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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 2]


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And maybe take notes about what she says, and suggest she do the same thing so you both know you covered everything.

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Good ideas. Thanks girls. :hug


How was school today, Leanne?


I had such big plans for today and the contractor coming late really messed me up. Yea, that's the excuse I'll use. :wink:heehee I just brought my laundry out here so I can fold as I chat. :devil

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:yes I agree...


Maybe you could work up an "expectation/behavior" list together. Suggest that you are a team... 'cause you kind of are. If you work it up together, your chances of everyone sticking to it will be better.

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School was good... progress reports came home today... 3 out of 4 are excellent. I need to set up one conference, though. Linds is behind in math, because she didn't get mastered what she should have last year. Not her fault, just circumstances.


Everyone is happy its Friday... Jamie is getting ready to go the mall with her friends, Linds is going to the "drop-off" at the school, Krissy has a friend over, and Pete is getting ready to go on a playdate around the corner. Jamie and Linds had field trips today, too!

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the worst part of that is that I didn't even know that she wasn't where she should be :irk

We'll get there, though... it just might be a little growing pain-ful-ness;)


So... what else are you up to today? Is Janna still Jammin'?

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Look at you ladies, a mid-afternoon chat! Sorry I missed it. I was either reading, napping or baking ... tough day! :rofl It rained here all day (still is!). DD and I did groceries this morning, because the stores will be crazy busy or closed all weekend. She helped me bake. I made DH buttertarts for his Thanksgiving dessert. Those might be a Canadian thing :think I also made gingersnap cookies.


Stacy - Thinking about you and your house meeting this evening! Stick to what you believe in!


Shannon - Happy Birthday to Honey!


LeaAnne - Happy Anniversary! 19 years is something to be very proud of! One question, what is a "drop off" at school? Congrats to all your kids on their progress reports :clap


Joanne - Happy Birthday weekend! If I don't catch you later, enjoy the game tomorrow.


:hi Beth, Mary and Vicki - TGIF!


I'm not sure if I'll be back later for chat. Maybe, maybe not! But, I love you all and hope to catch a chat soon! TTYL!

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Wow what a bunch of chattiness today between Stacy, Shannon and LeaAnne.


Hope all goes well with the meeting tonight Stacy! Glad that you are feeling better LeaAnne! You sure were chatting and rockin to the 80's music today!!


Happy Birthday to Shannon's Mom!!! Another Libran- awesome-ness


Had a good day at work. I took a picture of my cubicle for you all...Watching the Yankees now- 0-0 in the 5th.


Hope Colleen, Vicky, Beth and Mary all had a great day.


Well, here's the picture of my birthday cubicle....


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Wow! Joanne, your co-workers sure do know how to decorate!:clap That looks awesome! :yay

my DH is also a Libra, which I must say keeps life exciting!:lol:devil


Colleen - it sounds like you had a good day... I am happy about that. I am thinking about you! :hug

gingersnaps sound yummy! hey, did you see the new gingerbread CAL?


Stacy - thinking of you! Be strong!


Shannon and Stacy - thanks for the chat this afternoon and the laughs! It was so awesome... it was just what we needed:wink:lol


...I wonder if Vicki and Beth will be here? ...and Mary?



The "drop off" is at the Middle School in the gym for kids grades 5-8 (although the 8th graders are too cool for it:lol). It is sponsored by the police department, and their "resource officers". The R.O.'s as they are called are permanently scheduled to rotate between the 2 middle schools and the high school. anyway, there are 5-6 officers and some volunteers from the school system who chaperone.


tonight is my turn for carpool pick-up at 9:35, so I'll be a little late for chat... not much late, though! I can't wait to "see" everyone!:clap

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Hey ladies!


We are waiting for the b/f to arrive, then we will have the meeting. I won't be around for chat tonight, though. FIL called to see if the girls could sleep over, and he just picked them up about 10 minutes ago. Dh and I are going out to dinner alone! :clap He won a Starbucks card from work yesterday, so I'm sure that will be used, as well. :devil I will be sure to update when I can, though.


