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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 1]

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Yeah, Joanne and Colleen!!


I have a story for you. I forgot all about it the other night at the chat. It's in reference to your owl joke. When I was in high school, the popular word at my mom's restaurant was "hoot". Everything was a hoot! Okay, so you know how when you're a senior, your parents can put a baby picture of you and a nice note in the yearbook. You know, "We love you. We're so proud of you. Good luck in college"-type stuff. Guess what my mom wrote.


.......You were a hoot then and you're a hoot now!


Good grief!! I can't believe I forgot about it until I told her your joke. She said, "Did you tell all your friends about your yearbook?"

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I'm the lucky recipient of the adorable sock monkey potholders!!!!!! I came home after an extra long day at work and what was waiting for me but an envelope from MissMaxx!!! OMG! I started screaming- I got the sock monkey potholders!!! I ripped open the package and there they were- they are soooooo cute- better in person than any picture! And, that wasn't all- inside there was a pattern for a baby round ripple and a beautiful crocheted bookmarker.


Miss Maxx- really outdid herself- She must have seen my siggy where I'm determined to make a round ripple and also that I am in the 2009 50 Book Challenge!!!!


Thank you just doesn't seem enough!!! This truly made my day!!!!

Here's a pic and I'll be back later after I grab something to eat and get to read through all your posts!


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Oh, goodness! Don't do that! If I can find it I'll try to take a pic so I can share my humiliation with the group. It's at my mom's though.

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nope... he's a "the third"...


DH's uncle came to see us at the hospital when he was born, and held his tiny hand and said "It's so nice to meet you, Three-Pete!" that was one of the nicest moments of my life... it always brings a little tear when I think about it.


I never got to meet my FIL (God rest his soul), so it was truly an honor to give my son his name



HEY, Joanne! :jumpyay:woo... what an AWESOME surprise you got from MissMaxx! :U You deserve it!

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WTG, Joanne! Is that a RAOK package? I don't really get that whole thing. (4 years with pregnant-brain and counting) I'm so glad it made your day. Sorry it was a tough day for you!

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Yep... he was very funny... the whole delivery ward heard him when he yelled "Yes! We got the boy! We're DONE!!!" While he did that arm pump like Tiger Woods does... :rolleyes He's pretty cute most of the time.:c9

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It was 6 years on July 20th.


Today is my and DD's month-a-birthday. She'll be 4 in two months and I'll be 31 in 4 months. Just thought I'd contribute a little more to my dork-ness. And yes, I wished her a Happy Month-a-Birthday!

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Hey, girl, I gotta run...


Making supper for the Petes... and need to have PJ's ready for sweaty need a shower boy! I suspect that it will be an early night for them tonight, so I'll try to pop back by later on....



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It was 6 years on July 20th.


Today is my and DD's month-a-birthday. She'll be 4 in two months and I'll be 31 in 4 months. Just thought I'd contribute a little more to my dork-ness. And yes, I wished her a Happy Month-a-Birthday!


that is so cute!!! We do birthday week... birthdays are celebrated for a whole week!


tell Janna Happy month a birthday from me!!!

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Oh, my word- what a chatty group we have here! Just read through all the posts since I signed off last night! Well, it looks like I'm the oldest gal in the group- YIKES!!! (I'm 53, will be 54 in Oct). And still not a grandma!


Shannon- glad that the Orkin guy came and that the AC is fixed. And in answer to your question about the potholders - Tampa Doll started this thing where she gives a Crocheteville Tote Bag to someone everymonth. missmaxx started the potholder of the month club. She had posted that she makes a potholder every month for one of her friends and then decided to do what TampaDoll does (You can see all her potholders in the 2009 Potholder of the month thread). I just love sock monkeys and can't believe I was actually the recipient!!!


LeaAnne- My cousin lives in Dover, NH- about an hour from Boston- I'll definitely keep you posted about when I'll be around Somerville! Glad you had a good time at the Cape and bummer that you had traffic there and back. I hate Traffic!!! (but I love the band Traffic- (they were popular when I was in HS back in the dark ages---lol)


Stacy- neat that you are moving in with a friend- that will help with the rent and also get you away from the manager who won't even give you a new AC. Hope that the earthquake didn't affect you- Praying here. You are taking on alot this month, but we are here for you!!!


Colleen- hope you enjoyed your holiday- and it was fun chatting last night-Sorry I missed the exciting part about how you and DH met and then you had to move away- he must be the one for you!!!


I met my DH when I was working in a nursing home and so was he (yes he's a nurse too) He was working PT and well, we just started talking and about 2 months later, he asked me out and then about 2 months after that he asked me to marry him. I was like, whoa- what's the rush? We ended up marrying about 1 1/2 years later. What really sold me on getting re-married was when my Dad told me that he really liked him and that he was really happy that I found a good guy. I was really close to my Dad and respected his opinion- so the rest as they say is history- we'll be married 8 years on 9/15 (we got married for days after 9/11- that part was rough- I felt like I shouldn't be celebrating when so many people were affected by the tragedy of 9/11. But our minister put in perspective and said that everyone needed a diversion from all the sadness)


Mary- You were sure chatting up a storm today- and congrats on the 2000th post! Wow, you are a young grandma! Lucky you- I figure it'll be a couple more years for me. DH has 3 grandchildren so I have step-grandchildren, but it's not the same. Youngest DD and SIL are hoping to start a family in another year or two. She is back in school -going for Nurse Practioner (she is a nurse too). She wants to be almost done before starting a family)


Scooby, Jennifer- hope you two are ok.....


