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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 1]

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:clap:cheer:clapJanna at speech!:clap:cheer:clap


good morning, everyone!


just got oldest DD out to softball practice. The coach lives around the corner, and picks her up for me.


the sleepover was NOT filled with sleep... a very muggy and restless night for both of us, so today i am :yawn:tired! I don't know why they are called sleepovers anyway, they really are "stay-up-overs" :heehee


Shannon - WTG on the left-ese conversion for the top!:cheer I am impressed! And glad you. dh, and Janna got to bowl lastnight!


Colleen - R.I.P. on the original square... I am sure you are gonna blow us away anyway... You sure must be a fast stitcher!;) I :rofl at you being thrown for a "loop", and "Good Grief"! I say that, too... I got it from my grandmother (God rest her soul). Charlie Brown was her FAVORITE! she even used to get the crappiest :ctree in the lot, because nobody else would want it :U ... those are great memories:manyheart


Vicki - WOWzers! The heat from the attic set off the smoke detector?! Now THAT's HOT! I will be happy to send you and Shannon some :rain... or even a bunch of clouds to cool things off... we can't seem to get rid of either one up here :rolleyes


:hi, Beth... Hope you are holding up ok... you sure are 1 busy lady! :hug and an extra :hug cause it sounds like you could use it today!


Joanne - I agree, it's not the same without seeing you here bright and early.... Hope you have a great day, and that all that new info is being received a bit easier today! It sounds mentally exhausting... :hug


:waving, Stacy - I am so excited to see that shell! and thanks for explaining the laundromat afghan... I have been :think about that one. I guess I should do one of those, too... since my washer crapped out, I am off to the laundromat, too. It sure would pass the time better, I'm thinkin':yes:wink


:hi, Mary! Hoping your family visit is going great! Miss you!:hug


:hi, Scoob! How's vacation going? Any updates? :xfin for the best for you! :hug



Yesterday was not good in the Q department... I got frustrated with a lot of things... I forgot about that part. Today is better so far, though... I have to keep tweeking my brain to adjust to this! It's really HARD:(

And I had so much :spin around me yesterday, I didn't get to come here at urge time, nor did I get to pick up my :hook.... DH kinda laid the "this isn't done... that needs to be done" guilt trip on, and I didn't feel like explaining my Q plan to him. (btw... he too is a smoker, which makes it a litlle more difficult)


Anyway, I guess I've whined enough for now... I don't want to bring anyone down...


I'll be back in a bit... gotta get breakfast for the 2 dk's that are here this morning, and check in with my MIL


:hug:manyheart:hugto all! and thanks for being here!:hug

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LeaAnne- Your grandmother sounds like a wonderful lady!! I think there's a little Charlie Brown in all of us. And secretly, since it came up, I've been thinking I want to grow and sell Christmas trees. DH doesn't even know, so sshhh. We have land, but it's close to 2 other tree farms. I'd have to have something they don't have. I just started really thinking about it, but it's a dream!

I am even more impressed that you are trying to quit now that I know your husband smokes too. YOU CAN DO IT!! WE'RE HERE FOR YOU!!:cheer And whine all you want, that's what we're here for. To "listen".


Apparently I don't speak "Leftese" good enough to be a translator!!:lol:lol

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OMG! a tree farm! that sounds wonderful! What kinds of trees do the neighbors have? Being from Maine, I sure can relate to tree farming!:lol

Oh... and I won't tell :wink.... your secret is safe with me :heehee


And, about the left-ese... I am here for ya! :rofl


Thanks for the :cheer... I am gonna need a bunch of them, I think. I REALLY want to do this.


