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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 1]

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Yes, my house is a bi-level-(or they are sometimes called a raised ranch). You come in the front door and their are stairs up to the kitchen, dining room, living oom and 3 bedrooms and a bath are upstairs. From the front door their are stairs to the family room, laundry room and 2nd bath are downstairs and the door to the garage

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Hello, my chatty buddies! I'm sorry I missed all the fun last night!


Shannon, how did Pepper do last night? Poor baby! It's so hard when our 4-legged children are hurting! Here's a :hug for you AND her.


Joanne, your house sounds lovely! So does a day to clean... or crochet! I'd take either right now.


Mary, hope your toe is doing better. Sounds so painful. I like the Canadian spelling. When I was little, I'd spell colour, because I liked to read English authors, and thought that's the way it was supposed to be spelled!


Stacy, congrats on getting your car fixed. I hate being without wheels! I have my :xfin that something good comes for your dd's school. What a mess! I would be :thair


Colleen, It's 6 a.m., and my brain hasn't started yet, so I can't remember what I wanted to say to you! Sorry. I hope your day is fantabulous!


LeaAnne, does school start today for your crew? I hope you have a great day.


Vicki, How goes school? You asked about making lesson plans -- I can't STAND to go back and change plans I already made, but life sometimes gets in the way of finishing planned work, so I just make a year-long list for each subject of how much I think we should cover every day. Then over the weekend, I simply write in the kids' planners the next 5 items on each list for each class. And some classes go at the kids' pace, so I just write that they do that lesson that day. It takes 5 minutes, once I get the lists made for each class.


Jennifer, Scooby, I hope you are well.


The Advanced Algebra is a good thing. I love math. The twins taught themselves Algebra I and Geometry, working together on all the problems. I am so glad they are coming to me this year.


I need to get busy. I was working on a 4-strand round ripple (Aggie Mae's pattern - I will find the link if anyone wants it) where I started with 4 strands of pink, then 3 pinks and 1 blue, then 2 pinks and 2 blue, etc, switching as I ran out of yarn. I wasn't very happy with it, though. I'm not fond of the S hook -- too big, I think, for this application. So I decided to quit wasting all that lovely yarn on something I didn't like. I'm taking it apart. It's slow going -- the yarn wants to knot up. But I'm going to have 16 skeins of yarn to use for something I will like better. I won't waste my time reading a bad book. I won't waste my time crocheting a project I don't like.


Have you seen the crochet patterns for "snugglies?" (Basically, afghans with sleeves.) RedHeart and Caron both have free patterns on-line. I want to make one of those for each of the members of my family. I keep the heat down low during the winter. That is my next planned project.

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Good morning all-


Beth- I had seen those patterns a couple of months ago and added them to my list of many works in mind! Those snugglies are awesome! I can't imagine crocheting with 4 skeins of yarn at a time and I have never tried an S Hook, although many of the patterns that say 5 1/2 hr afghan call for one. Happy frogging!!! Bet you'll be glad when that is done.


It was fun chatting last night- I am relaxing with a cup o'Joe and then I plan on cleaning for a bit, before I start looking for the yarn to use on the RR.


Hope everyone has a great day!!

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Good morning Besties!


Pepper did well last night. She stayed pretty still the whole time.


I woke up with a massive sore throat. Don't know what that's all about. I have some more cleaning to do before I go get DD. I better start moving so I can get everything done.


I had fun chatting last night! I love our chats.:manyheart Thank you to the girls that were here. And everyone else, I missed you.


Have a wonderful day today! I'll be back a little later!:hug

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Off to the post office to mail the squares!!


Hope you feel better Shannon- and that you aren't getting sick from that girl in the restaurant last week- Did you work on the hat last night?


LeaAnne- starting to worry about ya girl- it's not like you not to post in a few days. Hope everything is ok!!


everyone else- I'll be back later.....this is so wierd posting during the day when I'm usually at work.......lol

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Good morning gang!

I forgot about the chat last night! DD had tae kwon do and then we came home and we watched the President's speech. Then we had to watch Derek Jeter get his hit to tie Lou Gehrig. Maybe tonight he will break it. Are the Yankees playing tonight, Joanne? I will probably miss it. It is open house night here so I will be at school. I will have to listen to it on the way home.

Stacy - That whole new class thing happened to my daughter in kindergarten too. The school moved her and she did not adjust well at first. After a while she did fine. Then they opened up a new class in 2nd grade and I flipped. I called the principal and told her that I did not think my daughter should be moved again because she was moved in kinder and it was not good. They didn't move her and it was good that they didn't. I would have called central office if they moved her again. I have no problems doing that if I need to!

Shannon - I hope Pepper is feeling better today!

Beth - How is school going? I agree with you. I hate to change my plans but sometimes things come up and you just have to.

Mary - What did you do to you toe? I missed that. I hope it is feeling better.

Leanne Colleen, and Joanne - Hope you are having a great day!

I must run. There are some things I need to do before class starts again!


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Okay, ladies. I need your opinion, especially on the colors. This is for a 13 year old girl who's having brain surgery today. Be honest, because I can always make another one and give this one to someone else. Thanks!:D


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I'm on a roll. I stripped the beds, washed quilts, blankets, mattress pads and everything. All out on the clothesline drying. Bathroom cleaned, dishwasher emptied, kitchen tidied, gum removed from my shoe after picking it up on the way home from the park :yuck, shoes in the washing machine. :sigh Fuzzy caterpillar that now lives in DD's bug catcher on our deck fed and watered. Oh, the things a mom must do!:lol I've got to think about work later on, but for now I think I'll enjoy a couple pages of HP and a part row of RR (just call me acronym girl!).


