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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 1]

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Stacy, I am so sorry sorry to hear about your DH's co-worker. He is definitely in my prayers. That is so cute that you are going to wait up for him. :hug I'm sure your :hook will keep you company. How is your shawl coming along?


Shannon - I love the hat! Nice yarn cabinet too. Pretty pretty yarn. I am warn out from chatting too. That is so weird about the google thing having your address wrong. Even when I put in 474 or whatever it was, I had to travel down the street to find the house with the trailer. Craziness! I didn't see any buffalo :shrug


Joanne - I'm not sure I want to claim those Jays as mine :blush Ah well, hockey starts in a few weeks. Maybe this will be the Leaf's year :xfin Congrats on getting through your marathon of working. You are amazing! :clap


Mary - I hope your headache goes away soon and that you have a blast with the grandkids! Say hi to your DD and the kids for me. Special high fives for my little man :wink


Beth - Thanks for the info on the body of water near your place. I'll go back sometime over the weekend and check out those aircraft carriers. DH would love to see that! He loves planes. I hope you and the inventions are feeling better. :clap for your son wanting to go into nursing!


Jennifer - Thanks for dropping by to say hi! I love your imaginative posts. Good luck with all that housecleaning! So was I right, are you an aspiring writer?


LeaAnne - I hope your meeting went well.


Vicki - How are things going with you? Did you have a quieter night without bowling or Tae Kwon Do? One day left until the weekend :yay


My plans for the long weekend? I'm hoping to get some tidying up done around the yard. The spiders have taken over DD's play house and some my annuals and zuccini are done and need to be pulled out. I've got to buy a birthday gift for a 3 yo who loves mermaids tomorrow. She's getting the purple flower yoke top I made and I'll get her a mermaid book or toy. Tomorrow night is the night we are going out to eat with our friends and no kids :yay:dance:yay:dance We're going out for Greek food. Sorry I won't be here for chat, but it isn't every day I get to go out to eat! Oh, and on Saturday we're getting our Satellite TV installed, so that pretty much gives you an idea of what I'll be doing for Saturday, Sunday and Monday. Watching all those channels we haven't seen in a while. :rofl Hey, I think this is going to be a good weekend. I hope it is for all of you as well.


Good night!

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Hi, all-


Wow! so much happened in such a short time while i was out...


Stacy, prayers that your DH's worker is ok, and prayers that he makes it home ok. I hope it's a bumpy road he's on:eek

I, too, share your non-love of ironing... so for our 10th wedding anniversary, I bought my DH an IRON!:devil :lolwe still laugh about that one!:lol


Mary - I hope you are feeling better... tomorrow is grandkids! :woo (that was said quietly...shhhhh) :hug

I like your avatar... Red Yarn! It's PERFECT for you! You dun good, m'dear!


Jenn - You should be proud of you! I don't know how you manage to do all that you do! Don't worry so much about the schedule, especially since your books were so late to arrive. I hope you get everything all caught up that you want to, so you have some time to relax this weekend... it sounds like you need it! :hug:hug:hug btw... you are very eloquent in your descriptions of things. It is a wonderful gift! I always feel like I can really "see" what you describe. Please promise to take good care and not work too hard, ok?


Shannon - I love your avatar of "inventions"...absolutely ADORABLE! I am praying that nobody in your house gets sick. Make sure you girls get lots of rest:hug:hug did you say you had to take your dog to the vet? Is she ok?


Colleen - WTG on the small cake! you are doing well on your sweets reduction. hey, anytime you and Stacy want to bake, feel free to send those goodies my way! :rofl Happy Long Weekend to you and DH!:yay:yay


Joanne - Happy eve of eve of Bawstin! I can't believe it's already here! I am really psyched to meet you too! Do you have any idea of what you'd like to do? I am up for coffee, or lunch, or yarn shopping, or Barnes and Noble, or the mall? I promise to pm you my number, so we can figure it out!:yay:clap:dance:clap:yay


Beth - I hope you and your darlings are feeling better. I am thinking about you guys. You are close to Virginia Beach, too? DH and I would really like to go there. maybe next year. The girls can beach, and the boys can golf. sounds like paradise to me!

