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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 1]

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Hi Shannon,


When I change colors, I get to the point where I have 2 loops on the hook, and the next step would finish that stitch, then I yo with the new color, and pull it through. I knot the two ends in the back of the work (many people say not to do this, but I've had an afghan come apart in the wash, so I do.) Then work in the ends.


For the RR i've done, I would put my hook through to make a slip stitch to end a row, and yo with the new color to start the new row. Does this help?


Let us know how it's going!



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Hello Ladies

I can't write to everyone now I have to get ready to go bartend. I just wanted to catch up from last night. Then I wont be so far behind tomorrow.

Joanne nice family pic.

Shannon I think if you save the pictures to your computer then you can send them to wal-mart and have prints made of us. Sounds like a good idea to me if it works.

I have had my shower now I have to wake up Dh so he can have a shower then we are off to bartend.

Have a good night everyone

See you all tomorrow


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I had a whole message ready to go and the internet connection went out! I hate that!

Anyway, the furniture is here! I just need to get a bedding set and some pillows and it will be all ready to go! I need to take a picture of it and the new office to show you all!

When I change yarn color, I cut the yarn but keep a loop on the hook. Then I loop the new color on the hook and complete the next stitch with both colors. Then I continue with just the new color. As I continue I stitch over the tail of the old color and then I don't have to weave the ends in. Does that help?

I am glad I got to chat with you all last night. I hope you all enjoy your crochet day. It is a good day for it here. Rainy and cloudy.

Have a good rest of the day all and talk to you all later!


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For one-strand, I usually slip stitch to the beginning chain and fasten off. :blush Then I start a new row with a new color. LoL I guess that's cheating but I am afraid it will come unraveled if I don't fasten off.


Mia got her hair cut and it is so cute! She is very proud- as soon as we came home, she ran to the garage to show dh and FIL. They both whistled. :lol


Mary, have fun bartending. :wink


Vicki- yay for new furniture! Can't wait to see pictures. What is your color scheme for the bedding?

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:hi everyone!


I fasten off between each colour and join with a slip stitch too. It works! :devil


Stacy - That is so cute about Mia and her new hairdo! Enjoy your night off!


Vicki - I'm looking forward to seeing the new rooms! I was impressed to see that you remembered chat last night :lol


Mary - I hope you had fun bartending.


Shannon - How are you feeling? How is the RR coming along? Row 10, sounds like you are getting into it!


Joanne - I hope you enjoy your football day!


LeaAnne - Interested to know how your day went too? Did everyone find books they will enjoy? I hope the scrimmage goes well tomorrow :cheer


Beth - I hope your day of taxi-ing went well. Has your sister received her Steelers 'ghan yet? How exciting that you got Joanne's square. :yay


We had a quiet, relaxing day. We cleaned as a family this morning (vacuuming and dusting) and then we just hung out. The weather is simply amazing here! We are planning a camping trip for 2 weeks from now and I really hope the weather will be like this! :xfin I'm going to watch some TV with DH tonight. I hope you are all having a great weekend!

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HI everyone,

Glad that everyone seems to have had a nice day. I went to DD's and we watched the RU game- they won handily. I worked on my never ending square ghan. We had dinner together and then hung out a while. She was studying and I was crocheting. I think my elbow is getting a little tendonitis from all the hooking I've been doing so no more crocheting today for me. DD really likes the never ending square and so does DD in Philly so i just might have to make a duplicate of this one....then I was thinking, why not just make 3 of the same than all 3 sisters can have the same one? Kind of like a sistah-sistah ghan!! Of course, I'll get bored, so I'll have to make other things in between. But I do like the colors so at least that will interest me. I'll post pics when it is finished.


Stacy- Mia must be so proud with her new haircut! How many inches did she get cut off?

Hope you and DH had a good time tonight.


Colleen - nice for you that you had some nice family time today- and fingers crossed for good weather for your camping trip. Weather here was damp and rainy all day. They are saying tomorrow should be better- we'll see!!


Mary- hope that bartending was not too difficult. Did you make me a kahlua and milk?..lol...


Vicki- Yanks lost again today- whats up with that?? Anyway, yay for your new furniture! Can't wait to see pics of it.


Beth- Glad that you liked the square! Thanks for noticing the love that went into it!!


Shannon- hope you are feeling better- is your voice any better?


Jennifer- hope all is well with you and that school is going good.


LeaAnne- you must have had another busy crazy day. Hope you found a good read and good luck to Pete tomorrow at his first game- What's the name of his team?

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I got my Joanne square today! :clap:cheer :manyheart


I love it! It is beautiful and stitched with love. :hug Thank you!

What a cool idea to make the same 'ghan for all 3 dd's. I'm sure they will love it.


