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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 2]


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Thank you for the welcomes everyone.


Just woke up. Now fiance is laying down while I keep on eye on Keith. He's still cranky, think he's due for some more tylenol or motrin =0(

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lol for some reason the easiest things trip me up but complicated things I can do easily.... go figure?

I'm the same: I have the darndest problem making hats! Yet give me a graph or filet pattern and I breeze through it - with no bad language:lol

Speaking of which: back to the baby graph ghan....

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well really need to get to cleaning, still have lots to finish by Wednesday night as Thursday we'll probably spend all day at fiance's grandparents (the whole family gathers there to open presents Christmas Eve) Maybe this year Keith won't be terrified of daddy dressed up as Santa and I can get a picture of the two of them together (used to be his grandpa that dressed up but he's not up to it anymore so it's been passed to fiance to dress up as Santa and bring in a bag of presents for the kids to unwrap and it was kinda funny that last year Keith was scared of his daddy when he had the beard over his face but if he pulled the beard down he wasn't)

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Good afternoon Besties- the :sun is shining and looks so pretty with the:flake glistening!


DH and I dug out the bottom of one side of the driveway and he was able to get out and get gas for the snowblower. While he was doing that I shoveled the front steps, landing and the remaining steps. He then was able to get the snowblower going again and I think he was having fun with his toy since when he was doing the sidewalk he kept going and did our neighbors sidewalk which is a corner lot! I shoveled the remining snow that the snowblower didn't get.


So now I am sitting on my sore badorkus and watching Vicki's Jets! I feel like I worked a full day already!!


I don't think I'll be baking today- just want to sit and watch football and pick up the :crocheting


Judy- If my house looks like yours then you have a very nice house:yes Are the dogs having fun in the snow? Did you neighbor dig you out?


I definitely think DH and I have made the right decision to be selling our house to move to an adult community. My body is just getting a little too old for this snow shoveling stuff!!!! Now if someone would just buy our house we'd be in business:lol


Enjoy your day ladies! Let's see if I can remember everyone: LeaAnne, Colleen, Beth, Vicki, Shannon, Stacy, Scooby, Mary, Judy, Sarah, Frogger, Tena, Victoria-- if I forgot anyone, trust me it's not intentional!:manyheart


And in keeping with the Christmas Carols theme:


Frosty the snowman was a jolly happy soul,

With a corncob pipe and a button nose,

And two eyes made out of coal.......

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Just getting ready to leave for the family Christmas at my mom and dad's. 17 or 18 people I think, should be fun! I have a trayful of cookies, bars and tarts; a plate of cupcakes; and an ice cream yule log. Mmmmm, think I'll save room for dessert :wink


Joanne - Your house is so pretty with the snow :manyheart Stay in on the couch, enjoy your football game and relax. You work so hard, you deserve it!


Sarah - That is funny that DS was afraid of daddy as Santa. Did he know it was daddy? I've made CrochetDad's 9 point round ripple once too and really enjoyed the pattern. :yes


Stacy - Missing you and hoping everything is alright. Did Isabella find a suit she liked?


I have been so busy lately I haven't been crocheting much :( I only need to make one more bookmark for DD's present and then we'll see if I tackle the tic tac toe or not. I'm at the point where I'm like "whatever....pass the cookies"!!!


Enjoy your Sunday afternoon ladies. :hug

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Just getting ready to leave for the family Christmas at my mom and dad's. 17 or 18 people I think, should be fun! I have a trayful of cookies, bars and tarts; a plate of cupcakes; and an ice cream yule log. Mmmmm, think I'll save room for dessert :wink


Joanne - Your house is so pretty with the snow :manyheart Stay in on the couch, enjoy your football game and relax. You work so hard, you deserve it!


Sarah - That is funny that DS was afraid of daddy as Santa. Did he know it was daddy? I've made CrochetDad's 9 point round ripple once too and really enjoyed the pattern. :yes


Stacy - Missing you and hoping everything is alright. Did Isabella find a suit she liked?


I have been so busy lately I haven't been crocheting much :( I only need to make one more bookmark for DD's present and then we'll see if I tackle the tic tac toe or not. I'm at the point where I'm like "whatever....pass the cookies"!!!


