - thinking of you:hug


be back shortly to post "properly"....:manyheart

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:hi everybody!


dh comes home in 9 hours!!!:cheer:clap:manyheart:c9 I'm so excited!:hyper


My dd and I did our volunteer stint with the adoptable kitties. We are doing laundry, cleaning up a few last minute things, and getting ready. He's coming home!!!


LeaAnne, Happy FRIDAY!!!


Stacy, hope you are healing well.


Vicki, good luck with the MRI


Joanne, Happy Friday! Hope you day on short sleep goes OK.


Shannon, congrats on all the work you've gotten done on the guest room. Good luck with the rest of it. I sympathize. We have most of my dd's stuff moved back in her room, and the house feels so much bigger!


Mary, it was nice to hear your report about the meeting. You were very strong through it. I'm glad you have plenty of support in the group.


Colleen, I am thinking of you and Mickey, and the princesses and your princess. I hope you are having such a magical time.


Jennifer, I hope your school work is going well.


Scooby, so glad to hear from you. Sounds like you are very busy. I hope you are also very happy!



By the way, my husband is coming home today!!!:devil

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Oh, you guys...:ohdear Isabella just plopped a whopper on me- she is having self-esteem issues. When I went to brush her hair this morning, she started bawling and said she can't do anything right. First I asked where she heard it, because I happen to know she overheard Roomie's daughter say the same exact thing yesterday. :angry Anyway...she went on to say she doesn't do her karate moves right, or clean her room right, or even brush her hair right.

Now...:sigh I hate to admit it but some of this is my fault. I am very strict with her in regards to karate, because Jorge isn't, and she is kind of lazy when it comes to practicing. Aside from that- she brushes her own hair normally, makes her own breakfast, picks her own clothes, etc. She is allowed to make her own choices (age-appropriate, of course) without interference from me. She is very good in school and does her homework perfectly every time, is ahead in reading...I told her all of this but she still left for school in tears.

Help! I also had confidence issues when I was younger (well, most of my life) and my mom really did nothing to help it. So I am kind of at a loss on how to help her. I plan to have another talk with her and I do have to change my attitude toward karate (praising her when she does moves correctly instead of pointing out what she did wrong) but other than that...:shrug Any help is hugely appreciated. :manyheart

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:blush I just finished reading all I have missed, and realized that I was gone a long time! I missed so much! ... sorry to have not been here:(


so, let's start at the beginning...


Yes, we had s-n-o-w last Sunday! Like my sister says... Snow before Halloween is just Wrong!:devil Thankfully, it was gone Monday morning, and our weather this week has been in the 60's :c9 just splendid!

:cheer and the SAINTS WON, and the PATS WON! I was 1 happy fan on Sunday....


Jennifer - it was so nice to see that you were here... as far as consignments go, don't sell yourself short. If the owner is giving 40% on clothing, why shouldn't you get 40% on handmade items? Make sure you are at least covering your cost of materials, and remember that your time should be as valuable as the market will allow.... I agree with Mary that scarves, hats and mittens (also fingerless gloves, which are still "in") would all go well. You could also add legwarmers, and some pretty wraps.

I will pray for your success... You GO, GIRL! :hug Oh! and that was very interesting about the chocolate craving meaning a Magnesium deficiency... My MIL was eating an obscene amount of Dove Bars and Russel Stover chocolates...all dark chocolate. While she was in the hospital, her bloodwork revealed a magnesium deficiency! Now I know what to watch for... Thank you for that information... You amaze me with the wisdom that you have for such a young girl... Your mom must be an incredibly proud lady!


Mary - :clap:hug words cannot convey how very proud I am of you and DH! You both handled yourselves so well at the meeting! (glad the sitting on your hands worked, too:wink) I am happy that you finally got your chance to get things out on the table, and that you got to discover how many people love you both:manyheart Please give DH a big hug from me, and then tell him he has to give you one right back!!!

