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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 1]

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Hi everyone wherever you may be!!!


Vicki- way to go on the presentation. Fingers crossed that all works out well!


LeaAnne- have fun at the jewelry party- some fun time with the girls is always nice!



Work is going to be insanely crazy until 9/1- Didn't get home till 7 tonight. Next weekend we all have to work Fri night, Sat and Sunday- We have lots of testing to get done before now and then. I've got the chicken in the oven and it's just about done, so time to go eat some dinner with Dh.


I'll try and check in later......Hugs to all!!!

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Hi Everyone

Iam home. Plane was delayed by 45 mins. so it didn't land until 11.30pm. My bages were the last to come off of the plane. By the time we got on the road headed home it was 12.30am and we got home at just after 3am, then I was in bed by 4.20am. Boy was I tired. I didn't get up til 11.30am and I got nothing done. I did run to the store and picked up a couple of things and then home again. We had sandwiches for supper tonight.

Now for tomorrow..... anything and anybody in my way tomorrow will get cleaned. I will be starting upstairs and working my way down. This will all happen if the weather is not too hot. If it gets too hot then it will be crocheting on the deck with my feet up. hmmmmm that sounds pretty good too.

I hope everyone is well, safe and sound

Hugs to everyone

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:hi ladies!


I am home. In my bed. In my new house. :clap Our flight was nuts, the stretch from MI to Chicago was nasty- lots of turbulence through the whole thing. The flight from Chicago to LA wasn't bad, just long. First thing we did when we got home (after driving through Taco Bell) was move our bed from the apartment to the house. The girls wanted desperately to sleep in the new house tonight. So here we are. I will update more tomorrow and catch up on the posts I've missed. Right now my brain is friend.

Mary, I'm glad to see you made it home safely! :hug

Nighty night, besties!

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Welcome Home Mary and Stacy!!! Glad you both made it home safe and sound! Enjoy your new house, Stacy- the DDs must have been so happy to be in their own beds in their new house!!!

Good luck with all the cleaning you have planned for today Mary. Glad that no wild animals have followed you home!


LeaAnne- have fun at the Cape this weekend- hope the weather is great and you enjoy some nice beach time. I'll be thinking of you as I watch the Yankees/Red Sox this weekend. And most of all have a super time at the Bruuuuuce concert Sunday night!


Colleen and Shannon- thinking of you girls on your vacations and hope you are having a wonderful-ness time!


Vicki- TGIF! Have a good day- I'll be watching the Yankees/Sox game tonight- Go Yankees!!!!


Beth- Will you get to enjoy some pool time today? How is DS holding up after his 11 hr day? (I can relate to that- seems like I'll be putting in some long days myself)


Jennifer and Scooby- hope you have a great day.


Off to get ready for work- remember your vitamins---have a great Friday!

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Welcome home, Stacy! ...To your new home!:cheer:cheer when will you be finished moving in? Jorge must be happy to be home, and the girls must be soooo happy to be in their beds!


Welcome home, Mary! :lol about your cleaning goal... I am staying out of your way, girl!


Vicki - Congratulations on your presentation, and I, too, have my fingers crossed for you. I hope today was great, and that you enjoy the baseball game tonight.


Joanne - Happy Friday!!! I hope your day goes well, and that you get to relax and enjoy the game tonight... How is the endless square going?


:waving, Beth! I hope you are having a fun and relaxing day!


Shannon and Colleen - Vacation :hug:hug to you!


:hi, Scooby and Jennifer!


The jewelry party was fun. i got to see some of my mommy friends I haven't seen all summer! That was the good part... the bad part was my house when I got home :eek:thair:eek Can you say "Disaster Area"??! so today will be busy enough playing catch up, for everything I already had done:angry ... this is why I don't go out much. Oh well :shrug I guess they had fun too... I think today, though... I am going to demand some help:devil

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Hi! Sorry I've been inactive of late. School is getting scarely close here, and I'm doing last minute running. I also have an upcoming wedding that I have to make a gift for. I'm thinking about making a doily for the couple. I don't really know them very well, but the bride is my parent's friend...so I have been invinted to go. As for my other wedding gift after 4 retries, 7 one row frogging, and minor hand cramping I have over half the doily done! I am offically on row 14. Big pat on the back for me. Well gtg, my Mom just home and I have to get back to work crocheting. I'll be on later for reading and catching up.

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Hi to all!

It is FRIDAY! YAY!:yay Anyway, today was meet the teacher day at DD's School, so we did that. I hope her year goes well. She had a good year last year and I would like to keep it going. Then I ran to work and was in for the last hour and a half of the in service meeting. Next was a quick lunch and a meeting with a parent. Gotta love the beginning of the school year.

Hubby has been put on medical leave this week. His blood pressure is too high and his stress level is through the roof. So he gets to stay home for the week. Let's see what happens next week.

