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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 2]


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Yeah, you're right. Growing up in the south with parents from NY can really mess a girl up. My parents used to make fun of the way I say dog. So for years I called all dogs, puppies. I have picked up some of DH's hick, though. Not very proud of that.

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Good night LeaAnne. Sweet dreams.


I should get going too. I have to finish this round, weave in all the ends, and wash this RR before I go to Mom's tomorrow. I have a long night ahead of me.


Oh yeah, my squares should be in the mail on Monday!! Have you sent yours???

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Good night, Leanne!


Shannon, no, I haven't. :blush I am hoping to send them on Monday also.


I have to get dinner going (warm up some soup. LoL) So I should scoot also. Have a great night! :hug

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Almost a mile! :eek I wouldn't want to walk that, either. :lol I remember what it was like before we had 2 cars- I had to walk to the grocery store with a 4- and 2- year old. Not fun. Especially pushing the cart back home. Good night, girls.

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Good morning everyone!

Sorry about LSU Shannon! Did you get Honey's RR done? Don't forget you need to post a pic --if I posted my wonky one, you can post your beautiful one!!!


Stacy- Did you have the meeting? How is Klaus's dog beg coming along?


LeaAnne- So glad that you are feeling better. I can tell by your chattiness-ness!!!:D


Colleen- hope you had a nice Thanksgiving dinner and that everyone loved their dessert!


Mary- How was your thanksgiving?


Beth- did you get anymore done on DD's ceiling?


Vicki- how did the appts go? Will you be watching the Yankees tonight? Did you see that they had to cancel the Phillies/Rockies game because of that 4 letter word we won't say here (so as not to upsest Colleen :lol) you know that flaky white stuff? They need to think about shortening the season back so that they are not playing playoff baseball into November!


I was just thinking--Since it is Thanksgiving in Canada now, I wonder if those wild turkeys ventured to LeaAnne's neighborhood so that they wouldn't be caught and eaten in Canada? :think And they are pretty smart, knowing that they can't be hurt in city limits. At the hospital where my DH works, they have wild turkeys in the lot. And there is nothing they can do about them- (it's also in a city- Staten Island).


Anywhoo----don't know what DD is making me for dinner Guess it will be a surprise (and DH said, I guess I'll be getting something sent in). DD is a vegetarian and she makes very interesting, delicious meals (but unfortunatley, DH is a meat/potatoes kind of guy---wish he would eat healthier for his heart-----he tries and is making improvements---baby steps I guess!


Well, first load of laundry is done, and second one needs to be put in the dryer.


Have a wonderful Sunday:manyheart

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:hi everybody! Happy Sunday!


Today I did the grocery shopping, took my son to work, made lesson plans for next week, and ... I think that's all. Yesterday, I spent some time sanding the ceiling, decided I didn't like it, then spent and hour mudding the front half. It looks MUCH better today. Now I need to motivate myself to do the back half again. It's the hard part. The windows come almost to the ceiling. The window molding is literally an inch and 3/4 from the ceiling, so smoothing the corners (where the ceiling meets the wall) is next to impossible. My dh made a sanding block to use, and it's too big over some of the windows. The room is not square and flush. Obviously! But I am really happy with what I did yesterday, so I may find the gumption to continue today.


My dd doesn't snore like her daddy, so I'm not sleeping any better with her in my room. But the 3 weeks are almost half over! He'll be back in no time!:manyheart


Joanne, I'm glad Rutgers won for your birthday! And I'm happy it was nice scarf weather for you. I hope you enjoy your birthday meal. Let us know what it is.


Stacy, :xfin for your meeting with roomie. I hope it comes soon, and isn't too dramatic.


Shannon, :hyper where's the pic of Honey's rr, so we can :drool? Did you get any sleep last night, or were your all-nighting it to finish?


LeaAnne, I'd love to see pics of the wild turkeys. I've seen eagles, osprey, egrets, herons, and heard owls here, but no turkeys.


Mary, how is your quiet weekend going? I hope you are relaxing with your dh and your :crocheting.


Colleen, I hope you are having a great time with family this weekend.


Vicki, How goes the healthy eating, and no sodas? I started a diet I think I can stick with (I hope) because I concentrate on what I'm supposed to eat more than what I can't have. It's mostly drinking lots of water, eating lots of fiber (not from grains) and plenty of fruits and vegetables. I'm even allowed one serving of junk food a day, so I am not feeling deprived. I've lost some weight already, but it's probably just water weight. Makes me feel good, though.


Well, :hug to everybody. I'm going to climb up a ladder before I have to go pick up my son from work.

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Happy Sunday, Besties!!


Beth- I thought of you yesterday. I was driving behind a mini van, and around the license plate it said Swim Taxi! Then a car with NJ plates passed me and I thought of Joanne!

I was reading your post and started wondering what a heard owl is. Then I realized you probably heard an owl. I'm a goof!!

Good luck with DD's ceiling today!


