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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 1]

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Hi Girls

The sun is shinning and I have 2 loads of laundry out on the line and the last load in the washer. I was also out side cutting wood with Dh. Dh is gone to get a part for mom's lawn mower, then he is going to fix that. Then it is back outside to work for us. We have to put the firewood in the woodshed. Dh will get in the shed and I will throw it into him.:devil Boy is he ever brave:lol

Stacy, Beth and Colleen I hope you are all feeling better soon.

LeaAnne are you getting excited to meet Joanne? I know I was when I was meeting Colleen.

Vicki and Jenn I hope you have a good week at school. School starts here tomorrow.

Joanne :cheer you on for vacation coming soon.

Shannon good luck with DD appt. today.

Scooby we miss you, I hope all is well.

:hug:hug:hug:manyheart:manyheart:manyheart To all

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:bdayStacy! I hope you have a good one!

Mary - Take it easy with the throwing part of the wood!

Leanne - Sorry you did not get to the water park. I am glad you had a great family day anyway!

Shannon - Good luck at the doctor today! Janna will do great!

Talk to you all later!


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:birthday Stacy! I hope you are having a splendiferous day! I'm baking brownies in your honor. Can you smell them?


Colleen, I love your doily. I cannot imagine working with thread. I think you did a lovely job.


Mary :rofl throwing wood at your dh in the shed!!! Ah, the temptations! Sound slike a great way to work out any aggression you may towards him...:devil


Shannon, autumn is coming. When does it cool down there?


Colleen, I hope you and DD had fun scootering!


Joanne, I hope you are not working too hard. The vacation is coming! The vacation is coming!!!


LeaAnne, what is your family up to this week?


Stacy, your brownies just came out of the oven. When are you coming over to have some?


Jennifer, I hope your busy school year is going well for you. What courses are you taking this semester?


Scooby, I hope you feel wonderful!


I'm not doing too much today, baking brownies, getting laundry done including clean sheets on all the beds, that's all for me. The kids have done cat boxes, helped with laundry, and washed dishes. Teens are the best invention ever!

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Hey, all!


Beth - I'll be right there to have some Stacy brownies with you! YUM! Do you put chocolate chips in them?:drool

You and your inventions sure did get bunches done today! Are you feeling better?:hug


Mary - so glad you got your wash done:clap. I suppose it would be wood chuckin' time! ... have you seen any woodchucks?! :rofl... sorry, that's my favorite tongue twister.


Colleen - your doily is really cool! You did a great job on it! Hope you got to enjoy the splendiferous fall-like weather with DD!


Shannon - How's it going, girl? I missed you again! Grrrr.... I will try to be here to chat on Wednesday night, tho:c9 How did the Dr. appointment go?


Hey, Vicki! I hope today was good for you, and not too stressful... How is your class this year? Did you get a good group?


Joanne - hoping that Delta Force got to go for another walk today! This weather is to DIE for!


Stacy - Happy, happy Birthday! Are you having the "best day evah?!" :hug:hug


Hi to Jenn and Scooby!


Today's weather is PERFECTION! :sun, blue skies, no humidity. About 68 degrees and a delicious cool breeze. It's the kind of day that makes you happy to be alive. I have spent today with windows open, catching up on more laundry (that's the plan for all week:blush). At the same time, we are purging and organizing wardrobes, so we can see exactly what we will need for school clothes. We were going to go today, but thought this would be a better plan for our budget. AND... we still have summer reading to do :thair... I have intervened with timelines :sigh... I had forgotten how not-motivating it is to have to read something that you just can't get into. Anyway, if all goes right :xfin, we will be done Thursday night, leaving 1 week of freedom, before school starts.



I sure hope you all have a great evening... I gotta go work on my bestie squares :D I am so excited to finish them! I hope you all :manyheart them!


Love you all-

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:clap DD did great at the doctor's!:clap They said that her leg should fix itself as she grows. They were more concerned with her double-jointed-ness than anything. We have to weigh down some of her toys (???) and build her muscles. They said her joints are too loose. They were bending her all kind of ways.:eek:lol


I'll be back in a little while. I just wanted to give an update. Love ya!

