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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 1]

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I know, I miss the late sunset too. We have had the most beautiful week this week. Warm but not hot and sticky. Today was a bit cloudy and cooler too, but still nice. They are supposedly predicting a warm fall here, for what that's worth.

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I know my daughters didn't tell me everything (I've found out things now that I didn't know then) but they were all good (did normal teeanage things). I was open with them, encouraged them to have their friends to our house (and yes it sometimes very crazy with all those girls in my house) , but I got to meet their friends and see who they were hangin with. It's all about communication!

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I noticed that by 8 it is dark- seems to be getting dark by 7:30. I like it stay light till about 9--that way I feel like I have some sort of day after work. Once it starts getting dark at 5 I feel like I leave for work in the dark and come home in the dark and the only time I have the "day" is on the weekends.

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Wow! There's no way I can read everything from last night!!! I have :drive duty today, and there's a huge festival right in the middle of where everyone has to go, so it's going to be slow going...


Any way, Joanne, you and your "inventions" are gorgeous! I love your naturally curly hair. Mine just started getting curly when I moved into the humidity here in Virginia. I love the curls, because it was always straight when I was young.


Shannon, I hope you feel a little less puny today. How is Pepper?


LeaAnne, keep us posted on how the kids adjust to school. It's so good that you are active in the school.


Colleen, I understand being in the Christmas frame of mind. I am enjoying fall weather here. I love the crisp, cool mornings. I want to go apple picking in the mountains!


Stacy, are you going to visit Colleen in January, to enjoy her snow?


Mary, what are you up to?


Vicki, happy weekend! How was school?


Jernnifer, Happy weekend! Are you surviving your busy schedule OK?


Scooby, thinking of you!

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Good morning!

Sorry I left chat last night- my laptop died, and when I turned on the desktop, I couldn't log into the 'Ville.


Beth, good luck with taxi duty! I wish I could visit Colleen to see the snow. We can just drive about an hour into the mountains and see it, though. :wink I'll have to come up with a better excuse than that. :lol


Shannon, I hope you are feeling better today. :hug


I think tomorrow will still be my National Holiday. :lol Today I have to go grocery shopping and take Mia to have her hair cut. She wants it "to her shoulders, like Bella." She loves her big sister. :manyheart It is almost to her behind so I think we are going to put it into a ponytail and donate it.

FIL is supposed to be coming over to help dh put shelves up in our garage. We are also babysitting because Roomie has grad school orientation today. We are hoping she will babysit for us after she comes home, so we can sneak out for a couple hours.


I better get moving and make breakfast for the monsters. Have a great Saturday!! :hug

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There's been a change of plans- I am babysitting while dh and FIL are buying the wood for the shelves. When they come back, I am taking Mia for her haircut, then taking the girls to MIL's for the night! :clap Now I know we will be able to go out for a few hours later. :lol I can go grocery shopping- alone!- then when I come home I am cleaning their bedroom, top to bottom. They have 6- yes 6!- boxes of toys in their closet that I haven't unpacked yet because there is just nowhere in their room to put them. And this room is bigger than their old one. :shrug

I am off to take a shower. Maybe I can go through a couple boxes (discreetly! :lol) before we leave, so that I can donate them on my way to the salon.

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STacy- that is great that you are going to donate Mia's hair. My middle DD has done that a couple of times- are you donating to Locks of Love? Hope that the roomie babysits so you and DH can have a couple of hrs to yourself


LeaAnne- how did Pete's weigh-in go? And did you get yourself a book at BN?


Colleen- hope you are having a great day- doing some more fall cleaning?


Mary- happy bartending tonight- remember your friends here as you are mixing them up.


Shannon- hope that you are feeling better today.


Beth- happy driving!! Did you stop at the festival?


Vicki- hope you are having a great day too. Glad you remembered the chat last night!


I worked some on the RR- it seems a little wonky so I may keep this one for myself- I think Ive got it down now, so we'll see.


Enjoy the day!!

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Hi girls! Well, as always I need help. I started my RR last night. I think I changed colors wrong. Can anyone tell me the best way to change colors?


I hope you all can hear me, because my voice is pretty much gone today.:lol Happy International Crochet Day!! I've certainly been celebrating. I'm about to start row 10 of my RR. It was good to talk last night! I love our chats.


I can't talk to everyone right now. I promise I will later! Love you guys!:manyheart

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Shannon, are you doing the 2-strand? With my first one, I just ended off both strands and started a new row. That made for a lot of ends, so this time I am trying to slip stitch to the spot right before the next ch-3, then drop one color and pick up the next, then slip stitch, ch-3, and start the next row. Does that make sense? I don't actually think I like doing it that way so I may just do it the first way from now on. :lol


Joanne, it depends on how much they cut off. Her hair is very long but if it's shorter than 10 inches then we are going to donate to Pantene's Beautiful Lengths. They make free wigs for women who lose their hair due to cancer. Their minimum requirement is 8 inches, instead of 10, which would probably work better for us.

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