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Okay, quick question...do my squares need to be exactly 12 inches? 'Cause they're not. Should I add more, or will it be okay? They're close to 12 inches.:think:shrug

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Good morning!


Shannon - Best luck to Pepper at the vet!


Beth - Good luck with the first day "back to homeschool"! Congrats on getting your planning done! I'm enjoying making the saltines, mindless and instant gratification! I had all these bits of yarn and started making them. I suspect I will edge them all with a common colour and then use the join-as-you-go method to connect them all into a doll or baby blanket (no sewing for me either!). This is likely a long term project and many more colours will be added as time goes by. That said, I might make them up into a quick little doll blanket for a Christmas gift for DD. :think I recently saw posts about making a magic ball too (where you just tie all your leftover bits of yarn together into one multi-coloured ball), which kind of intrigued me. I hate to see yarn go to waste.


Vicki - I hope your headache feels better soon :hug


Joanne - I'm glad you are enjoying your trip. Too bad you can't meet LeaAnne.:( Let me know if you plan to start your round ripple soon. I have some balls of yarn that are begging to be made into a round ripple (I know, and I say no more afghans all the time!), but I wouldn't be in any rush to finish mine. I'm thinking what's left of the sage green from my Chevron Lace Cardigan, yellow and white. :c9


Stacy - Good luck with your cross stitch project! You'll have to keep us posted on how it goes. My mom cross-stitches a lot, but I don't think she does her own graphing :think


Mary - I am so happy to hear you enjoyed the grandkids and WTG on that nap! I bet you needed it!


LeaAnne, Jenn, Scooby - :hi


I am just getting a bit done around the house today and we have to go to the library. I need to get everything organized for DD's visit to school tomorrow. I'm feeling a little bit emotional today and hope that I can hold it together tomorrow. :(

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Okay, quick question...do my squares need to be exactly 12 inches? 'Cause they're not. Should I add more, or will it be okay? They're close to 12 inches.:think:shrug


I wash my squares in the washing machine and then lay them flat to dry on a towel. As I lay them flat to dry I stretch them to the correct size. Works for me! If need be, I could also add an extra round of my joining colour to yours.

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Good morning everyone

I think Beth's bug came to my house. I woke up this morning with a sore throat and a stuffed up nose and I just feel achy all over. I think I got something by sitting outside at night in the damp air.

Today I did a few errands and now Iam home again. Think Iam going to take it easy today and just sit and crochet for a bit. My house managed to stay in good shape this past weekend so that is good.

I hope everyone has a good day

Talk to you later


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Morning, ladies!


Joanne, sounds like you are having a fabulous vacation! You're turning into Beth, with all of that :drive. LoL Enjoy the time with your cousin and with dd on Thursday. It sucks about the landlord issues, at least they can get out of the lease, though. Has she found a new job yet? Let me know about that round ripple, too. I volunteered to make one for Teakaycee's Nephrotic Syndrome charity and I need to get started on it.


Shannon, I think 2 or 3 of my squares aren't exactly 12 inches, either. They were the ones I made on the plane and needless to say, my tension was a bit too tight. I didn't realize it until I had washed them all and put them all together. I don't speak for everyone else but I don't mind adding an extra row of joining color, myself. :hug Good luck to Pepper!!


Colleen, good luck with dd's first day! Is she excited? I was emotional with oldest dd's first day of pre-k and kinder, but not yet this year. We'll see how tomorrow goes! LoL 4 y/o dd doesn't start until next week, but she is SO excited! Have fun with your saltines. I have tons of them that I had planned to make into an around the world afghan. I don't mind the sewing, it's all the end-weaving! LoL Maybe I will try them with the join-as-you-go, also. :think


Beth, how nice of your hubby to make lunch so you could work on lesson plans! Good luck to you and your inventions on your first day! :manyheart


Vicki, sorry to hear you're not feeing well. I hope your headache clears up soon.


:hi and :hug to everyone else!


Today I am going to get my bedroom situated- put on the new bedding, and hang up some pictures. Dh said it was my room to decorate, as long as he could have the bathroom. LoL I need to make sure that the front gate is unlocked- my car part is supposed to arrive today! :cheer Also need to get Isabella's backpack together and outfit picked. Thank God for uniforms. LoLoL


Well I better get going and start my day. Happy Tuesday!



