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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 1]

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Hi girls!


I've been keeping up with everyone, I just haven't felt like writing. I'm feeling okay right now. I hope I feel much better tomorrow, so I can go get DH's birthday present.


Joanne- I got your square!!:cheer I love it!! I can see the love in every stitch. I think I saw some get better stitches in there too! It definitely made me feel better when I saw it!!:hug Happy Belated Anniversary!!


Colleen- Shame on you for making that baby wait for so many years to go to Disney World!:lol That was such a cute story! We're planning on taking DD next year for her birthday. I can't wait!! Oh, and I :manyheart that cornucopia! It looks like fun! And thank you for the chicken soup offer.


Mary- WTG on everything you're getting done! I haven't felt like doing anything but crochet these past few days. I'm going to have a lot of catching up to do! Blah!


Stacy- :yay for your own washer/dryer! Enjoy it!! I agree with Colleen. It sounds like DD did her best on her karate test. Good luck to her!


Vicki- Sorry it took so long at the doctor. That's so frustrating. Good luck to DD with Destination Imagination!


Beth, LeaAnne, Jennifer and Scooby- Hi! I hope you're all having a great week!


I haven't seen DD since Monday. I miss her so much! She got to go with my in-laws on my FIL's bus today. They picked the kids up from school and brought them all home. I heard she had a good time. A little girl sat with her, and they did their ABCs and 123s. How cute is that!!:manyheart


I've done 3 1/2 hats and worked on the Halloween pillow and the RR (until I ran out of yarn. Ugh!:angry) I also finished weaving in the ends on my bestie squares. I will wash them when I feel better, hopefully this weekend.


I hope everyone is having a good week. I've missed you all! :hug:hug

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Well, one half of IEP training down, one more half and another open house to go! This week is just crazy and next week is no better. I have something every day after school this week and next!

DD is hoping to hear about Destination Imagination next week. Today they had to do a skit and a boy in their group was named Reagan. She thought it would be good to have him be President Reagan, since they had a president in the skit. I don't know where she gets these thoughts some times. She gets very creative, I'll tell you that.

Hubby had a preliminary interview this morning. Hopefully they will call him back for another one. I would like that.

Shannon - I am glad you are feeling better. At least you are getting lots of crocheting done! That is a good thing!

Stacy - YAY for the washing machine! How do you like it? It must be so nice to be able to finally do the wash in your house!

Joanne - What brawl?!? I just turned on the t.v. few minutes ago and put the game on and they were talking about a brawl, but I didn't know when it was. What happened? Was it because Posada was thrown at? And enjoy the hockey game whenever you go! I love to go to hockey games and is one of the few things I miss about living up there!

Mary and Colleen - Hope you guys have a great night!

Ok, I must go through papers in DD's Wednesday folder. Of course, some of the stuff requires money. You gotta love schools.

Anyway, have a great night all. I will talk to you on the flip side!


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Shannon- so happy that you are starting to feel better-ness and glad that the square arrived and made you feel better! Thanks for the compliment on the ghan.:) I'm glad that you have not been around DD- (i know you miss her, but it's for the best since you were contagious):hug


Colleen- that cornucopia is really neat. Glad that you are having fun with your:hook and :yarn tonight!! I love the term you used "clearout". I never heard that term before. We call it "clearance" sale. I'll have to adopt that term when I tell someone I'm going shopping---"Im going to check out the clearout":yes. And I don't blame you for wanting to wear shorts in Fl in October!


Well, I started a hat tonight- using some RHSS to try out the pattern. I found a beret style hat on Threadbanger- it's really easy- all SC. If I like the way it turns out, this may be a hat I make with the "good" yarn. If not, I'll try another pattern. In any event, I've got about 20 rounds done, but am getting tired so will be heading upstairs soon.


Sweet dreams everyone!

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Vicki- they showed a little of the brawl from last night. Not sure that I actually get what really happened. It all depends on who you are listening to. But I think it all started when Posada was thrown at, and then apparently when he was running to home he elbowed the pitcher (who happened to be by home plate) Then the brawl ensued. Anyway they were both suspended for 3 games...


Speaking of school papers. DH brought home a flyer of things that his grandaughter is selling for school. Selling already? They don't waste anytime, do they. At least there are some decent things that they are selling.


Cya on the flip side.


Your DD does sound very creative indeed.


