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I don't usually have this problem

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but I am working on a afghan for the hospital and I just wish I could get it done:P....it is the same pattern I have made lots of times and I really like the pattern, just a normal ripple, but for some reason this thing is taking forever....I am changing color every row, but again I have done that lots of time....I guess it is the colors I don't like, anyway, I have told myself "myself you can't start anything else until this is done" and myself keeps whining I want to do something else.... so anyway, just wondering if otheres have found a project they didn't want to finish and how they keep themselves from leaving it and starting something else:think

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I feel like that too, at times. I call it burnout, from doing the same thing over and over and over again. Those repetitive patterns can get to be boring after awhile....even if you love the pattern, and change the colors often. However, once your project is done, you can kiss it goodbye and then off to start a fresh new one. Looking forward to starting a new project should perk you up. Best wishes with your current project.

Here some cheers to help you in getting it done :cheer:cheer:cheer:cheer

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:clap:clap:clap:clap:clap:clap Also encouraging you along your journey to the end of this afghan. I think we've all been there, I'm working on a sweater for my daughter I'm not fond of and have naughtily set it aside for this week. My excuse, some crocheting for a raffle in Flagstaff. Then I'll have to get back to the sweater after Saturday. Good luck keep stitching away. :cheer:cheer:cheer:cheer:cheer:cheer
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When this happens to me, I put it aside, but make sure it is where I can see it. I work on something else, but then that project starts to talk to me, till it is screaming that it is ready to be worked on again.

Sometimes you have to put a project aside for a day or two.:hook

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I agree with Tampa Doll. Sometimes you just need to put it aside and work on a small project that can be completed quickly, then go back to work on the other. I've done that in the past and I'm sure I'll be doing it again!!!

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I agree with Tampa Doll. Sometimes you just need to put it aside and work on a small project that can be completed quickly, then go back to work on the other. I've done that in the past and I'm sure I'll be doing it again!!!



That's exactly what I do! We will cheer you on to finish though! I love how you talk to yourself. Go Vonnie! You can do it!:cheer:cheer:cheer

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Thank you all for your support!! I finished it:cheer:cheer Last night I just kept at it and got it done.....not sure why I didn't want to do this except I want to do something with thread, been working with yarn and now ready to make a tablecloth or something with thread... Thanks again, I really believe since you believed in me I finished this:hug:hug


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I love that reversible color!! is the pattern available online??


Thanks, I do to..... it is just a ripple pattern, I do 6 dc and change colors every row, work in back of dc.... the changing every row gives the light/dark look.... I have done this with verigated yarn and a solid and it looks fantastic... :manyheart now off to do some thread:crocheting

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It's BEAUTIFUL, Vonnie! I just goes to show that even the prettiest of projects can become a chore for us if there is an exciting WIM hanging in the background! You did a gorgeous job on it, though! I love the way the one side looks predominantly purple and the reverse looks predominantly white!

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