Joanne, I love your cubicle! Your co-workers sure know how to decorate. :wink And I noticed 2 monitors- you busy woman! Enjoy your game tomorrow. Go RU! :cheer


Colleen, sounds like you had fun today. I love gingersnaps! Yumm...what are butter tarts? Anything with butter in the name has to be delish!


Shannon, hope you had fun playing Play-doh!


Everyone else, :hug and :hook...Happy Weekend!

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Good luck to all of you, Stacy! I am sure you will resolve a lot:yes

...and we forgive you for passing us up for a date! :rofl... although I must confess, I am mildly green with envy:devil:lol


I'll be curious to hear how things turn out... till then, I am thinking about you! Be strong and do good!:hug

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Hello again!


Nice cubicle, Joanne! That brings back memories of my corporate days :rofl Your co-workers did a good job. It is so nice to see balloons and stuff in a sea of gray.


LeaAnne - So do they dance at this drop off or play sports and games? Sounds like a good idea, letting the kids mingle with the police officers.


Stacy - Enjoy your night out with DH :clap I suspect you will have lots to talk about and will definitely have earned some quieter time together!


I thought butter tarts might be a Canadian thing and I must be right. Basically it is a pastry pie tart filled with a mixture of butter, eggs, brown sugar and raisins. Very sweet. Very good. Kind of similar to a pecan pie but with raisins instead of pecans. I know I still need to post that pumpkin spice cake recipe. Maybe I'll go find it now.:think


Alright, I think I can start to get what's been on my mind down. It's all official now. My DH accepted a job offer this week and resigned from his current job. It has been a big week, very emotional. I am proud of him and this is a good move for him, but he had been at his job for 15 years and that in itself makes it a big deal. There's more to it than that (mostly changes to our schedule and so on) and I can't get into it right now, but that is main part of the story. Life is never boring around here! The good thing is DH and I have endured more bad news than good in the past year or so and this is a good thing (about time!).


I might be able to chat for a short time, but not for long. Going to find that recipe. You all might want to make it to celebrate Canadian thanksgiving this weekend :rofl

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Pumpkin Spice Cake


1 pkg of spice cake mix

1 3/4 cups pumpkin (I used canned)

1 cup Miracle Whip

3 eggs


1 brick of cream cheese

1/4 cup butter, softened

2 Tbsp milk

1 tsp vanilla

4 cups icing/powdered sugar (it might be called confectioners sugar in the US?)


Preheat oven to 350F. Grease 9 x 13 inch pan. Beat cake mix, pumpkin, Miracle Whip and eggs until well blended. Poor into pan. Bake 32 - 35 minutes or until done. Cool.


Frosting: Beat cream chees, butter, milk and vanilla until well blended. Gradually add sugar, beating after each addition until blended.


Very easy, very moist but not too rich. Enjoy!

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*peeks head and tentatively waves* Hi. *smiles sheeply* Sorry it's been so long. School, illness, and the unwilliness to come check in when cleaning is left undone...and a crochet project is a four letter word.


I've been doing okay. Surving. I am learning to cope. Housework has been taken over, thankfully by Mom, leaving me all my free time to do school which I need desperatly. It's mid-terms and I'm already failing two classes despite all my hard work and study time. As for crochet, I've head my yarn stubbornly from myself for the last three months. Any thoughts of a project where stubbornly and immediatly shot down. Until today, when my Mom realizing I was miserable, tired, and worried took me to A.C. Moore today. She then proceeded to tell me to pick up two skeins of yarn for a project. Not for anyone else, not for sale, not for a gift or charity...but for me. My mom is so so so sweet. :hug My conquest, 2 skeins Homespun Lion Brand Yarn that were on sale for 2 for 8. My project in mind, a shawl or a scarf hat combo as soon as I can A.) Find my crochet stich book or B.) Find a pattern that calls for Bulky Weight Yarn.


I hope everyone here is doing well, are happy, busy, and know they are loved. I miss you all tremendously and wish I could find more time to stop in to say, but I really can't. So, I think I'm going to withdraw from this Cal. I don't have the time, and I'm hardly ever online for anything other than research. Sorry. :blush

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