Fingers crossed that DH gets called for another interview. I hate when you have to have a prelminary interview, then another one, and then maybe another one or you have to wait forever to hear. Keeping him in my thoughts and prayers that a better job comes along

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So the brawl was with the Jays! There you go!


Vicki - fingers crossed for your DH and his interview! Good luck with all your "over-time" events this week. Sounds like your DD is a bright kid!


Joanne - You guys don't say clearout? We use clearance too. :think Funny! Good luck with the hat!


Shannon - Thanks so much for dropping by and letting us know you are surviving! I worry about you ladies when you are not around :hug


I'm putting my cornucopia aside for the night. Finished the pumpkin and the corn on the cob. What fun! We've got the first exhibition NHL game (Leafs vs. Boston) on tonight. There goes my TV access until June! :(:lol

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Good morning all!


Hope that everyone has a wonderful productive day. (whether it be working, cleaning, crocheting or whatever).


LOL about the brawl- yes, it was with the Jays...


I think I may head to the store after work to some clearout shopping--depends on how I feel after work....always have grandiose plans in the AM and by the end of the day it seems all I want to do is set my badorkus on the couch and .:crocheting.


have a great one!:manyheart

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Good morning, everybody.


I'm sorry I haven't been writing lately. I am still not feeling good, and I'm using all my energy working and teaching the kids. I hope you are all having a great week! I love th cornucopia, by the way. How clever! Big hugs to everyone -- germ free, of course.

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I didn't see the replays of the brawl. They were probably shown before the game started. I may have to look it up and see what happened. But they won yesterday in come from behind fashion. YAY yankees!

Thanks for the prayers that hubby finds a new job. He needs to find one. Hopefully soon. His old one is making him sick. Literally.

Ok, open house tonight for 6th grade. I will be here late. Then I get to come back and do it all over again!

Talk to you all later!

Have a great day!


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Good morning ladies!!


I can talk today!:cheer:clap:cheer:yay It's time to get my badorkas in gear and get some stuff done. I've been on the couch for a week! Today is DH's birthday so I have to go to Wal-Mart. It'll be nice getting out of the house. And I'm hoping I can see DD tonight too, although I may wait one more day.


Beth- I hope you feel better soon. You've been carrying that stuff around for a while. Take care of yourself as much as possible.


Vicki- Good luck at open house tonight! Is this the last one? I've been praying for your DH, too. Something better will come along.


Joanne- How's Delta Force this week? Have fun shoe shopping if you go. I hope you find some good "clearouts".


Colleen- How was the game last night? Are you enjoying your new channels?


Hi and :hugs to everyone! I better start my day before it's over! See ya later!

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:hi everyone! I hope you are having a fantastic-ness day! I am off to work shortly and then it is Scrabble night :clap.


Shannon - I'm glad you can talk!


Beth - Take care of yourself and I hope you are feeling better soon. You know the prescription, hooks, yarn, rest and fluids.

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:clap, Shannon is up and about today! And just think, when you see Janna again you will be all better! Yes, this is the last open house for this year. The weeks are just filling up with stuff and meetings!

Hope all of you have a great night! Talk to you in the a.m.!


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Well, I've been feeling great today. I was even gonna go get DD tonight. But as I was walking through Wal-Mart, my eye started feeling funny. I'm pretty sure it's pink eye. I'm so upset. I miss her so much. I'm glad it showed up before I got her and not after though. I just can't catch a break.


DH liked the hat that I made him, and it fit!!:yay Some of his presents are from DD, so he'll have to wait for them.


I'll probably be back later, if I can see. I hope you all had a wonderful day!!:hugs

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Hello Ladies

Just checking in again. Today I did nothing but sleep. I think I slept more then I was awake today. Oh well I guess I needed it.

Shannon and Beth I hope you are feeling better soon. Shannon Happy Birthday to Dh.

Colleen I like the thing you are making and NO Iam not going to try and spell it. LOL

Stacy congrats on the washer and dryer. It is nice to be able to do laundry when ever you want.

Vicki good luck with open house tonight. Keeping fingers crossed for Dh and job interveiw.

Joanne show pics of the hat when it is done. I love the afghan you made.

LeaAnne I hope the PTO settles down soon and you have more time. I miss you sis.

I will try and make it to chat tomorrow night.