Mia had 9 inches cut off. She didn't even want to see the "icky ponytail." :lol We are still waiting on Roomie to come home. We haven't decided where we are going for dinner- Cuban or Italian. :think Oh, the choices! :lol I am ready for a break, though. Her 4 y/o is much more taxing on the nerves than mine is. :2nono For dinner I made waffles and eggs, which is what they asked for. The oldest one ate everything, but the younger one wouldn't eat the waffles because I wouldn't pour chocolate syrup on them, and she wouldn't eat the eggs because they had milk. :rolleyes She threw everything into the trash and on the floor when I was out of the room and went off to play. :rant


Colleen, how nice that you had family time. :manyheart My fingers are crossed for great camping weather, also! :xfin


Mary- have fun bartending! Don't make the "wrong drinks" by accident. :lol


Well she is home, so I am off to take a shower. Have a great night all!



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My sister got her Steeler's ghan yesterday! She says it's perfect for the room, and she loves it!!!



I swear other people's kids are so much harder than our own. I would have been quite frustrated with the food situation. Chocolate syrup on waffles -- Ewwwwww!


Have a wonderful night!

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Morning all


So glad that sis got the Steelers ghan, Beth- I think I'll need to add a NY Giants one to my list of things to make...lol


Hope everyone has a great Sunday---Go Big Blue- 4PM vs the Redskins!!!! DD and I will be watching together- should be fun!!! I totally am going to relax today again since it is back to work tomorrow!!!

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So, do I even want to mention the fact that we are RedSkin fans here??? GO 'SKINS!!! I tried to make my dh a redskin RR once, but the colors were off, and it ended up being more of a 49'ers blanket. He teases me about it all the time.

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Oh, I see a rivalry brewing between Beth and I.....game should be fun---Go Big Blue!!!!!!


LOL about your Redskins ghan.....


And congrats Mary on stashbushting


Off to go for a walk with DD- it is finally a beautiful day here!!!

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Ooh, Joanne's square is making its way to us! I can't wait to see it!

Beth - The Redskins? My husband likes the Redskins too until they started taking all the good Jets players. Then he got mad at them!

Joanne - GO BIG BLUE! Yes, even from down here, I still route for all my NY teams.

Mary - How did bartending go? I hope you had fun!

Stacy - I agree. Other people's children are so much more difficult than our own! I see that when DD's friends come over here to play. Hope you had a great night out with your hubby! Where did you end up going to eat? Cuban or Italian?

Shannon - Hiya girl! How is everything going in my neighboring state?

Colleen and Jennifer - Hope you guys are having a great Sunday!

DD has a birthday party today at the roller skating rink and I need to get my badorkus off the computer to start laundry. I did all the towels and all the bath mats yesterday. I did all my bill paying this morning. Now just the house stuff!

Hope you all have a great day! Talk to you all later!


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Good afternoon!

Hope everyone is having a fantabulous Sunday! The weather cooled off a bit today and I can smell fall in the air. I love it! :manyheart


Isabella and Mia slept over at the IL's house and dh watched football all day. So far I have done 3 rows on my rr, changed the sheets on my bed, went to the grocery store, made lunch (pizza! Yummm!,) cleaned and rearranged the girls' room to make space for the toddler bed, swept and mopped their floor and the kitchen floor, cleaned the appliances, and took out the trash. The dishwasher needs to be emptied and filled but I've done it every day for the past 3 weeks, so I'm leaving that one for Roomie. :wink

I am tired. :lol I want to work on my rr but ran out of white so that will have to wait. I spent a bit too much at the grocery store this week :blush so I will have to wait until Friday to send out the squares. Sorry, guys. I can post a pic of them to prove they are done, though. :rofl


Beth, I'm happy that your sis loves her Steelers 'ghan!


Vicki- did you get your house stuff done? Have you picked out bedding yet? I hope dd had fun at the birthday party.


Mary- how was the bartending?


Joanne, hope you had a nice walk with dd!


Shannon, Leanne, Colleen, Jennifer, Scooby- Hope you all had a wonderful Sunday! :hug to each of you!


Last night we ended up getting Italian. Yummm! We had this awesome appetizer- imported tomatoes, topped with basil and fresh mozzarella, and a balsamic vinegar. :drool I could go for about 10 more of them! LoL Afterwward, we went to Target to get toothpaste and stuff, then home. We are :loser. Jorge stayed up to watch movies and I fell asleep. I woke up this morning with a nasty stomach ache but it was gone by lunch. :whew


Well I'm gonna get going and have some ice cream. Have a great night!

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hope everyone had a great day- And the Giants won (sorry Beth-but the Giants outplayed your Redskins). DD and I took a nice long walk and then we just hung out at her house (SIL had to work). She studied, I crocheted, we watched the Giants game, then cooked burgers on the grill. I got home a little while ago. It was a very relaxing weekend and end to my vacation. I only have about 2 more rows of the never ending square and then the border and it will be done.


No problem Stacy- food is more important than mailing squares...lol.....