I would have to agree with you that where Mary lives is what I call "heaven"... a place to put on my "bucket list"... AS IF I travelled:lol:lol


Hi, Vicki! I hope you had a great day! :hug sorry to have missed you last night:( ... maybe you will come tomorrow night? It's fun when you are here!


well, girls... I will catch you all upon PTO's and braces and <ahem> cleaning and such tomorrow... my brain is fried.


Love you all!

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I'm back! :hi Some of our roommates friends stopped by and we had a nice chat. It is just so nice to finally have other adults to talk with! Who knew? :lol


Aww! As I was typing just now, 2 y/o dd leaned over and kissed my forehead. :manyheart That is a real treat, because she laughs when we ask for kisses. LoL


Anyway...Colleen, sounds like you have a nice weekend planned! Enjoy your time out! A dinner with no kids- how nice! Greek food is yummy, too. And enjoy your Satellite. Ours was installed this past Monday and we have been enjoying it. I'm not much of a tv person but it is nice to finally have good channels again. LoL


Leanne, hope your brain feels better tomorrow! :lol


Well dh just came back, so I'm going to catch up on info and spend some time with him before we are off to bed. Good night!

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Good morning Besties and HAPPY FRIDAY!!!!! Yay, it's finally here!!!!! Colleen- enjoy your night out w/no kids tonight!!! That will be so much fun for you.


LeaAnne- it is now the eve of Bahstin!!! Did another load of laundry yesterday so we will be packing tonight after work. I'm up for coffee, B&N, lunch, yarn shop...we'll chat and figure it out. And hopefully I won't get lost....


Mary- hope the headache is gone and have fun with the grandkids!!!!


Vicki last day of the school week and the Yankees won again...


Beth- hope you and the inventions are starting to feel better. Thinking about you..


Stacy- glad that DH made it home safe and sound...bumpy roads and all...How is the worker doing? And thanks for the update on your grandma and cousin (and thanks Shannon for asking about them)


Shannon- hope that DD avoids the flu...prayers being said....and I was LOL at your comment about your avatar and the two things you made. You have a wonderful way with words!


Jennifer- I enjoy your posts, too--you also have a writer's flair!


well, my friends...off to finish getting ready for work....have a magnificient Friday and remember your vitamins!

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Happy FRIDAY! Yes, the last day of the work week! I need it! I am tired. George came to pay me a visit for the week and I am cranky.

The good news is I found a crochet pattern book that I couldn't find! We were continuing the purge upstairs and it was in a tub with some other stuff. Lots of old books. DD is going to see if her school library wants the books on dinosaurs. I guess I must have taught them somewhere along the line because I have all these books on them.

Anyway, that is all from here. We are going to get the new computer desk tonight and then we can finish setting up the new office space. Then we are going to steam clean the carpets and get ready for the guest room furniture. I found comforter sets at Garden Ridge, so I will probably go there for the bedding. I need to get pillows too. On my list of things to do! But I must go to Hobby Lobby this weekend! I need yarn to make a baby sweater. One of the teachers in the social studies department is having a baby, and he prefers purple over pink. He's a good guy. I think his wife is due in January.

Anyway, I must go. Have a good day to all and I will talk to you all later!


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Wow! Lots to catch up on this morning.


Good morning Besties!


Vicki- George has been visiting me this week too. I feel your pain. Stupid George!!:angry Happy Friday! Sounds like you have lots to do, but how exciting that you get a new guest room and office!!:c9


Joanne- You did it!! You're at the finish line! :cheer:cheer:cheer You go girl! And I am so jealous that you and LeaAnne get to meet up! It's just not fair!!:grump


Stacy- How's your DH's friend doing? I've been praying. I'm so glad your grandma is doing well. There was a chance that they got all the cancer, right? Sorry you didn't get to see your cousin, but it sounds like doing good too. What an amazing recovery!

