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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 1]

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Good morning all. I am tired after open house last night. It went well. Not too many parents, but the 6th grade open house will have more parents. It always does.

I did manage to crochet a round or two on DD's square. I printed the pattern for the snuggie and maybe when I get to it I will make it.

Have a good day everyone! Talk to you all later!


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Good morning!


Joanne, I'm sorry to hear that it is supposed to rain but I know you will have fun anyway. Enjoy your DD time! :manyheart


Vicki- I hope you got a good night's sleep after your open house. When is the 6th grade one?


Shannon-ness, I hope you got a good night's sleep and are feeling better today. :hug


I slept so well last night! :clap I didn't even wake up once until my alarm went off at quarter after 5, which means I slept through dh's first 2 alarms. LoL And Mia slept in her bed all night- double :clap. I think we will get a Slurpee today after we drop off oldest dd to school. :devil


Today is laundry day! I plan to run to Joanne's or Michael's to get some white yarn first, so I can work on my rr. Never thought I'd be happy to do laundry. I also need to call that woman who is supposed to give us her old ones. They were supposed to close on Tuesday this week so hopefully we can pick them up this weekend.


Leanne, I hope your kiddos had a wonderful first day!


Mary, Jennifer, Colleen, Scooby, and Beth- TGIF! Hope you all have a great day!

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Stacy - I am going to make one of those Van Gogh RRs after I finish this one. It will be for DD (if she'll use it:P). What size hook do you use? :clap for you sleeping well and Mia sleeping in her own bed (no wonder you slept so well :lol)! Happy laundry day and RR day!


Shannon-ness - How are you feeling? :hug


Joanne - Enjoy your day with DDs! :clap


Vicki - Glad the open house went well! Have a great Friday!


Mary, LeaAnne, Beth, Jenn, Scooby - :hi have a good day :hug


We are off to get groceries today, do some cleaning and then some RRing (now there's a new meaning for R&R :lol). I'm thinking of a trip to Mary's yarn store :think. I need more purple for sister's 'ghan (which I now wish was a Van Gogh RR :angry:bang).

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Hi everyone.


DH came home this morning.:cheer I'm still sick. I want to keep being a baby, but I need to get some stuff done because DD will be home soon. I finished another hat. I'm thinking about trying the scarecrow in Crochet World. It's been nice to just sit around and crochet, even if I am sick.


I am also remembering all those who lost their lives eight years ago today. My prayers are with the families of all the victims. It makes me so sad to think that my daughter has to live in the post-9/11 world. Things have changed so much. I am glad that they have made today a day of remembrance and service. I think the only thing that compared to the devastation of 9/11 was the way people came together, helped strangers, and realized that we are one nation and we have to protect it. The hope and unity has always been what I try to focus on every year. It makes me proud to be an American.


Okay, sorry about that. If it doesn't rain tonight I'll be here for chat. DH is taking DD to our nephew's football game if the weather is good. I hope you all have a wonderful day. :manyheart

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Sounds like you all are off and running.


Shannon-ness- :clap for dh coming home. Sorry you're still sick. Vitamin C, baby! I'm telling you, it works...:wink


Colleen, have fun at the yarn store, if you go. For the Van Gogh, I use a 9 mm. It works well and the stitches aren't too tight.


I worked on mine at the laundromat today. I ended up ripping out two rows of green/white and decided to do green/light blue before I add the white. I'm not too thrilled with the way it looks right now but I will do another row before I decide for sure. Maybe I'll save the light blue for last. :think After the laundromat I went to Michael's and bought the thread and fabric for dh's wall hanging. I am excited to get started. I was going to buy one of those stretcher-thingies because the sign said it was 1.59 but when I got to the register it rang up as 17.99. :eek The cashier said it must've been placed in the wrong spot, but there was about 10 of them all on the hanger. Oh, well. I have to get the counts all figured out before I actually start, anyway.


I should be around for chat tonight. Dh is planning to watch the Steelers game he recorded last night. :yawn LoL

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:hi, guys!


You have noooo idea how much I have missed you this week! It's been crazy busy-ness.... Please know that I have been thinking of you all:manyheart, I can't even believe I haven't been here:eek:(.


I hope to be here for chat, so I gotta go and catch up on all your lives that I have missed this week!


Luv you all bunches!:hug:hug:flower:hug:hug

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:hi everybody.


Stacy, I love your RR! It's gorgeousness!!! Those colors are my favorites, and I love the way the two strands work together -- very cool.


I'm sorry you don't feel good, Shannon. I hope you feel better today. I hope you didn't catch the bug from me -- boy, would I feel guilty about that.


I'm coughing again, and I have a bad headache. I wanted to read what everybody is up to, though. I hope you all have a :c9 weekend!!! Sorry I'm not responding to everybody individually.

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I'm feeling a little better, but not 100%. I hope your headache goes away soon.


I love those snugglies, but I don't think I'm ready to tackle sleeves. hee hee

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:hi everyone!


LeaAnne - It is so nice to "see" you! :hug I look forward to hearing about your busy week!


Shannon - I'm glad you are starting to feel better. I hope the headache goes away soon. I also hope DH gets to take Janna to the football game tonight. What wonderful quality Daddy-Daughter time that would be! :yay


Stacy - I hope your RR colours are working out for you.


Beth - I hope your cough and headache go away soon. :hug


:hi to everyone else! I might stop by during chat tonight, we'll see how it goes.


Well, someone lit a :fire under my asperin this week! A :crocheting fire that is! I don't know what motivated me so much, but I finished my RR! :clap First of all, Joanne, I totally overestimated how much yarn I would need. I used one skein or less of each colour. Maybe slightly more than one skein of the yellow. I asked DD if she liked the blanket, thinking I'd make her a Van Gogh in pinks and purples. Her response was, "Can I have it!?". So, it is now hers. Yellow is her favourite colour. Anyhoo, she is busy putting stuffed animals all over it as I write :manyheart So, here it is. 45 inches across. 31 rows.



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Absolute gorgeous-ness, Colleen!! I love your RR! When did you start on it? You are a quick crocheter, that's for sure. Are you going to try a Van Gogh now?

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Thanks Shannon! I'm happy with it. It was fun! I started it on Tuesday :eek Ya, that's kinda crazy fast! I did a lot today. Those last few rows take the longest. I just really wanted to finish it. :shrug


I was going to start a Van Gogh for DD right away, but now that she wants this one it is not such a rush. But I might :devil We'll see what the :hook and :yarn want to do tomorrow :rofl

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Hi Ladies

Colleen and Stacy your RR are just beautiful. You can pick colors out for me anytime.

Shannon so sorry that you are sick. I hope you feel better soon. Take 1 :yarn and 1 :hook and it will cure you for sure.

LeaAnne :woo welcome back. I have really missed you.

Joanne enjoy your time with your 2 DDs

Beth feel better soon. Those coughs sure like to hang around.

Vicki glad open house went well. I have not printed the snugglies pattern off yet. I have to do that, then I think I will work on that with the show stuff also.

Scooby and Jen hope you are having a great day.

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No, it's drizzling out. But they're in bed watching a movie. Is DD just loving her new blanket? At least someone in your house likes 'ghans, huh?

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:lol Yes, she likes it. She says it will be perfect for the secret little game she plays with her stuffed animals called "Sun Girl".


That's cute that DD and DH are getting quality time. I bet they are both just loving it!

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Colleen, I've been meaning to tell you that Curious George Live is coming here. So maybe it will be near you too. When I saw it in the mail I thought of your DD!

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