Talk to you later


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Yay, Shannon is feeling better! But, wait, what's that--now pink eye? Oh my....I would wait to see DD (know it's tough) Happy Birthday to DH!!!


Sorry to hear you are still feeling under the weather Beth- remember rest, crochet, fluids and vitamins!!


Vicki- yay for the last open house and I know what it's like to have a job that is not good for your health. I love my new assignment and it has made a difference in by blood pressure- so fingers crossed and prayers being said for DH that a better position comes along.


Colleen- have fun at scrabble night!


Mary- with the whirlwind cleaning binge you have been on, I'm not surprised that you slept more than you were awake today. You obviously needed it!!! Hope to make chat too tomorrow night.


LeaAnne- missing you around here- hope that the PTO slows up a bit for you.


Stacy- how was your day- did you do some more laundry with your new washer? Speaking of wash, got to go fold the clothes- the dryer just finished.


Hugs to all

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Hey ladies!


Shannon, I'm so sorry to hear about the pink eye! That totally sucks. Do you call your dd while she is at Honey's house? I was just reading through your Facebook and I noticed that you really do call your sis "Sister." LoL That made me laugh, for some reason. :lol Happy birthday to your dh.


Vicki, Yay for the last open house! I hope your dh finds a newer, healthy job soon. I hear you on it literally making him sick. Since dh got his promotion 3 years ago, he has gained about 60 lbs and been put on blood pressure meds. I keep telling him to look for a new one too, but his excuse is that the market is really unstable, and at least his job is a sure thing. :shrug


Colleen, have a fabulous Scrabble night!


Beth, I hope you feel better soon! :hug


Mary, Joanne, Scooby, Leanne, and Jennifer- hope you all are having a great week! It's almost the weekend! :clap


As for me...I did all of my laundry yesterday! :clap:cheer I do have a little load building up in my room again and I am so happy that I can wash it as it piles up now! I never thought I'd be happy about laundry. LoL

Stupid George is on the way and his mood swings are driving me insane. I have to do something about Mr. Endo by the end of the year because dh found out they are switching insurance again. :rolleyes

Yesterday when I went to pick up dd from school, the speech teacher was in her class. (Did I tell you all this?) She had me to go her office and fill out a couple papers, which she immediately faxed to the district audiologist's office! :clap She did say she thinks it's a medical problem and that she will probably need to have tubes put in or her tonsils taken out. But she put a referral in Mia's backpack today, to give to our pediatrician! :cheerShe was really upset when I told her the ped. wouldn't refer me to an ENT, and that if she's been on meds for almost a year and she is still congested, it's obviously not working. I am beyond thrilled to finally have someone on my side! :D (I'm doing the Cabbage Patch, btw. :heehee)


Well I better get going and put my stinky kids in the bathtub. Good night! :2hug

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Hello everybody!


I hope you had splendiferous days! I did. I started taking an OTC medicine for coughing and congestion, and took it according to the directions -- every 4 hours. I feel SO much better. (I also took a nap this afternoon.) I even met my IRL buddies at the library for our crochet group this evening. Wonderful time!:c9


Shannon- I hope you feel better very soon. I'm glad your throat feels better.


Joanne, thanks for the good medical advice -- rest, crochet, fluids, and vitamins -- sounds like a recipe for a happy life!


Mary - I'm sure you needed the rest after all the cleaning you've been doing. I hope you feel re-energized.


Vicki - are your classes settling into a routine already? How is school? Is your paper progressing? How is DD adjusting to school?


Colleen - how was Scrabble night? Thanks for your great medical advice, too! I love this group! Prescriptions I can live with!


Stacy - how goes the new washer and dryer? Congratulations, by the way. It's so nice to be able to do laundry at home! I think of how my grandmother did her laundry, and I'm so grateful I can just toss my dirty clothes into a machine with soap, and let it do the dirty work!


LeaAnne - how goes football season? What are the girls up to this time of year?


Jennifer - I hope school is going well for you. How goes the writing? You will let us know when you are published, I hope!


Have a great night everybody! I love you all.

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Good morning and Happy Friday!!! Beth glad that the otc meds helped and that you got to spend time with your IRL crochet group buddies!


Don't have time to say a proper hello to everyone individually, but I'm thinkin about you all! Have a spendiferous day and I'll try to be here for chat tonight.

