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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 1]

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I am havinf fun listening to hubbyu complain about the Jets not getting the ball from the Patriots. I have to laugh at him. He complains when I say bad things about the Red Sox. They are from the same place! Sorry LeaAnne, but the Patriots are to him what the Red Sox are to me.

Anyway, I will be rooting for the Giants tonight. And now I know they are the late game thanks to Joanne, thank you very much. That saved me from looking to find out when they were on.

Today I have done the food shopping, done two loads of laundry and fixed one of DD's shirts. I was a little late getting my badorkus out of bed, so hubby was doing some other stuff this morning; emptying the dish washer, folding towels, doing breakfast for DD, all that stuff. Now I am relaxing and seeing what all my friends are doing! I am going to work on my paper in a little bit and then I am going to crochet some more of my wrap. I want to get that finished so I can work on DD's squares and the blanket my sister asked me to make.

There is a big medieval festival here every year. It starts in October and goes through to November. It is only open on weekends and is supposed to be good. I want to go and maybe this year I will.

I found Shannon and Stacy on Facebook! WOO HOO!

I can't remember who asked, but the bedding for the room is red and gold. The walls are painted a beige, so it works. I don't have anything on the walls yet. Otherwise, it is coming along. I need to take pictures and show you all. I just haven't done that yet!


Otherwise, it is quiet here. DD is upstairs purging her play room and hubby has quieted down for the moment. He is just happy that his Jets are on the board!


Hope everyone has a great rest of the day!



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Hello Ladies

Well Iam still on a roll. Iam doing laundry now so I can hang it out tomorrow morning to dry. I got the old fridge moved down stairs yesterday so tomorrow Iam hoping to get the kitchen cupboards done. The flooring I want for the kitchen and bathroom is on sale this week so I need to go to town and get that.( If they still have it)

I finished making the # of sweaters I wanted to get done for the craft show. I just need to sew them together and then put the trim on them. DD is coming for a week at the end of the month so she will help me pick out the buttons for the sweaters.

The leaves are starting to change colors now. When they get to a nice color I will take a pic and post it so you all can see what heaven looks like in the fall.

I have to go. I will be back soon.


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Had a nice breakfast this morning and this afternoon we met with the realtor. Well, it's official- the house is on the market. We looked at a few places in an adult community and decided that it is somewhere we could live. But, first we need to sell the house, then we will look for a place. We saw 2 today that we liked, but who knows if they will be available when our house is sold. But I am confident we will find one when we need to. Now to start decluttering before we show the house. And I really need to clean out my closet and purge!!! So I will be busy this week and the weekend getting the house ready. But for tonight, I am watching the Giants.


Vicki- Congrats to DH on the Jets win over the Patriots- that was a huge win for them. I'm sure your DH is very happy . Unfortunately, our Yankees lost today. And the Red Sox are gaining on them. Ugh! And I;m right with you- hate statistics too!


Mary - can' wait to see pictures of heaven in the fall! Congrats on finishing your sweaters for the craft show! That must be a relief! And you have been very busy with your cleaning. Glad you mentioned that you did laundry. It reminded me that I have a load in the dryer that needs to be folded!


Shannon- hope you had a great time at OG and enjoyed your desert! We went to dinner at a place called Bensi (italian) for our belated anniversary dinner. I had chicken marsala and they gave so much that I have lunch for tomorrow too.


Colleen- how did the kitchen cleaning go today?


Beth, LeaAnne, Stacy and Jennifer- hope you had a great day.

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Hi again

I counted the sweaters that I made and I have 19 done. 11 sm,med,lg and 8 baby sets to add to my stock. Grand total Iam not sure right now. Right now Iam working on the baby sets doing the trims and getting them ready for buttons. Then I will sew the 11 sweaters and get the trims on them.

I got 3 loads of laundry done tonight and it is all ready to be hung out tomorrow morning. Tomorrow I have to go to work for a bit, then I hope to get the kitchen cupboards done and then back to sweaters.

The weather is cooler now. Great for getting things done here.

Talk to you tomorrow

Good night and sweet dreams


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Mary, I can't wait to see your picture of heaven -- I always wondered what it looks like. :c9 I am glad I have a friend lucky enough to live there. Wow! You've made a bunch of sweaters so quickly! It is impressive.


Joanne, I lied to you. This week, I was cheering on your BIG BLUE! I'll cheer for anyone playing against Dallas. Good luck with the house sale. What a huge decision. I hope you find exactly what you want in the adult community. I hope Aggie Mae's pattern works as well for you as it does for me.


