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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 1]

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Shannon - Sorry I missed you! We'll have to chat sometime soon.


Mary - Ya, that would be so fun to go down south. You could definitely come with me :yes You need a break from the snow? We haven't even got any yet :lol Sheesh I know it's cool out there today, but it's hardly snowing. :rofl


OK, so I know I haven't finished my purple people eater 'ghan and I know I keep saying I'll never make another afghan again, but I'm thinking about making that flannel lumberjack afghan. I know a couple of you have made them. We have bought paint to paint our family room and it is going to be navy and beige. DH has always wanted a 'ghan big enough to cover him and I was thinking I could make it in Navy and Beige. I have to finish my Sister's 'ghan first, but it would be fun to surprise him for Christmas. I would have to work on it when DD is at school and DH isn't home and then hide the yarn :lol. So, how quick does it work up? How much yarn do I need? How does the sewing go? Did you guys sc around or just sew the edges of the strips as is?


I'll be back later. Gotta go have bacon and tomato sandwiches for supper. DH is almost done cooking the bacon on the bbq (keeps the stink out of the house).

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Hey girls!

Shannon, sorry we missed you! I hope we can chat soon, too- I'm in the need for some girl talk! :hug


It also doesn't snow here- EVER- and now that we have a house there is plenty of floor space for sleeping bags. :devil


Colleen, What a cute story about dd's early birthday party. My parents both had one for dd when we were in MI- my dad had one at his g/f house and my mom took us to Chuck E. Cheese. It is nice when they are young and the day can be switched a bit.

I made a flannel-ghan for dh last Christmas. It took me about 2 weeks (I worked on it every spare second that I had because dh was really eager about it) and he knew about it so I was able to work on it at night in front of him. I used the Caron pounders and I think I used 3 each of red and black. It is about 6-1/2 feet long by 5 feet wide. It works up really quickly because it is worked in strips with 2 strands of yarn. I whipstitched the strips together and then put a sc border around the whole thing. Good luck! Blue and beige sounds beautiful! :manyheart


Beth, soup and deli sound delish! It is way too hot for soup just yet but I eagerly look forward to it! Fall is my favorite time of year. :manyheart Sounds like you had lots of teamwork today. Yay!


I am in pain...that endometrioma thing is killing me. I am going to make a dr. appt. as soon as stupid George is gone. Tomorrow the girls have dentist appts and it is dh's first day of school. He is worried but is only taking 2 classes so I'm sure he will be fine. I also need to call Mia's school to find out when they are starting. The pre-k usually starts a week or two after the elementary starts and the teacher said she would send out a letter in the beginning of August. I haven't received anything and I know there have been a lot of budget cuts within our school district so I am hoping it wasn't cancelled. :xfin


I am going to find out what the kids are up to, then relax in my bedroom with this shawl. Oh, btw...did I ever post a pic of my laundromat afghan? :think I think I did but I honestly cannot remember. I still have to weave some of the ends but I slept with it last night and it was soooo soft! :clap

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Colleen - The leaves change down here, but they change late. I start to see it in November and by December the leafy trees are changing. We don't get snow here. Every two years or so we will get a flurry, but that's it. The kids flip when it snows! It's funny to watch.

Stacy - I hope all is well after the roomie thing. That was not a nice thing for the b/f to do. And happy birthday to DD!

Jennifer - I am glad you are getting used to your new schedule. You will get in to a routine soon! Enjoy the year!

Beth, Joanne, and Leann - I hope you had a great day!

Ok. I talked to twin sis yesterday. I asked her to tell me what happened. Then I let her know that I didn't know what big sis said to her. I also told her that I was very upset when she left and didn't talk to me. She told me that that was not her intention, but that she had to get away from the situation. I also told her that no matter what happens I will always be in the middle. She thinks I should just walk away from big sis, but I can't do that either.

I have not really decided what I am going to do with older sister yet. I am not sure that it is really worth bringing all this up again after so long. I will keep thinking about it. She did call me today and ask me how my first week of school was. I told her that Garden Ridge had their Christmas stuff out already. They have something that I know she wants.

Anyway, I am ready for this school week. I am tired and really need to get ready for bed.

