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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 1]

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hi, all...


I'm baaack! to say a proper hello... :hi!


Beth - Congrats to DS on his impressive finishes in the swim meet! :cheer:cheerthat is SO cool! As far as the party goes, I would be the bigger person and give a "token" gift to the 4th grad... And I would make it my business to let them see how nice I can be! :devil Sometimes that gets them more than giving them back what they dish out... I wouldn't put a lot of energy into it, just go and enjoy! Are these friends of your DS? :hugI hope it's fun!


Joanne - :clover at your meeting! and hope lunch is YUMMY! I am here with :xfin that you are part of a really COOL team:cheer


Stacy - :rofl about DH's reading materials! That is too funny, although I sure can relate:blush I hope your family has a FUNtabulous day! I hope your ear is feeling better, too... let us know how you made out:hug


Vicki - Have fun-ness with that shopping! :cheer and :xfin that you find some longer "shorts":lol I can relate to that, sure enough!


Shannon - enjoy ChuckECheese's where a "kid can be a kid"! Prayers going your way for a happy day! You've sure earned it! :hug

:rofl... nice visual of the superheroes! :rofl you are TOO funny! I suspect that our capes would need to be :crocheting, though! :heehee


Mary - :clover and much success at that craft show, and :birthday to your baby! I haven't shown my DH that pillow yet, although I suspect his reaction would be the same as Stacy's George! :rofl:devil


Colleen - did you get that ice cream? I hope so, and that it was your FAVE:c9 flavor! Happy Friday to you, and wishes for a day filled with :crocheting, and fun with your "honey-dumplin'"!!!:hug


:hi, Scooby... :hug Thinking boutcha'! :manyheart


I am gonna go and sit under my umbrella on the deck and enjoy a little :crocheting time, and get crackin' on my Bestie Squares!:cheer:clap


:ghug... be back in a bit:yay

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Hi everyone

My day is not starting out too good. Everything that can go wrong has so far.:thair:thair:thair

I got 2 loads of laundry done and went to put them out and it started to rain. Threw first load in dryer and the sun came out, got the next load done and it looks like it is gonna rain again........ in the dryer it went:(:(

I don't know why the link for the boobie pillow didn't work. I just copy and paste :think:think oh well. How I found it is I just googled free crochet boobie pillow pattern and looked for it that way.

I should make about 6 to 8 of them cause as soon as one person see them everyone wants one :P:P They make a nice gift for the man that has everything

I gotta go and I will try and get back later


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My oldest has been up since 5:30 when dh left, and she is wearing me out already. She has played her V-Smile, had breakfast, begged me to read some books, asked what all of the smilies mean, and is now watching a movie. I, on the other hand, want to go back to bed. I am :tired today. Maybe I will feel better after I take my vitamin.


Vicki- Good luck finding shorts! It seems like short-shorts are the only thing they make nowadays. :think


Shannon- Thank goodness Big Bob noticed the lollipop! I don't keep lollipops in the house for that reason- when I was 3, I choked on one and had to be rushed to the ER. That, of course, doesn't stop them from trying to sneak them at other places. Kids will be kids. LoL Have fun at Chuck E. Cheese. They do have the best pizza! Is your dd in summer school? You cracked me up at the pillow comment. That is a very good idea. :devil Also...I don't think that you are cheesy at all- it is very hard for me to make friends, too. I've been out here for almost 9 years already and I only have a few friends, who I don't see very often, either. I really do love you girls and look forward to checking in every day. :manyheart


LeAnne- your popcorn sounds great! Enjoy your party. Go Bulls! :cheer


Beth- Have fun at the party. IMO, unless the child is specifically the one who has been rude, then take a gift. It's not the child's fault if the family is rude. However, if the child is rude, too, I would probably just take a card. :devil (This is probably why I don't have a lot of friends. LoL)


Joanne- Good luck at your kickoff meeting and thanks for the vitamin reminder!


Colleen, Mary, Scooby- :hi and I hope you all have a wonderful day!


Now all my monsters are up, so I better get going and figure out the breakfast situation. Today I need to do food shopping and run to Michael's. I also need to figure out how to put the screen back into the front window. The other day when the kids and I were at the pool, dh decided to go fishing. I didn't have my keys but luckily he left the window open so I popped out the screen and stuck dd through the window. LoL Now I can't get the darned thing back in. :think

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OMG!!! I couldn't wait to share...


Ultimate Fun-ness!!! we lined the counter with waxed paper, spread out a load of popcorn and had major drizzleness of blue and orange candy melts. we have the Bull-est popcorn EVER!


