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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 1]

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Hi everyone


Colleen-:hug to you- sounds like you had a rough day! But I'm so happy you got the square:clap and it made you happy!


I'll try to be here for chat. DH keeps talking to me so I can't respond to everyone now. Better give him some quality time...:yes


Cya later!

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Hey girls!


Well, apparently I just had something in my eye and didn't know it. All the symptoms were there, but my eye was better when I woke up. So, my girl is finally home with me and we're playing Go Diego Go choo-choo train!!:clap:clap I just wanted to let you know that unless she falls asleep early, I won't be here for chat. Please know that I'm thinking of you all and I hope to chat with you soon!:manyheart


Gotta go! Love you all!!

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Shannon, I'm so happy to hear that Janna is home! :cheer:manyheart Thank goodness it wasn't pink eye.


Colleen, :cheer that you got your Joanne square! Sorry to hear that school was rough today. It can be hard when all of the kids and parents are there and everyone is running around. Enjoy your family time.


Vicki, congrats on making it through the open houses! :lol Yay for dd on being released from speech! :clap


Beth, thank you for that affirmation. I did call the dr. but he is out until next week. I am particular about my GYN so I will have to call back. :wink Yay for sleeping in and have fun with dh on vacation! :hug


Everyone else- Hello and hope you all had a fabulous Friday! I will not be here for chat because we are going out to dinner. :D SIL took her nursing exam yesterday and is pretty sure she passed. So we are having a celebratory dinner. If she failed, she will have to pay us back. (KIDDING!! LoL) :rofl It will be fun to go out without kids, though.


Have a great night! :hug

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Stacy- congrats to SIL on taking the nursing exam- fingers crossed she passed..which she probably did. I remember when my DD took her exam she called and was all upset about how she didnt know so many answers and how she wasn't sure if she passed or not. She did and the rest is history!!!


Enjoy your dinner without kids tonight!!!


I don't think I'll be here for chat either. I am going to give DH some undivided attention tonight. I think he is feeling neglected with all the time I have been spending on crocheting. i worked a little more on the RR tonight.


Have a wonderful evening everyone!

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Good morning, again! :morcoffee


Yesterday, my dd and I had our training for our new volunteer job -- caring for adoptable cats on display at our local PetCo. My dd was playing with the cats, and gave lessons to the children who were drawn to the kitties outside of the cages on how to play with them. I want to take one of the cats home so badly!!! :blush


Vicki, sorry about the chat -- I logged on about half an hour after you, and it was totally quiet last night.


Joanne, how goes the RR? Did you and DH enjoy your time together?


Stacy, how was dinner? When does SIL find out if she passed her exam?


Shannon, I'm so glad your dd is home with you! And that you didn't have pink eye.


Colleen, :cheer for Joanne's square! I'm sorry your dd had a rough time at school. She will adjust. I know it's hard, though. It sounds like you got a lot of work done at home. will you cash in your :crocheting time?


Mary, are you still on a cleaning kick? How goes all the crocheting? How many sweaters are done?


LeaAnne, how goes football? Is Pete liking it? What are the girls up to? How goes all the PTO work?


Jenn, I hope college is treating you well.

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Good morning everyone!


Sorry I missed you last night Beth and Vicki- but we did spend some quality time together. :manyheartToday is lots of cleaning on the agenda.:yes Got a good night's sleep and I didnt even wake up until 7:30!:sleep That is really late for me..lol...


The weather here is beautiful-:sun cool, crisp air and sun! Love it!!! Well, no time like the present to start on all the cleaning- dusting, vacuuming, mop floors, wash sheets, clean kitchen and bathrooms! So let me go get started while I am in the mood. I want to get everything done by 5 so I can watch the Rutgers football game and :crocheting a little.


Have a wonderful Saturday everyone!:hug

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Happy Saturday! It si bright and sunny down here and that is a good thing! It has been very cloudy here lately but no rain!

Joanne - Sorry I wasn't here last night. We were watching the Yankee game by then. They lost last night when Mariano gave up a walk off home run to Ichiro. Oh well. There is always another night to win!

I need to go get dog food today for one of my dogs. She is on a special diet because the dry dog food makes her sick. DD is going to tae kwon do and I am thinking that I may try to go get a bedding set for the new bed today if I have any money left from paying bills. I need to vacuum and dust a little.

Hope everyone has a great day and I will talk to you all later!


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Good morning!


