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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 2]


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Hi girls!


Can't talk long...I don't want to miss any of the game!


Joanne, Beth and LeaAnne- I'm so glad you like your squares! I am enjoying giving just as much as I'm enjoying getting!


LeaAnne- I'm so glad Ms. Jeanne is feeling well. Let her know we are here praying for her! :hug


Beth- I'm glad you made it through your very hectic day! And :clap:cheer:yay:clap to DS and his awesome-ness swimming-ness!!


Joanne- It's still early, but the SAINTS are looking pretty good! Funny story....when I was leaving my house yesterday, I grabbed a sweatshirt in case I got chilly at my mom's house. Guess what it says in big letters across it??? NEW YORK I tell you, if the Giants were playing anyone else I'd be on your side!!


Colleen- I absolutely love your picture!!! I'm so jealous that you're going to DisneyWorld! Have so much fun and cherish every minute!


Stacy- The pumpkin patch sounds like so much fun! I've been trying to find one around here to bring DD to. So far, no luck! Have fun with the in laws! And I certainly hope that this week goes better than last week!


Mary, Vicki, and Scooby- :waving and :hugs to you all!


The Creed concert was awesome-ness!! Our seats were amazing! In fact, the band's families were right underneath us. The lead singer's DD wears glasses like my DD! After they played their first hit, I turned to my sister and said, "Oh my gosh! I just realized that you were 5 when this song came out!" Sometimes I forget that I'm 13 years older than she is.:blush


Have a great day everyone! :manyheart


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It must be that little surprise that Shannon sent with her square. I have moved it out to the garage and put it in my car!!!


C'mon Big Blue- let's play some football!!!

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Shannon and Joanne, you two have me :rofl

Shannon, the concert sounds wonderful!

Joanne, Love the legwarmers and scarf! You did a great job. That self-striping yarn is very nice!


Colleen, the picture is gorgeousness! I love it.


Vicki, I take my hat off to you! I really don't understand how you can be a teacher, a mom, and a student, all at the same time. But you are doing it! And being a good friend, too!


LeaAnne, I'm glad Jeanne is home. I hope you enjoy your special dinner with her. Mmmmmm pie. Sounds great. My darling dd made gluten free apple pie yesterday while I was at the swim meet. It was SO good, and she modified the recipe herself. She also made applesauce. No, you cannot have her, she's MINE!


Mary, what's going on in God's country? See any interesting wildlife lately?


Stacy, How was the pumpkin patch? How were the in-laws? What's going on in your corner of North America?


I'm being pretty useless today, but enjoying the family. My dog has been very hyper, not getting her usual wrestle-with-daddy time for 2 weeks, so my son and I played with her for about half and hour, then I took her for a walk. She's sleeping now -- I guess we wore her out. I need to take the boys to their volunteer activity soon. My daughter will be practicing driving while they are teaching people to swim.


We will paint the walls and ceiling both "Bleached Denim" (a Behr paint color) The trim will be the darker color on that color card. (Can't remember the name of it.) I sanded the bathroom spackle today, so I should be ready to prime it this afternoon.

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Good grief Joanne! People are going to think I sent you a Voodoo doll!

I forgot to tell you before that I love your legwarmers and scarf! They are both so pretty. Maybe you should put the scarf in your car too, since the color is called Mardi Gras!:rofl All in good fun, hun!


Okay, the game's back on! See ya later!:manyheart

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This Giants fan is very, very disappointed in her team. They were definitely outclassed by the Saints today, for sure.


LOL about the voodoo doll.....


Congrats to Shannon's Saints- they played some awesome-ness football today. (And what were the Giants thinking by trading Shockey? He was always one of my favs- very feisty)


Oh, well, now I'm watching Vicki's JETS! Go Gang Green!

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It's been a very disappointing football Sunday. The Giants lost to Shannon's Saints and the Jets are on their way to losing to the Bills. The way Drew Brees came out, the Giants never had a chance. I bow down to Shannnon in her team's win against the Giants. The Saints remain undefeated!