:hi to everyone! I hope you are having a wonderful day! :hug

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The squares are in the mail!! Who knew they have to go through customs to our Canadian friends?!


Shannon- love the hat and the color- you did a great job and I'm sure she will like it. Prayers going up that everything goes well with her surgery today!


Colleen- you sure were on a roll! And laughing about your new "pet"!!! Hope work is easy for you today!


Vicki- The yankees are off tonight. They play again tomorrow night against the Orioles. I am glad they are off so I can watch the football game tonight. Steelers vs Titans. Even though I am a tried and true NY Giants Fan, I do like "Big Ben" of the Steelers, and there is a RU grad, Kenny Britt, who was a really good receiver on the Titans. I hope he gets to play tonight!!


Well, I did get some cleaning done, but then after the post office, I took a trip to AcMoore and Michael's. I bought 4 skeins of Moda Dea washable wool (taupe color) on clearance at ACM. It has been discontinued so I figured, why not? I'm on vacation- I consider it a souvenir to myself!


I am enjoying my relaxing time at home. It is hard to not clean, but I keep telling myself this is my vacation- housework will be here again next week. Time to go through the yarn and pick out the colors for my RR!! And I want to do a few more rows on my never ending square.


Hope everyone is having a nice Thursday!

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Shannon, my 15-year old DD says the hat is very nice. I think so, too. I love the colors and the pattern.


Joanne, sounds like my kind of souvenir! I hope you are enjoying your much-deserved vacation! I was SO hoping my sister would get her afghan today, in honor of the game tonight. I guess she didn't get it yet. :sigh


Gotta take the dog out. :hug to everybody!

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Hi Ladies

Vicki I walked into the couch the other day and hit my toe. Yesterday I had to take Mom to town so I was walking alot on it. Today it does not hurt as much. I can even touch it now, so it is mending good.:)

Colleen you are on a roll today. WTG on getting all that stuff done. I had laundry out on the line today also. It was a great day for drying.:)

Joanne Don't feel bad about not cleaning, It is your vacation. WTG on getting yarn on sale.:)

Shannon I love your hat. I think you picked good colors.:) Iam not too good at picking colors. DD helps me with that.

Beth how did you know I wanted to make snugglies this year for christmas? You must have been peeking over my shoulder. :lol

LeaAnne, Stacy, Scooby and Jen I hope you are all having a good day.

Today I did 3 loads of laundry, picked up stuff in livingroom, cleaned off my kitchen counter, took mom for blood work and picked up a few things at grocery store.

Tonight Iam going to crochet. I have to keep up the roll Iam on.

Talk to you all later

I will try and be back later


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Hey ladies! :waving

Awesome news- dd got back into her class! :cheer:cheer:cheer Today was our first Mommy and Me of the year, so I figured since I had to go to the school anyway, I would pick up and app and talk to the principal. I filled out the app and the principal basically said the same- they have to serve the neighborhood kids first. So I told her that I was concerned about dd's speech and I had hoped to do something about it before she entered kinder. The principal stopped for a second, then asked if I had another daughter. I said yes, and she immediately remembered Isabella from the previous year. (They had a pizza party for the top 2 readers in each class and Isabella attended. She raved about Isabella every time I ran into her after that. I knew she would remember if I actually went in to see her, as opposed to calling.) She said the district is required to address speech/learning concerns, and she would talk with the pre-k teacher after the class starts next week, to see if she had any room for one more. She told Mia that she had to wait one more week, and Mia said, "ok." Well, I was standing here talking to Roomie, when the pre-k teacher called and said, "Welcome back." I was a little afraid at first that she would be upset I went above her, but she seemed fine and told me to be there on Monday at 11 for orientation. :whew I am sooooo relieved and happy! I had called the college today and they didn't have room either. So I was really stressing by the time we got to the school this morning. Thanks to God (and whoever else that helped! :lol)


Whew...ok, enough of that.

Shannon, I am making the 2-strand color-changing afghan, too! I started out with blue, then blue and white, and now am figuring what color to do next. I made one for my oldest and she loves it. I am going to use "boy colors" since I think a lot of people tend to make stuff for girls. I'm glad to hear Pepper didn't have a rough night. I hope she is feeling better today. I think the color and style of your hat is beautiful. :manyheart


Colleen, you are on a roll!! Someone must've poked you with a hot crochet hook! :lol Are you enjoying HP? Which book are you on now? I found a graph for a Dark Mark bag that I am thinking of making Roomie for Christmas. She is the one who introduced me to HP.


Joanne- what a nice souvenir to yourself! :lol I did the same thing in MI- I told dh the only souvenir I wanted was yarn from HL. :rofl What are you going to do with your yarn? I can't wait to get your square!


:hi Vicki- how is dd doing in tae kwon do? My dd has a belt test next week and I don't think she's going to do very well. She hasn't had much interest in practicing. I will feel bad for her if she gets switched- she came home today very excited that she made a new friend. She makes friends easily, though, so I don't think it will be too bad for her.


Mary- you are on a roll today, too! I'm happy to hear that your toe is feeling better.


I don't know who mentioned the snugglies, but my oldest dd is dying for one! Can someone point me in the direction of the pattern, please? That would be a cool Christmas gift.


Ok, ladies, dh just came home, so I'm going to make something to eat before he leaves for class. Be back later!





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