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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 1]

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Good morning Besties!


I am planning to do something I haven't done in a while...spend a day at home catching up on house stuff. I'm off to a good start, I cleaned out the fridge and took a bag down to the end of the driveway for garbage day (in my PJs :heehee). Otherwise I think I'll do some tidying in the bedrooms, some laundry, and maybe some baking :think. My Sister-in-law and family are coming to visit this weekend and I am hosting scrabble night next week, so I need this house ship-shape!


Have a great day everyone!

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Good morning, besties!


No, I am not home yet, but I wish I was! I finally got on to my SIL wireless internet and I had to come and see how much I missed since Friday's Chat! Seems I missed a lot! I will have to go back and read it all now that I got on so I can respond to everyone. I am going to need a lot of paper to keep it all straight!


Just wanted to say I miss you guys! I am almost finished with my last bestie square and I can mail them next week!





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Aww Joanne, what a sweet memory! :manyheart

One thing my MIL loves is going to the movies. Our theatres have gift sets, which include 2 or 4 tickets, and a couple of tubs of free popcorn (depending on which set you buy.) So last year for Christmas, we have her 3 sets of the 4-pack (they usually take our girls with them.) She was beyond thrilled. I told Jorge that we should do that for every holiday now- she'll be supplied with tickets for the rest of her life. LoL But it was really nice to hit upon something she loved.


Good luck cleaning, Colleen. We are here to :cheer you on- to quote some very wise person- this is a clean-along! :rofl


Today is usually laundry day, but that is only going to work if I go now. On the other hand, I could just do it here, which I really don't want to do. Anyway, I need to find some boxes also, and start packing up the un-used things. I've heard that you can sometimes get them from grocery stores for free- does anyone know if that is true? I'm thinking that this week I am going to focus on packing/moving stuff. Next week I will worry about packing for MI.

Today is also karate, which I completely forgot about until this morning. :blush I'd better tell dd to remind me later! LoL Oh, and I also need to run to the store for more besties' yarn.


Have a great day!


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Good morning!


Nice to see you again, Vicki!! Hope you're having a great time! How was the Mets game?


Stacy- My, don't you have a jam-packed day ahead of you! I've heard that you can get boxes at grocery stores too. Just make sure you know what was in them first. You don't want your things smelling like food.


Colleen- Good luck cleaning today. I've got matches if you need a fire lit under you. Oh, wait, I'm probably going to need those for my own butt! I guess I'll share with you though.


Joanne- Go Delta Force!! Have a great day! I hope it's better for you than yesterday. Don't work too hard!


I have clothes in the washer and dryer. I still need to empty and fill the dishwasher, and I'm going to start my de-cluttering today. Wish me luck. I may not be able to get myself out once I start.


DD is still watching her movies. I wish I had another video camera so I could film her talking about the movies. Last night she sang Happy Birthday to herself. And on one of the videos she wouldn't wake up, and she finally yelled to the TV, "Get up Janna!" It was too funny!


I hope everyone has a terrific day! I'll be back later!

Love you girls!

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Shannon - that is so cute, Janna enjoying her Janna movies. So cute! Thanks for the offer of the match, but I must have had a whole pack going. I am on a roll! I have done 2 loads of laundry (they still need to be folded), the aforementioned cleaning out of the fridge, emptied the dishwasher, scrubbed my kitchen sinks and spent about 1.5 hours working in the office :clap!!!! I went through my yarn stash bins and moved all my finished projects down to a bin in the basement, moved some of my stash to a free shelf in the closet, moved all my gifts to a gift bin in the basement (thanks for the idea, Mary!), went through my sewing bench and threw out some fabric (let's face it, I'm not going to use it :P). I pulled out a brand new sewing pattern and the crochet/knitting patterns and knitting needles I borrowed from my mom (let's face it, I'm not going to use those either :P). I dusted off and stored our diplomas. We've had them sitting out, but they just take up room. What is one to do with diplomas anyway :think. What else did I do, I tidied up the stuff on the top shelf in the office closet, dusted the office, and identified one chair, one sewing table and one portable stereo that need to be sold or moved out of this house! I also played 2 princess games and addressed my DD's entry to a princess colouring contest :).


I have to work later, so the rest of my day will consist of folding that laundry, meal prep, showering and getting dressed for work.


I just realized I have to finish that table runner for my Sister-in-law and she's coming this SUNDAY! :eek

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Vicki - nice to have you drop by!


Stacy - Many of our grocery stores here put the boxes out for you to use for your groceries. None of our stores will give us plastic bags unless we pay for them. It can't hurt to ask. Good luck with the packing and laundry!

