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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 2]


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If there are part-time options out there that might be fun, Scooby. But, if you can stay home for a while too, that's alright. I think everyone has to do what is right for them. There is a big part of me that would like to find some sort of "cottage industry" that I could do part-time from home and make a little money plus get out and meet people.

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Well my dear friends. I have been chatting for an hour and you know how I have that 20 minute time limit :lol Plus I better get my sore ear to bed. DD is in a wake up at 6:00 am phase, so it may be an early start. We tell her to stay in bed until her clock says 7:00, but she "gets lonely" :lol

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Health and nutrition, if you can believe that. :lol I'd love to be a dietitian but it does not pay well, unless you can get into the big hospitals and such. I'd also love to be a pastry chef or work in a bakery. Different ends of the spectrum. :D

Health and nutrition- that doesn't surprise me- I noticed by some of your posts that you seem interested in alternative medicine- and are familiar with different herbs and healthy foods. I think that would be a good choice - and pastry chef or working in a bakery doesn't have to be the opposite end of the spectrum.


My :artistDD loves to bake vegan cupcakes and such. He bakes and cooks healthy- OH, she got a letter yesterday from grad school saying they have her application. (I think we already knew that:lol ) She should be hearing soon...Please keep fingers crossed.

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If there are part-time options out there that might be fun, Scooby. But, if you can stay home for a while too, that's alright. I think everyone has to do what is right for them. There is a big part of me that would like to find some sort of "cottage industry" that I could do part-time from home and make a little money plus get out and meet people.


I have never been a SAHM. I have always worked and then eventually went to school with every intention of going back into the work force. But DF is a firm believer in the mom staying home and the dad working and supporting the family. He is leaving it open as a choice for me. He prefers that I don't work but wants me to do what I want and feel comfortable doing. Yes, I could be a part time SLP assistant since I don't have my master's yet. I am also a CNA, but don't think I want to do that again as it is very hard work, and I have problems with my back and hips now so don't know if I could handle that again.



:rofl that's tomorrow :rofl Go for it!!!!:cheer


:rofl:rofl:rofl Thought about it.

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Well my dear friends. I have been chatting for an hour and you know how I have that 20 minute time limit :lol Plus I better get my sore ear to bed. DD is in a wake up at 6:00 am phase, so it may be an early start. We tell her to stay in bed until her clock says 7:00, but she "gets lonely" :lol

6AM Colleen- heck that's late--I'm up by 5:30 and I don't have a DD getting lonely:lol


Seriously- hope your ear feels better and you have a good night's sleep- nice chatting with you and thanks for the curling lesson!:hug

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Health and nutrition- that doesn't surprise me- I noticed by some of your posts that you seem interested in alternative medicine- and are familiar with different herbs and healthy foods. I think that would be a good choice - and pastry chef or working in a bakery doesn't have to be the opposite end of the spectrum.


My :artistDD loves to bake vegan cupcakes and such. He bakes and cooks healthy- OH, she got a letter yesterday from grad school saying they have her application. (I think we already knew that:lol ) She should be hearing soon...Please keep fingers crossed.


Yes, I am very interested in alternative medicines and the like. My dh thinks I'm a quack at times but he has a professor that is also into it. He came home one night spouting off things I have told him over and over- but of course a professional said it so it must be true! :rofl


Good luck with the wedding, Scooby. Are you just going to the courthouse or are you having a ceremony? The 21st is kind of short notice to cancel a ceremony! :lol

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We are just gonna slip away to the courthouse. I don't want a big wedding or even a small wedding. We just want to go and do it and then celebrate later. Cheaper, and it all means the same big small or courthouse.:lol So we will have to just plan a day and go to the courhouse and just do it. I know it won't be tomorrow as the courthouse is closed. Thank goodness the license is good for a year cuz it seems to keep getting pushed to the wayside:lol

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Scooby- I agree CNA is very hard work- even harder I think than nursing . SLP's are in great demand- there just aren't enough of them.


I wish my DH was old fashioned and thought the mom should stay home! (of course even though I'm a mom there aren't any kids to take care of):lol

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I would LOVE to work part time- I don't know if I could stay home all day- I would get bored after a while (it's different when there are kids are at home- then it's never boring)


But, I would love to be able to work part time and then crochet the rest of the time and get enough things made to try some craft shows. But that is another dream that I'll hold onto. It's not the time now to be not working Full time- ...unless of course I win the lottery LOL

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Scooby- I agree CNA is very hard work- even harder I think than nursing . SLP's are in great demand- there just aren't enough of them.


I wish my DH was old fashioned and thought the mom should stay home! (of course even though I'm a mom there aren't any kids to take care of):lol



Yes it is very hard work especially for the pay. And Yes slps are in great demand with a great shortage too. LOL this is a first for me, I have never had an old fashioned man who thought the mom should stay home, it is kinda nice but may get boring, but it definitely hasn't yet.

DF says to tell you all HEY HEY HEY!!!!!!!

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What is the difference between CNA and nurse? My SIL is a snob toward all other types of "nurses" and she makes it seem like a lower-level position or something. :shrug


Btw, Scooby- :h5 to you! A CNA and SLP. You are a woman of all trades. :D

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I would LOVE to work part time- I don't know if I could stay home all day- I would get bored after a while (it's different when there are kids are at home- then it's never boring)


But, I would love to be able to work part time and then crochet the rest of the time and get enough things made to try some craft shows. But that is another dream that I'll hold onto. It's not the time now to be not working Full time- ...unless of course I win the lottery LOL


The craft shows are fun. I have done several in the past. I went to one this afternoon (it was small), but the crocheted items I saw were over priced. I told DF that I want to go to the big one they have here every year, and see what they have and price stuff and then I can go from there.

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CNA is a certified nursing assistant. It is a very physical job. And many nurses look on CNA's as their "slaves". I worked in a nursing home and I couldn't believe how some of the nurses treated the CNA's.


I always looked at it as being a team. There are things that a CNA is not allowed to do becuase they don't have the training, but I always felt thatCNA's are one of the most valuable members of the nursing team. They have way more direct contact with the patients. I hate snobby nurses!

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Oh Scooby that sounds like fun.


After the holidays, I'm going to start crocheting and build up a collection of things and see what I can put together.


I don't think it would pay at all to do large items--you wouldn't make enough $- what did you used to sell?

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CNA is a certified nursing assistant. It is a very physical job. And many nurses look on CNA's as their "slaves". I worked in a nursing home and I couldn't believe how some of the nurses treated the CNA's.


I always looked at it as being a team. There are things that a CNA is not allowed to do becuase they don't have the training, but I always felt thatCNA's are one of the most valuable members of the nursing team. They have way more direct contact with the patients. I hate snobby nurses!


Yep you are right Joanne. I have worked with some great nurses and then again I have worked with some that thought they were better than us. The CNAs Stacy, usually are the ones who give the baths,showers, trips to the bathroom, diaper changing, vital signs, feeding, walking/exercising, getting in/out of bed, dressing etc etc. Lots of lifting usually.

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Oh, ok. Well now that you mention it, the few times I've been in the hospital, I always did see the CNA much more often than the actual RN's. She is a very snobby nurse- which is very common here. I've known several that are quite snobby about their profession- it really gives nursing a bad name!


A craft show sounds like fun! Good idea to go and do some pricing. You can also find out which items seem to be popular. :cheer

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