Vicki, It sounds like you had a very productive Sunday! I'm glad you still got a chance to relax. You always get so much accomplished. I have a hard time understanding how working mothers survive, but you work, you are a great mom, and you are furthering your education. :nworthy Your medieval festival sounds like a lot of fun. Oh, and I love gold and red together.


Shannon, do you have a goal for today? Maybe we can cheer each other on a bit extra this week, since we are both playing catch up.


I finished my first "sleeved afghan" yesterday. I even got all the ends worked in! It is long enough to hit the ground when my tallest invention is wearing it. It's very fuzzy, very warm. The kids are already fighting over it.


DD and I volunteer at Petco today. It should be fun. My dh has to go to court. He parks in front of the house. To get to work, he makes a U-turn, and heads down the street. He got a ticket for the u-turn.

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Good morning! Great win by the Giants last night in the final seconds! (it was worth staying up late for)!!!


A ticket for a U-turn? I didn't know u-turns were not allowed??? Good luck with the volunteering today Beth! And good luck to dh in court for the u-turn ticket. You finished that "snuggli" really quick. I finished 6 rounds of the RR and no curling edges this time (so far). The pattern says to repeat 4,5,6. So the pattern essentially has row of shells, row of V stitches, row of shells, row of shells, row of v-stitch, row of shells, row of shells, row of v-stitch, right? I think where I mess up the most is when I am slipstitching- not sure I'm slipstitching in the right place, but so far so good and after work and an hour of cleaning, I am going to add some more rows.


Shannon- thanks for befriending me on facebook! hope you had a great-ness time at OG with the family!!


Mary- you amaze me with all that you get accomplished- you have been on a whirlwind!


Everyone else- have a wonderful Monday- time to get ready for another day (on 5 hrs sleep) lol

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Good morning Besties!


DD is home from school with a cold :( I think she's going to be fine. Just needs a day to rest. I got my kitchen cleaned up great yesterday and then I made a roast chicken for dinner, so now I've got a dishwasher to unload and a couple leftover dishes to tidy up :yuck


Not much planned for today, just some tidying and cleaning around the house. It is dark and rainy here, chance of thunderstorms, so a very good day to just stay home. I have to work this evening.


Joanne - Good luck with the sale of your house!


Mary - WTG getting all those sweaters made! Good luck with the sewing and trim.


Beth - Have fun at Petco! :cat


Vicki - Your guest room sounds very nice.


Shannon - How was DH's birthday dinner?


Stacy, LeaAnne, everyone else :hi

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Good morning!


Colleen, I'm sorry to hear dd is sick! I hope her day of rest helps her to feel better. :manyheart Enjoy your low-key day- dark, rainy days are always perfect for puttering around the house. :D


Shannon-ness- Hope your dd had a wonderful birthday dinner!


Mary, WTG on the sweaters! Your hooks must be on fire. :lol How nice that dd will be there for a while week! :manyheart And great job on all of that cleaning- did you move the fridge by yourself? :eek

Joanne, good luck with getting your house straightened up to show. Such a big step to sell, but it sounds like you are both ready for it. :cheer I haven't checked FB in a few days but I will go over and accept as soon as I am done here. :hug


Beth, you're very welcome for the tea suggestion. I'm glad that your favorite health food store sells it! I hope it helps dd. Your hooks must've been on fire, too, getting that snuggie finished so quickly! What kind of yarn did you use?


Leanne, Vicki,


Leanne, Jennifer, Vicki- hope you all have a great Monday! :hug


Saturday while dh was at school I just puttered around the house, until he texted me at 3:30 to say BIL and fam were coming over. :eek So I had to quick-clean and take a shower before everyone arrived. Then Sunday I had to take my neice's birthday gift to my IL's before they left. When we got there, MIL didn't want us to leave, so we ended up staying there until almost 4. Came home and dh called to say he was on his way home. I made a yummy pasta dish that I found in the freezer section at Trader Joe's, and dh just raved about it! :devil I will definitely buy that more often! This morning after dropping of Isabella, Roomie took me out for breakfast for my b'day! :clap We went to this awesome-ness health food restaurant. I had a "tofu egg-wich" and for once in my life, do not feel like I am going to fall over and pass out after eating breakfast. (I'm allergic to egg yolks but have to eat some sort of protein in the a.m. or else I get all jittery, can't focus, etc. Mostly I have egg-white omelets but even they make me sleepy. It's weird.) So next payday I will have to go back to the store and buy some of those tofu patties- they were delish!! (It is the same store where I bought the tea.)