Vicky-hope you are enjoying your vacation in NY


Sorry I missed you gals this AM- The alarm went off and I didn't even realize that I had turned it off until DH said to me at 6:00- boy you must be tired today- and I looked at the clock and jumped out of bed, saying didn't the alarm go off? He said, yes it did, but you turned it off---there was no way I could come online and be at work on time.


Delta Force is in full force!!! We all have to work extra this week to meet a deadline we have for Friday. Sure glad that I got some squares done this weekend!


Well, enough gabbing- I still didn't get anything to eat- actually I was too excited to eat after coming home to the sock monkeys and then needing to catch up on the goings on here.


Have a good night all- I'll try and check back in later!

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Oh, I forgot I do Birthday Months !- I just emailed DD on Saturday to wish her a Happy Birthday Month!!


Speaking of- LeaAnne can you add the birthday's to the first post? Do you remember what post they were in?

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Hi everyone!


OK, first of all, the funniest thing is that Shannon kept saying it was quiet around here today....ARE YOU CRAZY! You guys were chatting up a storm! :rofl I think you've got chatitus.


Birthday months and weeks...cool. Everyone used to think I was nuts for celebrating my 1/2 birthday. My DD's and my DH's birthdays are only 4 days apart, so we have a bit of a birthday week here. And a lot of cake!


LeaAnne - I love the three-pete story. So cute! I'm glad that you had fun at the beach, but it is always nice to be back at home. Good luck with your sister's 'ghan. How many squares do you have left? That's the sunflower 'ghan, right? I'll have to check out the pattern again to see what you are up against. You can do it! You are the lady that crocheted 2000 bookmarks in a day or something like that (I know I'm exagerating, but I want to give you credit where it is due :lol).


Joanne - Hooray for your potholders! I was aware of TampaDoll's bags, but never heard of the potholder giving. That is so great! What a fabulous surprise!


Shannon - I'm glad the Orkin guy and the A/C guy got there and did their jobs today. I hope that will do it for the fleas. It would definitely be nice to be rid of them before you get your new carpet.


Mary - I hope you had a good evening at work! WTG getting so much done today! :nworthy


Stacy - Good luck with the house hunting. It is always exciting looking for a new place to live. I hope you find something soon and just try to keep calm with the to do list and do a bit each day. It will all get done! We'll all be here :cheer for you. :yes


Beth must be out cruisin' in her new wheels :lol:hi Beth!


:hi Scooby, Jennifer & the once-again vacationing Vicki!


I had a good day. I did 2 loads of laundry today. DD and I went to the park this morning. I went all prepared for a full morning at the park. Lawn chair, cooler full of cold drinks and snacks, sand toys, my crochet. Anyway, she had a good play but no other kids showed up :( I feel bad for her being an only child sometimes and I was really hoping someone else would show up to play with her. We left a message for our friends, but they must have been out for the day. We had enough pails and shovels to share. :( This afternoon we went to visit my MIL and her friend. We had our leftovers for supper along with some fresh garden produce from the friend's garden. This evening we tidied up the gardens and I played frisbee and soccer with DD in the backyard. I got 2 squares finished today :yay.

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:hi everybody!!!


Wow! What a fantastic group!


LeaAnne, your dh robbed the cradle! I'm 45 this year, and I got married a month after you did. Love the three-Pete story. My dh has a twin sister. I didn't want to do the Jr. thing, but I named the other two, so I let Robert name the twin boy. He went with Jr. It fits perfectly! They look so much alike. And they are so close. It's just confusing when there's a phone call, now that Jr's friends have deep voices.


Colleen, You were a busy bee today!!! How nice to have all that accomplished! And you managed to get 2 squares done! That's :cheer AWESOME!!!


Joanne, it's so sweet that your dad approved of your dh. I love romantic "how we met" stories!!!:manyheart


I can't remember anything else anyone said! I think my brain is telling me to go to bed.


I will do my housecleaning report first: I cleaned the kitchen horizontal surfaces, washed dishes, did 4 loads of laundry, including folding and putting away, swept the dining room and kitchen, and finished square #5, and did the centers for the rest of them.


Have a good night, good friends!

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hey, Mary!


I am in and out, but I am here now...


How was work? I am going to need to find a job when the kids go back to school... I used to work full time until DS was born, then I stayed home. We couldn't afford the daycare:lol I waitressed for a couple of years, and loved the customers (I ended up getting a few regulars), but things went belly up at that place, so I have been home since April.


Colleen - I have 16 squares to go... I started over, after I redesigned the square... I started making them, and saw something else in my mind... :shrug... I used up most of my weekend time making it look like I wanted.

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How was work, Mary?


Beth - WTG getting 5 squares done and the centers for the rest. Oh ya, and 4 loads of laundry and a clean kitchen--not too shabby! Naming boys is different, I think. There is something special about having their dad's name, isn't there. Robert is a nice name too.


LeaAnne, my DH has Peter's in his family and I believe they are on the 4th! My MIL's father was a Peter, his oldest son, his son and his son...yep that's 4! The 4th is usually refered to as "Young Pete".

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