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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 1]

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Hello to all my friends!!


So good to hear from you Scooby!! What a crazy day at the fireworks store! I'm glad you and DS are okay. That guy was either drunk or a nutcase!! So scary! Maybe Sweetheart has been busy with work. What did you think of him? When do you go home?


Colleen- The "lucky shoes" and "clubbing clothes" stories cracked me up!! Sounds like you married a "wild and crazy guy"!!:lol Have a great Monday!!


Joanne- Thanks for the vitamin reminder! Hope you have a good day at work!


Stacy- Hope you feel better! I'm not feeling great either, but it's my throat and nose. Yuck!! BTW, why did you get asterisked?! I can't figure this one out.


LeaAnne- Have a wonderful, breathe-well day!! Have you noticed a difference yet? I think the coughing might be a part of the quitting. Oh, and I vote for off-white also. But everyone's right, it depends on what you're using it for.


Phone just rang and I don't want to lose the message. I'll write again later!

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Shannon- I put f. r. i. g. g. i. n. (I don't know if that's going to work, either. LoL)

Hope your nose and throat are feeling better soon. I love chamomile tea for stuff like that. :hug

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Stacy- That is too funny! You are such a little potty-mouth!:lol


I need help with the flower yoke top from Crochet Today. I'm getting confused with the joining because I'm left-handed. LeaAnne, was it you who said you're a lefty? Any suggestions anyone? I really want to make this for DD and I'd like to have it done before we go to Florida. But my head starts hurting when I try to figure it out. I'm not one for thinking too hard. I'm so upset, it was looking pretty good.


Miss you Mary!! Hope you're having a blast with your DKs and your pillows!!


Vicki and Beth- Happy Monday!! have a great day!

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top of the :rainy mornin', all :sigh-


Whoa, Scooby! that must have been so scary at the fireworks store! What a Whack-job! I am glad that you and DS are safe.... I agree with the girls... I think maybe he reallydoes work that much... You'll cross paths again, I bet :wink I am so glad that you are having a wonderful vacation with lots of vitamin D:clap :hug


Stacy - hope you're feeling better soon... and that you get to Michaels' for a little craft therapy! :xfin for swimming over the park, too! :hug


Shannon - so glad you and DD had an AWESOME GNO! :cheer Yep, I am the lefty... but I don't have the mag/pattern, but I can see the pic online... if you PM me the part of the instructions that you are having trouble with, I will be glad to help!:hug


Joanne - hope you have a grandtastic day at work today! :hug


Colleen- hope you are having a great morning, and :clover at work! :hug


:hi, Vicki, Beth, Mary, and any :lurkers out there....:ghug

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LeaAnne- I honestly don't know how to put my confusion into words, especially if you don't have the mag. I'll just keep doing what I've been doing, and hopefully it will work out. Thanks for offering to help.

Did you decide on the color for your purse?


Stacy- Did you ever tell us what color you're doing the Sea Shell? I'd love to see it when you're done!


I'm so excited!! I think we might actually get some rain today. My poor yard is brown, and I keep having to add water to the pool. We really need it, and I love rainy days!! Thanks for sending me some from the NE!!

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Stacy - I hope you feel better soon! I have not been Frankenmouth and it is on my list of places I'd like to go. I have been to Birch Run, which is an outlet mall just south of Frankenmouth that a lot of Ontarians like to go to for cross-border shopping (we shop in the US for different things, better selection and good deals...depending on the exchange sometimes we get an even better deal). I was just talking to a patient at work who is going on a bus trip to Frankenmouth just before Christmas. It sounds like she got a totally good deal and I think that would be fun! It is about a 4 hour drive from here.


Shannon - I'm trying to picture how it would be different joining as a lefty. All I did for the join was slip stitch with the hook from the top down in the indicated petal. You should be able to do that as a lefty. Where I worked around the neck clockwise, you might go counter clockwise? :think I really hope you can get some help. Ultimately, it doesn't matter how you join them so long as you join them in a ring with the right # of flowers. You know, why not make all the flowers individually and then just sew them together with a little stitch where indicated :idea ????


LeaAnne - It is raining here today too. Actually, it's thunderstorming right now! I love thunderstorms. I'll let you and Joanne send the rain down to Shannon's brown lawn and empty pool, though, because we haven't had as much as you and we can use a little bit.