Now it is time to take the middle munchkin to school, then I am going to get my hair cut! :clap We're supposed to get a heat wave this week and I want as little hair as possible! LoL

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LOL. I started my snuggli a very long time ago, but ran out of yarn, so I had to wait for the yarn to come in (I ordered on-line) then I had about 300 other projects going, so it kind of got forgotten. I only needed to add sleeves, basically. I used Red Heart Baby Clouds in Pale Blue. I used an N hook, and made V-stitches. (In the pic, it's being "modeled" by my 16-yo son who is 6'6" tall.)


Colleen, I hope your dd feels better soon. It sounds like a great day to stay inside.


Stacy, Can you eat baked goods, since you are allergic to eggs? I'm glad you found something that works for you. Are any of your children allergic?


Joanne, it sounds like you've got Aggie Mae's pattern down! I really like it -- it is easy to follow, and it doesn't ripple like a lot of rr's.


Oh, btw, my husband is on probation for 6 months for the u-turn. In Virginia, they are illegal in cities except at intersections. My dh and I both learned something the day he got his ticket.


Hello to everyone else. I hope you are having a good Monday! Talk to you later.:hug


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Hey girls!


Colleen- I'm sorry DD isn't feeling well. Give her a big :hug from me! Have you worked on your cardigan any more lately?


Stacy- You had a busy weekend, whether you planned to or not! :yay for finding yummy food for everyone! How are the girls liking school?


Beth- I'm hoping to really focus on one room a day. Today I think I'll tackle the kitchen/dining area. I've also decided that for 1 hour after DD goes to bed I will work on our junk room. I still haven't gotten that done, and I'm ready for it to be done!! So that's what I'll be doing today. Good luck to you with your chores too.


Joanne- I didn't get to watch the game, but I heard it was a good one. I'm so glad the Giants won!! But I have to say, "HOW 'BOUT DEM SAINTS???" They are doing an awesome job so far. It's the 1st time a team scored 40+ points in the first two games since the Colts back in 2001. I'm quite proud of my Saints!


Vicki- I'm so glad I finally got to see you!! Thanks for adding me on fb. I love red and gold together. Sounds really pretty. I'd love to see pictures.


Mary- Look at you go with your sweaters! Congrats on getting so much done!


LeaAnne, Jennifer, and Scooby- I miss you all! Hope you're having a great day!:hug:hug:hug


OG was a lot of fun last night! DD and I went to the playground this morning. We worked on building her muscles! She had a great time, but it took her a while to warm up to the slides. She climbed the chain ladder with no problem though! Then we stopped by a nursery to see what kind of plants they had. I need some flowers for my front porch. They didn't have much, so we came home. I'm hoping she'll take a nap soon so I can make some calls and clean.


Have a wonderful day everyone!

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Hi everyone!


Thanks for your well-wishes for DD. She seems pretty well. By mid-morning I was really regreting the decision to keep her home and planned to take her to school after lunch, but then I checked her temperature and she registered a low-grade fever. So, we stayed home. She has been delightful today :think, so I hope whatever she has sticks around for a while :rofl I'm just kidding.


Beth - I love your snuggly. That Baby Clouds works up so quick and it is so soft. No wonder the kids are fighting over it! Sorry to hear about your DH and the u-turn.


Shannon - Good luck with your cleaning catch up and that junk room. It sounds like you have a good plan. Good job working on Janna's muscles! My cardigan is in my wip pile. Just taking a break to do other things.


Stacy - Wow, you did have a busy weekend! That's great that you found some great food finds. How is your RR coming?


I'm off to work. I had a big nap this afternoon, but this gray weather is making me feel very lazy. :yawn

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Hi Ladies

Today I got the laundry out, dryed and back in. I went to work for a couple of hours, then came home and was watching T.V. and fell asleep. So much for getting kitchen done. There is always another day.

Beth I love the snuggly

Colleen I hope DD gets better soon

Shannon one room at a time. That is how Iam doing it and then it is not too bad

Vicki WTG on the spare room. I would love to see pics

Stacy you must have gotten some of my energy WTG

Joanne keeping fingers crossed for selling your house and finding another

LeaAnne where are you? I miss you

I wont be here tonight because House starts tonight I love that show

Bye for now


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Beth, I can eat baked goods, it's just plain eggs or dishes that have eggs as a base, that I have a problem with. :think It's really odd. :shrug Your snuggie is so pretty! Er, um, I mean masculine. :heehee Great work!