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WTG Colleen!! Look at you go! I wish I had that kind of spunk today. I emptied the dishwasher, but haven't filled it yet. I'm about to fold some laundry. All of the sudden I'm feeling icky and feverish. I hope I'm not getting sick. Tomorrow is kid-switch day and I'm so excited! I can't get sick now.


BTW, Colleen, is that a round ripple that you made? It's beautiful!

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Shannon - I hope you feel better soon. Maybe you need a nap. :yes Take a tylenol and have a nap. That is my solution for the onset of all ailments. Yes, my avatar is a RR I made. Thanks, I like that one. I thought I'd change my avatar. I'm pleased with my spark too. I don't have days like this often, so I have to take advantage of it when I do.


Oh boy, the angels are just starting to bowl! Have a great afternooon!

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:hi, gang!


Colleen - Look at you go... my cleaning crazed bug must've flown all the way up there to Canada! :rofl... great job getting things done:clap

How much is left to do on that runner? Have fun at work!


Vicki - Way cool that you dropped by!!! We miss you, and I was sorry to read that you wished you were home:(... I hope the rest of the trip goes well:hug When are you coming home??


Shannon - :hug I hope you feel better!... I am with Colleen, take some tylenol, and a nap. You need to be better so you can go to the movies tomorrow night! :heehee at that Janna... she is as cute as a button! (and sounding like a true mini-hoot!)


Joanne - I hope today goes better for you... I am thinking of you today:hug


Hi, Beth, Scooby and Jennifer! :manyheart:hug:manyheart


This morning I have been to the laundromat and back, done dishes (twice), made breakfast and lunch, swept, vac'd and dusted, and wiped down the bathroom... My kitchen floor needs washing, but it is getting :hot here, so I am going to get some :crocheting done near a fan. We didn't bother to put our air conditioners in the windows this season, but for the next 2 days we may regret that decision... we'll see.

I got 2 squares for my revamped sunflower 'ghan done while at the laundromat, and have more to make. I have today and tomorrow to finish squares. That leaves Wednesday and Thursday for joining, and weaving in the ends and Friday for the bordering. I think it's doable, as long as I stay focused:blush:devil


Well, have a nice afternoon, all! I'll try to check back later on tonight...


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LeaAnne - Good luck with getting those squares done! You can do it! :cheer:cheer:cheer Stay cool and drink lots of water (I personally prefer lemonade ;)). I am probably about 1/3 done the runner. It is a quick-ish project, so I should be able to do it. I probably just need about 4 more hours.


DH is so thrilled to see how much I got done today. He said "Yay, I have my wife back!" I guess I was in a rut for a few weeks without knowing it :confused Whatever. :lol My kitchen counters are spotless now too!


We just had a Tornado Watch/Warning, but it has ended now. We're still in a severe thunderstorm watch, so it will be an interesting afternoon.

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:ty, Colleen... got my iced coffee with Mocha:P...


and backatcha with those :cheer:cheer:cheer I wish there was a running man smilie... for your runner!


:clapYay for happy DH's! I am glad you made his day, while you were making yours!:c9


You stay close to home, ok? That weather sounds kinda scary:scared

btw... :manyheart your avatar!



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Shannon - We go to the game tomorrow. It is supposed to rain so pray that the rain holds off and that we get to see it!

Leanne - We get home on Saturday in the afternoon. Hopfully it will be a smooth flight. It was bumpy coming up and I wasn't a happy camper.

The weather here has been good. Warm and little humidity. The weather said it was supposed to get more humid but I don't feel it. Nice breeze blowing through the house when all the windows are open.

Joanne, Stacy, Mary, Scooby, Beth, and Jennifer - Hope you are all having a great day!

We are going to my sister's house tonight for dinner, so I may not check in again until tomorrow. Have a great night all!


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Hello again!


Vicki- Keeping my :xfin that the rain stays away for you tomorrow! Have fun at your sister's tonight.


Colleen- :cheer for making DH happy. And isn't it nice when they notice? Good luck on the table runner.


LeaAnne- Good luck on your sister's birthday 'ghan. Don't forget to take a pic for us before you give it to her!


I'm still not feeling great. I'm hoping I'll get to go to bed early tonight. I'll try to come back later.

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Enjoy dinner at sis' tonight, Vicki! ... and the game tomorrow:clap


Shannon - :sad... I hope you feel better :hug

I will remember the pic, I promise :blush... I also need to write out what I've done, and share it somehow. Or maybe I'll start a designer binder, and try to do something REALLY cool! I have had a lot of :ideas rumbling around lately, and if I don't do it, someone else will, right?:D


Colleen - how's that runner coming? I hope you and DH are enjoying your nice clean home! :clap:c9


Hi, Joanne - how was work? Are you cookin' something that will require use of some certain Monkey potholders?!:devil


Hi, Beth - are you back on taxi service, or driving for pleasure?


