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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 1]

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:coffee Good Morning, everybody!


Joanne, Gotta love the skunk sightings. Much better than the skunk smellings...


Jennifer, sounds like your family is a fun group. I'm glad you enjoyed your last evening together for a while.


I hope all our travellers are safe and sound, and not too wet. Mean old Hurricane Bill! Someone should schedule these things better. My dh is happy. His Redskins beat the Steelers last night. He wonders if it would help if I were working on an afghan in the colors of whatever team his 'Skins are facing...


(I'm up to row 83.)


It's a very busy day, so I need to get started. I have to go grocery shopping, attend a ballet company meeting :yawn (Sorry) and take the minutes, and taxi a son to work and back. :xfin for good weather. He doesn't have a ride home if it storms.


Have a great day!

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Good morning all. It is a Sunday before the first day. DD is sitting next to me chatting about what she is going to wear tomorrow. And that I have to straighten her hair. The principal at my niece's school told her to only worry about what outfit to wear!

I need to get the laundry done today and I need to get my badorkus to the grocery store. My meat freezer is seriously depleted! Plus I need to get lunch stuff.

Hubby is feeling a little better today. He looked much better by dinner time yesterday. He decided he wanted pizza instead of chicken! So we went to get pizza. Hey, He was paying! Then we went to the mall to get him some clothes for when he goes on an interview. I am hoping someone calls him. We need to apply at a few more places, but we are hoping he doesn't have to go back to his current job.

Joanne - I am glad you like the square. I am glad you like it!

Colleen, Shannon, and Leanne - Hope you are having a great time on your trips!

Mary - Are you getting back in to the swing of things?

Jennifer - Great story! I hope you have a great year back at school and a great start!

Stacy - Hope you are having a great weekend! How is the new place?

Okay, I need to go and get myself started. It is getting a little cloudy here. Maybe rain is on the way!

Talk to you all later!


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Hey ladies!

Im' so sorry I haven't gotten caught up on all of the posts yet! :blush We have everything out of the apartment except the computer and desk, which will be taken tonight as my 'net will be shut off tomorrow. Hubby has a work laptop that I can steal from time to time and also a Blackberry that I check in on but takes tons of time to load. I'm hoping to have new service at the house by the end of the week.


I hope Colleen and Shannon are having nice vacations and don't run into nasty weather!


Vicki- good luck to you and dd at your first days of school. Glad to hear hubby is feeling better. Your square is beautiful. Thank you so much!


Beth, I hope the rain held out so you could pick up your son. Can't wait to get your square!


Everyone else- Hugs and love! I will have to read through the back pages and see what is going on. Has anyone heard from Scooby yet?


Ok, gotta get going! Talk to you all later!



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:hi Besties - I'm home!


We got home late this afternoon and I pretty much got caught up on the posts while cooking supper. One of the first things I did when I got home was go to the mailbox. :clap Beth's square was there and I love it! What fun! I hear Vicki's are in the mail, so I will look forward to that this week too. :yay


We had a wonderful trip. We drove up through Algonquin Park and saw a moose and deer. Stopped at the museum. We swam in my SIL's pool, fished (my DD caught 5 fish :clap), went to the beach, played lots with my nephews. My SIL took me to a small town tradition...my first BINGO at the Legion! I didn't win, but it was fun and relaxing all the same. I made one purple square on the drive up. I forgot the colour order for the stripes, so that's all I got done. I got 3 snowflakes done in the garland, a good filler project.


I won't remember everything, but here goes:


Stacy - I'm glad you had a good trip to MI, fun at HL and got to spend some time with your Grandma:hug. I'm glad to hear that you are almost done moving to the new house. How is Jorge feeling? God Bless him for keeping your Grandma from falling, but how is he doing? Poor Jorge.


Joanne - It sounds like you are back into the swing of things before you get really busy at work. How is your big granny going? Good luck with all those gifts you have planned! Can't wait to hear (and see) them all as you go!


