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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 1]

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Hey, Peeps!


I sure did miss you all!


Shannon - sorry about the exploding pan... that is scary! It happened to me once, and it is No Fun! I hope Janna and DD are feeling better today! :lol about the alarm clock story!


Joanne - :clover with all of your hours at work this week. :hugMake sure you get enough rest, ok?


Beth - Sorry about the sunburn... I hope you are feeling better.


Colleen - It sounds like you had so much fun on your trip! Great memories... :lol about dreaming about :crocheting! Did you make some good projects in your sleep? I, too, dream about :crocheting... relaxing while I am relaxing:lol. I keep a little notebook by my bed, so I can write down what I dreamt about. :hugfor an awesome day!


:waving, Mary! I am glad that you are readjusting to your time zone. How nice to keep your neighbor busy. That must be hard for her to be alone so much. :hug


Vicki - congrats on making it through day 1 to you and DD! she is in 4th grade? How is she liking it? I got your square, and it is really PRETTY! Thank you sooo much!


Stacy - :xfin that the rest of your move goes smoothly... how is Jorge feeling? and :yay on your new "baby"! He/she sounds cute!


Jenn - :lolabout the pillow fight! Hope you are settling into your school year!


Scooby - :hug Miss you!


We had a really nice weekend. Bill only rained on us on Saturday night. Saturday we spent the day on the beach. Sunday turned out nice, too... after 10, the :sun returned. The kids went to the beach & pool with my MIL when we left for the concert. Bruce was FABULOUS! He never disapoints... he played for 3 hours, and I think about 28 songs, a few of which we hadn't heard in a LONG time! Yesterday, we took the kids mini-golfing, and then drove home. Got here in time to go to football :whew. Tonight is another scrimmage. It is so cute to watch.

Today, I am slammed. Daisy needs to go to the groomer, I have no groceries in the house, and I need to find out if my new washing machine is coming tomorrow:clap:clap. In between, I need to clean my hotel, I mean house, and get a jump on pulling the school wardrobes together. The kids want to go shopping, but I told them we need to go through and see what we NEED first.


I hope you all have a wonderful day, and I will check back later if I can!


:hug:manyheart:hug to you all!

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Hey girls


Just a quick Hi. I just came on to get Stacy's address so I can go to the post office this morning and mail the squares.

Iam getting straight again. The alarm in the am is really helping. Plus Iam getting an early start on my day and getting things done.

I will be back later.

Bye for now


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Thankyou so much for the square. I received it today. I ate the chocolate and the coffee I will save for when DD comes to visit. DD and her dad can make it and drink it. I don't drink coffee, I never have. Iam a tea drinker. The thought was very nice though. Your square is sooooooo cute. I can't wait to get them all and put them together. I mailed out my squares today, all but 2 of them. The small post office ran out of the labels so I will mail the other 2 tomorrow. I promise.

Today I was working on baby booties for the craft show in Nov. I straighten up a bit and did the dishes. Tonight the neighbour is coming over to watch a movie. Not too sure which one, I told her to pic.

Talk to you all tomorrow


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Hi to all. I am home and I am feeling much better than I did last night. I was so tired that I went to bed before 9. I never do that! DD came home yesterday and said she didn't like her teacher and that her teacher was yelling at her because she didn't have spiral notebooks. I didn't buy her spirals because I want to organize her in a binder. A note was sent. Dd had a better day today and didn't get yelled at today!

DD is feeling better. He is now trying to find a new job. Pray for a good one, please ladies. It is nice to have him home. All my stuff gets done while I am gone!

Mary - I can't wait to get your square!

Shannon - Oh my! That was quite a mess! I'm glad you didn't get hurt and that you were able to clean it up. Kudos to your hubby for helping you when he didn't feel well.

Stacy - A PUPPY! YAY! The girls must be so excited to have a new friend! What did you name her/him?

Leanne - Welcome back! I am glad that Bill did not ruin your weekend and that you had a great time.

Joanne - Take it easy at work and I am glad you are enjoying the new position!