Stacy - How did the housing search go today? Did you an dJorge get a good night's rest last night? :xfin


Hey, Mary - How was your day? What kind of fun adventures did you have? Is that fire under your butt still burning?:lol


Scooby - Are you still the town "cook"?! I sure do miss you and hope that all is well... it's just not the same around here without you, girl!:( Have you gotten your financials all straightened away?


Hey, Jenn... :hi:waving Where are you? I miss you too! :xfin that you have been feeling well:hug:hug


The boys are gone to football, and I am about to go back outside. MAN! I am :sweat:sweat in here! I only need to cook some spaghetti for supper. I made sauce yesterday.... I'll check back a little after 7-ish, and see how you all are doing. Break time's over, my :hook is calling!


Luv to all!:manyheart:hug

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Hey ladies!

House-hunting was ok, today. We only saw one house. The agent was very understandable about the situation but the owner was very blank-faced. So we will see. It was a bit smaller than the last one, but has a garage-turned-extra room that we could use as a playroom.


Leanne, good luck with your sister's 'ghan. Can't wait to see it! :clap You make your own sauce?! Please share, if possible. I am dying for a good pasta sauce recipe.


Vicki- glad you are enjoying your second vacation. Enjoy your dinner! Oh, btw, how did dd do on her orange belt test?


Beth- apparently everyone else knows that you have a new van but I missed the post about it. :think What color did you get?


Colleen, good luck with your runner. Can't wait to see some pics of that, too! :D


Shannon-ness- Hope you feel better! My dh would say take some Tylenol and warm 7-up. :yuck A nap sounds much better, if you are able to get one. :hug


Joanne, Mary, Scooby-doo, and Jennifer- :hi Hope you all are having a wonderful day. Scooby, where in the world are you? I hope everything is ok.


This morning we went to the laundromat, and dh surprised me by coming over and putting a new battery in my car! :yay It runs great now. :clap Came home, put the clothes away, and went to see the house. Came home again and made lunch, then worked on a square. Dummy me was thinking I have to make 12 for some reason. :think I know I only need 9 but was stressing because I thought I needed another 3. :shrug My mind is jelly right now. LoL I loaded some music onto my phone and now I am getting ready to go to the treadmill. I am very disappointed in myself that I haven't even tried to lose the "15" that dh and I bet on. :no Later on is karate, then home again. I'm thinking of taking the girls swimming, but we will see how karate goes first. LoL

I might just work on my squares tonight instead of checking back in. If I don't come back, have a great night!

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Easy Pasta Sauce


1 lg onion - chopped

4-6 cloves of garlic chopped

olive oil - about 1/8 cup

1 28oz. can crushed tomatoes

1 6 oz. can tomato paste

1 T white sugar

black pepper

basil crushed

dash salt

Meat of choice (pick no more than 2, and DO NOT precook) - these work well: chicken legs, thighs or drumsticks; OR pork chops; OR Italian sausage: sweet, hot or garlic and cheese; OR meatballs (I make my own, but you could use the store bought kind)


In large pot, heat olive oil over medium heat. Add onion, and saute until clear (do not let them carmelize). Add garlic and saute for another 30 seconds or so. Reduce heat to medium low. Add crushed tomatoes, paste, and 3 paste cans full of warm water. Stir. Add meat, and make sure it is covered.

Stir in Tablespoon of sugar. Sprinkle top heavily as follows:

cover 1/2 of the top with black pepper, and if using dried basil, cover other 1/2 with it. If you are using fresh basil, cover only 1/4. Sprinkle dash of salt. DO NOT STIR. Cover and reduce heat to low. Simmer for at least 1/2 hour before stirring, then stir occasionally, as sauce continues to cook 2 hours or so. The sauce is ready when the fat from the meat is settled on top.


You can also make this sauce in the oven at 300 degrees, or in a crockpot on low for 4 hours or longer.


Serve over your favorite pasta, and sprinkle with Romano Cheese...


Buon Apetito, friends!

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Hi all,

So good to hear from you Vicki and hope that your flight home is better than the flight there. Weather tomorrow is iffy- they are saying thunderstorms (those Angels bowling again- I guess they'll be heading back here after the tournament today in Ontario!) Hope you get to see the game!


Colleen- I noticed your Round Ripple Avatar right away- it is absolutely beautiful! And WTG on all that you got accomplished today- I am majorly impressed! And that was so nice of DH to notice!!! Hope you weren't too tired at work tonight after the full day of cleaning today!


LeaAnne- My DD said she didn't put her AC in either. Me, I have central air and it has been on the last few days- actually the last week or so- I hate the humidity! But the good thing is we haven't had to run it alot this summer- but I'm glad I have it. I'm sure you'll get the ghan done- you seem to always get things done.....at the last minute.....I remember when you were doing those bookmarkers for the school!