I can't wait to hear about your successes at the craft fair! There are few things that are more fun than vending! You get to meet and talk to so many people. I find it to be a very rewarding experience, even if I don't make money:D. I hope you are feeling better, and that your hooks are back to lightening speed! ...luv ya, sis!:hug


Stacy - I was so glad to read that your procedure went well, that you got to "hang" with DH for a couple of days (even though you had steam coming out of your ears for a bit), and that your home was "little demon free" for a while! I hope your recuperation continues to progress quickly:hug ...wait until you see how much less "mean" George will be for you now! You won't even believe it! Please know that you were in my thoughts and prayers this week, even though I wasn't here at the 'ville...

I hope you have a fabulous day, and that your shower is like a trip to the spa!


Shannon - :nworthy... you busy lady! You have been getting so much done! I am proud of you! Janna will :manyheart her pink and green room! That is a fave girl combo around here:wink.... what shades are you using? Hot with Lime, or lighter hues? Isn't it amazing how when you start to purge one place, it turns into a whole house project???? I need to do that here, too:blush... I honestly believe that the crap is breeding itself! :rofl... it is a constant battle to stay on top of it... the last few weeks have put me behind the 8 ball a bit... I wish I could just lock myself in for a few days and get it done! Hey.... what color scarf did you make for Janna? How is that coolioscious chicken doing? ...oh, and do you have any family updates? I seem to recall that i had thought of something at a weird time last week...:devil:heehee


Beth - My gracious! You never cease to amaze me on how much you do! You are true inspiration! It is no wonder to me that your inventions are the bomb-diggity... they get it from you!!!:hug the colors of your bathroom and dd's room sound divine!:c9 I am so happy that you got it done in time! Enjoy your weekend reunion with DH!!!! I am praying that the 2 of you get to share some special time to yourselves when he gets home:yes ....hey.... DH is coming home today!!!:yay:yay I couldn't be happier for your family:U:hug


Vicki - :eek:eek sorry about the crash! I hope that DH is going to be ok :worried... he's having a not so great few months.... please tell him that I remember him in my prayers always. I hope your migraines stay gone for a while... those things BITE!! are you going to the doctor for yourself, too? I would want my doc to know my family's history on the subject...sometimes it leads to good clues on how to fix you! :hug:hugYour family is in my thoughts today, and I will take a moment out to say a special prayer for your DH at 11 your time. You take good care, ok?


Joanne - I have been thinking of you especially this week, what with all the baseball games... I think the Yankees decided that they wanted to celebrate going to the World Series with their own fans at home:devil After all... these fans have waited for a very long time! Please don't tell my DH, but I think your Yankees deserve to go:cheer (...and your Yankees, too, Vicki!)

So what else has been going down your way? Any more prospective homebuyers? I am really praying that the right people find you at the right time ...and how are your Delta Force friends?... I saw an ad on tv the other day about "Delta Force" something... it brought a :U to my face, because I thought of you.


ScoobyDoo!!!!!!!! I can't even express how cool it was to hear from you! You sure have had a lot of "life happening"!!!! A little not great, but overwhelmingly AWESOMENESS!!!! I couldn't be more happy for you! We all missed you so very much around here... I was even contemplating trying to find a phone number for you, and call you! ...I must confess, though, I just got to nervous to do it:blush. Anyway, enjoy all of the wonderfulness of your new life! :hug:hug I hope we'll get to hear from you now and again.


Hey, Colleen! How was Disney?????? :oops DUH! (dumbest question ever!) I hope you all had the most wonderful time of your lives! (and that you packaged up a little sunshine for Mary:wink:lol)



I hope that you all forgive me for not being around... this just Cannot happen again! Please know I love you all, and wish you the bestest day!

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Oh, Stacy, I can sympathize with this one! You are doing the right thing by pointing out what she does well. Just keep doing that and then, as you say, point out when she does her karate moves right. Don't you hate it when someone comes and tears down little kids? Just keep it up and it will help. Does she do things that her sisters can't? That may be something to point out also.


Give her a hug and lots of kisses. Chocolate always helps too!