So, yes, DH smokes, and MIL does, too... we are off to the Cape with her over the 4th, so it's going to be rediculous (sp?)... at least nobody smokes indoors, so that will help. Now, if only I could figure out how to mark off some territory for my :crocheting box, and bowl of mints....:scrachin

I need to do some BIG thinkin' to figure THIS one out!:blush:xfin This will be my first trip to the beach without being a smoker :yay

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Just keep sand on your hands. Nobody likes a sandy "butt"!!:lol


I don't know what kind of trees they have, I just saw them on the internet. I'll have to do some snooping. Haha, "snoop"ing, Charlie Brown! I didn't get it until I wrote it. That's kinda like my -ness story!:P

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you crack me up!


...and you are right... nobody DOES like a sandy butt! :rofl


Keep me posted on the :lurking of the farms... I love mysteries! Now, just to clarify, I wouldn't be able to help you grow the trees, though... my :tupis BLACK! :eek:lol:D:lol



Hey, girls... only 20 more posts till our CAL hits the 1,000 mark!!!:cheer:clap:cheer:clap

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Okay, I've given up following the pattern for the top. Can someone explain to me how I can stitch them together individually? Please :help!!

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A tree farm- how cool! :clap Good luck with your research- I think that woul be really neat! As for the top...the way I would do it is this- get a bunch of safety pins and pin the flowers to the yoke. Attach new yarn (under the arm or someplace not easily noticed) and do a sc around. when you get to a pin, slip stitch together the flower and the stitch where it is pinned. Then just sc until you get to the next one, etc...does that make sense?


Leanne- sandy butts definitely are not fun,:lol hope you can find something that will keep you occupied so you don't think about smoking. :manyheart We are here to :cheer:cheer:cheer you on!


Whew...I just spoke with my mom and my family already has a list of stuff they want to do when we are there, including a family picnic, a b'day party for my youngest at Chuck E. Cheese, and a lunch date with my female cousins. (They want to have a girls' date.) That part is going to be wierd...they are all much younger than me, one I haven't seen since she was 2, and another I never saw except for family gatherings. But my mom said they are all excited about this, so I will go along with it. That, on top of all of the other stuff we want to do ourselves. Plus, my aunt on my dad's side wants to get together one day...I hate having divorced parents- I wish we could all just get together at once and be done with it. LoL


Well I did laundry today and finished another fish. I also finished the shell and will take a pic of it when my white cami is dry (I tried to take a pic of it with nothing underneath but it just looks like a blob of stitches.) I think I am going to make spaghetti tonight, then it is off to karate. My 4 y/o is starting tonight- wish us luck! LoL She is very excited but has the attention span of a flea,:lol so I don't know how well this is going to go. :think



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Hi Besties---"Joanne must not have had time to post, so I'll say it. Remember to take your vitamins girls!! It's weird not hearing from her first thing in the morning. Hope you don't think too much at work, Joanne!!"


Thank you Shannon for reminding everyone to take their vitamins today- My day did not get off to a good start since I couldn't get on the internet to say good morning to my friends- The day just didn't seem right (or left). It warmed my heart to read the posts that you missed my early AM hello and vitamin reminder! Shannon- sorry about the frogging....but happy about your DD's speech!! And the tree farm --what a great idea--and it never hurts to have a dream! Good Grief- what would we do without our dreams?


LeaAnne- that must be so tough to quit especially since DH and MIL smoke too- and you are going to the Cape this weekend! How fun- I haven't been to the Cape in about 25 years- Where do you go? We used to go to Chatham and I've been to Provincetown and Martha's Vineyard. How are you feeling after the stay-up over? That's nice that you did that with DD- another memory made!


Stacy- love the idea of the laundromat afghan and I can't wait to see your shell! Maybe I should start taking my laundry to the laundromat so I can crochet there? Well, maybe not-ness. I kind of like having the washing machine right here. Hope that the 4 year old does well tonight at karate! I'm sure everyone in the family wants to see you when you are visiting- and glad you are going along with the plans.