Joanne and Leanne - Yankess/Red Sox! WOO HOO!This should be a fun weekend. GO YANKEES!:lol

Stacy and Mary - Glad to hear that you made it home safely! And Stacy, glad you are in your new place! That must be nice to be there and it is wonderful that the girls enjoyed it!

Jennifer - Good luck getting started this year!

Have a great weekend everyone! Talk to you soon!


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Vicki!:manyheart:hugI got my square and it's BEAUTIFUL!!! You have such lovely, even stitches, and the color is awesome. Thanks so much. And thanks for the goodies you enclosed. I'm so excited to see all the squares together. Parent meetings already? I hope it went well.


Stacy, welcome home. :yay I need to send your package to you! I will try to remember to drop it off when I go by the post office to pick up my son tonight.


Mary, so glad none of the wildlife followed you home. You'd be cleaning that elk, if it got in your way! I hope you had a good day!:rofl


Jennifer, you certainly sound busy. I know there's a lot to do getting ready for school, on top of your crochet/cleaning schedule. Don't overdo anything, OK?:hug


LeaAnne, so glad you enjoyed your moms night out. We need that once in a while, so we can face the kids' night in:eek. I'm sure your little darlings didn't make too much of a mess! And go ahead, teach them the life skills involved in cleaning up after themselves!


Joanne, don't let Delta Force work you too hard! It sounds super busy, and so important.


Shannon and Colleen, have a HAPPY VACATION!!! Be safe!


Scooby, hope you haven't melted this summer.

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Hi everyone!

Yankees up 2-0 and they scored in the top of the 1st!!!! Had a busy day-but now I can sit and relax and watch the game- hope the weather holds out- we got some storms here this afternoon and it is threatening to rain again. Still very humid, though. (what good is the rain if it doesn't clear out the air??)


LeaAnne- hope you enlisted the troops today to help you clean! Life skills are so important! LOL. Glad you had fun last night.


Vicki- sorry to hear about DH and the high BP. I too have high BP- and I attributed it to my job and the stress involved. Ever since I've been put on this special project, it has come down. ( I still take by bp med every day). I could tell the difference as soon as I started on this new position. I only wish it was permanent. When it is over and I have to go back to my old position, if I find the BP climbing again, I will have to be making some critical decisions. Make sure he keeps his sodium intake down. That will help with lowering the bp. I'll be keeping him in my prayers!


Jennifer- you have alot on your plate right now. 2 weddings, school, cleaning and crocheting! Take it easy!


Mary- how did your cleaning binge go today? The only thing I did today was run the dishwasher this AM and emptied it when I got home.


Stacy- how is Jorge feeling? Did you get more things moved over to the new house?


Beth- Hope you had a wonderful day.


I just asked DH if he brought in the mail and he said no. I'm going to check now. Could there be a square from Vicki in there?????

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Oh, well, nothing but junk mail today (hey it's better than bills).

LeaAnne- my never ending square is coming along- I'm on the 4th skein of Sugar n' cream ( i think I said peaches n'cream when I originally spoke of the ghan) I'll be working on it this evening as I watch the game.


Red Sox scored- now it is 2-1.

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Beth - I am glad you got the square and that you like it. I had fun making them! I hope everyone gets theirs soon! You got that quick! I only mailed them on Tuesday!

Yay, the Yanks are winning! Let's see if they can hold it!

Talk to you all later! I will try to be here for the chat!


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Yanks winning 15-4- sorry I just realized that it is 9:49- and no one is here. I figured it may be quiet here tonight- Colleen and Shannon are away. Stacy just returned from vacation and in the processing of moving. Mary just returned from her vacation and had a cleaning marathon planned for today and LeaAnne is getting ready to go to the Cape for the weekend (if she didn't already leave)


Hope everyone has a good rest of the night- Score now 15-5, time for a pitching change

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Nobody is here for chat tonight. Oh well I might have to talk to myself.:(

The cleaning didn't happen today. Iam still trying to get turned around from the time difference. I guess because I have not traveled to a different time zone in such a looooooong time Iam finding it harder to get straight again. Plus it was way too hot today, so after getting up at 12 noon and had something to eat. at 2pm I decided I needed a nap. Iam really hoping it is just the time that has me sleeping and not something else. I hope tomorrow I do better. Iam going to set my alarm tonight for 8am and hopefully I will get up and thing will go better tomorrow.

Shannon and Colleen I hope you are having a great time on your trips.

Stacy, Glad you are home safe and in your new house.

Joanne, I hope work goes good this weekend.

Beth anytime you want to see wildlife with me come on up to my place.

Vicki Iam keeping Dh in my prayers and hope he is feeling better soon. WTG on your presentation.

LeaAnne WTG on getting to see Bruce on Sunday. Have lots of fun.

Hi to Scooby and Jen

I will stick around for a bit more to see if anyone is on.


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