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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 1]

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WE are now in the top of the 9th inning- this game is good. how far is the Rogers Center in Toronto? ( I think that is where the Blue Jays play)


Only about one hour drive away. I've been to several games over the years. My mom is a BIG Jays fan, but I don't follow it anymore. They just aren't what they were in the early '90s.

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oooh... Colleen.... a speedy recovery to your mom! It sounds like she was lucky that nothing was broken:blush


Joanne - Tell DH congrats from me, too! How wonderful for him!


I used to golf (my DH is an avid golfer too). They say that all the fun is hitting the ball, and BOY did I have a LOT of fun!

I haven't played since the kids, and nowadays I would prefer to crochet.

My dream is to open a yarn shop next to the country club that DH will be a member at, and call it "Golf Widow's Haven"

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Good night, Besties!


I'll be by tomorrow sometime!


Colleen - enjoy your busy day of fun-ness!


Joanne - good luck getting everything done before the game!


:hi, Shannon, enjoy your evening with DH:hug


Stacy- I hope you got everything done that you were planning...


Beth - I hope the 50th party was a BLAST!


Mary - hope you are having a ball at that party!


Vicki - Safe travels... we'll see you when you get home!


Jennifer - hope your shopping weekend is going well


:hi, Scooby!


Sweet dreams everyone!

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Hey ladies!

Sorry I missed out on the chat- looks like everyone left early tonight. Leanne and Joanne, enjoy your game!


I haven't read through everything, I just wanted to pop in and say hello. We have been packing all night and it seems like we're not even making a dent. :eek We have showings almost all day tomorrow so I won't be around until the later hours-hopefully with good news. Keep your :xfin that we find something!!

I need to get scooting and email an itinerary to my dad, so I will catch up later! :hug

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Leanne- you said "gang-busters!" :rofl I thought only my dh said that.


Colleen- glad to hear your mom is not too badly hurt.


Joanne, give your dh a pat on the back from me, too! Good for him!


I did get everything done today, with minimal complaining. :whew They were actually rather well-behaved for the amount of places we went- bank, utilities, county clerk, post office, Wally World, and grocery store. I had planned to get my yarn for the outside of my squares but now I'm thinking I will wait until I go to HL, to see what they have. :devil I am saving $20 from what FIL gave me, just for that trip. That way I can shop but not go overboard and blow our budget. :blush:lol


Ok, I need to go figure out an itinerary and send it out. Sweet dreams, besties! :night

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How come when I'm in on the chat you girls keep me up too late? I can't believe it's over already. I'm ready to chat!!


Oh well, have a great night!:manyheart

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OMG-ness!! Bottom of the 12th and still scoreless!! And I can't even watch it!:angry (stupid Louisiana) Sounds like a great game. Joanne, I wish you were still here so you could narrate for me!


Love you girls!!

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:morcoffee Good morning,


Stacy, I have my fingers crossed for you. Please let us know how the house hunting goes! Have fun planning your itinerary, too.


Shannon, sorry the chat was over when you came back to join in.


LeaAnne, My dd made and decorated a birthday cake for her aunt. It was a huge hit. I'll attach a photo (Yeah, I'm a proud mom.) I love the sound of "Golf Widow's Haven." You need a coffee shop room where people can sit and crochet and chat and drink :coffee


Colleen, OUCH! I hope your mom heals quickly. Poor thing.


:hi Scooby, Joanne, Jennifer, Mary, and Vicki. (Hope I didn't forget anyone!)



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Good morning all-

What a game- a true classic pitcher's duel with neither team deserving to lose. I am glad the Yankees won, but feel the pain of LeaAnne's Red Sox fans. DH and I were saying that it was going to be a heartbreaker for the team that lost. Game wasn't over until after 12:30 AM--But it was exciting!


Shannon- sorry I wasn't here to narrrate the game for you--it was awesome-ness. Of course, now I pay since I got a later start this morning than I had planned. Oh, well, it was worth it! It is now 8AM and I've got tons of cleaning to do before the game at 4- this is on Fox network- will that be on in Louisiana?


LeaAnne- I will not gloat today- I will be a kind Yankee fan---Your BoSox played just as well as my Yankees!


Beth- hope the 50th party was a blast!


Vicki- safe travels home to Tx to day!


Mary- hope you are having fun with DS (I know you are!!)


Stacy- lots of good luck with all the showings today..Fingers crossed that you find the right place. That was a great idea holding onto 20 for a HL stop. I know you will surely be very busy packing --I remember when my 3 DD's were 1, 3, 5 we moved into a bigger place- 2 wks before Christmas... I look back and wonder how did I get that done and have Christmas too? I was around your age at the time. I guess we can all do alot when we are younger- I get tired now just thinking about it!


Colleen- Have fun today with all the activity! enjoy the visit and give your mom a big hug, get well soon!

Well, enough procrastinating- time to get the ole badorkus in gear and hit the cleaning...I'll stop by later.....remember your vitamins.....and Happy saturday!

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Hey, Besties!

Happy Saturday!


Shannon, sorry we weren't here for you last night:( If I knew you were coming, I would've stayed online...it's not like I wasn't up:blush


Beth - :faint your DD did an unbelievable job on that cake! It is gorgeous! she has a lot of talent:yes I am glad the cake was the hit of the party. You all had a wonderful time, I assume?


