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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 2]


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DH got his gift from his DD who lives in Alabama today- he was like a kid in a candy store. It was one thing after the next. He got a memory card for his camera, a CD he wanted, portable speakers for his laptop, a new laptop case, a book on CD to listen to in his car, and a set of headphones! He was just sooooo excited. It was fun to see him acting like a kid on Christmas morning!

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Definitely inquisitive :yes It's fun!


I was supposed to have a friend for brunch tomorrow, but when she said she felt like she was coming down with a cold I tactfully rescheduled for a couple weeks later. We are all still getting over the cold and I just want to have some healthy days.

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DH got his gift from his DD who lives in Alabama today- he was like a kid in a candy store. It was one thing after the next. He got a memory card for his camera, a CD he wanted, portable speakers for his laptop, a new laptop case, a book on CD to listen to in his car, and a set of headphones! He was just sooooo excited. It was fun to see him acting like a kid on Christmas morning!


Aww, that's so sweet! I wish my dad was that excited about the gifts I give him. :lol

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Good idea, Colleen. The sickies seem to be running rampant this year! I just told dh after dinner that I am starting to feel feverish- I think it is time to start the vitamin C.


Joanne, that sounds nice! Do all of the kids get along?

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Now that my Brunch is cancelled it should be nice and quiet. My mom is curling in a bonspiel here in town so DD and I might go watch grandma curl. DD earned a trip to the Lego store as her reward for going to school without crying (now that she's getting better we won't continue to reward her, but her rewards have been quality family time outings so it isn't all bad). Anyway, they sell Lego (we're not buying) but you can also just play with it there. They have a ramp where you can build a lego car and then race it with the other kids. Lots of fun!

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That's nice, it's great that they get along. Sometimes it can be hard when 2 families come together. I do not get along at all with my "step" family. They are terrible to my mom. :(


Tomorrow morning we are going on a bike ride, then the rest of the day will be spent at home. Dh has a 6-page paper due on Monday and has to work on that. Sunday we are supposed to go to the IL's for breakfast.

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Oh, when I posted b/4 and lost it, I was telling you all that my DD's MIL is having shoulder surgery on Monday. It's been scheduled for a while. Well, last night on the way home from work, she was in a car accident. someone hit her from behind. Luckily she is ok, shoulder a little sorer than usual. She said that at least she won't be driving for a few wks after the surgery so her car can get fixed while she recuperates. DD's DH will be taking the car for the estimate Mon AM and my DD is going with her to the hospital (hospital where my DD works and where her MIL worked in the ER for 26 years) before coming to work where I work

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Hi Scooby- How are you? Glad I am finally getting to 'chat" with you...And you square will be dropped off at the post office in the morning!


Colleen- I have to look up curl at the bonspiel. And that Lego place sounds so cool. I think that quality family time is a great reward

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Yes, DD's MIL works with me. She had helped DD get a job as an ER tech when she was in her senior year in college. When her MIL wanted to leave the ER (the body can only take so much hands on nursing) I told her i could try and get her a job with me. Long story short, I recommended her and she's been working with me for 2 years now.


DD starts her new job in the OR on 11/30

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