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Captain Hook & the Yarn Pirates


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Thanks so much LeAnna!

yepperoo...........got my puffs... my orange juice... and leftover homemade chicken noodle soup from last night. :U











Good to go then, just have to wait it out now...which I think is the worst part...hang in there...

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Good to go then, just have to wait it out now...which I think is the worst part...hang in there...














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So I have one whole pattern repeat done on the Heirloom and have figured out that it will take me about 2 weeks to complete, which is good cause then it will be ready for the auction for my niece and nephew's school fundraiser that I'll be donating it to. I am going to add a design change to the Jackson ghan and make it into a pillow ghan and might donate that as well...


Am going to work on the Tree of Life ghan now, or take a nap and then work on that, then put dishes away and then before I leave the island for the afternoon, am gonna work on putting another section of my sewing table today (been working on that for the last 3 days. It's not hard, just that I'm trying to accomplish as much as possible on other things as well...)


Back later.

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LeAnna, you sound like you're really on a roll!!:cheer


Tam, the only time I ever took naps was when I had Epstein Barr...I couldn't stay awake, then...:(

Now I try and all I do is think of things I wanted to do instead of laying down:lol

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LeAnna, you sound like you're really on a roll!!:cheer


Tam, the only time I ever took naps was when I had Epstein Barr...I couldn't stay awake, then...:(

Now I try and all I do is think of things I wanted to do instead of laying down:lol


I sure am trying to be on a roll and not just with the afghans...I'm trying to stay on task with my daily to do lists through Easter at least...I'm going to get Harry the latter part of April to bring him home for GOOD!


I am almost done with the sewing table, just have to deal with the top and drop leaf and it's done, but it can wait until tonight after I get home, or tomorrow tomorrow.

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LeAnna, you and Harry deserve a second honeymoon:manyheart


Honestly, the entire 9 years in Germany was a honeymoon, but you'd better believe we'll be honeymooning on the way back home and once we get here!

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Hope everyone has a goodnight.. atleast I have most of my voice back today and yesterday turned out to one boy after another getting stomach flu.seem to only be 24 hours because they are doing much better now.Then this morning poeple that live across the driveway had the swat team out here firing tear gas in there house at 6:30 am. the police drove there car into the lawn area between the townhouse broke a water pipe.so after sleeping on the couch for an hour I was up with those poeple. atleast they should have sent donuts over to all the neighbors for breakfast ahahaahahhahaaHopefully this time the HOA can get rid of them they are renters! This is the second time for the swat and lost count of how many times with the police over.

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Sheila, I hope everyone was okay! Hubby was on SWAT with the FBI for many years...I would always see him out the door - and go back to bed and pray.


Honestly, the entire 9 years in Germany was a honeymoon, but you'd better believe we'll be honeymooning on the way back home and once we get here!


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Wow, Sheila

That'd be like watching COPS live in your own front yard !


We never see stuff like that here. Too boring .


I got stopped once by the cops in a town close to here for speeding ( on my way to buy yarn ) .

Going 50 in a 35 zone. NOT SMART .


A young studly looking policeman stopped me ,asked me if I knew why he stopped me, I said YEP, I WAS GOING TOO FAST .


He said he was surprised I admitted it ,most people say they werent doing anything wrong .


I said why lie , I WAS going too fast .


So, he checks my record . No past tickets EVER . I've been stopped twice before ,both times the cops said they didnt want to be the first ones to give me a ticket.


I think I just TALKED so much ,they let me go to get me to SHUT UP .


Anyhow ,this boy tells me the same thing,although he did fine me for no seatbelt .


I asked him if I had to get out of the car and lay down in the road .


He said FOR WHAT ?


I said, you know, like they do on COPS ? I have to walk backwards, lay down in the road face down,and SHOW YOU MY HANDS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


He said NO... (trying not to laugh )


I said ,well, do I need to get out and lean against the car ?


He said FOR WHAT ?


So you can check me for drugs or weapons .


By then, he pretty much lost it .


His composure went out the window .


He said NO ....... I think we can skip that part ...




( I know... I'm a little SLOW ..... ,or maybe just BORED .)


He said he'd just write me a ticket for the seat belt and I could go .


THEN, after he gave it to me and got back in his car, I was trying to figure out how or where to go pay it . Didnt know how to do that, since I never did it before .


SO, I get out of the car to go ask him .


When I told my husband this, he about had a stroke . He said NEVER EVER get out of a car and walk up to the police car -- you are not supposed to do that .


Well, I did .. I just asked where to go to pay this thing . 58 bucks.


I said thanks a lot, there goes my yarn money .


That policeman just about busted a gut laughing at this point .


At least I MADE HIS DAY .


Ruined MINE, but made his .