Colleen- Sorry about your square, but I'm sure you will come up with something else. I still haven't figured out what I'm doing either and right now my brain is on overload from all the new knowledge getting crammed into it. But, it is really exciting being part of this special team- they have named us "Delta Force" (delta meaning change). I hope this lasts for a while- I don't know how I can ever go back to my "real" job... Your vacation sounds like it is gearing up which is exciting.


Vicki and Mary- Hi- and happy Tuesday. Beth- sorry about the internet problems- I know how frustrating that can be. What did we ever do without them?


Scooby- hoping vacation is still going well and that there are no more close calls like at the fireworks store!


Sorry that some of you are not getting rain- please, please, please take the rain from NJ!. It was sunny today, but started raining (torrentially) when I was driving home from work--and it's still raining, but not so heavily. Enough, enough, enough already-ness!!!!


Well, I did get some ironing done when I am home tonight- I've had a pile of clothes that needed to be ironed and finally got tired of looking at them so I ironed them all! Whew!!!


Off to grab something to eat- i'm starving --DH is out at a class he is taking this summer on project management and he won't be home till around 9---so I have the house to myself!




BTW- Joanne and imanurse are the same person- me!:lol

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Stacy- Thanks for your help!! Unfortunately, I don't understand. I guess I'll just wait on this one and start something else. I may try the robe and/or the tote. They're both really cute too.

Good luck to DD on her first night of karate!! I'm sure she'll do great. She's probably just preparing herself to kick her sister's butt!!;)


Joanne- There you are!! Good to "see" you!! Sounds like you have plenty of :crocheting time tonight!:hug


Everyone else- I'm sure I'll be back, but have a great night!!

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Hi there. Hope everyone had a great day!

I did not get done what I had planned to get done todayl. Hubby wanted me to put some music on his MP3 player before we go away. I had to install the software on my desktop since my laptop went down. The software wouln't go on because I didn't have the Windows update. It took FOREVER for the thing to download! I finally go the music on the computer, and then discovered that the music does not go in the player the same on the desktop as it does on the laptop. Learning curve! This from the man who said he didn't want a lot of music on his player. He handed me about 8 cds! He's going to drive me nuts.

Anyway, I will get to the cleaning tomorrow. DD is going to play at a friend's house and hubby will be at work. House to myself!n YAY!

Shannon - I love the idea of a tree farm. Keep the dream! They are what we live on!

Leanne - Hope you had a better Q day today. Keep it up! We are here for you!

Hope everyone else had a good day. I will check in the a.m.


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Oh my gosh-ness, the posts do add up when you are not around all day!


Joanne - Enjoy your quiet evening! I hope your new job lasts a while too. Go Delta Force :cheer By the way, we here in Ontario are doing our part at taking some rain. Tomorrow is Canada Day and rain will definitely put a damper on the festivities!


LeaAnne - The sleepover sounds sweet. Keep at it with the quitting and good luck with that over your holidays. As everyone has said, we are definitely here :cheer you on and you are doing awesome! Did you make any decisions about the purse edging? I'm thinking the white and navy would be very Cape-ish or should I say Cape-ness! :rofl


Stacy - Sounds like you will have a whirlwind of a weekend in lovely Bay City, MI! Good luck to your 4 yo at karate! I hope she likes it! I can't wait to see that Sea Shell....down by the Sea Shore.


Vicky - Enjoy your day with the house to yourself :c9


Beth - Here's hoping your internet problems are a thing of the past!


Scooby - I hope your vacation is fun! Can't wait to hear all about it when you get home!


Mary - I hope the craft show is going well! You'll have to tell us if you sold lots of boobie pillows :rofl Don't forget to get DD to show you how to post pics so we can enjoy your work :drool


Shannon - I'm going to try to help. Take your flowers. Use some yarn and your yarn needle to sew the flowers together to look like the pic. You should be able to just do one or two sturdy stitches on one stitch each of the petals that should be attached. That way they are joined without needing to join them while you are still crocheting them. Does that make sense???? I hope so :hug. The flowers are the yoke, so they are joined into a ring first that goes around the neck. The body of the top is attached to the flowers and worked down from there. I'll try to get you a tutorial pic using my top in a bit.