Joanne - :clover getting all of your chores done before the game... hopefully you will have a little time to sneak in a nap, too:devil

I agree... that was an incredible game that neither team deserved to lose. that was the second extra long game for the Sox this week, the other night was 13 innings vs. Tampa Bay. That doesn't happen very often. I think they said the last time they had 2 long games in the same week was 2003. anyway, you are cute, saying you'll be a nice Yankee fan today, for me:hug ... I hope you enjoy the game:clap


Stacy - I am here with :xfin:xfin:xfin that you have good luck with your search today. Keep a positive spirit.... the right place is waiting for you guys, and you will find it!

congrats on getting all of that packing done, too. I am with Joanne... I don't know if I would have the energy to move, but we women do what we must:yes

I am sending extra :hug:hugyour way today.


Colleen - Sounds like you are going to be a whirlwind in that van today! I hope that all of your visits are wonderful and you bring home some great memories today:manyheart:hug

I hope your mom is feeling better, and that she heals quickly:xfin I am thinking of her today.


Vicki - I hope you have a safe trip home:yay How nice will it be to sleep in your own bed tonight? I am thrilled that your trip turned out so much better than you thought it would:clap:clap


Mary and Jennifer - Glad you are having a terrific weekend! :hug Enjoy your family times!!!:manyheart


ScoobyDoo, Where Are You:?!.... Jinkies...We are going to have to send out the Mystery Machine to find you pretty soon:devil...

You must be really busy! I am praying that all is well, and that you are having loads of fun with your IRL's:manyheart


Well, ladies, I need to go finish my :coffee, and enjoy a few more moments of :c9 before the troops start rising... MIL & BIL are coming over to share our vitamin D and pool today, and then watch the game.

I need to call my sister, and let her know that we won't be coming:( to the pig roast, and wish her a :birthday

Other than that, my house is picked up, dusted and vac'd. Only thing lleft is to wipe down my bathroom, and pick up a few groceries, then the rest of the day is mine to sit with my 2 best IRL's: :hook&:yarn! :lol:lol


I'll be back to check in later on...


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Good morning all!


LeaAnne- You are so talented! How do you keep all those fingers crossed and type at the same time?!:lol Just kidding. Wish your sister a very :birthday for me!


Beth- Your DD's cake is awesome! How was the party?


Colleen- OUCH! Your poor mom. I hope she's feeling better soon. Give her a get well :hug for me! Have fun with the out-of-towners!


Joanne- I'll have to check it out and see if I get the game today! That's very sweet of you to be so nice to LeaAnne. Good luck with your cleaning today!


Stacy- Have fun house hunting today! You'll know "your" house when you see it. Somehow things always get done, and we'll be with you through it all.


Vicki- I hope your trip back is better than the trip up! Did you say you start school on Monday???:eek


:hi Mary, Jennifer and Scooby- Miss you all!!


I better get going. DD is going to Grandma's today, so I have to get her packed up. I also need to tidy up so I can really clean when she leaves. Have a great day everyone! Happy Saturday!! :manyheart

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Well, friends, the 2 bathrooms are spic and span as well as the kitchen (the 3 main rooms that I feel need to be really clean!) Floors swept and mopped and Master BR dusted and vac'd. Now we are off to the George Street Co-op since they are having an outdoor market and sale today- The weather is beautiful- a little more humid than yesterday, but I need to go outside and get some good ole Vit D from the sun! (and anyway, the cleaning will be here when I return) Hoping to get the living room and family room cleaned b/4 the game, but if not...there's always tomorrow!!!!


Cya later--LeaAnne- wish your sister a happy birthday and enjoy the time outside by your pool with family- and enjoy the game! My DD sent me a cute email about the game last night- and how she felt like this was the other night when Evan Longoria did what Alex Rodriguez did last night. I can't wait to send you your square when it is done since I have a little surprise for you.....you did after all just have a birthday....enough said......

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Is anyone available to come over and light a :fire under my badorkas??? I need help getting motivated! Help!!

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I hope I'm not too late Shannon, but here's a swift kick :kick


Well, our day is going well. Went to the my mom & dad's this morning and took mom some flowers and my little angel to cheer her up. "Mom, I'm a little scared of grandma". And then a little later "Mom, grandma's not so scary any more". Mom is doing fine, thanks for your wishes, just a little worse for wear. She is very lucky that she didn't hit her head, break anything or lose any teeth!


Got home and the nephews and my MIL came over for lunch (surprise!). I whipped up some cheese biscuits, Kraft Dinner and apple slices and voila, lunch for 5! They stayed for a little play and now DD is trying to rest before we go visiting our friends this evening.


Beth - tell you DD her cake is beautiful! Her roses are beautiful and she did a great job with the basket weave around the outside :yes.


Joanne - Don't work too hard or you'll fall asleep during the game! Enjoy the game today.


LeaAnne - Enjoy the vitamin D, the pool, some :crocheting time and the game! Happy birthday to your sister! I hope she wasn't too disappointed that you didn't come to the pig roast, but you can't do everything.


Vicki - Happy and safe travels home!


Shannon - Enjoy your day alone with DD at grandma's house.


Stacy - Happy house hunting and packing! It will all get done, and whatever doesn't get done will be waiting for you in a hastily packed box when you get moved. :yes


Mary, I hope you are having a blast partying with DS.


Scooby, Jennifer :hi


Time for my nap! Have a great day everyone!

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I'm doing pretty good. I've done some picking up, dusting, and I just finished mopping 1/2 the kitchen floor. I'm about to go into the guest room and start sorting through all that junk! I don't know where to begin. Yuck!

Your mom got into it with some bikers, right?

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I'm trying, I'm just a little overwhelmed. Lots to do in a short amount of time.


Senior's Cycling club, eh? I may have to look into that. So was it a one-bike accident, or a hit-and-run, or what?

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