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Poor Isabella!:( that is so hard... the best advice I could give is to be there for her. keep talking about everything, and maybe try to do something fun, with just her. remind her of all of the good things she does for herself, and remind her how hard it is sometimes for mommies to realize that our babies are growing up, and might not need us for everything anymore, but that we are always there to help. It's really hard for children to grasp that it's ok to be human, which by definition means that we are not perfect.

I tell my kids these things, and reassure them that as long as I know they are trying their best, and that they are good hearted people, I will always be proud of them.


:hug:hug:hug for you, and especially for our "bella", that things appear better for her.

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Hello ladies!


:woo Beth!! DH is coming home! I don't know about you, but I can't wait to see him!:lol Have a great family night tonight!! BTW, how's your opossum?


:waving LeaAnne! I'm so glad everyone's doing well by you! We've missed you around here, girl! Did I mention that I call DD "chicken", or did you guess? And no, no family updates. I had to read it a few times before I realized what you were talking about!:think:sofunny


Stacy- I was just thinking about Isabella this morning and wondering how school has been going for her. Maybe a "Mommy and Isabella Day" would help. You could bring her somewhere age appropriate that the other girls can't do yet. Go get your nails done or something??? A little pampering goes a long way. :hugs to you and Isabella.


Vicki- I'm praying for DH today. Are you supposed to find out the results today? We had to wait a few days for DD's MRI results. How is he feeling?


Joanne- Sounds like onemorerowitis hit your house last night! It's a bugger, isn't it? At least the Yankees will be back in your time zone this weekend!!


Colleen, Mary, Scooby and Jennifer- Hello and I hope you have a wonderful weekend! I'm thinkin' 'boutcha!!


This weekend is my sister's big horse show! So we'll be out there cheering her on. It's also my first weekend to be single (deer season starts)!! I'm hoping to get a lot done on the guest room. I want it done by Christmas!! I'm going to need your help, though. I won't be able to do it without my Besties!! I'm hoping to be here tonight! I hate missing chats! Love you girls!:manyheart

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Hey Stacy, I know it's Dr.'s orders and all, but I must say that I've never been happier being an "online" friend!:lol:lol:lol Just kidding!


I forgot to tell you that I got some Hometown USA yarn today!! I could only find it at Walmart! I can't wait to make a bunch of those scarves for presents!!

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Hi Stacy,


:hug for Isabella. Sounds like she's going through a rough time. Is she a perfectionist? My dd can be in some areas. If I were you, I would take Isabella aside, and tell her that you hurt and get tired, since your surgery, and you need your big girl to help you more than usual, but you know she can do it. Then you give her some jobs to do, helping her, guiding her, and praising her to the rooftop for everything she does, even if it's not up to your standards. It will improve with time. Then you tell everyone within her earshot how much help she has been, and how you think you are getting better faster because she's your assistant. Yeah, lay it on thick. My dd is 15, and still beams when I gush about how well she washes dishes, and how grateful I am. Which I am! The up side of this is that you will get the help you need. I'm sure there are jobs that she can do just fine that she doesn't do yet. And I'm also sure that a little more rest than usual wouldn't hurt you one bit!

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Gee, thanks, Shannon! :rofl I don't blame you, though- I have never, ever been so glad to take a shower! Not even after I had the kids. LoL

As for the Hometown USA, I checked at Joannes and they hadn't even heard of it. :( Michael's didn't have it either and I just found out that the Wal-mart down the street got rid of their yarn department. I might just order a skein or two online. I'm afraid to go to the other Wal-mart for a couple of skeins. :lol


Thanks so much for all of the great advice! I think a "Big girls night out" is a great idea. We really don't spend any time alone, together. I have to run to Target when Jorge comes home, then I was thinking of taking her to Jamba Juice, which she loves but the younger ones hate. There is also a place down the street that does manicures for $9, so maybe we will head down there. I think she would really like that. I've also thought about stopping by Barnes and Noble to see if there are age-appropriate books about how special it is to be growing up. I should check that out online first.

Beth, I will have to think of things for her to do- she already helps when I ask, but maybe she would like to help me load the dishwasher or cook dinner. :think



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