Beth - I am so happy to hear that you get to go to OH for Labor Day weekend :yay I know you miss it there and what a nice time of year in Ohio :yes. How is that corner-to-corner going? Is this the one in the ...was it Steeler's colors? I do hope we'll see a pic when its done :wink


Vicki - The night before the first day of school. I'm sure it is a day filled with excited for your DD and a return to the grind for you. I hope the first day goes well....the start of a great year. How is your DH feeling? I sure hopes he finds something that is a new start for him. :hug


LeaAnne- I think it is Bruuuuce night! I hope that is fun and that your weekend at the Cape was filled with fun-ness.


Mary - I hope you are back into the time zone and enjoying the cooler weather. We saw 1 moose, 1 deer and lots of other normal wildlife on our trip (geese, ducks, chipmunks, etc.).


Jennifer - Good luck with back-to-school! Good luck with your wedding gifts too.


Shannon - One word - VROOM! Hope you are having fun! I said "I HOPE YOU ARE HAVING FUN!" Did you hear that? :rofl


Have a wonderful evening Besties :manyheart

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Hi everyone

Just a quick note to let you all know Iam getting back on track. I have been setting my alarm for 8am and getting up. Iam sleeping alot better now. Afew more days of this and I will be getting up and going to bed fine.:D

Last night our neighbour was over and we watched a movie. Her DH is away 3 weeks and then home for one week, he drives truck. I think she has been a little bit lonely lately so I invited her over again tonight.:c9

Stacy and Colleen Iam glad you made it home safe and sound.

Joanne before long you are going to be crocheting up a storm.;) The corner to corner afghan is really easy, and it goes really fast. I make dishcloths with that pattern also, so you could make a dishcloth first and see how you like it.

LeaAnne........ WTG Bruce.

Vicki good luck to you and DD on your first day of school. You will have to let us know how it went. I miss sending kids off to school.

Beth I would be interested in learning more about home schooling. I don't think I knew anyone that was home schooled.

Shannon all I can say is the same as Colleen VROOMMMMMMM

Jen I hope you have a good first day back to school.

Scooby I hope you are just really busy and safe. I miss you.

Bye and I will see you all tomorrow


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Oh, girls!! I have missed you all so much!!


DH's computer wouldn't work with 200,000 people around it, so I have some catching up to do! The race was very exciting, except stupid Kyle Busch won!:angry:angry


I'll catch up more later, but right now I have to go love on my girl!!:manyheart I missed her so much!!


Be back later! Love you girls!!:hug:hug:hug

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Welcome home Colleen and Shannon-you girls were missed around here!:yes


Stacy- glad that everything is settling in and well understand if we don't hear from you hope that jorge is doing ok


Vicki- Good luck to you and DD on first day of school tomorrow. The first day is always so exciting! Keeping fingers crossed for DH and hope he finds a less stressful job. My DH keeps telling me that his job is going to kill him- he has been parusing (sp?) the internet lately.


Colleen- sounds like you had an awesome time- and DD must have been so happy with all the fish she caught!! :clapMy giant square is coming along - 26 rows done- and they take longer and longer to do, but I like it. I took a break from it and made DD a cozy for her ipod or her phone. I put a long handle (just chain and single crochet) so she can wear it over her shoulder/across her chest. Sometimes I really need that instant gratification of finishing something! :hook


She was here today and she saw the letters I have from Colleen, Beth and Vicki on my kitchen table (yes that is the only mail on my table--:lol) She said, Oh you have pen pals? So I told her about our bestie squares and she asked to see them. She loved them all. She told me I am turning into a crocheting fool. :crocheting Needless to say, I was busy with her today and didn't get mine in the wash. I'll do my best to wash them one evening after work so I can mail them by the end of the week. She told me I did a good job on them (but what does she know? She doesn't crochet):lol But I did take it as a compliment.