Beth- hope you are enjoying the new van. And that you are having a great day.


Shannon- Sorry to hear that you aren't feeling well- did you get to take a nap? Janna is too cute with her comments while watching herself- I was LOL! I love the ages of 3-5---kids are just so cute and lovable at that age!


Stacy- You had a busy day today too. And you still have karate and maybe a swim. Our grocery stores will give you boxes- but I would steer away from any that had fresh food- you don't want bugs moving with you Liquor stores will also give you free boxes. What about Sam's Club? They always have boxes. Good luck with the house hunt--I'm sure the perfect house will come along.


Mary- hope you had a great day- you were a real hoot last night!


Delta Force is very busy right now- I really don't mind- I'm working hard, but no stress of managing people so it is quite enjoyable. (Did I just say work is enjoyable??) Anyway, we have a deadline this week to get something done so we are all working an additional 1-2 hrs/day. I'm planning on going in early tomorrow (like around 6-6:30) so I won't be stopping by in the AM to say hi- but know that I'm thinking about all of you


I'm going to try and work on a square tonight and get a good night's sleep. Luckily DH has class tonight so I didn't have to cook- I just made myself a tunafish sandwich- yummy!


Have a good night everyone!!!!!

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Thanks, Leanne! Question, though- will it taste good without meat? And how will I know when it is done? I've recently gone vegetarian and the thought of fat floating to the top of my sauce makes me :yuck.


Joanne, glad to hear that Delta Force is enjoyable! Do you work in a hospital or are you still in the nursing home?


We don't have Sam's Club here (we have Costco and they will only give boxes to members :() but I've been checking Craigslist. Someone is giving away a bunch by Jorge's work, so he's hoping to pick them up tomorrow. :xfin

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Hi Stacy- I was just getting ready to log off and saw your post. No, I don't work in a hospital or in a nursing home anymore. I work for a managed care company now- M-F, no weekends or holidays for me! I know that is one thing DD doesn't like about working in the ER- she works every 3rd weekend and some of the holidays!


Have a good night-

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Yes, Stacy, it is equally yummy without any meat...

Also, to clarify, I get leaner cuts, or skinless in the case of chicken..


I hope you enjoy it! Oh! and if you aren't using meats the cooking time cuts to about 45 minutes. Just use a little extra olive oil, if you like it.

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:hi everyone!


Oooh, thank you for the recipe, LeaAnne. I printed it but changed the title to "LeaAnne's Easy Pasta Sauce" :). I've never tried one with meat other than ground beef or sausage, so I think I'll give it a try with chicken or pork chops Yummmmmm.


I got some time in on my runner before work and plan to go do a bit more on it now. I got home from work early, so I went for a walk. The angels have moved on from their bowling tournament around here and it is nice now.


Stacy - I hope the house hunting goes well and quickly. It would be nice to have it all sorted out soon. Good luck finding the boxes!


LeaAnne - I hope you are staying cool. I hope your squares are working up quickly. I definitely think you sould put together that designers binder. Let those ideas out of your head! I think that would be rewarding!


Vicki - Enjoy the game tomorrow and I hope you had a good visit at your sister's


Shannon - I hope you do get to bed early. It is important to stay healthy so you can crochet...errrr, I mean so you can be a good mommy :yes


Joanne - I hope your busy work week goes quickly and you get everything done by deadline. I'm so glad you are enjoying your work. I've been on both ends of hating and enjoying work and it makes such a difference!


:hi to Beth, Mary, Scooby and Jennifer! I hope you had a great day!

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:hi everybody!


I've been driving, mowing, chilling at the pool, driving, and crocheting, mostly.


Stacy, I think you're the one who asked, my van is silver. It's not brand new, but it's a lot closer than the 16-year-old van I was driving! Around here, you need to ask for boxes at the grocery stores right after they empty them, which is at night. Some times, if you ask before they stock shelves, they'll save them for you.


Colleen, I think it's wonderful that you walk so often. I wish I did more.


LeaAnne, thanks for the spaghetti sauce recipe. I will forward it to my oldest son, who LOVES Italian food!


Joanne, love hearing that work is enjoyable! What a great feeling!


I hope you all have a great evening!:hug

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Just stopping by to say hi before I head off to bed. I finished another bestie square!


Hope you all have a great "hump day" tomorrow! Remember your vitamins and I'll see what you've all been up to when I get home from work tomorrow,


Hugs to all

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I just wanted to stop in and thank everyone for the get well wishes. I am feeling better. I sometimes get mini-migraines before and/or after George's visits, and when I stay up too late a few nights in a row. So I think that was my main problem. I might be getting a cold, but I'm not worried about that.


I'm sorry I can't talk to each of you, but please know that I love you all and hope you have a great night. I'm going to bed now.

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