Enjoy your Sunday afternoon ladies. :hug


so long as he pulled the beard down so Keith could see his face he wasn't scared, but when he pulled his beard back up Keith was afraid again (he was afraid when it was Keith's great grandpa doing it also) but since we got him to do pictures w/ Santa at the mall this year we're hoping that got him over his fear...

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hmmm wonder if Keith would like a RR done in the jiffy yarn I used for my granny lapghan that he keeps stealing... except of course it would be in the colors he wants which is red, yellow, green and blue (the colors of the trains on his thomas the train sheets)

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Hey all!! :hi


First off, welcome to Sarah! This is the most wonderful group of women. :manyheart I'm happy to see you've made yourself at home. :hug:xfin that Keith won't be scared of Daddy as Santa this year!


Colleen, your gathering sounds fun! Enjoy your dessert. :heehee


Shannon, have fun with Sister today! :hug


Joanne, WTG on shoveling that snow! Enjoy the games and :crocheting!!


Leanne, good to hear I'm not the only one behind on the flannelghan!! I didn't mess up quite as bad as I thought I did, and only had to :frog 2 of the strips, instead of all. :whew I am almost finished with the 4th, and hopefully will be able to finish them today. :xfin


Vicki, glad your conference gave you insight on your paper. :xfin that you can focus on it and finish! :hug


Mary, WTG on all of that cleaning. You have definitely earned yourself some :crocheting time! :hug


Judy, I had something to tell you, too, but of course I forgot after reading all of the chatting! I will have to go back and :think it out. :hug Hope you are having a great day.


Scooby, are you feeling better? :hug


Beth, I'm glad your leg is looking and feeling better. :hug:yay


Tena, hope everything is well in your neck of the woods! :hug


Sorry I haven't been around. We did find a suit for Isabella and she looks adorable in it. The girls had a blast at the movie yesterday. They saw Santa, had lots of treats, and came home with gifts, movie posters, and candy. Jorge, Eva and I went to lunch at a Greek place, it was yummy!! They had this dish called Fiery Feta Fries, no idea what was mixed with the feta but it was :drool. We will definitely go again. Then we attempted some Christmas shopping. Went to 2 different places for Mia's skates but couldn't find them. Then we went to Target, where dh got overwhelmed just entering the parking lot (he gets anxious in crowds) so I ran in for one thing, then we went home and hung out 'til the girls got home. I worked on the flannelghan and attempted the border on the x-stitch. I've just decided it will not be done in time for Christmas- I will just tell dh I owe him another gift in January, when I have more time and am not so stressed. :shrug

Today Isabella is going to a Yule dinner with Roomie and her kids. My old man friend came over with gifts for everyone. Now dh is sleeping on the couch and the girls are watching a movie. I have 2 loads of :wash going and the dishwasher filled. Now I am going to sit and :crocheting for a little while as I wait for the laundry to be done.

Hugs to everyone!! :hug

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Joanne...I meant my house is covered with snow like yours:lol We have a 3 BR colonial (a Strathmore house...Levitt-built). Your house looks a lot newer than mine.

The pups had a blast today and it was major exercise to follow them around to clean up the poop.


Have a restful evening!

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Vicki- sorry that the Jets lost today- but hope you are having a relaxing day despite it. I finished the scarf I had started the other day and am working on this one now




My, oh, my it goes so fast. I wish I had tried this pattern earlier. So little time left......so I had better get back to :crocheting

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evening... just cleaning going on here... fiance is of course watching football... he was really happy last night since his team finally broke their Dec/Jan losing streak (think it was 12 years of not winning a game in Dec/Jan)

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Sarah- Fine time for the boys to win a game in Dec! I am a huge Giants fan and I'm sorry but the boys are the enemy! LOL

And it looks like my other dreaded team, The Eagles are going to win today too. That leaves my Giants in a very precarious situation tomorrow night- they need to win agains Beth's Redskins or else!!!


Have fun cleaning! I didn't do much cleaning---unless of course shoveling snow is considered cleaning:lol I did do laundry and washed the kitchen floor, though. Rest of the day has been spent on my favorite chair with my :chook and :yarn!


I had planned on baking toll house choc chip cookies, but was too tired from the shoveling, so I lit my choc chip cookie candle. the house smells like I've been baking all day- and now the smell is making me wish I had baked them.


Hey LeaAnne- did you bake your cookies today? Can you send some my way?