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:hi everyone!


Mary, take care of yourself! As I always prescribe take one :hookand one :yarn and :crocheting:crocheting:crocheting. :D Actually in your case you might need :yarn:yarn:yarn. :lol


Stacy - DD is a little bit excited for school and little bit nervous. She thinks school is going to be boring and that all they do is math :lol I suspect she'll get one look at the kindergarten room and be beyond excited! I wish we had uniforms. Yes please jump in with a round ripple! :clap I started mine during my quiet time this afternoon and I know Joanne's been wanting to make one. Thought we might cheer her on. What colours are you making?


I've given up on trying to plan what I make. The yarn and hooks tell me what they want to work on and I'm just going with it. :rofl


I gotta run get the laundry off the line, get ready for work, organize some supper. Homemade soup might get bumped by a can of Campbells at this point. :shrug:blush

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Colleen - I will join you in the round ripple. I ordered yarn on Friday from Mary Maxim for this specific purpose! I need to work on DD's squares and my shawl, and then my sister brought me yarn and asked me to make a baby blanket for a friend of hers who is expecting. I think I need to organize my WIPs.

Shannon - Hope your puppy is feeling better! How did the surgery go?

Stacy and Colleen - Have a good first day of school!

Mary - I hope you are feeling better. Maybe you just overdid it with the kids this weekend. Take it easy and take one ball of yarn, use it, and let us know how you are feeling in the morning.

Jennifer - How is your year going? No major papers yet?

My headache took most of the day to go away. I am just tired now. I did not have a good day yesterday, so I am just cranky. We have bowling tonight, but I would LOVE to just stay home and work on stuff.

Hope everyone has a great night. Talk to you all tomorrow.


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Hi all!


I can't chat long. I forgot that today was Wednesday and DD has school. Duh! DH came home last night!! He should be back on Friday!


Good luck to Stacy and Colleen's girls at school today.


I'm glad you're feeling better Vicki.


I hope you're feeling better Mary.


How's NH and you cousin, Joanne?


I hope you and the kids have a wonderful last day of summer, LeaAnne.


How's school going for you and your inventions, Beth?


I hope you weren't a casualty in your WWII house, Jennifer! We miss you!


Hiya Scooby! Miss you too!


I'll join you with the RR. I don't know if you remember, but I started making one for teakaycee too. I may have to frog that one and start another one. The beginning yarn I used is too soft, if that makes sense.


I'll probably be around to chat tonight, if anyone's interested. I'm pretty sure I won't be here for Friday's chat. Have a great day everyone!!

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Good morning.


So far today looks a lot busier than yesterday was! Oh well. Yesterday was nice. Today, the shower curtain is in the washing machine. The bathroom has been bleached and scrubbed. I've met my cleaning goals for today.


Amanda has private dance lessons this morning. David needs me to taxi him back and forth to work. I'm working at the ballet studio for a couple of hours tonight. Robert needs to cash his last work check from the summer. I need to run to the store for a couple of things.


David is done with his school work for today, and has a good start for tomorrow. The twins asked for my help with Advanced Algebra, so I need to run.


Have a good day, everybody!:manyheart

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We all went as a family for DD's little visit at school this morning. She did fabulous! :yay There were 2 other little girls there at the same time and she just chatted them up while the teacher went over LOADS of paperwork with the parents. I could hear her "What's your name?" "How old are you?" "You should draw a sun on your picture like I did!" "Look guys! I found sissors" and :blah :blah :blah The other parents were happy it broke the ice for their little girls. Teacher is very nice. I think I might get through all the newsletters and paperwork they sent home by June! :lol It all seems a bit overwhelming, but I'm sure once we get the first year under out belt, we'll "get" all the school protocol and stuff. My life is going to be so busy from now on :eek:faint


Today I'm cooking a good family supper since DH is off and just trying to get everything organized for school while it is all fresh in my mind. She goes back on Monday for the full day...without me :(


My round ripple is motoring along - they go so quickly at the beginning. Hopefully I get some stitching in on that today (therapy! :rofl). I'm glad you are joining us too Shannon. I did remember that you were working on one a couple months ago. I won't write to each of you individually because my brain is in a bit of overload right now. Have a wonderful day!

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Morning, ladies!

Sounds like everyone is off and running already!