Thanks for listening to me yesterday. I really needed to hear what others thought about all this. You guys are the best and I am soooo glad I found you all!:lol

Talk to you tomorrow.


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:hi I'm not feeling the best tonight. I think it will be early to bed. My head is spinning. DH and I spent part of the day looking at options for renovating our upstairs bathroom. So many decisions and DH and I don't agree on things like that, so it's hard. His personality is a bit stronger than mine, but I'm trying to stick to my guns.


Stacy - Thanks for the info about the 'ghan. So, 3 or 4 pounds of each colour should do it.


Vicki - I am so glad you are taking your time and thinking about what to do about your sister. It is good that you talked to your twin too. :hug to you. We are always here to listen. Have a great week at school!


I hope everyone is having a great evening.

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Hi all -just popped in to see what you've all been up to. Worked till 7:30- then we all went out to dinner- got home around 9:30 and am now heading to bed.


No cleaning done for me this week.....at least it looks like DH vacuumed and changed the sheets on the bed. I see the dusting wasn't done tho..but it will still be here when I get around to it.


Sweet dreams all

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Good morning and Happy Monday besties!

I was so busy telling you all about my sisters that I forgot to tell you that I cleaned this weekend! Hubby and DD purged the upstairs play room. 4 lawn and leaf bags of stuffare ready to be given to the garbage man. Then DD vacuumed that room and last night hubby touched up the paint. That room is going to be my new "office". The room where my computer is now is going to be turned in to a guest bedroom. We bought the furniture for that on Saturday. The laundry got done, the house was vacuumed, the dishes were washed, the sheets were changed, I was movin' and groovin'.


Next weekend we are going to move the rest of the stuff upstairs to make room for the new bedroom furniture. That should be fun :(.


Colleen - I hope you are feeling better this morning!

Have a happy Monday and I will try to check in later.


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:bday:bday:birthday dear Stacy:bday!!!!


I hope you have a wonderful birthday! :hugs to you!


Good morning Besties!


Vicki- Wow! You got a lot done this weekend! How exciting that you get your own office!:yay


Colleen- How are you feeling? I know exactly what you mean about not agreeing with DH about house stuff. But that's exciting that you are painting and renovating! Good luck. I hope it goes better than mine has.


LeaAnne- How was the water park? We missed you yesterday!


Jennifer- Good luck at school this week! How are your crochet projects going?


Joanne- You're getting closer!! Go Delta Force!


Beth- How are you feeling today? Did the chicken soup make you feel better? Get well.


Stacy- Don't feel bad about DD sleeping in your bed. I've been sleeping with DD for over a year, ever since she got our old bed. If and when we ever get the other room finished for her she'll have to sleep by herself.


Mary- What are the high and low temperatures up there right now? It's been nice here lately, and it's usually the hottest time of the year.


Hi Scooby! Have a great week!


DD goes to Shriner's to have her foot checked out today. It turns in a little, and we want to fix it before it gets worse. Wish us luck! Oh, and if anyone is interested I'll be able to chat Wednesday night. Whatever time, just let me know.


Have a great day ladies! :manyheart ya!

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I am singing, too!


:bday:bday:birthday, dear Stacy, :bday to you!!!

:cake:yay:party:dance :hug:flower


I hope you have an INCREDULOUS Day!





I'll be back after I catch up on all you alls posts from the weekend! :D

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K, I'm baaaack!


Colleen - i hope you are feeling better this morning. Wow! a bathroom renovation sounds exciting! I am proud of you for sticking to your guns on the subject. :hug:hugto you for strength to keep it up!:devil

I used 5 pounds of Yarn for my flannelghan. 3 of the "main" color, and 2 of the "accent". It came out 5' x almost 4'. I did mine in a week, while DH was on a business trip (I worked day and evening). You are pretty quick, so I would plan for 8 - 10 days of school/work. Mine was trimmed with 2 rounds of HDC. It stands up really well. Blue and Navy will be HANDSOME!

did you wash your doily yet? :excited to see it!


Shannon - Good luck with Janna's appointment today:clover. I hope everything turns out well. sorry I wasn't around for chatting yesterday:(.

Hey, did I read that you have a new bedtime? :hug:hugto you, Janna, and DH.