I think it's nice that you use the word "nice".:D


LeaAnne- :rofl that you got your DH an iron! I'll have to use that idea. DH's birthday is on the 17th. I didn't get my dog to the vet because it was raining. She has a tumor under her leg, and the vet said it was fine. But I just got her groomed and realized that it's much bigger and it's pushing her leg out a little. I feel like such a bad mommy that I didn't notice it before, but she gets around fine. I hope she doesn't have to have surgery.


Colleen- :yay You have a fantastic weekend ahead of you!! I wish I could go to dinner with adults. There are a few houses with trailers on my street. I guess the google guy couldn't drive his smart car and figure out the addresses at the same time. Oh, and I will take a picture of the "buffalo" for you later today.


Well, DD is playing hooky (sp?) today. She had a horrible night. While she was at Honey's house she got into an ant bed and got bit by skeeters, so she was pretty itchy all night. But she's not sick. That's the second sickness she barely got away from this week. Her cousin that she played with on Tuesday had blisters in her mouth and on her feet and hands.

I was going to try to finish my squares while she was in school. Maybe she'll go to bed early tonight so I can work on them.


I've been meaning to tell you guys that I didn't forget that DH was coming home. They had some problems and shut down early, so he decided to come home. He's only about an hour away.


Have a great day everyone. I'll be back later.:manyheart

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:hi friends!


Vicki- Have fun with all the office and guest room projects this weekend! Baby sweaters are so fun to make. I used to make lots and then I realized no one I knew was having babies. :shrug (too old I guess :lol) I'm all set for baby gifts for a while, athough I find I like to make something that seems to match the parents each time.


Shannon - Watch your DD carefully. It could take a few days for symptoms of either the flu or hand-foot-and-mouth disease to appear (I'm guessing that is what the little friend had). My book says it is a 3-6 day incubation period. Playing hooky might have been a good idea. I use that After Bite Kids on DD when she gets ant bites and it seems to really get rid of the itching quick. Poor little girl. :hug Sorry to hear about your puppy. Hopefully it isn't serious. I can't wait to see the picture of the Manatee! :yay


Joanne - Happy last day! You did it! Now you can REALLY enjoy your vacation! :yay I can't wait to hear how you and LeaAnne's meeting goes. :clap


Stacy - I hope DH's worker is doing well.


:hi to everyone else - Have a fantabulous Friday!


DD and I are heading to the mall to buy a birthday present for our little friend. We'll stop at the bookstore. I bought her some books at a second hand store the other day and she is going crazy for these Rainbow Magic chapter books. I got the 4th one and we want to find the first one so we understand the whole story. It is so nice to see her excited about a book! :yay 2 loads of laundry washed and on the clothesline, dishes done, dishwasher going and kitchen tidy, beds made, and away we go!

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:hi, and good morning!


Thankfully, I got a great night's sleep, thanks to this wonderful fall-like weather we are continuing to enjoy:c9


It is crunch time to get everyone (including me:blush) back into a routine. today we have breakfast done and cleaned up, but that's about it so far... the great part of fall is I am getting the urge to "clean up my act"!:lol


Today will be spent doing a quick clean up of the Kitchen, family room, bath, our bedroom and 2 loads of laundry. I have decided, too, that I will pick 1 area in my kitchen to purge and reorganize.

Yesterday, I changed my seating area in the kitchen. I turned the table on an angle, removed the benches, and added 2 small farmhouse chairs. A cute tablecloth with embroidery and crocheted trim, and my little cream colored teapot, and it's adorable and welcoming now:clap I am so excited about it. I look forward to spending the first day of school, sitting there (quietly!) and enjoying a nice cup of coffee and some :crocheting.