The Jets, on the other hand, are just giving the game away! And the Bills are going to try to kick a field goal to win. I will have the spend the night listening to hubby should the Jets lose. Here we go...

...wide right! He missed and the Jets go to over time! And the Jets get the first possession!

Have a great rest of the night all!


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Oh, God, the DRAMA of a Sunday football game! I don't know which is funnier: watching the Jets lose in horrible fashion to the Bills or listening to hubby gripe about how the Jets are the same every year. What did he expect? A miracle with a rookie QB?

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Shannon and Joanne- you two are cracking me up!! You probably shouldn't put the surprise in your car if you think it's bad luck, though. :wink:lol Joanne, your legwarmers and scarf are beautiful! :cheer Great job. The scarf colorway is so pretty.


Beth, I looked that the color on the Behr website and it is gorgeous!! That is one of my favorite blue colors. The color cards only showed it with lighter colors, though. I hope you will share pics of it when it is finished. :D Good luck with everyone's activities today.


Colleen, the Wonder Red costume sounds so cute! That was actually in consideration for Mia's costume this year, but bat girl won. Make sure to take lots of pics at the dinner- your dd is going to have a fit when she meets those Princesses! :manyheart


Shannon-ness! I got your square yesterday. It is beautiful and so colorful! I :manyheart it!! And of course the goodies. I haven't had time to clean today but I will think of you when I do. :wink Glad you had fun at the Creed concert! I had to :heehee at your comment to your sis. Too funny!


Vicki, your dh sounds so funny! I know you all are sports fans here but I just don't get yelling at the tv. :think:shrug My dh does it, too...I just wonder if he realizes they can't actually hear him...:rofl


Leanne, wonderful news about Jeanne! No dietary restrictions- wow! Hope she enjoyed her special dinner. That banana pie sounds :drool.


Mary, are you almost ready for your craft show? Hope you're having a nice weekend.


Ok, question- when you post to everyone, do you have to count on your hands to make sure you included everyone? :think:blush I'm always certain that I have, but then I go back and realize there is at least one person that is unaccounted for. Must be that mommy-brain.


We had fun at the pumpkin patch. Took a hay ride tour of the farm, ate fresh-roasted corn on-the-cob, kettle corn, and fresh-squeezed lemonade, and of course, picked out the pumpkins. Mia wanted a pie pumpkin because it's little, like her. That kid. :lol Then we went to buy Isabella's costume. She has decided to be a police officer. I am so, so thankful she didn't want to be the Storm Trooper. :whew I ordered Mia's costume from Target.com because I was told it was only available online. Well...we saw it at the first Halloween store we visited, and dh gave me an "I told you so" look. :shrug How was I to know? It is supposed to be delivered sometime this week. Eva doesn't seem interested in dress-up right now, so I still don't know what to do about that.


I tried the Starbucks VIA today, and it gave me a nasty stomach ache!! :( I mixed it in with some soy milk, mocha powder, and ice, and it was :drool!! But here I sit with stomach cramps, so methinks I will have to cave and buy my own coffee maker tomorrow.


Roomie just came home and now the girls are arguing. Guess it's time to regulate. Night-night!

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Vicki I'm with you- I've been listening to Dh since the giants debacle. And then watching the Jets- he kept saying- why are they leaving that rookie QB in? They should have put in the other QB- oh well. Not a good Football Sunday for the NY Team Fans!!


I made a pair of fingerless mitts to go with the legwarmers. Just have to stitch up the sides, but I'm exhausted. They'll have to wait until tomorrow night.


The folks that were supposed to come today cancelled. So we continue to keep the house clean- you never know when the right people will come along and decide this is the house for them!


Pleasant dreams all!

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Stacy- yes I do have to count to make sure I don't miss anyone when I'm posting. but, sometimes even with that, I end up missing someone- Hope everyone knows I don't mean too

Glad you had fun at the pumpkin patch- sounds like so much fun. I miss doing that with the DD's. Happy to hear that Isabella has decided on a costume. she'll make a fine police officer--maybe she can help intervene with the roomie!!!