DH is on his way home- last I spoke to him he had crossed into VA- about 80 miles so of Richmond. he'll be home tomorrow- so tonight is my last night of having the bed to myself, so I think I'll go up and enjoy a good nights sleep since it's back to work in the AM

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Good morning and Happy Monday! Got up early this AM since DH came home and his snoring woke me up- guess he decided to drive all the way from GA in one day! When I spoke to him at 10:30, he said he was in Alexandria, Va and going to be stopping soon. I kept telling him to get some sleep and then get an early start this morning. I wish he wasn't so stubborn-but glad he made it home safe and sound. So much for my good nights sleep--- I woke up around 4:30 and couldn't fall back asleep. Anyway, hope everyone has a great day!!! Fingers crossed that I don't have to work more than my usual 8 today!

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Good Morning Ladies

Bartending was good saturday night. The party ended about midnight so that wasn't tooo late. Yesterday I just relaxed. I watched some T.V and crocheted. Made supper and did the dishes and that was all. I just didn't feel like doing anything else.

I glad eveyone had a good day.

Today Iam going to clean the 2 bedrooms upstairs and then Iam going to get my :yarn and :hook and :crocheting:crocheting:crocheting.

Eveyone have a great day


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Good morning. I just wanted you all to know that I haven't been on because I'm still sick. I'm going to the doctor this afternoon. I'll definitely be back when I feel better. I miss you all and you're all in my thoughts.:manyheart

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Good morning to all. I was running around a little this morning. One of my teachers is out today and I needed to get some stuff to her co-teachers.

Anyway, yes, Joanne, the Giants beat the Redskins and the Jets beat the Texans. They were both good games, but I really wan't paying attention to either one. I was reading or I was crocheting or I was cooking dinner.

DD had a good time at the birthday party yesterday. Then her friend called and they started making plans for her friend's b-day, as she is having a sleep over and they are going out to dinner. The party is a month away and they are already knee deep in plans. It is cute to watch.

I did not go get bedding for the new room yet. I need to wait until I get paid and I pay the mortgage and the 2 remaining utility bills. These two don't arrive until later in the month, so they are always paid when the mortgage is paid. It's no big deal. My sister won't be here until December! I am thinking red or blue. Hopefully nothing real flowery. I don't like comforters to be really full of flowers. I guess that was because that was all we had when we were little!

Shannon - I hope you are feeling better soon. Let us know what the doctor says.

Mary - Glad to here that the party was good and the bartender did a great job!

Stacy - You got a lot done yesterday! Good for you!

Joanne - I am waiting patiently for your square to arrive! It hasn't hit Texas yet!;)

Colleen and Jennifer - Hope you guys having a great day!

Talk to you all later!


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Yes, Joanne, your Giants thoroughly out-played the Redskins. I'm glad I'm not a big football fan, or I'd be quite depressed today.


Shannon, sweetie, feel better soon. I still have an annoying cough, but I'm feeling a lot better.


Vicki, the birthday party planning sounds so sweet. Gotta love those little ones.


Mary, glad you have fun with the bartending. I'm also glad it didn't last too long. Those late nights are harder to bounce back from than they used to be. (at least for me.)


LeaAnne, seems that school is keeping you busy! I hope you are adjusting to the schedule change well.


Stacy, I hope you enjoyed your time without the dd's. Some times we just need a chance to go to sleep early. Is your stomach OK today?


Colleen, and Jennifer, hope you are having wonderful days!

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hi everyone

Shannon- sorry to hear that you are still sick- fingers crossed that it's not the swine flu. Glad you were going to the doctor today.

Vicki- Yes, it was a good day for NY football fans- that's all everyone was talking about today at work! That is too cute about the birthday party planning. Gotta love girls!!

Colleen- hope you survived DD's first official day of school. How did she do? Did you cry?

leaAnne- hope you had a good weekend and that Pete had fun at this game on Sunday.

Beth- Yes, it is good you are not a real football fan- I would have been depressed if the Giants lost. But they didn't, so all is good ....lol....

Stacy- hope you had a good day- are the kiddies getting settled in school. Did Mia start today?


DH slept till 12;30 today- lucky him! I showed him the ghan I worked on all week and he said that's nice...then he said, aren't the stitches a little loose?.....ugh....men!!!!! So glad that both DD's love it and want it!


Well, off to make dinner and then try and finish the ghan.


Have a good night everyone

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I got Joanne's square! I got Joanne's square! If that is a feeble attempt at a square I would love to see what you do that is bad! The square is beautiful! And the colors are wonderful. Giant blue is a good color to use! Thank you. I love it and I am proud to say I can see the love!


Shannon - What did the doctor say?


Just wanted to pop in and see what everyone was doing since I was last here. It was a busy day at work and now I am going to sit and work on my paper a little and then :crocheting DD's pink square. The Yankee game is on and I am ready to work! I have the endocrinologist appointment tomorrow so I can sleep a little tomorrow! WOO HOO :clap! Have a great night everyone and I will talk to you all on the flip side!

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