Colleen, I'm glad your dd is feeling better!


Shannon, I'm happy that you all had a great dinner! I love OG but dh and I both got sick from different dinners once so he doesn't like to go there anymore.


After dropping off dd, I went to get my hair cut. The hairdresser cut it a bit shorter than I had wanted but it looks nice. We also had a great chat! She used to be a stay at home mom and we swapped stories. :lol Then I went to lunch, Eva fell asleep before we got there so I ended up eating as holding her. LoL

I forgot to say that I finished my rr this morning! :clap I will probably weave ends while dd is at school tonight.

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hi everyone!

Colleen- sorry that DD wasn't feeling well, but glad you got to take a nap- boy, I could have used one of those today! Around 3PM, I was dragging, but decided to get up and go outside for some fresh air and it invigorated me. Beautiful weather here again today!


Beth- Wow 6 mos probation for the u=turn. I just checked the NJ driver manual online and couldn't find anything about u-turns- That snugglie is great- You really do nice work. How was the volunteering today?


Shannon- glad you had a good time at OG- and that's a good plan- to work a little at a time on one room at a time. I had planned to start working tonight but after getting a short night's rest last night, I have decided to sit on my badorkus and crochet instead. I'll try to get to bed early and get a good night's sleep and then tackle something tomorrow night- plus DH will be at class so it's much easier to declutter when he's not around!!


Stacy- your daughters are soooo cute- thanks for befriending me on FB! That was nice that roomie took you out to breakfast and that you found something yummy that you can eat. Congrats on finishin your RR- can't wait to see it!


Mary- good for you taking a nap =you have been on a whirlwind of cleaning, so yes the kitchen can wait for tomorrow! Enjoy House! I like that show too- I see it is a 2 hr special tonight


Vicki- hope you had a good day today


LeaAnne where are you??? missing you around here


Have a good night everyone!

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Hi again!


Well, my plan looked good, but didn't work out the way I wanted. DD fell asleep during dinner at about 7:15, so I'll be going to bed soon. And I just don't feel like working on the junk room. Football is on, and my :hook and :yarn are calling my name. And if I want to have this RR done by my mom's birthday, I'd better get crackin' on it. I did the math the other night, and it's not looking too promising. I'll need a :fire lit under me to get some stuff done around here tomorrow!


Sweet dreams everyone! Good night and big :hugs!!!

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Shannon, I volunteered in the morning, worked in the evening, and squeezed in my teaching in the middle. I didn't get anything done around the house, either. There's always tomorrow!!! Well, technically, that's today, but at a more reasonable hour. :morcoffee

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Good morning gang! I need to go back and read what I missed yesterday. I didn't get a chance to get on at school and then after work I had a meeting. I got home and saw my electric bill and was fighting with the electric company again. I hate them. I am even considering paying the fee to get out of my contract and go to another provider! YIKES!

Anyway, the heavens opened up and it is POURING here! Lots of rain this morning so kids are already roaming the building. I must run, but I just wanted to log on and say hello to all my bestiest his morning. I missed you all yesterday!





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Good morning!


I missed dh's alarm this morning so I got to sleep in. :devil When I woke up I felt great, but after walking dd to school, I came home and crashed. :blush Roomie made some coffee, which, of course, helps everything! :lol I put the dishes away and loaded the dishwasher, cleaned up the kitchen and wiped down the counters, picked up the toys/stray stuff in the living room and vacuumed the rugs and floor. Then I decided that I am not to the only one who lives here and someone else can help out. :devil So I am sitting here with :mug and checking to see how my besties are this morning.

Both dd's have open house tonight, and oldest dd is supposed to get her new belt. All within the time frame of 6- 7:30. It is going to be mayhem. :eek Plus Roomie is not able to pick up oldest dd from school today, so I have to pick her up, then get over to Mia's school within 15 minutes. (Oldest dd is dismissed at 1:20 on Tuesdays, and Mia class lets out at 1:35 every day.) Lord help me to not get pulled over for speeding. :lol


Vicki, good luck with the electric company! At least you have the option of going with a different company!


Beth, did you go back to sleep? You were up early!


Everyone else- have a fabulous Tuesday! :hug

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