Jennifer - Hope your year gets off to a great start!

Okay, I need to go now. I will talk to you all later! Have a great night!


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I am so tired :yawn. I ended up working today. Whatever mess there is around the house will wait for tomorrow. I am going to veg on the couch and go to bed early. Tomorrow is my day off. :yay


Vicki - Glad to hear your 2nd day went well and that DD's 2nd day went better. I will defintely pray that your husband finds a good new job.


LeaAnne - I am so glad the concert was fun and that your weekend at the Cape was great!


Mary - Enjoy movie night with your neighbour.


Shannon - I love the snooze button and sending messages. That sounds like something I would do.


:hi to everyone!


Have a great night, Besties :manyheart

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Hello to all! Got home tonight at 8:30. Just checking in to see what everyone was up to. I am going to call it a night and go upstairs and watch the Yankees from the comfort of my bed (it will probably end up that the Yankees are watching me)


Tomorrow shouldn't be as long of a day- they did buy the team dinner tonight which was a nice thing to do- Boston Market- yummy!


Big meeting tomorrow @ 8 and then another busy busy day. But this too shall pass and I'll be back on regular hours before I know it (at least that is what I tell myself to keep me going)


pleasant crocheting dreams (loved your story Colleen)!

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Saw this posted by Heather 414 under sales

I saw the notification on Facebook today and they said the sale officially starts tomorrow, but that you could place your order today (which I did ). ILTY is on sale for $2.17; RHSS $1.94; etc.


If you use Facebook09, you'll get an extra 10% off your order. I tried the older codes (twitter09 and thanks09) and they didn't work for me. They ship for free on order of $25 or more.!




Since I don't have a HL nearby I've never seen the yarn in person- I know Stacy just bought some-

Do any of you have any color recommendations of ILTY?


Thanks and good night- need to get some rest!!!

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:hi everybody.


I had fun today. I met up with a crocheting friend at Starbucks while my dd was taking her final cake decorating class. We had a lot of fun. I turned the corner on my corner-to-corner -- now I'm making the rows shorter each time. I am afraid I'm going to run out of yarn, but Michael's has lots of the colors I need.


Mary, I'm glad you got my square. I'm sorry you don't like coffee, but I'm glad someone in your family does! I am excited to get your square.


Joanne, thanks for the info about the sale. I want to try ILTY. I've heard so many good things about it.


Colleen, enjoy your day off tomorrow! I want one of those, and I don't work!


Vicki, I'm glad dd had a better day at school today. :xfin that dh finds a really great job with less stress. I'm glad he's doing things around the house while he's looking for another job.


LeaAnne, your weekend sounds awesome. I'm glad you are home safely.


Stacy, new house, new puppy... Wow! You certainly are going through adjustments! I hope you are all very happy. You know, we really wouldn't mind more info about the new baby.


Shannon, hope everything is going well for you! No more oven mishaps -- that had to be scary. I'm glad dd wasn't nearby.


Jennifer, hope school isn't keeping you too busy to check in from time to time!


Scooby, hope you come back soon. We miss you!

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Hello ladies!


I hope everyone is well and has pleasant dreams! I am very tired and I'm going to bed. I will catch up with everyone tomorrow! Loves to all!!

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Good morning to everyone- hump day is here! (well, ok, normally it is hump day for me, but not this week) It is the never-ending week of work- next day off is next Saturday, but then I'm off for a week!!!)


Hope you all have a wonderful-ness day--------catch you on the flip side (whenever that may be..lol)

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:hi, and top o' the mornin', besties!


Joanne - :clover with the endless workweek... how are you holding up?:hug You will be glad to have that vacation, and you sure will have earned it! DH must be lonely without you.