So Vicki remembered chat and no one was here! :P I'm happy that everyone had some family time last night. :cheer Our dinner was fun. A Bob's Big Boy opened down the street and we had planned to go, but it was classic car night and there was a 2-hour wait! :eek So we drove around a bit and decided to go to Chili's. I couldn't have a celebratory drink because my license is expired :blush but everyone else did. SIL will find out Tuesday or Wednesday if she passed. She's fairly certain she did, though, because the computer shut down after 75 questions and she said that happened to all of her friends who passed. For the ones that didn't, it kept going to something like 150. Plus she tried to re-register for it online yesterday and the system locked her out, which apparently is a sign that she doesn't need to re-take it. :yay


I think Shannon's cold made it's way to CA because I woke up feeling :sick. I know some of it is Stupid George's mood swings but I am also stuffy and my chest hurts. I'm dying to stay in bed but dh is renewing his certification today so he is gone until tonight. Roomie gave me some tea, it's called Yogi Woman's Moon Cycle...It is supposed to relieve cramping and mood swings. I had a cup 2 days ago and it made me feel so relaxed! So I am going to have some today and see if it helps. :xfin


Oops, I almost forgot- Vicki- if you have an Anna's Linens near you, they have a sale right now, any bed-in-a-bag set for $29.99! Which, depending on the size of your bed that is a tremendous savings! (Ours is Cal-King so we really only buy new bedding when that sale is going on. LoL)

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I'm back. I drank 2 cups of tea and feel much better. I made the bed, straightened the bathroom, made breakfast, and ran the dishwasher. I am going to throw in a load and work on my rr. I dug through the depths of my stash and found enough white to finish it. :clap Later we have to go grocery shopping and I have to pick up some envelopes. I laid out all of my squares and our besties afghans are going to be soooooo pretty! :manyheart What color are you all going to join in? My mom is supposed to send me an HL gift card for my (rather belated) b/day so I am going to order either white or off-white ILTY. I also might add another color around the border. :think


Ok, off to get that laundry done.

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Hello ladies!


We're about to get ready to go to a retirement party for a guy DH knows, so we won't be back until later. I hope you all have a wonderful day!!


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My dd has a horrible time when George visits. How does that tea taste? I'm assuming I might find it at a local health food store? I feel so badly for my poor baby -- George decided I'm not too much fun any more, so he only comes to visit for a couple of days every 3 months or so, but he likes her -- every 28 days for at least a full week, and she suffers so much. But she's a typical teen -- if it doesn't taste delicious, she might not use it.

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Hey Beth!

I feel your dd's pain- I have suffered from terrible George symptoms since I was 14. He is always very irregular for me, especially for the past 6 months or so. Plus I start getting symptoms about 2 weeks before he shows up, continuing right into the first 2 or 3 days. After that, I'm clear for a good 2 or 3 weeks, until he decides to come back.

The tea is slightly bitter with a hint of cinnamon- not too bad, and I'm sure she could add some honey to taste. Here is the website, so you can see what the ingredients are. Here is a store locator. You can also purchase online if you don't have a store close by. I hope that helps. I finished mine at around 10:30 and I'm still feeling ok 2-1/2 hours later. :D Without it I would probably be making my kids have quiet time so I could curl up in misery. LoL

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HI Stacy - You know, I never even thought to go look at Anna's! WE do have those down here. I ended up at Garden Ridge and I got a set for $50.00. It didn't have sheets in it. Stupid me forgot to check that part, but I had queen size sheets to fit the bed, so I just used those. Now I have to get pillows to fill the decorative pillow cases that came with the set. Those can wait for another day, though.

Hope everyone is having a great day!


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:hi everyone!


I stopped by shortly after 9:00 last night and no one was around for chat, so I went and :crocheting a bit. My mom and dad took DD and I to a Medieval Fair today, just for fun. I'd never been to anything like that before, but DD had fun watching the fairies and queens and all that. It was a nice day to be out at the park. It is absolutely beautiful here too--just like Joanne's weather. Sunny, clear, a bit cooler. The sun was so hot when you were right in it, though.


I am working on my purple and gray throw. My mom might be going to visit my sis soon, so I'm going to send it with her. I'm going to try it as a throw (3 squares by 4 squares) and see if that looks big enough :shrug I am working on the second last square if it is big enough. We'll see.


Shannon - Have fun at the retirement party. I'm so glad you are feeling better.