Shannon, I do remember you had started one a while ago. Glad that you are joining us! I am hoping to do a rainbow-type one with variegated rounds, but I have to wait until I get some white, for that. I'm happy for you that dh came home last night! I know Janna was thrilled to see him, too! :clap C'mon, Friday! :cheer How did your puppers do at the vet?


Colleen, I'm so happy that dd fit right in at her school. :manyheart That makes it so much easier on them. Good luck on Monday- we are all here to send plenty of :hug your way.


Joanne, Hope you are having lots of fun in NH!


Leanne, are you finished with BTS shopping? Has the last one finished up the summer reading?


Beth, sounds like you have your hands full- advanced algebra?! :eek Scary stuff. Good luck chauffeuring and working tonight.


Mary, I got your square yesterday! It is beautiful, and so is the towel. Thank you so much!! :hug Hope you are feeling better today and that you are recovered from your wild nights with the kids. :lol


Jennifer, Scooby, and Vicki- hope you're off to a great start this morning! :hug


Dd was so excited to start school today! We picked out her clothes last night, and I asked her if she wanted to wear pants or capris (she despises skirts and dresses.) She asked if she could wear a skirt! I almost :faint!! Of course I said yes and we laid it out on her desk. This morning after she got dressed, she said, "Mommy, I want to wear a skirt today so I look pretty on my first day at my new school." :manyheart I love that little girl. We had to wait in the auditorium to find out her room assignment, and the principal said they have an overflow of first graders (27-28 per class! :eek) and that they may have new room assignments again by the end of the week. Oh, dear...I really, really wish she would have stayed at her old school but she is super-excited so I have to roll with it. :sigh

After we came home, I cleaned up breakfast dishes and loaded the dishwasher, cleaned off the table, and fed the dog. I have a growing pile of laundry but I'm boycotting it until my car is fixed and I can go to my laundromat. :lol I'll probably vacuum and wipe down the appliances at some point, and the mechanic is supposed to be here at 1 to fix my car! :clap:cheer:yay

For now I am going to dig through my stash to see what I can use so I can get going on my rr. BBL, Besties! :waving

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Hello Ladies

Iam feeling better today. I think it must have been that I was tired from the kids. Everything was going good last night until I walked into the end of the couch. Yup I got my toe... It is swollen and bruised, it is going to be some nice colors.

Today I had to take Mom to town. Left here at 8.30am and didn't get back til 4pm. Yup Iam tired and toe is really sore.

Tonight is going to be put my feet up and :crocheting and watch some T.V. I asked Dh what he wanted for supper and he said just something lite. It was pretty warm here today. I don't feel like eating any thing either.

Iam glad the first day of school went well for everyone.:cheer

I hope all is well with everyone and I might check back later to see if there is chat.

Talk to you later


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Hello again!


I'm home (finally) and Pepper is doing well. A lot better than I expected, actually. They told me she would probably need a cone and her cut would be oozing. No cone, and no oozing that I can tell. But she's still so pitiful.:( She can hardly put any pressure on her leg. I have a feeling I'll be toting her around for a few days. She'll feel so much better once it heals though.


DD went to school and then I took her to get her hair cut. We couldn't take too much off because the hairdresser thinks that's the last of her baby curls.:( I wanted her hair to stay curly. I just hope she didn't get my nappy wave. But she was very good and stayed very still for her hair cut!


I'll try to be here around 8 my time, if anyone wants to chat. I know a lot of you are busy with school now.


Mary, I hope your toe feels better. I'm sorry that you hit it. Do you think it's broken? I've been there, and it amazes me how something so small could hurt so bad. Here's a big :hug just for you!

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Hey ladies.

Mary, I'm sorry to hear about your toe! I broke my in HS and it hurt soooo bad! Sounds like you've had a long day, to boot. I hope you can sit back and put your feet up tonight! :hug


Shannon, I'm glad to hear everything went well with Pepper. Yay for no cone or oozing. I hope that she recovers quickly. :hug


Well ladies...I am just beyond speechless. I got a text today from my "friend" at Isabella's old school, saying the letter the pre-k teacher sent to me was returned, and that she didn't have a way to contact me. So I called the school- again. (I called like 3 times last week.) Got ahold of the teacher today, and she informed me that Mia was dropped from her class because Isabella doesn't go to the school anymore. :faint She said that she "supposedly" sent the letter and it was returned to her, which I hardly believe because all of our mail has been forwarded to our new addy, thus far. And that she didn't have a way to contact me. Uh, yea right- both of the girls' emergency cards as well as contact info are in the front office. I just feel SO angry!! :angry I told my husband that I wonder if I hadn't called her, would she have waited until the meeting day to let me know? She said I can fill out an open enrollment form but that she has about 5 or 6 kids on her waiting list with siblings at the school, who will get preferential treatment, if a position becomes available. I just cannot get over this! I feel completely blind-sided.