The PTO meeting was good. We got the first 3 months of school pretty much figured out, and have decided to put on an ice cream social during the first full week of school:clap. there will be lots of fun things to keep us busy, especially in September! It's a good thing I don't have a job to go to (yet)... I don't have time for one!:D




Shannon - I agree with Colleen... keep your eyes on our Janna! It has been my experience that a 5 - 7 day incubation is pretty accurate. i will :xfin (and toes) that she didn't catch anything.

Sorry about your doggie... I hope she is ok. Is it Claire?


Colleen - you have a fun day planned! Happy Friday! enjoy your "grown up" dinner this evening, and your new satellite.:yay:yay


Vicki - sorry you are cranky and tired...Stupid George:angry

I hope you get lots of R&R this weekend!


Joanne - :cheer:clap:yay You DID it! You survived the Delta Force Marathon, and made it to VACATION! How do you feel?


Stacy - It's nice to use the word nice! I like it too! It's so.... NICE! I think there's not enough people who remember that word anymore;)

Anyway, I am glad DH made it home safely, and am praying for his worker.


Hi, Jenn, Beth, Mary, and Scooby!


Love you all!

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Colleen and LeaAnne- Thank you so much for the advice! It's "nice-ness" to have friends who look out for me and my DD. :hug:hug


LeaAnne- It's Pepper. She's the old cocker spaniel. :yay for the PTO!! Your kitchen sounds so inviting. Could you take a picture for us? What do you do with the benches when they're not at the table? Good luck to all with the routine.


Colleen- I wish I had a manatee in my backyard! They're my favorite! DD and I have talked about getting one for our pool.;) The picture is coming.

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Hello Ladies

Someone put a :fire under my butt, cause I have not stopped since I got up this morning. I have 4 loads of laundry washed and out on the line. Bathroom cleaned. Livingroom cleaned, even washed the surfaces and put new clean doilys on. Hung up a curtain. And picked up stuff that was lying around. I have had my lunch and I know what Iam making for dinner tonight. WOW Iam on a roll :cheerI still have to clean off the kitchen table and Dh can do the coffee table when he gets home cause it is all his stuff.


I should be here for chat tonight.

Hope everyone is having a good day

Talk to you tonight.


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Wow, Miss Mary, you ARE on a roll! Good for you, girl! Having anything good for dinner tonight?

The weekend is HERE! YAY ME! I get to relax and enjoy some time for me! I just ordered some yarn for a blanket I want to make for the upstairs couch. I found Bernat Softee Chunky for $1.99 on Mary Maxim! Other places had it for almost a dollar more! YAY ME!

I will try to be here for the chat tonight. We are going to get a new computer table for the upstairs and then we are going to eat dinner. When we come home we may start to put the table together. And you all know me. I forget these things.

Hope everyone had a great day!


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:hi ladies!

Wow, lots to catch up on! This is what I get for not being here all day. LoL


Dh's co-worker is doing fine, actually. Dh said the doctors somehow "made a mistake" and he doesn't have any broken bones at all. They kept him overnight, of course, to see if he would need surgery for the swelling in his face, but if he didn't, then he was supposed to be released today. Dh was going to pick him up since his whole family works, but I haven't heard anything yet.


Vicki- sorry to hear about Stupid George. He can really knock us out, can't he? Have fun picking out your new computer table. How fun!


Shannon, your poor pupperoo! I hope it is nothing serious! Dh just found a lump on Klaus' back so he is going to have it checked out when he gets the stitches removed next week. I can't believe the cousin was still allowed to play with HFMD. :angry One of my pet peeves is people who let their kids play, knowing they are sick. I hope that Janna does not catch anything. :hug


Joanne- It is finally here! :clap Have a fun vacation!