Today has been a productive day. I paid some bills, sifted through some mail, and exchanged all the preschool papers/schedules in the "school" binder for the new school information. I scrubbed the grime off the seal of my dishwasher - yuck, I didn't realize that was there. I thought I had a brainwave on how to fix my square, but it didn't work. :( I think I found a pattern for my sister and BIL's 'ghan. Remember I said I wanted something more graphic than traditional? What do you think of this I would exchange the blue/green variegated for a purple variegated, the bright blue for bright purple and the white for a light grey. :shrug What do you think? Too girly? I could leave the flowers out?? It is worked in strips instead of squares, which I kind of like. Less sewing :hook.


I hope everyone is having a happy day!

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Thanks Colleen! If I go couter-clockwise, won't that put what should be the outside stitches on the inside of the ring of flowers? Like for the sl st, sc, 4 dc, then join--should I dc in the 2nd stitch since mine's backward? Good grief, there goes my head again. It hurts to think!!


I don't know if I'm saying it right. Ugh!! You'd think after 30 years of being a lefty I'd know how to convert things!!


BTW, I love the 'ghan you picked out...and I think it will be prettier in your colors!!

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Shannon, just sew the flowers together and don't worry about the join. One little stitch together in the right places (go by the vague picture of the flowers in a ring and wing it). Sew through the back loops only and you won't even be able to see the stitches.


I was just working on my top and I got an amazing thought! I am using Patons Astra, which is one of my favorites and comes in a rainbow of colours. Anyway, I think I have some scraps of different colours - yellow and pink for sure, plus I'll probably have some of the lilac I'm using leftover. So picture this, I do the flowers in different colours and then do the bodice in one of those colours or in stripes. That would be cute, don't you think? I know, I know, I need to finish the project I started first :lol


By the way, your thinking my DH is "wild and crazy" is very amusing. He and the friend might like to think those were "wild and crazy" clubbing days, but the truth is they were 25 and went home to their momma's houses afterward and probably found a good meal waiting for them on a plate in the oven. :rofl

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I have only been away since yesterday morning and I have already missed so much! I will have to go back and read everything, but I don't have that much time at the moment. My lap top went down and I am upstairs on the desk top. I need to get back down stairs and watch the dogs, who are outside!

I had to tell you all this story though. Yesterday the AC in the house was slowing down, so I told my hubby. He said he had to change the filters up in the attic. He opens the attic and goes up. Within 5 minutes the fire alarm in the house starts going off. The heat from the attic was setting the fire alarm off! The security company kept calling asking if everything was alright. They finally showed me how to shut the alarm off and he finished as quick as he could so it didn't happen again!

Talk to you all later! Have a great rest of the day!


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By the way, your thinking my DH is "wild and crazy" is very amusing. He and the friend might like to think those were "wild and crazy" clubbing days, but the truth is they were 25 and went home to their momma's houses afterward and probably found a good meal waiting for them on a plate in the oven.


That is too funny! :rofl

Colleen- I used to work at the outlets in Birch Run! :lol I was a manager at the Bugle Boy store until it went out of business. I am laughing because you say a lot Ontarians go there for the shopping- when I was in high school, we used to cross into Canada on the weekends to go shopping. :yes


Shannon- good luck with your top. I would imagine you would just join the flowers opposite of how the instructions are, but then I haven't looked at the instructions yet. :lolMaybe you could join the flowers in a ring then so a slip stitch or sc around to join the flowers and yoke? No one would know it's not how it is "supposed" to look.


Vicki- too funny about the smoke alarm! Glad the security company could help. My fire alarm always goes off while I am roasting chiles in the oven. :think


For the Sea Shell I am using Naturally Caron Spa in Ocean Spray. I have about half of it done and finally got to Joann's today for more yarn. It was on sale at Michael's but Polyfil is much cheaper at Joann's so I just went there. Now to figure out what to wear it with- I've already mentioned that I have no clothing coordination skills. :blush It looks really pretty in the photo, with all white but I don't want to buy a new outfit just to wear it. :think

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Hi all-

Sounds like you did have a fun day while I was at work!:yes


Shannon- good luck with the pattern- I'm sure with the help of Colleen and LeaAnne you'll get it- Also, I agree with stacy- just do it how you think- no one will know the difference or how it was "supposed" to look ;)


Well, the weather has gotten hot here- (and we didn't have rain)- guess it did make it's way up to Ontario!


I didn't do any cleaning tonight after work- except for the mail! Oh, and the dinner dishes. I am tired- work was fun, but I am learning alot and my brain is on overload! I think all I will do tonight is read some more of "Dead Men Don't Crochet"- no thinking involved!:think


Cant wait to hear from Mary and how the craft show went and how her time with DK's is going!


