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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 1]

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Isn't Shannon the one that wanted to chat Wednesday night?? LOL


She must be all talked out from the last 2 nights with LeaAnne on Mon and Colleen on Tuesday....and must have forgotten that DH was coming home.....lol

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LoL Mary! At least I can say it right back to him. Of course, it is with a "white girl" voice, as he so lovingly calls it. I just cannot roll my r's.


It's too bad Shannon couldn't be here. :( It's too funny that she forgot dh was coming home. Maybe he came home early?

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Stacy, I'd offer to find out some Polish swear words for you, but I wouldn't even begin to know how to spell them :rofl


Our friends are Italian and they speak Italian all the time when they don't want the kids to understand. I am so jealous of that...that's brilliant!

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DH studied Italian last year- he always wanted to learn- so he took Italian ---so he is probably cursing at me when he says some words.:lol I was never good at languages- my oldest DD was- she knows French and studied Russian:l

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Wow, Joanne, that is impressive.

A girl in our Mommy and Me class speaks English, Russian, and French (Dad is French, Mom is Russian) and she is only 3! I wish dh would teach our kids.

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No Colleen- he is convinced that they won't learn properly if I speak English and he speaks Spanish. His parents speak to them and they know a couple of phrases (mostly commands) but I really wish he would teach them. It would be so helpful, especially where we live.

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sorry... I was just talking with DH about Tuesday, and tucking in DS... for the 3rd time:sigh


Colleen - see? now you've met someone from Maine:clap


Joanne - DH thinks he will be "in the office" (his office is at home) on tuesday, but can't promise me yet:angry I'll pm you by the end of the week with my phone number, ok? I am sooo excited!


hmmm... Languages. I :manyheartthem! I took 4 years of Latin, 2 years of Spanish and 1/2 year of German in high school. I wanted to major in languages in college, but couldn't imagine a career that would keep me close to home, so :shrug I gave up on it. Who knew you could work online as a translator?

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Kids pick it up so easily. Even if he just talked to them in Spanish they'd pick it up. They have Saturday morning classes here for kids to learn their parent's language and culture. Most kids can speak what their parents speak, but this helps them learn to write. I think that's so cool.

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