I had a busy day of running errands, doing groceries and going to work. I am wiped. I am expecting George to arrive tonight or tomorrow, so that makes me feel rather :grumpy and :tired.


As I mentioned, tomorrow is Canada Day so DD wanted to bake a Birthday Cake for Canada, so that is the plan. I am also going to cook a nice meal. Otherwise, we are going to relax at home. Stores will all be closed. :cheer I love a day when I can't do errands :lol. There will be fireworks at dusk, but the forecast doesn't look very promising. If the weather is alright and DD is able to stay up that late, we might go watch them from my MIL's front porch. She lives close to the park where they are being held.

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I'm posting pics here. I am not very good at explaining things, so maybe if I post pics here the others can explain better.


Okay, so there are 8 or so flowers that are supposed to joined as you go around to make the yoke. Shannon was having trouble with the joining because she's a lefty...and well this is the first time I've ever joined motifs, so it isn't the easiest thing to wrap your head around.


What I'm suggesting Shannon do is crochet all her flowers complete and then join them by sewing them together with a little stitch of yarn. I've put a pencil pointing at the place where you would join with a little stitch. I've also included a picture backed out a bit so you can see how the yoke looks complete.


Shannon, I hope this helps. I feel very badly that I can't help more! :hug





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Good Grief! How are we supposed to keep up with all the posts?:think I spent a very large part of the day at the pool with my boys and one of their friends. My dd stayed home -- how I love this child -- and did the dishes and the laundry, and cleaned the cat boxes, and made lemonade, and ... No, you cannot have her, she's MINE!!! I had to transport both boys to and from work, and I made dinner, and I scrubbed the kitchen floor from a lemonade mishap, but that's about all I did.


I sat in the shade with my feet up (except for a quick dip in the pool) and yakked at my friends, and :crocheting. I finished the sleeves on my dd's sweater, and attached them. I forgot to take the instructions, so I couldn't start the edging. Well, I needed something to do tomorrow, when I spend several hours at the pool again. This is the way I like summer!!!


Colleen, the top is gorgeous! I love that color, too. Nice work!


Vicki, repeat after me: "I love my husband, I love my husband, I love my husband." If putting his music on his MP3 player is the worst thing he asks you to do, you've got it made!!!


Joanne, missing the first post in the morning does make the day feel a bit off. I'm so glad you are enjoying your new job. I like the name "Delta Force."


Stacy, it's good to be loved! It sounds like your vacation is going to be so busy you won't have a chance to relax! How wonderful to reconnect with family, though. I hope you enjoy it very much.


I'll be getting up early tomorrow, so I should say good night to my besties. I will talk to you all tomorrow!:hug

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whoa! what a busy evening!


:hi, Joanne... so nice to see you, and glad that "Delta Force" is gonna be a great gig! :cheer also, WTG on getting the ironing done! ...and I'm with ya... enough with the :rain-ness already!! :hug

I love Chatham! It's so beautiful... and I have been to P-town, years ago with my mom and stepdad. My MIL's place is in South Yarmouth. Off of Route 28, down near the water... It's a very nice and relaxing place, for sure:c9


:drool... Colleen! Love that top! Your work is truly gorgeouss-ness! and I bet your DD is going to look SOOO cute in it! Now that I've seen it... I think your idea for the stripes would be "wicked awesome-ness!"


:waving Stacy - Hope DD enjoyed her first karate lesson:clap, and I would rest now, before your "vacation":devil... all of the reunion activities sound like so much fun! :hug I am so happy for you and your family!