Wonder why you got a stomach ache from the Via? Did you have the Columbian or the other one- I like the Columbian. Ive never tried it with soy milk, mocha and ice though. Hope your tummy feels better. Did George ever arrive? And is your surgery this week?


Just wanted to post to Stacy since we both had posted at the same time! Off to bed to listen to the Dodgers/Phillies (did you notice I didn't say watch?--I'll be watching the back of my eyelids!)

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George hasn't arrived yet- that could be part of it. I get a weird/upset stomach thing when he is on the way. My surgery is Tuesday and I sure hope he doesn't come before then!


I had the Italian roast, I think. It tasted very similar to their Iced Mocha, which is my usual. I don't know why it gave me a stomach ache- extra-bold is all I drink. :shrug I will try the Columbian tomorrow and see how that goes.


Great job on getting those mitts finished already. Your hooks must be smoking!


Enjoy listening to the game. :hug

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Good evening ladies!


Joanne- I was really hoping for more of a nail-biter. I didn't want anyone to get whooped in that game...they're both such great teams! I hope you'll be able to bring my surprise inside one day. Either way, I'm with Stacy. If you think it's jinxed, take it out of your car!!


Stacy- Your pumpkin patch day sounds wonderful!! I hope your stomach feels better, and I pray that George stays away long enough for you to get your surgery done. Isn't it supposed to happen on Tuesday? I'm glad you like your square!


LeaAnne- Did Ms. Jeanne enjoy her dinner? How is she feeling?


Colleen- How excited are you??? I'm excited, and I'm not even going! Have so much fun!!


Mary- I can't wait to see pictures of all your craft show goodies!! Hope your feeling better!


Beth- I can't remember if I told you the other day, but :clap:clap:clap for DS and his learner's permit!! I'll have to go check that color out on Behr. Good luck getting everything done.


Vicki- Sorry about your Jets. I didn't get to watch it, but I heard it was pretty crazy game, with all the interceptions back and forth.


DD is at Honey's tonight, so I should go work on the guest room some more. But I'm tired and I really don't feel like it. So I think I'll get up early and get right to work tomorrow. Have a great night everyone!! Love you all--especially my rivals!!:manyheart

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Good morning-

I just posted a message to all, but stupid me, hit a key on the computer, and voila- it is gone. Don't have time to re-type


Shannon- the "voodoo doll" is coming with me to work- to remind me of you when I'm toiling away!!! It is very special to me


Everyone else- I'll post when I get home- tonight is Yankees (or should I say this PM- 4 EST- I'll be listening on my way home and then planting my badorkus on the couch to watch



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Good morning all! Happy Monday (as if there is such a thing!)

Stacy - I just let hubby rant at his teams. He is a disgruntled sports fan becuase he roots for all the losing NY teams. I keep telling him to come to the light and be a Yankee fan, but he won't listen. So the torment goes on. Poor thing. Maybe one day he will see the error of his ways.

Joanne - I don't think the JETS back up QB is much better than Sanchez. This is where Favre screwed them all up because when they got him they let go of Pennington. I think Pennington would have learned something under Favre and then could have helped in the development of Sanchez. But what do I know. I am only a woman! I'm sorry the people who were coming to look at the house canceled. Hopefully someone will bite soon!

LeaAnne - How was Jeanne's home coming dinner? Did she enjoy all you had to offer her?

Colleen - Have a great time!

Mary - Is everything ready for the show?

Beth - Have fun painting DD's room!

Shannon - I hope you had a good weekend!

I got my survey key done and sent to my professor. DD and I worked out how many more squares we need to complete her square-ghan and then we started to lay it all out. I only have 4 more squares to go and she told me what colors she wanted those squares to be. I started one of them while hubby was continuing his sports rant. I just ignore him and let him rant. He'll calm down eventually.