Shannon- sorry that "stupid Kyle Busch" won...who were you rooting for? Glad you made it home safe and sound!:yes


Mary- glad that you are getting back in sync. I re-looked at the corner to corner throw pattern and I think maybe I can do this. I'll have to look through the stash and see if I have enough of 2 colors. I may have to improvise on that . I think with all your help, I can do this---I can, I can!:manyheart


Beth- My DD loved the postcard from VA. Her BF's mother and several of his siblings live in VA- (I forget where and I know VA is a big state) and she has been there a couple of times this summer with him. The coffee being from Williamsburg was perfect. DH and I went there on our honeymoon so Williamsburg has a special place in my heart- I love it there!. We were supposed to go to DisneyWorld, but 9/11 happened and flights were all messed up so we had to wing it and decided to go to Williamsburg and then we went to Va Beach for a few days. It all worked out.


Well, I'm going to unwind and just grab the:hook:yarn and watch the Yankees- who are winning by the way 4-2. This is a good game tonight.


Have a wonderful evening everyone!!!

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Hi again Besties!


Vicki- I got your square! Yay! :yay I love it! So pretty and you did a beautiful job! Thank you so much.


I can't see straight right now, but I have a question on the chevron cardigan. On row 2, what does "2 DC into top of turning Ch" mean? I cannot figure it out.


I'm going to bed now. We left at 5:30 this morning and drove for 12 hours. I'm wiped out. Good night friends!:hug

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Good morning everyone! Quick hello to wish everyone a great Monday! Hope that you all have a wonderful-ness day!


Off to get ready for a very very busy week at work.


Remember your vitamins!

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Good morning Besties!


Welcome home Shannon! :hi I hope you had a great vacation and that you get your fill of Janna-ness today :manyheart


2 dc in top of turning chain: work your dc into each dc across row 2 and when you come to the end of the row, you will find the original ch 3 you did at the start of the previous row (that is your turning chain because you made it when you were turning). Work 2 dc into the top chain of the ch 3. Does that help? :hook


I have laundry and some shopping on my to do list today. Then back to work this afternoon.


Happy Monday everyone!

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Good morning ladies!!


I'm still trying to catch up on what I missed.


LeaAnne- How was Bruuuuce?!?!?!


Joanne- Wow, you have some long days ahead. I'm so glad you enjoy your job! And don't forget, we'll be here to help you wind down when you get home!


Welcome home, Mary and Stacy!!


Vicki- Good luck on your (and DD's) first day of school!! I hope your DH is feeling better. I'll be praying for him! :hugs to all of you!


Jennifer- Good luck on your first day also! I hope your day is great!


Beth- How's the corner-to-corner going? I can't wait to see it!


:waving, Scooby! Hope all is well!


So Colleen, would it be the top of the sk 2 ch of row 1? Maybe I just counted wrong, but I followed the pattern up to that point and I think I've run out of stitches to DC in.

I'm so glad you had such a great vacation!! We'll have to plan to leave on another vacation at the same time soon!:lol


Well, I have cleaning to do, big surprise. I got a lot done before I left, but not everything. Other than that, not much planned besides snuggling my girl all day!!

Hey football fans! I'd like to hear your take on Brett coming back. I'm ecstatic myself! We might try to go see him play the Packers at Minnesota! I'll keep you posted!

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Hi all!

The first day of school for me is over! I am SOOOOO tired! I can't wait to go home and go to bed! I am going to go home and find out how DD's day was. Hubby had to drive her to school because the bus never came. They have three new bus drivers and apparently they didn't know where they were going!

I just wanted to let you all know that I survived the day! And I am glad Shannon liked my square!

I will try to write later. I missed some posts from yesterday so I need to go back and read them!


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Hello everybody!


I'm burned to a crisp, and I didn't get any crocheting done, but I'd call it a good day. My sil mil nephew and niece came to the pool with us. I hadn't seen my niece in a long time.


I'm dropping in very quickly between taxi duty, so I can't send individual greetings, but I am thinking of everyone with :manyheart and :hug

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Hey ladies!

Shannon and Colleen- welcome home! Glad Colleen could help with the Cardigan pattern- mine is packed up somewhere. :think Btw, Colleen I saw the picture of yours and it is beautiful! :manyheart


Joanne, sounds like you had a good time with dd. It's nice that she complimented your squares.


Beth, i got your square today! :manyheart:clap it is adorable! And thank you for the extra goodies too- I ate the crab right away. :blush:lol


Leanne, hope you had fun at the Bruuuuuuce concert!