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OMG, Jules!:rofl:rofl:rofl


...and yes... Sam was very, very right. You don't want to walk up to a cop car --- unless they stopped because they could see you were having car trouble...even then I wouldn't try it.

Trust me....even a traffic stop has a cop's adrenaline up...there have been very bad things that have happened during so-called routine procedures.


Going to post pics on HH Cal...

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Yep, I guess I learned a couple DO's and DON'ts that day,but all's well that ends well. Other than I had to give the police station my YARN money and go home empty handed .


At least I didnt come home with a bullet wound, which Sam seemed to think I should have had for approaching a police vehicle .

Who woulda guessed ?


I thought police were there to ask information ,so I had a question for him . I wasn't gonna pull a BAZOOKA out of my purse , I just wanted to know where to go to pay the fine .

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Jules....cops learn early on never to judge people by appearances....bad things can happen.

Which is why my hubby is always cynical about people.


Need to get moving here.


CU all later!

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Yea, I can understand that . I'm just not that familiar with the system of how they do things, so had no clue you weren't allowed to wander on back to ask him a question .


Sounds like the time I pulled THIS stunt .. Maybe you guys will get a kick out of this, since you own the same types of doggies .


This was LONG ago.. our kids were probably around the 8-10 yr old range ...


Anyhow, we lived on the same street as one of the policemen in town, who happened to be friends with Sam . (He's now our police chief )

We lived on one end ,he lived way down on the other .


We had just recently gotten approval to get a police dog in our town, so it was a really big deal at the time, because we are such a little town and not many of the little towns around here had them then .


This guy was the one who was the police-dog owner or trainer ,whatever you call them .


Well, one day I'm outside, and here stands this HUGE German Shephard dog . I mean HUGE .

My first instinct was to be scared,because he was so big ,and because I was bit by one as a kid . ( Not severely, but ,you remember being bit,and it still scares you )


BUT, then I saw he was wearing like a little necklace doo-dad thing on his collar that had a police-badge on it ,so I knew it was Mike's police dog .


So, I decide to take him home .... so I'm going ...come here doggie.... clapping my hands..... walking backwards... he starts following me ... I do that the whole way down the street doing this come here doggie thing ... til I get him home ...


Boy Mike was glad to see him and had'nt realized he had gotten loose .. He said it's a good thing I wasn't into any drugs or the dog would have taken me down and kept me there til someone came to get me.


Maybe I'd STILL be laying there, who knows ???


I've never even tried drugs, so I guess I was safe, but boy that was one BIG dog ... makes me a little nervous now, when I see those police training vodeo things when the dog grabs hold of a full grown man and yanks him down to the ground like he weighs 10 pounds .




This dog never made a sound though. He never even barked . I thought that was odd .

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He was a big one -- he looked so muscle-y .... you know, really powerful ?


He was more of a darker brown .. if I remember right ,he seemed to have lots of dark brown hair and not as much black.Maybe a little black, but kinda mostly a chocolate drak brown color .

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My boy is big and muscly like that - most apparent when he runs and you see the ripples...

I'm 5'4", so that might put Sparkie's size in perspective.;)

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:lol Julie I only got pulled once too by a cop saying that my light was out in the back I was too scared to say anything ahaahahahahahhaa

well last night they had the cops back over there again. but think they are looking for someone in that house.atleast out HOA is going to try to get them out!

well anyways have my doll almost done will post a picture of her.Tomorrow can get back on this afghan :lol

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Have you guys ever had other types of dogs before these ,like a long time ago ?


I just wondered if you ever had tiny dogs or always big ones ?

Our first pet was a gray and black striped kitten with a pink nose:)

When we moved to St. Louis from NYC we got our first dog, a Shetland Sheepdog (Sheltie)

Here are the particulars:


it's a small breed..known for being an "alarm dog" - they bark at EVERYTHING! Then when DS was a toddler we got our first GSD...and were hooked...and it was the beginning of our being a 2 dog family.

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Julie, Your police story is soooooo funny. Its a wonder he didn't cite you for being a smarty pants. Or something like that. Good thing he had a sense of humor. You had me laughing so hard I had tears. :rofl Sorry you lost your yarn money.:( Put that seatbelt on.:hug Wanda

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Those doggies are pretty .Are they like lassies ?



Wanda- thanks- I'm glad you thought it was funny. I wasn't trying to be a smartie pants, I was serious, that's probably why he didn't fine me for it. I actually thought i'd have to do that stuff. Cops is one of my favorite shows, so I figured I'd have to do the stuff the guys on Cops do . They didnt even make me pull out my pockets to see what was in them ( although nothing was in them, I usually don't keep stuff in my pockets .



I really thought I'd have to do some of that stuff at least .


The policeman was a really young guy and real polite . I bet he wishes it was all on film ,he woulda got lots of chuckles out of it back at the police station .

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