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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 1]

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Mary, I am SO sorry! Dd woke up screaming from being constipated, and in the midst of trying to calm her, I forgot to tell you I'd be right back. :blush She just now calmed down after I gave her some prune juice and I thought I'd check in- then I remembered. I'm really sorry. :hug

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Hi friends!!:)


It seems as though eveyone is having a splendiferous day! I brought Pepper to the vet. She goes in for surgery on Tuesday.:ohdear Mom and Dad are going to keep Claire for me for a few days while Pepper heals.


In other news, I finished my squares!:clap:jumpyay:bow:dance:applause About time, eh? I still have to weave in the ends and wash them, but that shouldn't take long. I'm so excited to get them out and get the rest of yours!! Now I just have to figure out how to join squares.:blush


Joanne- Have a safe trip to Bahstin! And have so much fun hooking up with LeaAnne! :yay How exciting!!


Mary- Enjoy your grandkids this weekend! How wonderful that they came to visit. You got a lot done yesterday!! :cheer:cheer:cheer Good for you!!


Stacy- Who'da thunk that constipation would be the thing to end the chat!!:wink How's the sweetheart feeling today? Do you have any big plans this weekend?


Well, I better go. It's Play-Doh time, and then we have to get ready for church. Sister is in a horse show tomorrow!!:yay


:waving Colleen, Vicki, Jennifer, LeaAnne, Beth and Scooby! I :heart you all! Happy Saturday!! :ghug

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:hi everyone!


Wow! The time has just been flying by! We had a great time out for supper with our friends last night. It was so nice to not be rushed by bedtimes and to not have to referee the inventions. :c9


This morning DH and I did some serious cleaning. DH cleaned windows and vacuumed and I wiped down walls and trim and doors and mopped the floors. It felt great to get some fall cleaning done! :clap We didn't get the whole house done, but some. We also got our satellite installed today :yay. We will spend the next few weeks likely exploring all these channels we've never watched before :lol


Shannon - Enjoy playdoh time and your sister's horse show tomorrow! Congrats on finishing your squares! I can't wait to see it!


Joanne - Happy vacation! I hope Boston is fabulousness!


Mary - Enjoy the grandkids! What a great way to spend the weekend.


LeaAnne - Your kitchen spruce up sounds so nice and cozy!


Stacy, Beth, Vicki, Jenn, Scoob - I hope you are having a wonderful weekend! :hug

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Ooooh, I just missed Colleen and Beth! Double drats!! I was checking in to see if anyone had been here. Ciao!!


Stacy- Congrats on your 1000th post!! Whoopeeeeee!!

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Oh so nice! The food was delish and we sat and ate and chatted leisurely. So nice! We were trying to figure out when the group of us had last been out without kids and figured it may have been 9 years! :eek How is your weekend going?

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It's going good so far! Not too much to report. I'm so excited that I got my squares done. I thought it was going to take me longer than this. Maybe I'm finally gettin' the hang of this crocheting stuff! Finally!

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Ooooh, you're tricky! I caught on though (just barely:blush) Janna-ness is good. We played Play Doh for a little while. She's starting to sit all her animals and toys and whatever else she can find at the kitchen table to play with them. Trouble is, she spends all her time setting them up and switching them around. She's silly! And how is your DD? Did she have fun last night?


BTW, :yay:cheer:clap to you for getting some fall cleaning done. You are a true inspiration!!:D

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That's cute. DD used to invite me to a tea party and then she would spend an hour setting it up and I wasn't allowed to sit and have any tea until it was all just so. I'd give up and tell her to call me when it's ready :lol


DD was with grandma and grandpa last night and they always have fun.


Yep, feels good to get some cleaning done. You got a lot done this week too! I guess now that it is Sept. I need to get things back into order. :sigh Oh well.


So, now that your squares are done, what are you going to :crocheting next? I'm in a bit of a crochet slump these days :think I guess I just need a quiet day to focus on it.

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I'll be working on those pillows for a while, but I'm excited about it! I'd also like to make some amis. Last time I tried I was doing sl st for sc. I'm hoping that's why it wasn't working for me. Are you making any Christmas gifts this year?