Oh! and about the carrying the unused color... Just make sure you stitch over the color that you are not using. Kind of like if you crochet over the tail of yarn that you start a piece with so you don't have to go back and weave in the ends later. It's tricky at first, but after about 2 rows, it's easier. I am here to help you, so don't be scared:wink


Stacy - So sorry to hear about the drama at your place this weekend:( I hope things are settling in well for you all. I would've said "Uh-Helllloooo", myself!:)

I hope your darling 2 y/o had a great day yesterday, and that you have one today:clap

:thinkI don't remember seeing that laundromat 'ghan... I glad it so soft and warm! Sounds FAB!:clap:c9

Also, I am praying that you are feeling better. Get lots of extra rest if you can... George with his ugly step-cousin Endometrioma is NOT fun! I feel for you:(

:clover to Jorge with his new classes today, and that you find that preschool will be there, right on schedule.

:hug:hug:hugto all of you!


Joanne - :clapfor the walk with Delta Force yesterday! It's countdown time!!!:cheer:cheer:cheer I am cheering for you!


Mary - I hope Mr.:sun is shining brightly for you today! Being behind on laundry is NOT fun!:lol Prayers to you for a terrific day!


Vicki - I am glad that you got to talk to your twin, and that the silence had been unintentional. Prayers that all goes well with older sis, and that everything is resolved for you soon... take good care of your peace of mind:hug

Whoa! Congrats on getting so much cleaning and purging done! It's hard work, but feels so good when it's done, right?:devil I hope you truly get to enjoy your beautiful new office!:cheer:clap

HOw is DH's job search going? Has he found any promising leads? :xfin for him...


Jenn - sounds like you had quite a week:clap... :lolat setting your schedule, so you can avoid it!!! I can definitely relate to THAT!

:hugHope you have a good week, and please know we are always happy when you get the chance to pop by:manyheart


Beth - :(:cry... I am sorry that you cancelled your trip:(. You were SO excited to go. Maybe you will get to go soon?! I hope you are feeling better, and that the soup did it's job:manyheart:hug Are you taking lots of vitamin C as well? I am thinking of you, and sending lots of feel better thoughts your way!


:hi, Scooby... wherever you are... hope it's going well...



We did not go to the water park yesterday. We DID have a great family day, though, and went out to dinner. It was still lots of fun:manyheart


I, too, am a little behind on my squares. It took me too long to decide what I wanted:blush. I should be ready to send mine by the end of the week, and will save Joanne's for our "hook up".


I hope you all have a really good day... We are off to start school shopping:yay

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Wow-za, lots to chatch up on!


Shannon - Good luck with DD's appointment today.


Stacy - I do not believe we say the laundromat afghan and we would love to! :yes I hope your little one's birthday was lots of fun for her and that you have a wonderful day yourself. I hope your girls give you lots of birthday hugs and kisses :manyheart


LeaAnne - :yay for great family time! Where did you go out for dinner? Thanks for the info on the lumberjack afghan. I am motivated to finish that purple one first, and then I'll get started....maybe. I'm afraid to start another 'ghan and find I lose interest part way through, but I think DH would like to cozy up under it and watch his new TV with the high def satellite channels. Hockey starts in October! :eek


I'll finish my post, gotta go let Shannon know I'm here

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Vicki - WTG getting so much purged and cleaned. Sounds like a great plan with the office and spare room.


Joanne - Have a fantabulous day with Delta Force! You are in the home stretch now!


Beth - How are you feeling? :hug


:hi Jennifer, Mary & Scooby.

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I am good today. I went to bed early and I feel better now. It is absolutely beautiful here today. You asked Mary what the highs and lows were...it was a low of 6 over night (that 6 Celsius, which is probably in the 40s), but it is going up to the 70s through the day today).


I can't chat for long. I promised DD we'd go out and she could ride her scooter. We had to rush this morning to get to swimming registration and we didn't get our first choice of times :angry and then we went for groceries. So, she was a trooper and now deserves some fun in the sun!

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Sorry. Mom and then MIL called. Ugh! I can't talk right now. DD wants to play Nick Jr. and won't stop until I let her. Can you chat Wednesday?

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I wish I had your weather. Your high is our low right now. But it's still been very nice. The highs have been about 88-90, with the heat index in the 90s.

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