Shannon - keep at it with that top... it's TOO cute to not finish! :yay:cheerYou can do it!... I wish I was more help, and am happy that Colleen is here for you!:clap:c9 Here is my advice to you, lefty to lefty: just take each piece, step by step, and you'll get it. I have followed a lot of patterns, which I am sure were written for right-handers, but just did what it said and it came out right. the only things to reverse are when the directions say a direction. for example, if it says join left to right, then you do right to left and vice versa. :clover and :xfin for you on this project! :yay


Beth - Shucks! I was gonna ask if I could have your daughter, too! :rofl Just kidding! I am so happy that she is so good... a nice reflection on Mama, I say :wink btw... it is always so cool to read your posts, and I am so :U:c9 that you are having such a nice summer! :hug You're having exactly the kind of summer that I usually have, and it :2rocks! :manyheart


:hi Vicki! That is really cool that your DH wants all of his music on an MP3! Especially if the music is different than what you might enjoy listening to:devil It stinks (there is a better word, but I don't want to get censored:lol) that you had to do it all over again on the desktop... those window updates will get you every time:irk... HOpe that your day to yourself is wonderful tomorrow! :hug


:waving Scooby and Mary!


My job for tomorrow is to find a couple of really great :crocheting projects to bring to the Cape with me:c9 ... oh, yeah, and get us all packed:blush


Have a great night, all... last night's lack of sleep is catching up with me quick!


Sweet Dreams :sleep:ghug

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:ty:ty:ty:ty:ty:ty:ty:ty:ty:ty Colleen!! Your top is so beautiful!! And I love the color!! Does DD like it?

I decided to try one more time, going by the pattern, and I think it worked out. You all need to tell me though. I guess I should've used a flower color, but I saw this and thought it would be so cute with DD's blue eyes and pink glasses.


:ty everyone for all your support and help with this. I still have a long way to go, but I'm feeling much more confident about it now. And it's all because of my Besties!!


Hey look!! We're at page 100!! Yay us!!! And it's my 200th post!! There's a lot to celebrate!!


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Good morning Besties!

Shannon- I love the color that you chose to use! And you flowers look fantabulous-ness! Stick with it- between Colleen's guidance and LeaAnne's lefty-ness help I'm sure you can do this! BTW, Colleen- love the color of yours too- you do beautiful work!


Beth- Your summer sounds like the kind I used to have when the DD's were younger and we used to hang at the swim club every day. Enjoy it!!


LeaAnne- I see that your Boston Red Sox took a whooping last night- glad that the Yankees aren't the only team that occasionally implodes! Enjoy your weekend on the Cape and I hope that the sun shines for you! Again, it is drizzling in NJ- ok, June is over and it is July 1- how about some sun for the summer! I'm seriously wondering if it is worth opening the pool at all.


Stacy- Gotta love that you are having some alone time this morning- enjoy it! And much success with the downloading of the music for DH.


Colleen- hope that George makes a quick visit this month. Happy Canada Day! May the fireworks go off tonight! That's neat that you can watch them from MIL's house! Sweet that DD wants to make a birthday cake- have fun relaxing today and enjoying the festivities!


Vicki- Have a great day today, along with Scooby and Mary.


Did I forget anyone? Hope not! (hi to Darski who still may be lurking about)


Remember, girls, take your vitamins!


I am going to get the badorkus in gear and hop in the shower and get off to work. I have to start moving my things to my new area. Delta Force Team is all going to be sitting together in one area. It's so nice to be excited about going to work again---hope this feeling lasts a while. Of course, that is not to say that I don't enjoy days off too- which will be this Friday for the 4th of July holiday!!!


Does anyone other than LeaAnne have special plans to celebrate the good ole USA's independence this weekend? We are going to DD and SIL's house for a bar-b-que on Saturday. Please, no rain-ness!


Have a great day all and cya later!


This is post 991 in our CAL- only 9 more to go to hit 1,000!!!

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Oh Shannon, that color is so beautiful! It will look so nice on Janna! And yes, it looks PERFECT! Way to go! :clap:clap:clap:clap


LeaAnne - Have fun picking out :crocheting projects for the Cape. Sounds like fun!