Vicki - I am glad that day 2 was better for you and DD. :hug:hugto DH for keeping things done for you as you settle into the new year. I am holding him in my prayers that he finds a great job:)


Mary - What movie did you watch? I hope you had a nice visit with your neighbor last night. How is your stock for the show coming along? I hope you have a great and productive day:hug


Shannon - you must be tired... that was a lot of driving you guys did on your vacation. How are DH and Janna feeling today? I hope you got a good night's rest:hug


Beth - meeting up with an IRL :crocheting buddy sounds like so much fun! I hope that today is as wonderful for you as yesterday was (and not TOO much of a workout for QuickSilver:devil). Have you begun to pack for your Ohio trip yet? Is the whole family going? I bet you are so excited! I know I would be... :hug


Colleen - sorry that you had to work extra yesterday. I hope you got a good night's sleep and that you have a fun day off! What :crocheting project are you working on these days? :hugYour work is beautiful.


Stacy - I hope you are all settling in nicely to your new place, and that your new baby is enjoying his/her new family:clap When does school start where you are? Did you get everything straightened out so the girls can start on time? :xfin that you did:hug


Jenn - Much success with the new school year! Hopefully, you are settling into it, and that you still have some time to :crocheting, and to visit us!:hug


Scooby - Did you get back to school? I think about you every day, and hope that everything is well with you. We really miss you alot:hug



I have to finish cleaning out my laundry room. My new :wash is arriving today! :jumpyay. I am very :excited They are supposed to deliver between 9 and 1. So I guess I know what I'll be doing for the rest of the day:lol. I am thinking that I will blow off football practice to get some extra time, too. DH is on vacation on Friday and Monday, and wants to do a couple of day trips, so I need to be ready. We only have 14 days left of summer vacation:sigh It sure did fly by! I hope the kids get excited to go back:blush... no sign of that yet:lol


Have a terrific day, all, and remember to take your vitamins!


:manyheart Love you all bunches!

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Joanne - The ILTY brand is nice. I used the purple when I made my friend an afghan for her birthday. I am using the leftover yarn for some of DD's squares. It is nice to work with and holds up beautifully as you go. I love working with it!

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:yawn Mornin' all


It is dark and rainy here, but it is supposed to clear up later. It sure does make me feel lazy. I have some cleaning to do and an errand or two to run, but I'm not planning on overdoing it today.


LeaAnne :dance :dance :clap:yay A new washing machine, that is so exciting!! What 'dya get? What 'dya get? Is it front loading or top loading? I've never had a front loading one. I'm sure it will be put to good use at your house :yes I am so happy for you. New appliances are very exciting. You asked what I'm working on. I'm working on a little girl's hat. You do beautiful work too! I love your sunflower squares and can't wait to see it all together.


Joanne - Happy not-really hump day. I hope the never ending work week goes quickly. It is nice that you have vacation to look forward too.


Beth - Good job turning the corner on the corner-to-corner. You are really motoring along with that one (:lol a good pun for our resident taxi driver). I hope you enjoyed meeting your :crocheting friend.


Shannon - Any CAL or :crocheting dreams last night?


Mary - How was movie night? It sounds like you are moving along with plans for your upcoming craft show.


Vicki - I hope your DH is having luck with his job search and that you and DD are continuing to settle into your school years.


Stacy - How is the new home? I hope you are getting the girls all organized for school and the new dog settles in nicely.


Jenn - :hi how is school going?


Have a great Hump Day everyone!

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Good morning, Friends,


It's 9:40 a.m., and I'm dehydrated already! I worked on my corner-to-corner, went to a grocery store, and scrubbed out the cooler that I haven't used in 2 years. Today is pool party day -- mostly to use up the 2-tiered cake my dd decorated last night. The fondant roses look so real. She prefers the icing roses, though. She says they are easier to make.


Colleen, I hope you get your cleaning done, even though it's a chillax feeling day.


Vicki, Happy 3rd day of school! I hope you have a wonderful day -- dd too!


LeaAnne, :cheer:clap:yay for your new appliance -- so shiny and new. I hope you get many years of good use out of it!


Joanne, happy would-be hump day! Take care of yourself, working so many hours!!!


Shannon, I hope you got a good night's sleep!


Stacy, how is the new house and new baby?


Mary, how does it feel to be home?


