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Easiest Square you know?

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So the scarf turned into bag ........

:crocheting so there I was just hooking away, hookity hook hook hook, I stop to admire the beauty that will be my first finished crocheting MASTER PIECE! It will be mounted in the Crochet Hall of Fame, I just know it - hmmmmm NO! no it won't, the first 6-8 inches my tention was all over the board & I clearly wasn't counting as well as I thought I was, so the edges look like a Jet Stream map on the weather channel, the rest of what I had gotten done looked pretty even and square - So to :2frog or not to :2frog that was the question - I decided not to after I thought about how it had gotten that way & realizing what I had done to correct it, I folded it in thirds stitched up 2 sides leaving the wavey zebra stripped part as the flap, it's now a bag and a reminder of a lesson learned.

So it is time for me to move on and see what else I can messed up.

What is the easiest square you know?

Name of square? Link to square? Instructions for square?

Hints? Tips?

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Don't feel bad, we have all been there. I've been crocheting for (ahem) a long time and my tension sometimse goes awry when I'm watching a chase scene, if I'm tired etc.


One thing I do, that helps to spot problems before they get to far, is to stop and 'admire' my work every so often, emphasis on often. That way you may only have to rip 3 rows instead of 30.


I vote for Granny Square too, probably because that's what I learned on. :hook

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Guess I'd have to vote for the never ending granny too, especially if you want something without a lot of large holes. I like using this for baby & toddlers. It also makes a nice bag. But - so many squares, so little time.

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