Well guess what? I was supposed to register dd for her new school tomorrow but I found out that they require a physical dated 6 months before entering. Her last one was a year ago. I called the dr.and they can't get her in until the end of Sept. :( I know I have a paper around here from her old school that says it can be up to 3 months after she enters, also. It is the same school district so hopefully I can take that paper with me tomorrow to show them.

Oh, guess what else? LoL We got a dog! He is a dachshund mix, we got him from the shelter this past weekend. He is just the sweetest. When I get my internet back up I will post some pics. We are hoping to have it by the end of the week.

Hugs and love to all of you!

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Good evening!


I am wiped out. This being home from vacation is tiring :lol. DD and I did some shopping today. I started a little girl's hat that I've made before and love the pattern (it's from crochet world a year or so ago). It might go to my husband's god-daughter if I get it done to put in with her gift (her birthday is tomorrow). If not, it will be DD's. I have plenty for her gift, so we'll see if I crochet tonight.


Vicki - WTG getting through the first day! I hope DD's day was great and that the bus driver gets things figured out for tomorrow. I checked the mail today and your square isn't here yet, but I bet it will be here in the next couple days :hyper I'm so excited!


Beth - Burnt to a crisp? :eek Oh dear. It sounds like you had a great day with your extended family at the pool. :yay


Stacy - Too bad about DD's school. Hopefully they'll help you sort it out and she can start on time. Red tape is such a pain. :angry I can't wait to see pics of the dog. Is he full grown? Have you named him yet?


Shannon - How is that Chevron Lace Cardigan going? Did you figure it out? What colour are you making yours?


LeaAnne - How was Bruce and the Cape?


Joanne - :hi I hope work went well today.


Mary - Are you getting back into the swing of things yet? How are your little sweaters coming along?


Jennifer - I hope the first day of school went well for you.


I hope everyone had a great Monday.

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Hi everyone-

Long day for me- I read all your posts, but don't have the energy to respond to each one of you- It is now almost 9 and I haven't eaten dinner yet. It will be a long week- but it is only 1 week of craziness.

Congrats on the dog, Stacy-wow- new home, new dog....lots of new-ness in your life!! Beth take care of the crispiness. Colleen- it's hard getting into the swing of things after vacation. Vicki- glad the day went well and hopefully the bus driver finds your house tomorrow!



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So I made a meatloaf for dinner tonight. I've been craving it for a while, but I usually don't cook anything big when DH is gone. When DH gets home from work, he tells me his stomach hurts, and he has a fever. He's not eating. Oh well, too late, because I was just putting it in the oven when he walked in. 30 minutes later I checked it and noticed it needed a little water in the pan. The glass pan that I've used many times before. I start pouring the water and BOOOOM! The glass pan explodes into a million pieces in my oven!:angry:angry Thank God DD wasn't standing there with me and I had pants on. Most of it stayed in the oven though. What's up with that???? Only me. So we ate leftover pizza for dinner. Blah!! But I will have you know that I am enjoying a Seagram's Bahama Mama right now! Dessert!


Anyhoo, I hope everyone is having a great night!


Colleen- Thank you, thank you for your help. I haven't tried it yet, but that's what I was thinking.


Vicki- Congrats on surviving the first day of school! How does DD like it so far? How's DH feeling today?


Joanne- Goodness girl! Long day! Just think, Monday is out of your way now!


Beth- I hope you didn't get too crispy! That was nice that you got to hang out with the family today.


Stacy- Yay for the new addition to the family! Are the girls just loving all the new-ness in their lives???


Jennifer- How was your first day at school? What classes are you taking this semester?


LeaAnne- Are you still sleeping off the Bruuuuce concert???:2rock Did you feel like Cortney Cox being so close to the stage? How awesome would that be if he pulled you up on stage and sang to you?!?!


Mary- Have you gotten used to your regular time again? I've been on trips like that, and it is tough the first few days. Good luck getting back on schedule!


It's time for Scooter to go to bed. She hasn't felt well today either. I'm hoping for an early night, but I'll probably check in again before I call it a night!