Have a grea day everyone and I will check in later!



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Good morning!


Vicki, how is your dh a fan of all NY teams but the Yankees? :think:lol Men. Good luck with dd's square-ghan, can't wait to see a pic of it. :D


Colleen, have fun at Disney!!


Shannon, hope you're getting a lot done on that room. :hug


Beth, Leanne, Mary, Joanne- Hope you all have a marvelous Monday! :hug


I have a load in the washer and 2 more waiting. Dh got a new battery for me yesterday so I have lots of running to do. Post office is first, then Target to exchange an outfit I got for Eva. The size on the hanger said 2T, but when I tried to put it on her yesterday, the shirt was 2T and the pants were 4T. :eek Afterward I need to go grocery shopping, and get things that dh can make for the week. :lol I'm thinking soups, cereals, frozen stuff...:wink He does make mean potato pancakes, so maybe if I buy the stuff, he will make them for me on Wednesday. :devil


Have a great day, besties! :hug

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Hi everyone!


Stacy- Good luck with all your running around today! And good luck tomorrow! George showed up here last night, so I'll try to keep him here until you're finished with your procedure. :hugs to you!


Vicki- :cheer to you for getting your survey key done!! And :yay for only 4 squares to go!! I can't wait to see it! That's funny about your DH yelling. In our house, I'm the yeller! DH just looks at me like I'm crazy. I tried to control myself for a while, but now I'm thinkin' he's not gonna leave me if I yell at the TV once in a while. He's so quiet that even when he thinks something's funny, he just hits the arm of his recliner.....strange man.


Joanne- Aww, thanks for bringing my surprise to work. Is it your show-and-tell item for the day? Something from the foreign lands of Louisiana--how mysterious!:lol I hope you have fun at work today. We know about Delta Force, but do they know about us?


Colleen- It's almost here! It's almost here! Tell Mickey and Minnie hi for me, and don't forget to get DD an autograph book so everyone can sign it for her! We'll miss you!! Be safe!:hug


LeaAnne- How are you today? You had quite a week last week! How's Ms. Jeanne feeling today? Did you get the snow yesterday? It looked so pretty at the game. Even both teams uniforms looked so pretty in it. The Saints wouldn't have looked that pretty in snow! (But they did look pretty yesterday, didn't they?)


Beth- I hope you don't have too much running around to do today. How's the painting going? I'm ready to be at that point, but I'm still very far away!


Mary- We miss you around here! How many items will you have for the show? Don't forget to take pictures!!


I worked in the guest room for a while this morning. Now I don't know what else to do. I still can't move everything out, and I'm running out of room. And I found some clothes in there and have nowhere to put them once they're washed. I'm trying to decide if I should just go through my drawers and closet and get rid of what I don't want so everything will fit. I need a bigger house for all this crap!! Have a great day everyone! My pizza rolls are ready!! Love you!:manyheart

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Bye everyone!


I am far too distracted to write to all of you, but know that I'm thinking about you.


Stacy - Good luck tomorrow :hug


Have a great week everyone! I'll see you on the weekend :wink

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Hi! *peeks in tenatively* I know I'm not in this group anymore, but I had a crochet related question, and I don't know a friendly, more helpful, and welcoming group anywhere so.....


Anyway. Good news! After having no luck with Craft Fairs, not many local fairs I know of in Delaware so I have no contacts to make, I finally found a consingment shop that is willing to sell my pieces for me. The shop owner is new to town, really exited about my pieces, and really wants to support local artisians who make hand made things. The problem: She wants me to come up with my commission rate and she only sells clothing related items (not a big problem except most of my items are pillows, dishclothes, and throws). Her normal commission is 40% on donated clothing, but she is willing to let me "name my own price" so to speak.


Mom, the brillant math matician and finanical wiz that she is, suggested 15% to 20%. My questions are: Is this a good rate to suggest? Also I only have 10 items that I can start with, is this okay, or should I buy more yarn and make more (no budget right now)? And is there anything y'all would suggest?