Joanne - Enjoy your day at work.


Stacy - How did your 4 yo do at Karate?


Beth - Enjoy your time around the pool. Sounds very relaxing. I think your marvelous DD has earned her new sweater!


Vicky - Have a nice quiet morning!


Mary - Happy Canada Day!


Scooby and Everyone else - :hi! Have a Great Day Everyone!

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Happy Canada Day to Colleen, Mary and Darski! :yay I hope you all have a wonderful holiday!


Joanne - :lol:D:lol I know what you mean about the Sox! I haven't been paying as much attention to them yet, as we have had plenty of ball being played right here! Tonight we have the minor softball All-Star game (go KRISSY!) It's Bulls/Storm vs. the Grasshoppers/Bats. My oldest DD has a major softball All-Star game against another town on Sunday night, so DH will drive her back from the Cape for the game...

I hope you have a day filled with Delta-ness! Have a fun day at work!


Shannon - :faint:drool Great jobbage on that top! That is the perfect color for blue eyes and pink glasses. I bet Janna :hyper can't wait to wear it! Keep going... it looks exactly right! :cheer:clap And Congrats on your 200th post! Thats so exciting:cheer:clap


Vicki - Hope your quiet time today is perfect! You sure have earned it! Good luck with the MP3 player for DH, too! Just think, once it's done, you will get even more quietness, while DH has fun releasing those Endorphins!


Stacy - How are you doing this morning? How is 4y/o DD today? And your other girls? I thought of you all yesterday when my youngest DD and DS decided to pull out all of my blankets and turn my dining room into a fort... :shrug what else would you do in the :rain?! Anyway, they had a lot of fun and "camped" in there last night...


Beth - enjoy the pool and :crocheting time today! I must admit I might be a bit jealous:blush:devil


:hi, Scooby - Hope your getting lots of vitamin D still!


Speaking of which, did you all take your vitamins?


I'll be back in a bit... Who will be the 1000th post? I am dying to find out:devil



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Shannon - the flowers are beuatiful! I think they will look great on the top. Good luck getting it done and great that Colleen is here to help you!


Leanne - Hello and good morning to you! Hope you are not getting too wet with the rain. You can send it here whenever you want!


Joanne - Have you found a smaller place yet? Have you been looking again? Good luck with it!


Beth - I guess if adding music to his MP3 is the worst he asks, I can live with it. But I have to laugh because he insisted when he got it that he didn't want much on there, and then he comes down with all these cds.


Good morning to Colleen, Mary, Stacey, and Scooby. Have a great day all!


I am going to clean a little this morning. I worked on my paper last night and I did some research this morning. I will check back in with you all later! Have a great day!



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This has to be quick. DD's got a check-up with the neurologist today.


Colleen and Mary- Happy Canada Day!! Have a nice holiday!


LeaAnne- So cute that the kids camped in their fort!!


Stacy- I can't wait to see your top!! How DD do at her first karate lesson?


Beth- I know I can't have your daughter, but would you consider renting her out???:lol I need help around here.


Joanne- Go Delta Force!! Have a great day at work!


Vicki- I agree with LeaAnne! More songs means less talking!!;)


Scooby- Have a blast with those fireworks!!


Thank you for all the kind words and help regarding my top. I'm getting excited about it again. Now if I can only get it done by the 17th for the beach!!


Have a wonderful day everyone!! What does the 1,000th poster win???

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Shannon - I hope Janna has good luck at the neurologist.:xfin I am keeping her in my thoughts today. :hug


Vicki- WTG on getting some work done on your paper, and getting some cleaning done! :lol I almost forgot this is a cleaning CAL! :rofl

I keep trying to send you the rain, but it just Won't leave!