I would recommend this treat for any :rainy day or a party treat to make with the kids for a FUN treat!:P



:hi, Mary... is your day going better? I sure hope so! :hug


Hey, Stacy - :rofl (I just got censored AGAIN!... apparently, the best you can do here is ROFL!) at your post... I had no choice but to learn "text-ese", so I can know what my girls are talkin bout! :heehee it is kinda fun!:devil And... Yeah, you are All SOOO my besties! :manyheart I am like you and Shannon, not a lot of friends around, so it is :2rock that You are here!


:heart ILYASM! :ghug


:waving, Joanne, Colleen, Beth, Vicki, Shannon, and Scooby! Hope your day is AWESOME!

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Sensored again!!! :rofl I am dying over here! :heehee I don't suppose I could use the acronym for peeing in my pants so I'll just say ROFL too! :D


Your popcorn sounds awesome!! I know that is something my girls would love to do so I will have to add that to our summer fun list.


OMG, so I broke the lock on the patio screen door today. :blush Well if it's not locked then the door is a little open and it lets flies in. Well I just looked over 'cuz I saw something buzzing around and it is a the hugest fly ever!!! At first I freaked out because I thought it was a bee so I just sat really still and figured if it flew away I could run for the spray. But it is a horsefly, oh my goodness...I haven't seen one that huge since I lived in MI. I better get the spray anyway before the girls see it. :lol

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You girls have too much fun when I am slaving away at work! I have been laughing out loud reading all these posts- you guys are besties!

I had a great meeting today- It is like having a new job at the same company- it is so exciting-ness! So starting Monday, I'm on the new team- there are 14 of us- I know about 6 of them- people I have interacted with and the others I only knew by face. And lunch was yummy! There is going to be a lot of work, but I am really excited about it. And, it looks like I may be on this project longer than I was originally told!! Awesome-ness.


I've been home and listening to Michael Jackson- they are playing him all day on one of the radio stations- his music is great to clean to- which is what I've got to get back to. The plan is to get everything done so I have the weekend free from cleaning-


I'll check back later- oh, and that popcorn sounds yummy-ness Have fun at the party tonight.


In answer to the question re: the 4 grads-I would probably just bring something for him- show them you are the bigger person than they and their rudeness are.


Would love to stay and chat, but I really want to get the rest of the cleaning done (well, honestly, I don't want to have to do the cleaning- I just want it done)

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K, so the censor wasn't about peeing in your pants-ness... just don't plan on laughing off any parts around here! :rofl


Glad you are gonna love that new gig, Joanne!


Stacy - :clover with the fly hunting! :lol


gotta go get ready... 1/2 hour left until we need to be at the field.


Have a funtastic-ness evening, all, and I'll C U Latah!



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You guys make me laugh just when I need it. Yes my day has gotten better. I slowed down doing things.. think I was trying to go to fast. Went to in-laws for lunch and then the sky opened up. Maybe the weather was trying to tell me not to put clothes out because they would have gotten soaked.

I wasn't feeling to good after lunch so when I came home I had a nap and I feel sooooooooo much better.

Now Iam going to make something lite to eat and make a :tea and get back to the boobie pillows.

Oldest DD is on her way here with her family. She should get here at about 10pm and youngest DD is coming either tonight or tomorrow not to sure with her. (she stresses me out at times :thair ) DS is just heading to the lake with cousin for a swim.

I must also join the group of not having too many friends. The group of girls that I have girls nite out with, I just see them once a month and they range in age from 48 to 92.

I don't really have any good friends that I can air my heart and soul too.

I will try and get back tomorrow. Everyone have a good weekend. You are all in my prayers and thoughts


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Well, I finished the cleaning! :yay And DH said he wanted to go out to dinner! Who am I to say No? We went to a great seafood restaurant and he had talapia and I had basa (yes it is spelled basa) I had never heard of it- the waitress said it was kind of like a cross between flounder and talapia in taste and it was- it was yummy. I am still in shock that this is the same man I married- the one who wouldn't eat any seafood except shrimp. He is really taking his health seriously which makes me happy. On our way home, the skies opened up (yet again) and we had a torrential downpour, lightening, thunder. :storm Oh, I am so tired of all this rain- wish it would make its way to Texas already!!!


Glad that you are feeling better, Mary and have fun with the DD's! And with your boobie pillows!:rofl


LeaAnne hope you have fun at the Bulls party!


Stacy-How is your ear? And did you get the fly?