I went to the new school today and was told not to bother because the waiting list is 30 kids long. Jorge is supposed to be home soon so we can go to his college and fill out an app there. Tomorrow we are going to the old school to fill out an app. Wish me luck!


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Goodness, Stacy! I can't believe this is happening to you. They sure do wait til the last minute, don't they? Just remember that everything happens for a reason, and something good will come out of all this crap you're going through. I'll be praying that everything works out.

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Thanks, Shannon. I just feel so shocked and angry. Why didn't the teacher return my calls last week? How on earth did she think she didn't have my contact info? And if she supposedly talked to my friend this morning, why didn't she get a contact number from her? None of it makes sense. I am trying to remember that it all happens for a reason, but right now I can't get beyond the immediate feeling, ya know?

We went to the college only to be told I don't have to fill out another app and to just call the director at 8:30 tomorrow. We also have Mommy and Me tomorrow at 9:30 so I'm sure I'll be able to get some resources there. The instructor is the most helpful person as far as resources in the community.


Jorge has a friend coming over around 6 so I may be able to chat then, if anyone will be around! Shannon I know you mentioned you're available but I don't know what time. Hope to see you later!

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HI everyone!!

I'm back home! Had a really nice visit in NH with my cousin- I'm glad I decided to go. (although the 6.5 hr drive home was NOT fun)! And to top it off- it's supposed to rain here the next couple of days!. Oh, well, can't complain since I had really nice weather when I was away.


I got Mary's square!!! It was here waiting for me on the kitchen table- it must have come on Saturday (and DH didnt say anything!). It is so representative of where you are from Mary- and thank you for the kitchen towel also. I should learn how to do those since my cousin who I visited loves them. She had a few in her kitchen. I was thinking that it would be a nice thank you gift for having me.


DH left for GA on Sunday and stayed in S Carolina Sunday night- arrived in GA on Monday. He has visited his aunt and stayed with her and saw his DD's house. She is coming to Ga for a few days tomorrow to visit some friends and to spend time with DH since he only has the conference from9-3 each day.


So excited to read that folks want to do the RR! As my siggy says- I'm determined to make one. Which pattern is everyone using?


Colleen- glad that all went well with DD at school- I'm sure she'll do fine (but not so sure about you ...lol)


LeaAnne- how's the getting ready for school going for you? Tomorrow is the big day for your kiddos.


Shannon- glad to hear that Pepper's surgery went well and that cooperated for her hair cut.


Stacy- I can't believe that they did that to you--sounds a little fishy to me. But, like Shannon said, everything happens for a reason- I tell that to my DD's all the time--and you know what I really believe it. Good luck sorting everything out and hoping that Mia has an awesome place to go to!!


Mary- sorry to hear about the toe!! I hope when you read this, you are sitting on your bodorkus with your feet up with hook in hand. Thank you for the lovely square and the towel!! It was such a nice surprise to come to.


My squares will be going out in the mail tomorrow. I had planned to stop on my way home, but I hit some traffic and by the time I got into town, the post office was closed.


Hope everyone has a wonderful night. I plan on watching the President's speech on healthcare (in between watching the Yankees) and want to put a border on my square and take care of the tails so it will truly be finished.


I started another while I was away--got 24 rows done!...Now to look through my stash for the colors to do the RR!

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Oops- forgot a few people (not intentionally)- hit post too quick...


Beth- You amaze me with advanced algebra- How was your day-between errands, driving DS and working at the ballet school (this is in addition to homeschooling???) I'm tired thinking about it!!!


Vicki hope that you are feeling better- did you go bowling last night? Hope that you are resting tonight- the yankees are on- losing 2-0.


Jennifer- hope all is going well with school and housework, homework and craft time.


Scooby- wherever you are- thinkin about ya.

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