Have a good night besties!:manyheart:hug

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Sarah- Fine time for the boys to win a game in Dec! I am a huge Giants fan and I'm sorry but the boys are the enemy! LOL

And it looks like my other dreaded team, The Eagles are going to win today too. That leaves my Giants in a very precarious situation tomorrow night- they need to win agains Beth's Redskins or else!!!


Have fun cleaning! I didn't do much cleaning---unless of course shoveling snow is considered cleaning:lol I did do laundry and washed the kitchen floor, though. Rest of the day has been spent on my favorite chair with my :chook and :yarn!


I had planned on baking toll house choc chip cookies, but was too tired from the shoveling, so I lit my choc chip cookie candle. the house smells like I've been baking all day- and now the smell is making me wish I had baked them.


Hey LeaAnne- did you bake your cookies today? Can you send some my way?


Have a good night besties!:manyheart:hug


LOL yes shoveling is considered cleaning (at least in my book)


let's see.... I've washed 2 loads of laundry, folded 1 of them, folded the 3 loads that were on the couch, washed dishes, cleaned the stove and have been scrubbing the cabinets in the kitchen...


oh and fiance also likes the Giants... so long as they're not playing the Cowboys... LOL

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Sarah - I am not sure it is possible to be a Giants fan and a Cowboy fan! Those two just don't mix! How far is Brazoria from here? I honestly have no idea!

Joanne - nice snow pics! I spoke to my sister again today and she has 27 inches all together and no school Monday. She wanted to know if I was very happy not having to deal with the snow. *&!% YES I told her! It is very pretty to look at, but I am very happy to hear that it is up there and not down here!

Stacy - I missed something. Where did you guys go?

Joanne - Has your hubby heard anything from his interview yet? Fingers crossed for a good outcome!

I got three loads of laundry washed, two loads of towels folded and put away, the dish washer emptied, the sheets on mine and DD's beds changed (DD did hers!), dinner made and cleaned up. Garbage is taken out for collection and emptied in the kitched. All the Christmas boxes are put back in their places in the garage now that they are emptied. I was busy today! Here I am checking in to see how everyone is tonight! I actually stayed awake all day today! I didn't fall asleep on my chair at all today! That is pretty good considering that I had a horrible night's sleep last night.

I am feeling a little bit better today. We put up our Christmas tree today and did some decorating. Our tree lights were out, so we had to go spend some money on new ones. Not what I really wanted to do, but what can you do? The tree looks pretty and I have new lights now. I think I will also feel better when my sister comes down. She comes on Saturday.

I just wanted to say that I appreciate you all more than you know. It has been a difficult month and I know I can come here and be moody and cranky and no one will judge or complain about my moods. You are all a God send and I do not know what I would do without you all right now!


Love to all my besties!




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Sarah - I am not sure it is possible to be a Giants fan and a Cowboy fan! Those two just don't mix! How far is Brazoria from here? I honestly have no idea!


Joanne - nice snow pics! I spoke to my sister again today and she has 27 inches all together and no school Monday. She wanted to know if I was very happy not having to deal with the snow. *&!% YES I told her! It is very pretty to look at, but I am very happy to hear that it is up there and not down here!


Stacy - I missed something. Where did you guys go?


Joanne - Has your hubby heard anything from his interview yet? Fingers crossed for a good outcome!


I got three loads of laundry washed, two loads of towels folded and put away, the dish washer emptied, the sheets on mine and DD's beds changed (DD did hers!), dinner made and cleaned up. Garbage is taken out for collection and emptied in the kitched. All the Christmas boxes are put back in their places in the garage now that they are emptied. I was busy today! Here I am checking in to see how everyone is tonight! I actually stayed awake all day today! I didn't fall asleep on my chair at all today! That is pretty good considering that I had a horrible night's sleep last night.


I am feeling a little bit better today. We put up our Christmas tree today and did some decorating. Our tree lights were out, so we had to go spend some money on new ones. Not what I really wanted to do, but what can you do? The tree looks pretty and I have new lights now. I think I will also feel better when my sister comes down. She comes on Saturday.


I just wanted to say that I appreciate you all more than you know. It has been a difficult month and I know I can come here and be moody and cranky and no one will judge or complain about my moods. You are all a God send and I do not know what I would do without you all right now!


Love to all my besties!