Vicki- hope you had fun shopping for shorts


Shannon- How was Chuck E Cheese? I remember when my DDs were little, there was a Chuck E Cheese by us and that was such a treat for them. Don't know if any of you remember Romper Room (show on TV), but Miss Molly with her magic mirror was at Chuck E Cheese and my DD's had so much fun seeing her in person- your mentioning Chuck E Cheese brought back fun memories.:manyheart


Beth- hope the party went well - what did you end up doing about the gifts?


Hope the rest of the evening is pleasant for everyone and cya in the AM:ghug

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I must agree with Shannon about the friends thing. I have some friends here, but not a lot. I think also part of it is that many people do not understand the craft that we do. They don't understand it, don't care about it, and don't want to see it. I usually hear that it is what "old ladies" do (I do not mean to offend anyone here). They love to get the handmade items but are not interested in it. I have a couple of friends who do like it and I think that draws us together. I taught one of them because she wanted to be able to make afghans.


We did find some shorts today at Justice. I even had some Justice bucks so I got to save some money! :clap. So now she should be covered (in all ways!) for the summer and the trips.


Can someone explain why you all are calling the squares "Betsies"? I have never heard that term and I am lost on that one.


I do have some cleaning to do tomorrow. DD has tae kwon do, but the cleaning that I did not get done on Thursday will now be on the top of my to do list.


Shannon - I hope you had a great time at Chuck E. Cheese. I miss those little girl things. That place was cute!


Joanne - Glad to hear that you had a good meeting. Good luck with the new assignment!


Leanne - The popcorn sounds yummy! Have fun at the game and Go Bulls!


Mary - I hate it when the weather can't make up its mind. Rain or sun, make a choice and do one or the other! I am glad your day has gotten better. Remember to slow down. You are still healing, girl!


Scooby and Stacey - Hope you both had a wonderful day!


Have a great night ladies. I am watching the Yankees and hopefully they can keep their lead and beat the Mets. My husband is a Mets fan, so he thinks the Yankees are cheating automatically. I was loving it when the Mets blew the game against the Yankees during the last series! Gotta love rivalies!:lol

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Vicki- I'm with you- Go Yankees!!!!! And besties squares, I believe means best friend squares---besties as in texting language---but I'm sure LeaAnne could better explain since she is sooo the hip one here:heehee


Again, GO YANKEES--beat those METS!!!!!

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Hello to the all you besties!


Well, sometimes you think your day is going to go one way and it takes a sudden turn. Phone rang at 8:00 am and I was asked to come into work again. So, I showered, dressed, dressed DD, packed her up, drove her to my mom & dad's and off to work I went. After work, I mowed the lawn, hung the laundry I started at 7:00 am out to dry, drove back over to the parent's house to pick up DD and here we are! You just never know. My house is a disaster, but I know the disaster will be there tomorrow. :lol


LeaAnne - Your popcorn sounds fun! Glad to hear you are sleeping in and relaxing with the kids. So sweet that DH and DS go golfing.


Stacy - Your comical stories of kids cutting up your printer paper, getting locked out and horse flies keep me smiling! Sounds like you live a wild and crazy life! :rofl


Shannon - I hope you enjoyed Chuck-E-Cheese. We took DD there for her 4th b-day and she talks about it all the time.


Joanne - WTG getting your cleaning done and I'm glad to hear you had a nice dinner out!


Mary - Happy Boobie Pillow Making! I hope the girls get there safe and sound and you enjoy having all your kids at home at one time. Good luck at the show!


Vicky - How did the shorts shopping go?


Beth - How was the grad party?


I hope everyone has a great evening! I am off to relax and sleep.

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Yes, sorry I kept forgetting to say. I got the ice cream :clap DH stopped at Walmart, so the selection wasn't stellar, but we got Oreo chip or something like that. It was good.


Vicky WTG on getting new shorts!


We have soccer tomorrow morning (go Lima Green!), and besides that I'm hoping to have some time to catch up on cleaning and :crocheting this weekend. My hand/arm is acting up again after being good for two days :angry. I guess I should get it looked at. I really don't want to hear the diagnosis. I'm afraid it might include the words carpal tunnel or arthritis :( And yes, it is my "hook hand" :eek

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Good evening friends!! First of all, let me just remind everyone of the trouble I got into when I added the suffix -ness to the end of a bodily function. I don't want the same fate for any of you. Please be careful with your -nesses, okay?;)


Stacy- What color are you making my...err...I mean your Sea Shell? I love that pattern, but I'm not experienced enough to try it.