Jennifer, I hope school is going well for you.


Scooby, I hope you are well.

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Hi everyone

I had some errands to do today, got them done. Went to work for a bit, there wasn't alot to do today, thank god. That's about all I did. Now Iam going to go upstairs and crochet and watch some T.V.

My neighbour didn't come over last night, she was too tired and just wanted to shower and go to bed.

I hope everyone is well


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:hi How is everyone? Quiet here today. I guess that is back-to-school time for you. I hope everyone had a marvelous day!


It is starting to cool down for the night. The nights are getting cooler. I love this time of year--great for sleeping! :c9 I finished my hat today. It is too big for DD, so I will add it to my little pile of hats and scarves to donate to our neighbourhood group's winter clothing drive. I started another square for the purple 'ghan. I also started playing around with the filet name wall hanging I've been talking about. I tried ww cotton and then got some feedback from some great people here at the 'ville and I definitely think I need to try thread for this project. I'm going to Walmart in the next couple days to get myself into thread. Wish me luck! Don't worry, I'll start with a book mark or something, not with a wall hanging. :lol I don't think I told you that we went to an outdoor market when we were on our vacation and there was a lady there with a table of crocheted items. DD got a Barbie dress that was made with thread. It is beautiful!


I did get some tidying done around the house, ran to the mall for a couple things, and cooked fish and homefries for supper. I think there is still a pan there waiting to be cleaned up :yuck


LeaAnne - Did you get your washer installed? Is it purring away catching up on the laundry as we post?


Beth - I hope you got something to drink. You got a lot done early in the morning...always a good strategy in the summer.


For those of you who are still planning on making the Chevron Lace Cardigan, I thought you might like to see this recent post in the show-and-tell area: http://www.crochetville.org/forum/showthread.php?t=104054

She did some variations that might interest you.


Have a great evening! :hug to all!

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Hi everyone!

Home Sweet Home! Congrats on the new washer LeaAnne! So- top loader or front loader?? My youngest DD got a front loader and absolutely loves it....me, I have the top loading kind...but when this one decides to "kick the ole bucket", I want a front loader....but since mine is only 5 years old, I think I have a while to wait . The ole washer is doing a load as we "speak". Don't think I'll wait up for the clothes to dry though- I'll be throwing them in the dryer and calling it a night.


Beth- hope the pool party was fun- and I'm impressed with DD- doing fondant and all. Do you ever watch the show "Ace of Cakes" on TLC? It' about Charm City Bakery from Baltimore and they make these magnificent cakes! I was hoping to see the bakery, but didn't see the point when you can't go in.


Vicki- thanks for the tip on the ILTY. I'm going to see what the budget is and am dying to try some, but I probably don't need 25.00 worth to get free shipping. DH will have a canary if I get more yarn!


Colleen- Glad you had a good day and good luck with the thread!!! I'll stick to yarn now, but eventually I would like to try thread. I have all my Grandma's old steel hooks. She used to make such beautiful things!!! (even though she didn't teach me crochet, I guess maybe my love of it is my genes from her) I miss it this week. I barely have time to check my emails, and of course say hi to my besties.


Mary- glad to hear you are back in the groove of things. How did your crocheting/tv watching go today? You have been so nice to your neighbor- you probably tuckered her all out!


Stacy- how's things? How's the new pup and the family adjusting to everything?


Shannon- hope you had a spendiferous-ness day today


Jennifer- hope school is going well.


Hope i didn't forget to say hi to anyone- if I did, you'll have to forgive me, my brain is mush.


I don't know when I'll get the squares washed so I can mail them out. I had to do a regular load of laundry tonight and if I get home at a decent hour tomorrow night, I'll throw them in the washer.


Pleasant dreams to all!!!

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:hi good morning everybody.


I'm :tired this morning, can't seem to get going. We spent 7 hours at the pool yesterday. I may have gotten a couple of stitches of :crocheting done. Mostly, I :blah. It was a fun day.


Joanne, have a fun Thursday with Delta Force! It still sounds like you should wear a cape to work!