LeaAnne- hope the re-quit is going well-:cheer and that you had a nice day despite the rain still hanging around MA!


Oh, Stacy- can't believe you got censored! How funny!- :lol


Beth --hope you had a good day:yes


Vicki- was it you who posted about the attic setting off the smoke alarms- I was laughing when I read that- Amazing that it was that hot that the smoke alarms went off. If it wasn't you, sorry- but I'm afraid Ill lose my message if I go back to see who said it!


Have a good night everyone. Maybe tomorrow, I'll actually write down what everyone says- but you are all so chatty during the day and I have soooo much to catch up on when I get home from work and I sit down with my laptop in my comfy chair and put my legs up on the ottomon and I am too lazy to get up off my badorkus to get pen/paper.....


CYA later or in the AM::manyheart:hug

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when I was in high school, we used to cross into Canada on the weekends to go shopping. :yes


It just depends on what the exchange is, I guess. :) My MIL is obsessed with cross-border shopping. She goes to the Buffalo area, rather than MI. She has a new "gentleman friend" who lives 20 minutes from the border so she's on :c9. :lol

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No one would know it's not how it is "supposed" to look.


I totally agree!


Vicky - That is so funny about the fire alarm. My gosh, it must have been HOT in that attic!


Joanne - Enjoy Dead Men Don't Crochet tonight.


Stacy - Oh, the Ocean Spray is a nice color. Very pretty! You could wear it with black, chocolate brown, jeans, other pastels (yellow maybe?). It would go with beige too. Is Spa a ww yarn? We don't have it at the stores around here. Can't wait to see your Sea Shell!

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It just depends on what the exchange is, I guess. :) My MIL is obsessed with cross-border shopping. She goes to the Buffalo area, rather than MI. She has a new "gentleman friend" who lives 20 minutes from the border so she's on :c9. :lol

Also, there is a different selection of goods between the two countries, so that might be some of the attraction. :D I'm sure having a "gentleman friend" to visit doesn't hurt, either. :lol

Thanks for the clothing suggestions. I was thinking a black with dark jeans. I'm not one to wear a single color (all black, or all white, etc.) The label says it is a 3 but it is thinner than the baby yarn I have. I think I am going to work on it right now. I can't wait to finish! :clap

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Stacy - I just read your signature and I have to ask. What is a laundromat afghan? Is that a 'ghan you work on at the laundrymat? :think


Definitely different goods between the 2 countries. I am already starting a list for my trip to Ohio :lol. There are yarns you Americans talk about that I've never seen (anything Caron to begin with). I would love to try Simply Soft and I've never seen the Caron Naturals either. The big thing is the different stores. We don't have Target, for example. I'm so excited for my trip :clap. My aunt e-mailed out the meal planning, the menu and the food sign ups for the big pot-luck dinners, I confirmed my day off work, I checked on the dates on our hotel reservation. So exciting!

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Evening, Besties!


I only have a sec... DD "Krissy" is waiting for me... we're having a "sleepover" in her room tonight, as her sister is at a friend's house!


She (Krissy) wanted to say thank you for cheering for her team last week... she :lol a lot when I showed her your posts!


anyhoo... I'll catch up with you all in the morning!


Nitey-Nite, everyone! Missed you all today... :ghug

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Hey there!!


LeaAnne- Have fun at the sleepover! Why wasn't I invited?!:P How's the quitting going?


Stacy- I was wondering about the laundromat afghan, too. Your top sounds beautiful!


Colleen- I wish my momma would've left me something good to eat when I got home from my "wild and crazy" nights!!:lol


Joanne- Hope your brain gets a good rest tonight!!


Beth- Have you been in the car all day?!


Vicki- I can so believe the smoke alarm story. We got about 5 minutes of rain today. Just a tease.


Mary and Scooby- Hey Besties!!


I sat down today and translated the flower pattern to "Leftese". I'm hoping it will work out the way I'm thinking it will. DH came home at about 8:15. We all "played bowling" in the hallway and had a good time. DD was very excited to see him!! And she did great at speech today. Her therapist hadn't seen her in about a month, and she couldn't believe how much better she's doing!! Yay Janna!!


I think I'll go work on the top again. Wish me luck, I sure do need it!!!