Mary- Your headache must be gone- you are on a roll today woman! Send me some of that energy! You do realize, though, that the grandkids are going to tear through and mess it all up again, right? LoL


Leanne, your kitchen sounds so cozy! Where do the kids sit, now that you've taken the benches away? :yay for getting everything done with the PTO. An ice cream social- how fun! How are your inventions coming along with their reading? Have you tried to contact Scooby?


Beth, Jennifer, Colleen- :waving and :hug. Hope you all are having a fantabulous Friday.


We walked to the laundromat again this morning. By the time we got home, I needed another shower. It is hot! The woman who is giving us her old washer/dryer called to say they still have not closed. She is hoping by next Wednesday to have the keys. She was so apologetic, but I told her that she is doing us the favor, so no worries! I hope the part for my car arrives soon so that I can go to my usual laundromat, though- this new one is dirty. :yuck


I should be around for chat tonight. We have to go to Target for dog food after dh comes home, but other than that, I think we are going to sit on our badorkuses tonight. We are having dd's b/day party on Sunday so tomorrow we are going to be cleaning like crazy.


See ya later! a

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Hi Everyone!!!! It's Vacation Time!!!!:jumpyay:woo:jumpyay:clap:cheer I did it---marathon working is over for a week!!!!! I'm so excited!!!!!:yay


I'll be here later for chat....just wanted you all to know how excited I am!!!:clap:cheer:woo:jumpyay:applause

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Hey girls!


I don't know if I'll make the chat tonight. DD took a pretty long nap, so it depends on what time she goes to sleep. If I'm not here, please know I'm thinking about you and all the fun I'm missing. Oh, and two things I wanted to tell you:


1. My sister has a bad sinus infection, not the flu. :whewThank God for that!


2. I don't think my SIL saw my niece's blisters until after they played. And I'm pretty sure they weren't there, because my niece is 6 and a major drama queen. I'm sure she would've noticed and told someone right away.


So far, so good. DD has been feeling fine again today, but I'm definitely keeping an eye on her!


I'll be back to address everyone, I just don't know if it will be during "chat" time. What time does it start, anyway? Gotta go, DD keeps saying, "I need you."

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:hi, all!


I am :yawn:tired:yawn. I spent another day in my kitchen, and focused a lot of time on my fridge area. :clap

Summer reading is almost done :whew Thank Goodness! We can see the light at the end of the tunnel, which is always motivating:wink


I won't be here for chat:( I am pooped, and am going to bed.


tomorrow, we are going to breakfast, then haircuts, school supplies and shoes, a few outfits... then a barbeque at some old friends of ours. :yay

I think I will need the energy:eek


Shannon - lots of :hug:hugto you, and Janna, and your sister, and lil' cousin! I am glad Janna is feeling great! It can be scary though...

:xfin for poor lil Pepper!


Stacy - :yuck walking to the laundromat. :yuck for dirty laundromats

I hope your van gets fixed QUICK! :hug

I haven't tried to call Scooby yet... :blush


Joanne - :woo:jumpyay:dance:elle:dance:jumpyay:woo

'nuf said... except a big :hug! :lol


Mary - Good Grief! You must've got bit by the fall cleaning bug early, too! Your bug was bigger than mine though :heehee WTG on getting so much done!


Vicki - Hope you feel better! Good luck with your home office project, and Wowzers! Nice buy on that yarn!


Colleen - I hope dinner was wonderful! Wait! Of COURSE it was! No kids! :rofl. Thinking of you having fun!


Beth - I hope the world famous "Beth and her Inventions" (sounds like a singing group:D) are all feeling better! :hug:hug to you all!


Jenn - :woo you made it to the weekend! Don't forget to take some to relax, okee-dokes?:hug


:hi Scooby!


Have a great chat, girls, I will miss you!

love you all bunches!:manyheart


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Hi all,

i, too, am beat- and I have a drive ahead of me tomorow- up to good ole Boston!!!! So I am going to miss the chat also-


Have a good time tonight- and I'll check in from Massachussetts!!


Hugs to all......

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