I won't tell PETA about your fly if you don't tell them about my fleas, deal? I can't imagine the scrutiny we would be under if the media got wind of our actions!!


LeaAnne- Of course our capes would be :crocheting!! I won't be doing any flying tonight, on account of the fact that my cape would probably get snagged on a flag pole. That would jive with the kind of week I've been having.

How did the game go? Did you think of me while enjoying your beer?

I think it's great that DH and DS go golfing together.


Mary- I'm so glad your day got better. Have a great time with your DKs this weekend! And good luck at the craft fair!! I love your selling point for the boobie pillows! "For the man who has everything!" Priceless!!


Scooby- Hope all is well on vacation!! I'm on the edge of my seat waiting to find out how everything is going!!

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I lost my message twice earlier today, so I figured I'd cut it in half!


Vicki- I totally agree about our craft! Who'da thunk :crochetinging and cleaning would have brought us all together!! It was fate, I tell ya!! Glad you found shorts for DD, and saved money to boot!!:)


Joanne- I am so excited that you are so excited about your new assignment!! That is so wonderful! And no cleaning for you this weekend!:yay:yay


Colleen- Well your plans were changed, weren't they? Sorry about that. I'm also sorry that your hand is hurting again. I'll be praying that you'll be hooking with us again soon!!


Beth- I hope you had a great time at the grad party. Did you "kill 'em with kindness"?


Well, girls, I'm exhausted and I'm going to bed now. Have a great night's sleep and Happy Weekend!!:hug:manyheart

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hey, all-


I am really :yawn :yawn :tired... but wanted to drop by...


"Besties" are Best Friends... cause you are mine! LOL! I never thought I'd be the Hip one! :rofl that's too funny!


I thought of you all while I DID enjoy a couple of ice cold Bud Lights at the party :hug


Here was the final score of the game: Grasshoppers:3 Bulls:2 It was the most exciting softball game i have seen in a very long tome! ...and here is the coolest part: after the game, while the 'hoppers were all out on the mound with that big trophy, we said to the girls - let's show some class! Out we all went to the plate... clapping, then brought it in, and on three... the cheer was "HOPPERS"! the whole place couldn't believe it! I hope that the girls carry that lesson about being a good sport and a great person with them for a long time! I am so proud of them! :cheer:cheer


Well, ladies, I am off to bed... I will say to hi to everyone "in person" tomorrow... I am Beat!


nitey-nite :night, and Sweet dreams! :sleep


:cheer:cheerAnd GO LIMA GREEN!!! :cheer:cheer

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Good morning and Happy Saturday

Sorry to read that the bulls lost, but I really think they won- they learned such an important lesson in good sportsmanship- WTG LeaAnne on teaching them that!


GO Lima Green!!! (just love that name)


Hope everyone remembers their vitamins and has a wonderful Saturday- I'm off to get the oil changed in my car and this afternoon we are going to check out some adult communities.


i'll check in later-

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Good morning besties!!


I hope everyone had a restful sleep!


LeaAnne- :cheerGo Bulls:cheer for showing good sportsmanship!! And for having such a successful season!! They should be proud!

How did your popcorn go over? I'm sure it was a "hit"!! Get it?


Joanne- Thanks for the vitamin reminder. Good luck looking at adult communities!!


Colleen- How did Lima Green do? Do they have an official name yet?


I think we're going to take it easy today. We're going to church with my mom tonight, then eating at her restaurant. They're going to Dallas tomorrow. DD and I were invited, but I just want to try to have a few normal days after the week I had. I'm hoping to work on some squares for the Bestie Blankies today! Come to think of it, if I go with them I would have plenty of time in the car to :crocheting. Nah, I'll just do it here.


Have an awesome day ladies!!

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Good morning!


Colleen, Shannon, and Stacy... you girls need to check out Annie's Pattern of the Day... ADORABLE! It's called: Sweet Pink Fluff Toddler Dress


Joanne - good luck with the community search... :xfin


Mary - hope you are having a great time at that craft fair!


Happy weekend, Beth... I hope that graduation party is fun!


:waving, Scooby!


I'll be back a little later on... Have a swell day!


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Howdy all. I hope everyone is having a happy Saturday.

Thanks for explaining what the besties squares were. I get it now! Love it! I haven't worked on any more squares, but I have been working on my wrap. I haven't done any cleaning yet today. DD had tae kwon do this morning, so the only thing that got done was lunch. I need to vacuum the upstairs and the downstairs and I need to fold the towels that I washed yesterday. I really need to dead head the roses, so maybe I will do that later. It's just so hot out!