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Good luck Shannon :hug You can do it! I keep thinking if we lived nearby I could help you, but I'm afraid that whole lefty thing would just throw me for a "loop" (get it?...that is so your kind of pun, so I think you'll get it) :lol The bowling sounds fun and WTG Janna on her speech improvement!


Well ladies, I am afraid I have to lay my first idea for my besties square to rest :(. R.I.P. square. (Oh good grief, I just subconsciously crossed myself :rofl) I figure in the amount of time I've spent trying to "reinvent the square" I could have finished at least 4 squares. :bang Wish me luck in finding a new square idea!


LeaAnne - Enjoy your sleepover :manyheart


I'm off to beddy-byes too!


Sweet dreams all my besties.

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Colleen- I DO get your pun--good one!!:lol Sorry to hear about your square.:( Are you going to put it in a shoe box and bury it in the backyard? BTW, my mom was just telling me the other day that I crack her up every time I say "Good grief"! Do you say it a lot? I picked it up a few months back, when Janna started repeating everything we said. My previous saying was "Oh crap", and I didn't want her to start saying that. Good grief is much more "kid-friendly".;)

Starting over on my flowers actually helped me. I've been working in rounds all wrong!! All of the sudden, I had a "EUREKA" moment (I love those), and my new flowers look much better.


Sweet dreams!!:night:ghug:manyheart

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Hey ladies!

Yes, my "laundromat afghan" is something I only work on while at the laundromat. ;) Since I can't follow a pattern and watch my kiddles at the same time, I work on mindless squares every Tuesday at the laundromat. LoL That way I have something to work on but can still pay attention to the littles. It is coming along quite nicely but I need one more skein of brown ILTY and unfortunately we don't have a Hobby Lobby here (I received the first one in a swap.) I have to wait about 2 weeks before I can order it from the HL website. After that is finished I don't know what I will work on. :think

I finished assembling my shell tonight, all that is left is the edging, which will have to wait until the morning. I am :tired.


Colleen- sorry to hear about your squares! I loved your "reinvent the square" bit. :lol Good luck finding a new idea. Have you tried CPC? I'm sure there is a square tutorial around there somewhere.


Shannon- hallway bowling sounds fun! So glad dd got to see your dh tonight. :h5 to Janna for doing great at speech therapy! Good luck with your top! Can't wait to see how it turns out. My 4 y/o asked me today if I would make something for her now that I am done with mine. I have some Paton Grace in pink so I think I will use that.


Well, besties, I am off to bed. Sweet dreams!





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Good morning!


Shannon - Good grief is handy substitution. My speech is generally polite and always edited at home to be kid-friendly. On-line I write nicely so as not to offend others. I'm glad you had a Eureka moment! Good luck with the top! No, I am not going to put my square in a shoe box...I'm going to frog it :lol


Stacy - Do not worry, I will find a new square! I had chosen a lovely filet square that was written as 12" x 13" and I was trying to make it 12 x 12. I was having trouble getting the sides even and due to dropping some stitches to take off some width it was all wonky. Too bad, but I'll find something just as nice :)


Have a great day besties!

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Hi everyone,


My internet connection has been a bit off lately, and it's hard to post. I haven't been up to anything fun. There was another swim meet yesterday. We lost, but it was close.


Hope you have a good day.

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Good morning all. I finally got myself back on to see all my besties! I just went and bought a new little 'puter!

No more fire alarm incidents here. The attic is still hot, but we haven't needed to go up there.

I do need to get up off my badorkus and get some stuff done around here. I need to mop the hallway and clean the bathroom. There are some towels that need to be folded too.

There was no rain here yesterday. We need it very badly. At least Shannon got some. If you see some, send it down here please!

Scooby - Glad to see you back! Enjoy the rest of your trip!

Stacy - Good to hear that you booked your trip! Have fun and enjoy it. We are going to Knotts Berry Farm when we go to Disney in July!

Leanne - How was the sleepover?

Good morning to Beth, Mary, Joanne, and Imanurse.

Have a great day all. Talk to you later!


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Good morning Besties!!


Joanne must not have had time to post, so I'll say it. Remember to take your vitamins girls!! It's weird not hearing from her first thing in the morning. Hope you don't think too much at work, Joanne!!


Colleen- I personally love sounding Charlie Brown-ness! It's just a great saying altogether!


I stayed up late working on my flowers, and messed up and had to frog about 3 times. I ended up blaming my mistakes on the fact that I was tired and gave up! Hopefully I'll have time to work on it today. I have no idea how to stitch them individually, but I may have to learn if I keep messing up!!


Have a good day!!

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