Stacy - I hope you enjoyed your night out. Congrats to your SIL! I hope you feel better soon. That George! :angry


Joanne - Did you get all that cleaning done so you could :crocheting and watch Rutgers?


Vicki - WTG finding a bedding set you like. :yay


Beth - Your new volunteer job sounds fun. I'm not a cat lover myself (allergic), but I'm sure they are very cute.


:hi LeaAnne, Mary & Jenn


I hope everyone is having a great weekend!

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Hi everyone-

Got lots of cleaning done today!! Then we went over to DD's and watched the Rutgers game with her-and Yay- they won!! I ended up having to frog my RR---:thair...It kept curling up and didn't look right. So I frogged it down to where I thought I may have made a mistake and started again, but I guess the mistake was farther down. So I frogged some more and then I just left the first 4 rounds or so and have a snowflake!!


I started again and I think I'm on the right track!!!!


Well, its been a long day and I am going to get some:sleep


Hope everyone's day was wonderful! Colleen- that medieval thing sounds wonderful! Stacy- congrats to SIL- please let us know when she finds out how she did. Hope you are feeling better- that tea sounds interesting!

Vicki- glad you found a bedding set- and $50 is a good deal!


Beth- Sorry about your DD and George- same thing with me and my 3 girls- luckily I don't see George anymore!!!


Night everyone!

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Hi there! We're back!


The retirement party was nice, but hot. I'm glad I went and got to meet some of the guys that DH works with. I also got to see his boss again finally. The last time I saw him was the day I had DD. He came to the hospital to visit, and got choked up. He has 3 girls and is very much a family man. He's so nice, and takes good care of us.


Colleen- How's DD doing after yesterday? I hope she does well this week. The Medieval Fair sounds like fun! Good luck getting your sister's "throw" finished!


Beth- :yay for you and DD volunteering to help with the kitties. What a great way to get involved!


Stacy- I'm glad the tea helped George calm down. I still think it's hilarious that everyone has started calling him George. I hope he's not too mean to you this time!


Joanne- How'd the cleaning go today? Were you able to relax and watch Rutgers? What are you :crochetinging now?


Vicki- Good job finding a bedding set! How does the room look?


Hi LeaAnne, Mary, Jennifer and Scooby- Thinking about ya and missing you much!!:hug:hug:hug:hug


Tomorrow we are meeting my family at 6:00 pm Mass, and then going to Olive Garden for my DH's birthday dinner!! I'm super-excited! I feel like I haven't seen my fam in so long! Oh, and I forgot to tell you that I started 2 RRs. One is for charity and one is for my mom for her birthday. Sshhhh...don't tell her, it's a surprise!!


Have a great night everyone. I've missed you all. We might have to try a Wednesday night chat again this week! Love you all!!:manyheart

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Joanne- Why did you have to frog your RR???


Hi Mary- We posted at the same time! Look at you go with all your cleaning and crocheting!! You go girl!

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Okay Joanne, I just saw the rest of your post. Sorry about your RR.


Stacy- I've been meaning to tell you hooray for DD's speech teacher being on your side and wanting to help. That makes such a difference! I told you something good would come from all the H-E-double hockey sticks you went through!!

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Good morning!

Shannon- have fun at Olive garden with the fam!! Sounds like you will have a good time.

Mary- glad to see you are still cleaning and crocheting! lol

Stacy- How are you feeling today?

Colleen- I think the "throw" sounds like a great idea. They are so much less intimidating than a full size afghan! How is it coming along?

Vicki- Well, the Yankees won last night- didn't get to stay up and watch the whole game- I really don't like West Coast games since they don't start until after 10PM here on the East Coast!

LeaAnne- Hope all is going well- good luck to Pete at his game! Please stop by and say hello- we miss you, girlfriend!

Beth- How is DD feeling? And how are you feeling? Thinking about you and hope you are feeling better. That is great that you and DD are going to be volunteers!


Today is SIL's Birthday and we are going over to DDs house this morning for a celebratory Birthday Breakfast (SIL has to be at work @2). We are then going to look at a few places this afternoon in an adult community. We are having the realtor we have used in the past give us an idea of what we can hope to get for our house. DH really wants to move forward with this so we'll see what today brings. I am hoping to get some more done this evening on RR- Take 2!!! I am dtermined to make a round ripple!!!! Then at 8:30 I'll be rooting for the Giants vs the Cowboys tonight- Go Big Blue!!! (I really hope they win in honor of SIL's birthday- he is a huge Giants Fan)


Have a wonderful day everyone!