Shannon - Did you get any :crocheting done home instead of in the car? Hope you are having a great day and that the fleas are all gone!

Stacy - How is your ear feeling? Did you go to the doctor?

Leanne - Congratulations to the Bulls! They did a great job and hopefully the good sportsmanship will stay with them. Now it is GO LIMA GREEN!

Mary - Have fun at the craft show and enjoy the time with your DKs.

Beth? - How was the party?

Scooby - Hope you are having a great time!

Talk to you all later!


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Hello everyone!


I'm sorry to say we played hooky from soccer today :blush. Soccer starts at 9:00, DD woke up at 8:20 (amazing!) and, as you may all recall, getting dressed and ready for the day can be a challenge. So I told her if she wanted to move fast, we could go to soccer. She said she was too tired, so we skipped it. :lol I'm trying really hard to loosen up! (with things like that I mean :blush). The teams just go by colors and they don't even keep score, so the name will just be Lima Green this year.


Otherwise I am having a fantabulous day! After we decided to skip soccer I went to the grocery store. I bought some summery treats, like cherries yum! We chatted with our neighbours while they had a garage sale. I sat outside and :crocheting. It is just gorgeous today! A beautiful summer breeze and not a cloud in the sky. While I relaxed in the yard, DD and DH worked on the paper airplane book we bought at the garage sale. They are back at it now, making different paper airplanes and flying them. It is so cute! We also took DD's new kite over to the school yard and flew it. It has just been so nice and relaxing.


My square isn't going very well. I'm having trouble acheiving the "square" part:shrug:thair.


LeaAnne - Thanks for the tip on the Annies Attic pattern. It is cute. Congrats to the Bulls on a great season! I love it when parents teach good sportsmanship and emphasize that sports are for fun. These candy melt things you refer to...what are those? Is there a brand name or are they called melts? :think The popcorn sounds like a fun idea, but I'm not familiar with the one ingredient.


I think I'll work some more on my flower yoke top now and give the square a rest. :sigh


I hope you are all having a wonderful day!

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Just in case anyone else is working on the Flower Yoke Top from Crochet Today that some of us have been talking about, there is an error in the pattern. I sent a fix to Shannon, but if anyone else plans on making it, the Front Bodice, All Sizes, Row 2 should read:


Row 2 Ch 1, turn (sc, ch 2, sc) in first sc, *sc in next st, ch 2, skip a stitch, sc in next st, repeat from * across to last sc, (sc, ch 2, sc) in last sc--19(19, 23, 23) pattern repeats.


If you don't skip a stitch in there you end up with 2 x too many pattern repeats.


I have the most precious "out of the mouths of babes" moment to share. DD got playing with her blocks this afternoon while I was making supper, forgetting all about the fact that she'd asked me to turn on the TV. After a good hour of playing she realized she'd forgotten about the TV and said. "You know, mommy, I just realized that TV isn't good for me."! :clap:clap Let's hope she remembers that thought tomorrow. :lol


Happy Saturday Evening to All! I'll be around. I'm about to bath the kid (if I can pull her away from the blocks she is STILL playing with) and put her to bed and then more :crocheting:crocheting:crocheting.

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Hi everyone!


We checked out a few adult communities today- all very nice--but I think that they we are going to look at re-sales. As nice as brand new would be, the taxes are higher on new sales (and let me tell you, taxes in NJ are sky high). DH spoke with a realtor today and we'll probably go out tomorrow and see some of the re-sales that are on the market.


Colleen- I am so happy that you had such a relaxing fun day (and I hear you about the squares). That sounds like a lot of fun- paper airplanes- flying a kite- the good wholesome fun activities that I remember doing as a kid and with my own DD's. Weather sounds divine up in Ontario today- We had nice sunshine and then what happened around 5- it rained again---ugh! Sun is back out now though, so that is nice.


Stacy- How is your ear doing?


Vicki-Did you get to dead-head the roses? I trimmed a few bushes today before heading out with DH- I couldn't stand that they were out of shape- they look so nice now!


LeaAnne- How is the re-quit day going?


Shannon- Hope all the fleas are gone and that you are having a nice Saturday


Beth- Did you get to stay home today- or were you taxi-driving again?


Mary- Hope you are having an enjoyable time with your kids- and how are the boobie pillows?


Scooby- hope the vacation is a blast


Darski- thought I would say hi in case you are still lurking about.....


Have a good evening everyone- time to watch the Yankees/Mets again!

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