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Good luck on the pillows! Can't wait to see what you come up with. I don't know if I'll make Christmas gifts. I might make that lumberjack afghan, but I'm kinda thinking I'd like to just play at :crocheting for the next little while. Just have fun:devil...it is my hobby!

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Amen, Sister!! There's so much out there to choose from. I'm sure you'll be able to find something. Are you still working on the snowflake garland? I want to make that too. It just won't happen before this Christmas.

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HI all,

I am in Boston- arrived around 12:30- not too much traffic- just a little hangup where I thought there might be. Weather here is fantabulous! And guess what I am watching on TV now--Yes, that's right- the dreaded Boston Red Sox!!!! (all for the love of DD)!


She and her roommate are taking me out to dinner tonight. We are going to this place called Christopher's- it's a pub/restaurant- really delish food and reasonably priced.


Tomorrow we are going to head over to the Rose Kennedy Greenway (http://www.rosekennedygreenway.org) - and then walk over to the North End (the italian section of Boston). They have some awesome bakeries over there- (sorry Colleen- didn't mean to tempt you with sweets).


Well, everyone have a good rest of the day!!!

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Hey ladies!

Shannon, WTG on your squares! :cheer How neat that your Sis is going to be in a horse show! Good luck to her and have fun watching it.


Colleen, I'm happy to hear you had a great dinner! It's so nice to eat without kids, isn't it?


Joanne, glad to see you made it safely! Sounds like you have lots of fun things planned. :manyheart The bakeries sounds yumminess- have a cannoli for me! Yum!


:hi to Beth, Vicki, Mary, Jennifer, Leanne, and Scooby- Hope you all are enjoying your weekend so far. :hug


Today we went to 2 different Walmarts to find the belts for my vacuum. At the first one, they didn't even sell the vacuum, but dh went in with me about bought about 10 things we didn't need.:rolleyes At the second one, he suggested that I just run in so we didn't have to drag out the girls. :whew I still have to go grocery shopping but the girls were getting antsy so we came home to get lunch and chill for a bit.

Eva is still constipated. :( After she relaxed and finally went to sleep for the night, she pooped a little. I thought she was fine until about an hour ago. I gave her more prune juice, so hopefully that will get things moving.


Gotta go, I'll be back later!

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Good morning!

Promises to be another beautiful day here in the Boston area. Looking forward to going downtown and walking along the Greenway- and then going to the North End for a canoli and cappucino!!!! We are also going to head over to Harvard Square to the Harvard Book store- independently owned and operated since 1932. The entire downstairs is full of used books!!


Have a spendiferous-ness day all!


And Shannon- WTG on finishing the squares- you must be so proud!!!!


Mine did not get mailed yet- when I left NJ on Sat the post office wasn't open yet. They are in the trunk of my car, so I'll be stopping at the post office on my home from "Bahstin"!

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Good morning! We are having a beautiful holiday weekend here :yay Sunshine and blue skies :c9


The plan is to spend most of the day in the backyard. We'll do some cleaning up out there and play lots too. We'll BBQ and eat outside. Perfection! Maybe I'll fit some :crocheting in the lawnchair in :c9


We went to DD's school last night to bounce the ball and peaked in the window of the kindergarten. She saw her name on her hook! She is starting to get excited now! :yay


Joanne - Enjoy your day in Boston. Cappucino and Canoli and a bookstore :c9 That sounds like my perfect day!


Beth - I'm glad to hear you slept in. :yay


Stacy - How is your little one managing today? Prune juice usually helps and LOTS of water and other fluids. Poor little girl. Give her an extra :hug for me. Did you say this is birthday party weekend?


Shannon - Are you going to see the horse show today?


Mary - I hope you are having a wonderful weekend with the grandkids.


LeaAnne - I hope you are enjoying your long weekend as a family. How is your new kitchen set up? I hope it is making you smile. :)


Vicki - I hope you are having a relaxing weekend. You deserve it!


Jennifer - :hi I hope you are fitting some relaxing in this weekend too!


Have a wonderful day everyone!

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