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Good morning! I got to sleep in today! DH is taking a couple days of vacation, so no alarm at 4:58 a.m. :cheer


Stacy, you posted last night while I was typing my post, so I missed it. It sounds like you had a very good day yesterday, except for that mean old George. Call the doctor. Today. You deserve to have that taken care of. I'm glad Mia's speech teacher is one of the good ones. My twins had a wonderful speech teacher in elementary school. She actually intervened for my dd (who is deaf in one ear) with all her teachers. Good luck finding an ENT!


Joanne, enjoy your Delta Force Day! (I picture you flying off with your cape streaming behind you.)


:hugto everyone! Have a :c9 day!

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:hi everyone!


I just dropped DD off at school and it didn't go well. Tears, clinging. I had to get out of there and get walking home before I started crying. We got there just on time and there were kids and parents everywhere and it was overwhelming for her. There was a little boy that was crying so hard he was throwing up. Next time, we will go early. My first school lesson learned.


I am going to throw a load of wash in and go for a walk to clear my head.


I'll write to each of you later, for now know I'm thinking of you and wishing at least one of you was here to have a coffee with me and make me feel better.:(

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Colleen - I am sorry dd had a bad start to her day. It is so hard when they do that in the morning. My daughter would do that every now and then at day care before she started school. I would walk out of there crying! My heart goes out to you.

Stacy - Yay for the speech pathologist! When dd was 5 I demanded to be sent to one because she kept having ear infections and I wasn't going to play around with that. She eventually had her tonsils out and it made a HUGE difference! Good luck with it and I hope you find a great doctor.

Shannon - What else is going to happen in your universe this week? Did you go to the doctor and get some eye drops? Once you start those you should be non contagious for Janna. I know you miss her. She will be with you soon!

Mary - I hope you had a good nap yesterday!

Beth - Glad to hear that you are feeling better! How did the crochet group go?

Joanne - You gotta love those days when you can sleep a little later! I hope you enjoyed it!

LeaAnne - Hope you are having a great day!

Open house went well. There were a lot of parets, but there usually is for 6th grade. I went home, put my stuff away and went straight to bed! Then the alarm went off this morning and I was thinking that I was just at work! DD is doing well at school. I have her parent conference in October. She is going to be dismissed from speech October 1, so that is a good thing! The routines are forming and things are going pretty well at school.

I haven't worked on my paper for a while. I submitted it to my study chair for him to look at but he hasn't done that yet. I was working on my IRB form and I need to submit that to him too. Maybe I will do that later.

Hope everyone is having a good day here. It is cloudy here so maybe we will get some rain.



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Wow, quiet around here today.


Well, we all survived the day, though barely. DD's teacher asked to speak to me when we picked her up and says she was "weepy" all day :( She thought she might be coming down with something. DD says she was nervous around all the kids. I gave her a bath when she came home and now both she and DH are sound asleep. What's this, more peace and quiet for me? :shrug When it rains it pours!


I had a productive day. I got my hair cut, changed the beds, did a load of laundry, cleaned the bathroom, vacuumed upstairs, went for a walk, and I am now cooking pork chops, rice, and brownies for supper. I worked a little bit on the purple and gray "throw" (it has been downgraded from an afghan :lol). I think tonight I'll work on my cornucopia. I'll try to drop by during chat. DD will likely be up late after her nap and some quality family time will be required today for sure.


Scrabble was fun last night. Lots of comparing notes on first days of school, lots of snacks, and some scrabble too. :D


Shannon - Sorry to hear about the eye infection, I hope you are totally well soon.


Beth - Good for you sleeping in! I hope you continue to feel better.


Vicki - Glad open house went well and that DD is doing well with her speech. Continued good luck on your paper.


Stacy - Good news about your DD and the speech teacher. :yay I hope you get an appt soon for both DD and yourself!


Joanne - I hope you had a good day at work.


Mary - Good for you and all that napping. :c9 Sounds nice.


:hi LeaAnne & Jenn!

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:yay:clap I got my Joanne square :clap:yay


I decided to walk down to the mailbox as supper sits warm in the oven and my family sleeps on. I could see this strange aura around the mailbox. It was coming from box A9 (we have a "super mailbox"). I put my key in, opened the box and there it was oozing out of one particular envelope! I thought is that what I think that is....could it be?...it's LOVE!


Joanne, thank you very much! It is beautiful and it oozes love from every stitch. I love it!

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