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:bday:birthday:cake:bday to you Stacy! I knew there was something I forgot to post this AM when I popped in to say good morning---I'm telling you I feel like I'm hungover (without having had any drinks). I think they call it exhaustion.


Colleen- I love the doily- you did a great job on it. Did DD have fun on her scooter? My DD's all had scooters when they were younger and absolutely loved them!!!


LeaAnne- glad you had a fun family day yesterday and that you enjoyed the fabulous weather today- yes it was magnificent-ness here today too---just my kind of weather- great sleeping weather for tonight which is what I plan to do shortly- yankees are playing baltimore in camden yards so I've got that on- just to bring back the memories of going to camden yards with DD's a few weeks ago!


Beth- wow- you got alot done- and brownies sound yummy- I'm like LeaAnne I like them with choc chips too..Sorry Mary, I know you like walnuts in your brownies, but not me- either plain or with choc chips


Shannon- great news on DD! TFS and glad the appt went well.


Vicki- how is DH doing with the job hunt?


Mary- glad that the sun was shining for your laundry and hope te wood chucking wasnt too hard on you (or your back). I like the how much wood did the woodchuck chuck too, LeaAnne!


Well ladies, since I got home around 7:15 tonight and DH had dinner (hamburgers and salad) ready when I got home, I stopped in to say hi to you all and I am heading to bed to try and catch up on some of the sleep that I've been missing this past week. I'm sure with a good night's sleep I'll feel better and my head will feel less fuzzy!!!!


:hug to all


and once again........:bday:birthday:bday:cake dear Stacy!!!!!

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:hi everyone!


It was a perfection day here today too. Sounds like we have the same weather as LeaAnne in MA! I got 2 loads of laundry done and dried on the clothesline, groceries bought, the house dusted, started the dishwasher and then went to work. I stopped at the grocery store for some things that I saw in the flyer that were on sale on the way home from work, came home and found the dishwasher still full of clean dishes, the supper dishes all over the counter, the laundry still on the clothesline :angry:angry:angry So, I brought the laundry in and said "I'm going for a walk". And so I did. :c9 The sun was setting and it was perfection-ness. :c9 I have since unloaded the dishwasher and folded the laundry. The supper dishes will wait until tomorrow. :blush


DD had a great time scootering. She rode her bike and scootered in front of our house for an hour or so. She took her sidewalk chalk and drew lines to make a bike lane and her scooter lane on the sidewalk, wrote START and END and BIKE and SCOOTER and then she tried those out. Lots of fun :manyheart


Stacy - I hope you had a fantabulous birthday! :hug


LeaAnne - Good luck with the wardrobe tidying and purging and the buying what you need. I suspect with 3 girls, one of them a teenager, there is a whole lot of interest in back to school clothes at your house. I'll be thinking of you! It sounds like you enjoyed the beautiful day. I hope it continues.


Shannon - So happy to hear that DD's appt went well. So, the wee girl needs to bulk up, eh? Maybe you should send her to Mary's to help with the woodchucking :lol


Beth - It sounds like you are feeling better. How were those brownies? You realize I am trying not to bake and now I'm thinking, mmmmm brownies...:lol I'll try to resist. Inventions..I love it. I bet they run on brownie power :lol


Joanne - Have a wonderful night's rest. You are nearing the end :yay


Mary - How did the woodchucking go? Do you have a wood stove or a fireplace? It will soon be "light a fire" kind of weather. Hard to believe.


Vicki - How was your day? Is your DH back to work this week? How is your DD getting along with the teacher she doesn't like?


:hi Jenn and Scooby - I hope back to school is going well for you both.

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Thanks. I'm glad it went well too. One more thing to cross off the list. I was looking for something I could make into a pillow.

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Have you seen a wreath square? That would be great, but I haven't found one.


I'm okay. A little wiped out. We were at the doctor's office for 3 1/2 hours. I should probably be sleeping right now. Or cleaning!! My house is a mess!


How did the purging go today?

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