Joanne- And the festivities continue!! Since the Saints aren't playing this week, I guess I'll say Go Giants!! J/K I love the Giants. Have fun watching all your games and being pampered today!


I hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend! I stayed up until 2:30 this morning getting my mom's RR finished. Darn those ends!! But it stayed in one piece and the ends stayed in. It's washed, dried and ready to go! I'm really proud of it, I just wish it was a little bit bigger. It'll work for my little Mommy though.:manyheart


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Shannon- Your RR is absolutely beautiful!!!! You did a much better job than I did on mine!


Beth - good luck working on DD ceiling today


Everyone I just read a post called "We Finally Met". One of the villers, dorothysgirls met Scooby-there is even a picture of them! They met in Cheyenne, WY. wonder if Scooby moved?

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hi, all-


Shannon, your RR is soooo pretty!:c9 You did a good job!:clap Honey will LOVE it!


Beth- :xfin for that ceiling... I am thinking about you. I'll get some pics of those turkeys the next time I see them;) I've never seen an osprey or an egret... that I know of, anyway:think


Joanne - enjoy your :birthday surprise dinner! I hope it's something yummy for you and DH:D ...and :yes I am feeling sooo much better! the best medicine has been chatting with you all! Thank God for you... all of you!:hug:manyheart


Hi, Stacy, Mary, Colleen and Vicki... I hope you are having a good day:hug


well, I should run... I have to go.


Love you all!

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Scooby is moving and planning a wedding! Wonder if it's the HS sweetheart?


BTW- Giants are winning 38-7!


LeaAnne- are you watching the Red Sox? They were winning , Pappelbon brought in and now the score is 5-4-they are still winning though

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:yes, Joanne, I am watching the Sox... top of 9th.. 2 outs. tying run at the plate (Abreu)... :eek... 1 ball, 2 strikes... hang on... I can't stand the suspense!!!! :scared... base hit! 1 run scored... it's a 1 run game! 6 - 5
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Ok... so back to Scooby... I went over to that thread that Joanne found, and posted there, too.


:cheer:clap:yay for Scooby!:yay:clap:cheer


thank God all is going well for her :whew... I have been so worried about her.

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Hi girls!

Yes, Joanne, I saw that the game was cancelled due to some stuff flying around in the sky. That game will be played tonight. I didn't see the Red Sox game. I didn't know it was on and I was following the game through the play by play here! But the Yankee game will be on later! GO YANKEES!

Scooby is fine! YAY for Scooby! I hope she got the squares that were sent to her! And I hope she comes on here to see us soon!

Anyhoo, I did manage to get two loads of laundry done and the towels and sheets from yesterday folded. We went and practiced bowling today. I am trying to break in a new ball with a new grip. Ugh! DD is outside playing in the drizzle (she loves to do that!) and hubby is sitting here rooting for Denver (sorry LeaAnne!).


Shannon - Your RR is beautiful! I am sure your mom will love it!


Stacy - How are the adventures of Klaus the puppy? Is he being good?


Joanne - Glad to hear you had a great day at the game!


Colleen and Mary - HAPPY THANKSGIVING! I hope you both have a wonderful weekend for the holiday!


It is funny listening to my husband playing fantasy football. He is looking at his stats like they are life and death! He is winning his game this week and has a couple of other players yet to play, so he should win this week. At least that is a good thing!


I hope you all have a great rest of the day! Talk to you all later!



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Sorry about the Sox LeaAnne- I actually was rooting for them, since I think it would be easier for the Yanks to play them than the A's. They are super motivated playing for their teammate who was killed by a drunk driver early in the season. I am rooting for the Yanks all the way, but if by some chance they get knocked out of the playoffs, I'll be right there with you rooting for the Dodgers!


Well, so far 3 games won by my teams for my birthday weekend!!!!. Giants are now 5-0 on the season!!! Yanks on at 7. C'mon Yanks, let's make it 4 out of 4 for the birthday girl!!!!


Next week will be fun since my Giants are playing Shannon's Saints!! Let the rivalry begin:lol


DD is here now with BF in the kitchen. I'm not allowed to be up there- my dinner is a surprise she said. So, I came downstairs to check in and I'll pick up the scarf I'm making and work on that until dinner time. She brought me an aloe plant, some coffee (my girl knows me!!!) and some hand made soaps.


I'll probably be checking in during the Yankee game later and I'll let you all know what I had for dinner.

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Thanks everyone for the compliments on my RR!! Mom loves it!


Yay for Scooby. Here I was thinking the worst when it was really better than best!! Good luck to her and maybe she will come back once she is married and moved.


Joanne- Wow, your teams must love you! What nice birthday presents! I'm so ready for our game next week!


Vicki- Is it cold by you? It's been about 60 degrees here the last few days. I love it!!


LeaAnne- Sorry about your Sox. But Go Dodgers!!


We're at Honey and BigBob's for the night. I'm trying to count how many people will be joining us for the Trans-Siberian Orchestra concert. I can't wait!! If you've never seen them, GO! They put on the best concert ever!! I'll be back later!

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