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Good morning everybody!


I'm doing much better, thanks for asking. I may actually have to start doing house work again, since I can't continue to use being sick as an excuse. DRAT!


Joanne, :birthday SIL. HOpe you have a good time with them, but I will NOT root for the Giants in his honor -- sorry about that! Happy House Hunting! I hope you find something perfect!


About the RR, which pattern are you using? The ruffling is pretty typical. There's a pattern by AggieMae which she has given permission to people to use for personal use. It doesn't ruffle. If you want that pattern, let me know, and I will find you a link to it.


Mary, I need to copy you a little bit, and get something constructive done around here!!! I am so proud of you -- you are an inspiration.


Shannon, a nice boss is worth so much. I'm glad you enjoyed the retirement party. I love that the boss got choked up at your dd's birth. How cool. I hope your dh enjoys his :birthday dinner. Tell him :birthday from me, OK? And don't worry. I won't tell your mother about the rr. What an awesome present. What colors are you using on it?


Colleen, I always wanted to go to a medieval (don't expect me to spell this early in the morning) fair. Did you enjoy it? Did your dd have anything adorable to say about it? She's such a sweet, clever little thing.


Vicki, what colors did you go with for your comforter set? It sounds like your room is really coming together.


Stacy, thank you thank you THANK YOU for the info on the tea My dd is willing to give it a try. I feel so badly that she is in pain so much. They sell the tea at my favorite health food store!


LeaAnne and Jennifer, I'll bet you are both very busy right now. I'm still thinking of you, and wish you a great day!:hug Scooby, too!

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Wow! Lots to catch up on. I won't manage to remember it all.


First, Beth - My DD was cute about the fair. First she was scared of all the pirates and then we watched "the tournament" where the pirates were fighting the fairies :shrug Anyway, people were chanting one pirate's name as a cheer and DD got really caught up in the excitement and started chanting "fairies, fairies, fairies" all on her own. She's so funny. And then as we were leaving she told me that if she ever had a pirate over for a play date she wouldn't share any of her toys with him, because pirates are not very nice. :lol I'm glad you are feeling better and I'm sorry to hear that means you have to clean again. :lol


Joanne - The rippling in the RR. I've heard of this, but it hasn't happened to me. I've read that many people put only 1 DC, ch2, 1 DC in the ch 2 space of every 3rd point (or as needed). Might be worth a try. Have fun looking at new homes and talking to the realtor about the sale of yours. WTG Rutgers! :cheer


Shannon - I'm glad you enjoyed the party. It helps to meet people your DH works with, makes you more a part of what he does every day, doesn't it? Have fun at your DH's birthday dinner!


Mary - Glad to hear you are hanging in there and getting so much cleaning and :crocheting done! This cooler weather sure does make it easier to want to clean, doesn't it.


We had our first frost this morning :( The leaves will definitely start turning colours now. Stacy, I will try to get you some pics. :wink We have had an absolutely beautiful September and yet this seems very early for a first frost.


Well, I better get running. I took a day off of kitchen duty yesterday to be a fairy princess and the dishes are piled high in the sink :P Have a great day!

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Good morning! I'm a little sluggish this morning. Blah!


Beth- You and I will have to team up this week to get stuff done. I haven't done anything around here, and my invention doesn't clean yet! My house is a disaster!! I'm sure we can get through it together!

I will definitely tell DH happy birthday from you, thank you.


Joanne- Tell SIL :birthday from me too! Good luck looking today! How exciting!! I will be rooting for the Giants also. I can't stand the Cowboys. Did I tell you that every team I have any interest in won last week? Saints, Giants, Colts, Chargers, Vikings, Packers. I think that might be it. None of my faves were playing each other. How weird is that?


LeaAnne- Does Pete have a game this morning? Good luck to him!! I hope the other team is the same size this week! Miss you!


Well, I hope everyone has a super-fantastic day!! I'll be looking forward to some black tie mousse cake at OG!! See you later!!

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Sounds like everyone is set for a wonderful day.


Beth- I am using Aggie May's pattern this time around. I had PM'd her for it about 6 mos ago and forgot I had it. DUH!!! This one seems to be going ok so far. I'll know better tonight when I get to work on it some more. (and I understand if you won't root for the Giants..lol)


Well, everyone- have a great day and cya on the flip side!

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