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Hi Jennifer,


You are always welcome to come in and talk to us! Unfortunately, I can't help you with pricing questions. I've only sold a couple of things for friends, so I just charged what I paid for yarn.


Colleen! Have a safe, wonderful, fun, relaxing, energizing, and memory-making time on your trip! Say Hi to Aurora for me -- she's my favorite.


Shannon, this may be counter-intuitive, but if you get rid of the clothes that don't fit, you don't like, or you just don't wear, you will have such an easier time storing and finding your clothes, you will feel like you have more clothes! Because you will never have to wade through ones you can't wear (or don't want to wear) to get to the ones you want to wear. Plus you will have more room, and putting up clothes will be much easier. Good luck!


Stacy, :hugGood luck with the preparations for tomorrow. I hope mean old George stays away from you! I am so glad that your George visits will be better from now on.


Vicki, Congratulations on your survey key! And on all the work you've gotten done on your dd's afghan! I am in awe.


Joanne, the mystery of the disappearing message. Happens to me a lot, too, or I am almost done, and the dog has to go out NOW, so I have to stop, and it's gone when I get back in. I hope you enjoy your Yankees game tonight!


Mary and LeaAnne, Happy Monday! I hope you both have a wonderful day!


Hi everybody! I gave you false information the other day, and I do apologize. My daughter wants to use the Bleached Denim paint color for her trim. She wants Wipeout for the wall color. Wipeout is a bit darker than I care for, but the room has a huge skylight, so it shouldn't be too much of a cave.


I'm trying to update my friend list on Facebook. If i miss anyone, please let me know. Thanks!:hug

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Hi everyone....

Stacy- good luck tomorrow- I'll be thinking about you.


Shannon- I agree with Beth- It is amazing how much easier it is to store and find clothes when you clear out those that either don't fit, you don't like or haven't worn in at least a year I was forced to really go through my clothes and clean out the closet and I donated the clothes to Goodwill. It is soooo much easier when I'm looking for something to wear to only have to choose between items that fit and that I like! I'll never, ever hold on to stuff that I havent used (even if it does come back in style eventually ..lol)


Beth- love both colors!. And lucky DD with a skylight in her room!!


Vicki- Watching the Yanks and am upset that they didn't pull Pettite before he gave up a HR to tie the game!! Tied now 3-3!!!! Wonder who will be on the mound after this commercial? Joba???


Mary- how are you? You may be better able to answer Jennifer's question re: selling items. Unfortunately, I am no help there.


Jennifer- I defer to Mary re: your questions, and please feel free to stop in anytime. How's school going?


LeaAnne- hope things are still going well with Jeanne and that you are getting some rest (yea, I know how that goes when you have kids at home!) Did you get snow where you are? Couldn't believe when I saw the snow during the Pats game. And what a blowout they had against the Titans!


Colleen must be on her way to the land of make believe aka Disney!!! Lucky girl!!!


Have a great evening everyone.


Let's Go Yankees!

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Oh, my God, how am I supposed to to get anything done with the Yankees in extra innings?!? Joanne, are you seeing this? They are going to give me an ulcer!

Stacy - Hubby was guilted into not liking the Yankees when he was little by his mother. She was a Brooklyn Dodger fan and was upset that they moved west and that that left the Yankees here alone before the Mets came. So, as a consequence, I get stuck with a cranky Mets fan because they just can't win and won't spend any money to get any players to win.

Bye, Colleen! Have a great time!

Jennifer! Welcome and you can stop by anytime! Mary is probably the best person to ask about all this. She does a lot of shows and sells her items more so than me. I make them for fun!

I will be back later. The game is just killing me!


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Joanne, Vicki, my dh isn't home, so my tv doesn't know how to turn to baseball. You need to update me! What's going on???


And Joanne, thanks for friending me on FB. I tried to search your name -- must have typed it wrong. :blush

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