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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 2]


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I'm alright Scooby. :tired too. And my ear is hurting again :( But I'm glad it is the weekend. Today was my last day of working, so I guess I can relax a bit...for a couple years :rofl


:( Oh no ss to hear about your ear. I am glad it is the weekend too, but then again, since I am a SAHM it doesn't mean the same :lol. woooooooo hooooooo on last day of work. I was :think I would be relaxing staying home too but boy was I wrong

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Sorry Joanne. Curling is a sport you play on ice. You slide rocks towards a target...sound familiar? It is an Olympic sport. Anyway, a bonspiel is a curling tournament. Does that help?

Yes, thank you- I knew I heard of curling and as soon as you said Olympics, I remembered where...(I hate getting old)


That's cool that your Mom does that!

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Both my parents curl. It is fairly popular here. I mean, it's not hockey or anything, but it is a sport you can do well into your later years. I curled one year with my mom and dad. I enjoyed it. They have fun. One of the biggest parts of curling is the time in the bar after the game :lol

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It is a woooooo hoooooooo for me on friday's.....especially since I know I'm going to be super busy after the Thanksgiving holiday. In fact, we were already told we need to work the weekend of Dec 5.


I'm glad that next weekend is a 4 day weekend with Thanksgiving

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I'm ok, Scooby. Starting to feel feverish. How are you? How is that craft room coming along? :think


Colleen...I hate to ask but- what is curling?



:( OH NO!!!!!! Hope you get to feeling better. I am :tired but doing ok. :yell on the craft room :lol It is the only room in the house that is still an absolute disaster, but I will hopefully get it finished by the first of this week. I am trying to get the downstairs in order especially if the DF's DD and kids will be here for thanksgiving

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I hope you have a very enjoyable, relaxing Thanksgiving weekend, Joanne. You deserve it! Any news on how long your job will last? I know when you started it it was supposed to be for 6 mos.


That's great that your DD's MIL got a job on your recommendation and that it has worked out.


I'm thinking of spending some time over the next couple years while I'm "staying at home" researching my career options. I have a Masters degree but no real career training. When I was in high school we didn't get much career direction, so I'm hoping to do some job shadowing and talking a lot to people to see if there is something I can work towards while I'm "staying at home". You know, in all my spare time. :lol

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Scooby, I have no illusions that I'll be relaxing at home all the time. :rofl DH called the other day and said "what are you doing?" I'm mopping the kitchen floor I told him. Hardly eating bon bons! :rofl


:rofl No kidding, Bon Bons what are those :lol, certainly something us SAHM aren't taking pleasure in.


Whoever came up with the phrase "stay at home mom" clearly wasn't thinking. :rofl


You could say that again :lol


It is a woooooo hoooooooo for me on friday's.....especially since I know I'm going to be super busy after the Thanksgiving holiday. In fact, we were already told we need to work the weekend of Dec 5.


I'm glad that next weekend is a 4 day weekend with Thanksgiving


HI Joanne!!! :hug How are you tonite. :yay for your 4 day weekend!!!!

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i really want to learn how to play golf- I think that is something i would enjoy and can do as I get older. I enjoy ice skating- we have a rink in town- but unless DD is free, there is no one to go with.

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What is your Masters in, Colleen?


Dh has been asking if I want to take a class when the new semester starts. He says it is so I can get out and socialize, but I secretly think he wants me to start weighing my career options, also. :blush

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What kind of course would you want to take, Stacy? Is there anything that really interests you? I love taking classes. I took website design and Access last year. I don't use it, though, so it's hard to justify.


I have a few areas I want to look into. Working with the aged and/or healthcare (these are growing fields and I like the idea of job stability). The other is education. But, I'm not ruling anything out. The more I can learn the better off!

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Colleen- What is your Master's degree in? I think that is a great plan. I planned that while I was SAHM back in the day that I wanted to return to school (before the divorce and then had to work). well, I finally did (a little later than I had originally planned) but I never let the dream die. Its always good to have plans and goals.


I've actually been thinking I want to go back to school- take some more computer courses


I don't have an end date on my current position- I think it will be longer than 6 mos which makes me very very happy- I love what I'm doing and the team that we have is awesome. I don't ever want to go back to my old position and I think that they have some plans in the works that they are not yet ready to share- call it intuition or a gut feeling.

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Health and nutrition, if you can believe that. :lol I'd love to be a dietitian but it does not pay well, unless you can get into the big hospitals and such. I'd also love to be a pastry chef or work in a bakery. Different ends of the spectrum. :D

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Nice Colleen. I did some job shadowing while in school and it was fun to actually see first hand what goes on in professions.

A lady from DS's school called me a couple of days ago to see if we qualified for some grant programs and she asked me what my profession was and I told her currently SAHM :lol but I did have my BS in speech language pathology and audiology and she said :eek and you aren't going to use it and I said UMMMMMMMMM No not at this time I have to many other things going on maybe later and she said let me know as we are always looking for ppl in your field. I told DF and he said well I really want you to stay home but maybe part time won't be so bad. We will see.

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Health and nutrition, if you can believe that. :lol I'd love to be a dietitian but it does not pay well, unless you can get into the big hospitals and such. I'd also love to be a pastry chef or work in a bakery. Different ends of the spectrum. :D


Oh those are wonderful ideas! Too bad the first doesn't pay well :think Being a chef or baker is good too. It makes such a difference if you enjoy it. Have you ever taken cake decorating? I took a little evening course in that once just for fun. Gets you the social, probably isn't too expensive (mine wasn't) and maybe gets you some of those bakery skills.

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My oldest DD has her undergrad degree in Poli Sci-


LOL about the bon-bons...


Stacy- I think it would be at if you could take a course - I did go to nursing school when my 3 DD's were about 10, 12, 14- it wasn't easy-but I needed job stability and thought that nursing would be a stable position.


Scooby- when is the wedding

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