It's about 2 hrs south of you, near Angleton and Lake Jackson...


as for being a fan of both... he cheers for several different teams but his main team is the Cowboys (if that makes any sense)

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Vicki- now I am confused! LoL I didn't go anywhere, have just not been online since Thursday or Friday. :hug I hope your visit with your sister helps you to feel better. How long is she staying?


Joanne, that scarf is really cute! :manyheart Can't wait to see some :photo.


Judy, I just plain forgot what I was going to say. LoL I even looked back through the posts. Oh, well. I'll remember one day. :lol Glad the pups had fun outside!


Can I just say- Men!!! Dh wanted me to find out what is going on for Christmas Eva (his aunt always has a party that night but since she is upset about Thanksgiving we have not heard from her.) Well, she ended up calling us, and now he won't answer the phone. :thair


On a lighter note- I finished my 4th strip! :clap I am going to start joining, I think, because this girl is stripped out for now! :lol


Nighty night, besties!

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I am home from the family Christmas and I am tired! It was fun. Lots of people and on my dad's side of the family everyone talks over each other, so it was loud :lol My cousin has 2 girls so DD was so excited to have girls to play with (all the other cousins are boys). We had my grandma, who is 87, talking to my sister, BIL and my cousin on skype. She thought that was pretty neat!


Stacy - Glad the girls had fun at the movie. So nice of the old man to stop by with gifts. I think he misses you.


Sarah - You are getting lots of cleaning done :clap Good for you! Enjoy your crochet time.


Joanne - Oh, that is a pretty scarf. Can't wait to hear how it turns out. If I have enough yarn left over from my prayer shawl (which I will admit I haven't touched for a couple weeks) I might make that scarf.


Vicki - I am so glad you are feeling better. It will all be fine. Your sister will be here soon and you can enjoy your holiday. We are here for you always! WTG on getting so much done today!


Judy - Your house sounds very nice. How old is it?


:hi to everyone else! I hope you enjoyed your day. My pillow is calling my name. :sleep

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I am home from the family Christmas and I am tired! It was fun. Lots of people and on my dad's side of the family everyone talks over each other, so it was loud :lol My cousin has 2 girls so DD was so excited to have girls to play with (all the other cousins are boys). We had my grandma, who is 87, talking to my sister, BIL and my cousin on skype. She thought that was pretty neat!


Stacy - Glad the girls had fun at the movie. So nice of the old man to stop by with gifts. I think he misses you.


Sarah - You are getting lots of cleaning done :clap Good for you! Enjoy your crochet time.


Joanne - Oh, that is a pretty scarf. Can't wait to hear how it turns out. If I have enough yarn left over from my prayer shawl (which I will admit I haven't touched for a couple weeks) I might make that scarf.


Vicki - I am so glad you are feeling better. It will all be fine. Your sister will be here soon and you can enjoy your holiday. We are here for you always! WTG on getting so much done today!


Judy - Your house sounds very nice. How old is it?


:hi to everyone else! I hope you enjoyed your day. My pillow is calling my name. :sleep


unfortunately it will be IOU crochet time LOL my shoulders hurt too much from cleaning the cabinets to crochet. But the cabinets are probably the cleanest they've been in years, certainly cleaner then when we moved in... amazing what Dawn dishsoap and a little elbow grease will manage (used the dawn soap w/ only a tiny bit of water as it was mostly grease from cooking on the cabinets and didn't want the wood to start swelling if I got them too wet)

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I just realized that I wrote "Christmas Eva" instead of "Eve." :rofl


Colleen, your party sounds like fun!! I'm glad you had a great time with your family. LoL @ your grandma using Skype! That is sweet that she was able to talk/see them.


Sarah, have fun wrapping gifts. :manyheart


Guess what?! I joined 3 strips and wove all of the ends! :clap:cheer (Insert Cabbage Patch here.) Woot!! I am so excited. :xfin that tomorrow I can get the last strip finished! We went to that Greek cafe again for lunch. :heehee I think I am addicted to spanokopita. :manyheart


Ok, I am off to put my last munchkin to bed. Good night all!