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Shannon - Oh dear, that story about the meatloaf and the exploding pan :no I have a loaf pan that is made out of silicone. Perhaps you should consider getting one of those :yes:wink Sorry your meatloaf didn't turn out. :hugI hope your DH and DD feel better soon. I also have a recipe for microwave meatloaf somewhere. I'll look for it for you.


OK ladies, I've got 2 balls of Bernat Jr. Jacquards in my stash... I don't know what to do with it. It works best for knitting and there is a cute free hat/scarf pattern on the website (http://www.bernat.com/pattern.php?PID=3077), looks easy enough but I'd have to knit it :yuck When this yarn first came out I e-mailed my mom this pattern (http://www.bernat.com/pattern.php?PID=3076) and said "hint hint". She made it for my DD :lol It is so cute how it stripes. So, aside from handing the yarn over to my mom with the pattern (kinda sort of feel bad doing that), does anyone have any ideas? I guess I could knit. :yuck

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This was my night. My sweet DH helped me clean up, despite the fact he was feeling bad.




Colleen, I have no idea what you could do with that. The patterns you showed are really cute! You won't believe this when I tell you--I can't find the Crochet World that I need! They have quilting mags galore, which is surprising to me since it's so dang hot down here!! I'm not giving up! I need that Halloween pattern.

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Good morning all.

Oh, my Shannon what a mess! Hope you enjoyed the Bahama Mama! Hope that DH is feeling better and that was sweet of him to help you clean up the mess. May today be a less messy day for you.


Colleen- Sorry, can't help you out there. But maybe your mom is just itching to make something for you?? LOL.


LeaAnne- hope you had a wonderful time at the Bruuuce concert.


Vicki- Hope that the DD gets off to school w/out a hitch today and that her first day went well. Have a good day yourself. How is DH feeling? How's the bp been?


Beth- hope that the crispy skin is bothering you too much. Aloe lotion usually feels good!


Stacy- how was the first night with the new pup? Name? Hope that Jorge is feeling a little better


Jennifer- hope you had a good first day at school


Mary- how are you girl? Any new animal sightings? Have you recuperated from your vacation?


Well, off to get ready for another long day- probably working till 8 tonight so I'll try and check in later...


Have a fantabulous day all and remember your vitamins


Scooby- thinking about you and hope all is well

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Shannon - Thanks for sharing the pic! That made my day. Pics always make you feel closer to your friends :yes Tell you DH that he wins Hubby of the Week award for helping you clean that mess up when he wasn't feeling well. I would suggest you make him a thank you meal, but maybe picking up take out would be better :rofl


Joanne - Take care of yourself when you are working these long hours. Bring extra snacks to work and take a break now and then :yes


I didn't sleep very deeply and I dreamt about crocheting all night. I was making a 'ghan with my saltines. Oh ya, and I was also knitting that scarf and hat. What a crocheter won't do to use up a ball of yarn. :yarn


Shannon, here's that recipe for Microwave Meatloaf. It might satisfy your craving.


1 - 1/2 lbs ground beef

1 egg

1 cup chunky salsa

1 cup coarsly crushed ranch flavoured tortilla chips

1 cup shredded cheese

1/2 tsp salt

1/2 tsp black pepper


In large bowl combine beef, egg, salsa, chips, 1/2 cup cheese, salt & pepper. Mix well. Pack into microwave safe loaf pan. Cook at 90% power for 19-20 minutes. Sprinkle remaining 1/2 cup cheese & cook 2 minutes. Let stand 5 minutes, slice & serve.

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Good morning Besties!


I can't stay long, but Colleen made me remember something I wanted to share!


Last Wednesday I had my alarm set for 5:47 am, because I had things to do before I left town. As soon as the alarm went off I started dreaming that I was in a live chat with Joanne and Stacy. I was receiving a message when the alarm went off, and I was sending a message when I hit snooze. I didn't snap out of it and wake up until 6:43!!:blush:lol So yeah, I think I'm addicted to you girls!:manyheart And guess what? I'm okay with that!!


Have a great day Besties! I'll be back later!

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