LeaAnne, I hope you are having fun with your children. Have you recuperated from your awesome visit to the cape?


Stacy, I hope everything is already in place at the new house, and you are happy as can be! We would like more details about the new baby in the family.


Vicki, I hope school is going well for you and for DD.


Mary, sorry your friend didn't come for movie night. Did you get much :crocheting done?


Colleen, let us know how the experiment with thread turns out.


Shannon, :hug for your dd, because she's so sweet. I hope you are having a spendiferous day!


Jennifer, good luck with school! I hope your classes go well this year.


Scooby, I wish you all the best.

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Good morning Besties!!


Sorry I was MIA yesterday. I actually typed a message, but my mom's computer messed up and I lost the message.:angry I was a crochetin' crazy lady yesterday!! And I still have 3 1/2 squares to go. I'm a really slow crocheter. I'm trying to make the deadline. Is anyone else pressed for time with their bestie squares?


Joanne- Thanks for stopping in this morning. I know you've been super-busy! Hope you and Delta Force have a great day! This week is getting closer to being over!!


Mary- How's everything going for your craft fair? Have you made any more boobie pillows lately?:lol


LeaAnne- How's your new washing machine? Did you give it a big hug when it arrived? I'm sure you're SO happy to be able to do your wash at home again!!


Colleen- Good luck working with thread! I'm not brave enough for that. Thanks for sharing the link to the cardigan. I like what she did with it.


Jennifer- How's school going? Have you had any time to crochet?


Vicki- Your first week is almost over!! How's the bus situation? Is DD happier with her teacher? I'm praying for your husband that he finds a job that's good for him and his health. How is he feeling?


Beth- How's your sunburn? Did everyone enjoy the pool party? I'd love to see a pic of DD's cake, if you have one.


Stacy- I miss you! I can't wait until you get settled so we can hear from you. How's are the girls and the new little one? Did you get the school stuff straightened out?


Scooby- Please know we're all thinking of you, and we miss you.:hug


I did the dishes and started a load of laundry. I have lots of toys to pick up in the living room. I have lots of stuff to pick up everywhere actually. I've been lazy since we got home from Bristol. It's time to get my badorkas in gear! If anyone would like to give me a swift :kick or light a :fire, please feel free!! Have a great day everyone!:manyheart

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:waving, everyone!


I have been having lots of fun playing with my new toy!:clap... it is so nice to not have to go to the laundromat. I had forgotten how much I never enjoyed it:heehee

Anyway, I opted for the top loader. I have many friends who have had problems with their front loaders, specifically with standing water in the bottom and the door seal gaskets not standing up as they should. Besides, the top loaders are much more budget friendly.:D. The one I got is a Maytag, and it is water and energy effiecient:cheer. It runs very quietly, too. As you can tell, I am a little "jacked" about it:devil


Shannon - :kick:fire:cheer:hug... there you go! I hope that you find enough drive to get things done. It is always hard after a vacation to get back in the groove... Take your time and don't be too hard on you, ok? Is DH home or away? Is he feeling better?


Colleen - :cheer:clap Best of luck with your thread adventure! I am dying to know how it goes! I suspect that you will enjoy it very much... and if you get into it, the stash takes up MUCH less space:rofl

I hope you and DD are getting to enjoy the countdown to the schoolyear together:hug


Beth - Your day at the pool sounds like it was sooo much fun! And :cheerto DD for making the perfect cake! Wow! Fondant! :nworthy... VERY cool-ness! I was reading Joanne's post about "Ace of Cakes". We are all hooked on TLC network, and enjoy the show "Cake Boss". Cake decorating can be so very creative.

I hope you get to relax and recoup today.:hug


Vicki & Jenn - thinking of you at school, and hoping all is going swimmingly!


Stacy - I can't wait to hear how everything's going with the new place, new schools and new doggie! :manyheart


:waving Joanne! You are almost halfway to VACATION!!! :cheerI am cheering for you, girl! :cheer


:hi Mary! I hope you are getting lots of :crocheting:crocheting time. You seem to be moving right along getting ready for your show. Will you get together with your neighbor again tonight?