I forgot to update you all on my purse... I have decided to not use the purple... I have some off-white, and some white. They are both baby yarns, and not size 3 thread that the pattern calls for, but I think it will turn out fine anyway. Both yarns have a shimmery strand running through them.. I think they are Bernat:think They don't have their wrapper anymore. I think I'll try a flower with each, and then decide. I'll let you all know what I ended up picking.:manyheart


I was thinking about the 1,000th post and having a prize, too... :scrachin


Hey, I need to start a little poll: what kind of :ipod do you own?

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Colleen- what a beautiful top! And Shannon, great job on figuring it out! When I first glanced at the directions, I thought that the yoke and body were made in two pieces, then joined together. :think I started working on it this morning, though, and now I see that the body is worked directly from the flowers. :idea I am SO, SO sorry for the confusion. :blush It looks like you have an awesome start, though, and I'm sure you can finish it! :cheer


To our resident Canadians- Happy Canada Day! Hope the rain holds out so you can have your fireworks.


Vicki- sorry to hear you had such a problem with the MP3's. Lots of music does = less talking, though, so I hope you got all of those CD's put on! :lol Good luck with your cleaning.


Leanne- How cute that the kids decided to make a fort! Good luck Krissy! Go Bulls! :cheer


Beth- How sweet of your daughter to help out! I'm with Shannon- would you consider renting her out? Maybe long enough just to teach my kids how to clean? :yes


Joanne- thanks for the vitamin reminder. Go Delta Force! (Which, btw, sounds very secretive. LoL)


Let's see...last night was a fiasco. LoL My sweet dd just has an energy that cannot be contained- not even by a Sensei. They were supposed to be in an attention stance, and she was dancing and wiggling all over. :shrug Her personality would mesh much better with dance or soccer- something with lots of movement. She did have plenty of fun, but I don't want her to be a distraction to the class. :blush My 6 y/o, however, did incredibly well at her first orange belt class. I am so proud of her- there are purple belts in there also (which is the color above) and they did some pretty advanced moves. She completely held her own. :clap The Sensei even gave her another :h5. She is my quiet one and is overshadowed by Mia's temperment sometimes so it is nice for her to have something to excel at. :manyheart

I told dh about the activities for our trip and he kind of rolled his eyes. I promised that we would do everything he had asked about, though. He told me to start making my itinerary because he doesn't want to be guessing each day what we will do. I could feel the conversation taking a downward spiral so I just agreed. LoL


Ok, well I am off to make breakfast for the littles. We are supposed to have dh's aunt and family over for dinner tonight but there was an incident with his cousin last night (the one who was stabbed) and now I don't know what the plan is. I need to get this place cleaned up, though, just in case.

Catch ya later!! :hug

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Oh, Shannon, I forgot to say good luck with the neurologist! (Thanks to Leanne for saying it first.)


As for :ipod, dh and I both have chafas Ipod Touches (that is, er, a "replica") that we bought on Ebay last Christmas. He is going to get me a real Ipod touch for my birthday though because one of my kids ruined mine.

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Oh dear, I think I might be the 1000th post. I wasn't trying to be :eek. But :clap for us!


Stacy - It sounds like your 4 yo and my 4 yo are peas in a pod. Mine can't sit still and is always dancing around. And her mouth is always moving too, singing and talking and chattering.


LeaAnne - Your purse sounds great! Yarn sounds like Bernat Baby Soft, which comes in a white with a pearly strand to it. So pretty! I hope we get to see pics :D


:hi to Everyone Else and I hope you are having a Wonderful Wednesday! I am just starting to cook my Canada Day chicken. It is a recipe called Florida Chicken :rofl Kinda funny for Canada Day, but we'll see how it goes!


So far the rain has held off, which is good for all the afternoon picnics and the petting zoo and stuff they have at the park. Forecast for this evening is looking ify, so we'll see.


Gotta go baste the chicken. Catch you later!


Oh ya, and I don't have an ipod. DH just got a little MP3 player that was on sale for $9.99 so I don't think it has a brand or model or anything :rofl

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