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ok presents about 90% done... need more gift bags cause don't have any big enough for some of the presents and I don't feel like trying to wrap 2 steering wheel covers... 3 presents I need to print photos of Keith for (after I take a picture to fit the theme of the frame) and the rest are big items we've been storing at family's houses so Keith doesn't see them... I've got 5 gift tags left and 2 bows... ummm guess I'll have to get some more, thank goodness for the dollar store...


well I'm off to bed, been a busy and tiring day.... hopefully can find some time for crocheting tomorrow as got none today =0(


goodnight everyone

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Good morning- very early morning. Finished the scarf last night and went to bed at 9PM. Woke up at 4AM! I like the way the scarf came out. I promise to take pics and post soon


Stacy- WTG on the flannelghan joining.:clap:clap:yay I will be the last one to finish mine. Still haven't finished the last strip! I think my goal will be to have it done by "Little Christmas" on January 6. I got my first :lol of the morning, reading your post -Christmas Eva:lol


Sarah- You got a lot done this weekend:clap! Good for you!!! I haven't even started wrapping, but I do have some gift bags so wrapping will be easy. I'm thinking of going the "go green" route and forgoing wrapping if I don't have enough of them. Your fiance must be special if he can like the Cowboys AND the Giants:lol. I don't care who the "boys" are playing-I still don't like them:lol


Vicki- C'mon now, you must miss the :flake just a little;) Glad you got your :ctree up! You got lots of cleaning done, too! WTG- bet you can't wait for your sister to arrive! Hang in there- you are off work now, right? I only have a 3 day work week:clap. Once next week comes, though, I have to work all week-and the weekend- it'll be tough, but I can do it. I can, i can (I don't have a choice:lol


Colleen- Glad you had fun at the Christmas get-together- How was dessert? That is so cool that Grandma got to talk on Skype- isn't technology wonderful? I have some co-workers who don't have computers at home-very old school. I don't know what I would do without one! The scarf came out really pretty- I used one skein of homespun yarn! Thanks for the advent calendar updates! Are you going to take a :photo of the finished Lego village?:yes


Beth- the fight is on tonight- the fight between the Giants and Skins, that is:) GO BIG BLUE!!!! Will you be watching the game. I just realized how early I am up and how late I will up tonight watching---mmmm....maybe I better take a little nap after work? How's the leg feeling? Hoping that the antibiotics are taking care of the infection!


LeaAnne- How was your day? Did you get your choc chip cookies made? Looks like I'll be baking on Christmas Eve morning- so happy that I don't have to work so I can get them done before we go to DD's MIL's for the Christmas Eve party- we don't have to be there till about 5! DD told me they got about 10 inches of snow in Somerville- but that it was still snowing after dark so she'll have to wait till this morning to see how much is out there. How much did you get?


Judy- I LOL about the house! Yours sounds very nice- always wanted a colonial, but in my life, I've lived in a cape cod, split level and now a bi-level. And since our next move is to an adult community, I guess I never will live in a colonial style house:lol. Glad the dogs enjoyed the snow!


Mary- Are you keeping warm up in God's country? Glad you liked the snow pics- And isn't it you who said that it is warmer when it snows? Not this time around:lol. It is:wbrr out there!!! Stay warm and :crocheting


Tena- I admire you for all that you get done with 3 GK's! I don't know if I would have the energy or stamina any more to raise children! Are they all getting excited for Christmas?


Scooby- Hope you are feeling ok after your fall. You haven't posted in a few days, so I worry- How's the shoulder and the ankle? :hug coming your way that you are feeling ok. Maybe it's just that you are living in the craft store...er...room and have just been :crocheting up a storm!


Shannon- How was the Holiday inn (in color!) and hope you enjoyed your time with sister!!! I bet it was fun. You have been very very busy- It's so neat that you get to have your sister over!!


Frogger and Victoria- hope you are both well!


Have a good Monday everyone- be safe and warm (to my cold-weather living friends) and send some warmth my way (that would be from Stacy, Sarah, Shannon and Vicki) ( I think you are the only ones who don't live in cold snowy areas)


To end my long post, here's another Christmas carol for you to enjoy:( I turned on the TV last night when I went up to bed and there was a concert on - Boston Pops with special guests Barenaked Ladies (the rock group from Canada). I thought of Colleen, Mary (Canada) and LeaAnne (Massachusetts). I fell asleep to the wonderful sound!


Deck the halls with boughs of holly

Fa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la

'Tis the season to be jolly

Fa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la

Don we now our gay apparel

Fa-la-la, la-la-la, la-la-la.

Troll the ancient Yuletide carol

Fa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la.


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