ScoobyDoobyDoo! Where are you? You got some friends who needja! :yes


I gotta go... the washer stopped. Did i mention that I am :excited?! :devil:rofl...


Have a super-fabulous day, girls!


Luv ya!:D

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Hi girls! I wanted to stop in and see how my besties were this morning! Sounds like everyone had a great night!

Leanne - Congrats on the new washing machine! It is nice to sit home while the laundry is going. Enjoy it!

Mary - I hope you get to see your friend another night. How are preparations for the show going?

Stacy - How is the puppy? Did you get everything straitened out with the school?

Colleen, Jennifer, Shannon, and Beth - Have a wonderful day! I hope it is a good one!

Things have slowed down here a little. I am not running around like a chicken without a head, so that is a good thing. The bus situation has corrected itself, so that is also a good thing. Hubby is feeling better, but he needs to go back to the doctor today and get some forms filled out for work. Hopefully all will be well with that. DD still does not like her teacher. She says the teacher yells a lot. We'll see what happens. It is only August!

I must run. The bell will ring and I need to get to class. Have a great day all and I will "talk" to you all later!


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LeaAnne, I'm glad you :manyheart your new washer! I have a Maytag, too. I've had it for about 3 years, and I still :manyheart it!!! Even more so, now that the kids do most of the laundry. :rofl.


Vicki, thanks for stopping by to say :hi. I remember how busy I was back a couple of decades ago when I was a teacher. I hope DD grows to like her teacher.


Shannon, thanks for asking, my sunburn wasn't serious, just a little annoying. It feels fine today, even after 7 hours at the pool yesterday.


Joanne, go Delta Force! You seem to be handling the long hours and never-ending week with good humor! I hope it goes by quickly for you.


Mary, Colleen, Stacy, Jennifer, Scooby, :hug:manyheart:hi

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I had to come on and tell you that DD's EEG has been read!! :yay:cheer:yay I had to call the girl and ask her to send it to DD's pediatrician so that we can get the results. I'm pretty sure we'll get them today. DD's pediatrician has gone above and beyond, and she knows how long we've waited. I'll let you know when I get the results!!


BTW, thanks LeaAnne for the kicks, cheers, hugs and fire!! I think it's just what I needed! And here's a :hug for you!

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:hi everyone! :hug


Shannon - :kick:fire Here you go! I need you to send them right back, though, because my house is a disaster... OK, maybe I'm exagerating, but it isn't the vision of cleanliness and tidyness that it usually is :rofl Oh, I am just hilarious. I am so happy to hear that the pediatrician is helping and that you will have your EEG results soon. About time!


LeaAnne - :yay for your new washing machine! I bet you are enjoying it. It is so nice to have your own for sure! Thanks for the cheering on my thread efforts. I bought some size 3 today. How are the kids doing with their summer reading projects? I'm sure they are too busy fitting in the last days of fun-ness before school.


Vicki - Glad to hear things are getting into a calmer routine. I hope your DD learns to like her teacher. I have to get the mailbox...maybe today will be the day :hyper


Beth - Your day at the pool, pool party and DD's cake sound great! What a great way to end the summer. When do you guys get back into your homeschooling routine?


Joanne - :cheer Go Joanne :cheer Go Delta Force. I am thinking about you working hard. How many days until vacation?


Stacy - How goes the new house, school starting, the dog?


Mary - How are you enjoying this cooler weather. Good :crocheting weather, isn't it? :yes You'll have to PM me the dates/location of that fair in November. I might be able to make it if the weather is good and the schedule is clear.


Jennifer - I hope your first week of school is going smoothly.


DD and I just got back from Walmart and got some essentials and my size 3 thread. I doubt I'll have time to try it today, but soon. I need to make a lasagna for supper and get something cleaned (maybe a bathroom :shrug). Then I'm off to work.


Have a great Thursday (or as DD would say Fursday). :manyheart

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