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Dear Crochetville,

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I wasn't sure where to put this. I am really big into thank you's and recognizing when someone has gone out of their way. I made it a goal to send a handwritten (non-emailed) note to one person a week who has done something special, needed a boost, made me smile, or to thank for being in my life (or any other reason I felt like writing). Recently, members of our wonderful community here at Crochetville have really made my day, gave me a positive boost, stepped in when they were needed to help out, and have just been overall wonderful! I wanted to start this thread so we can all post our little letter's to Crochetville (the community), to say what Crochetville means to us, or anything else we may want to share. (Ok, I hope you don't think I have totally gone mad).


Dear Crochetville :manyheart,

Thank you for being here as a place I visit every day. For a place where I come to be inspired, encouraged, and supported by and supportive of others. Thank you for uniting me with others who share my hobby, and for showing me that in addition to crocheting there are so many wonderful friends who share other things in common with me. Thank you, Crochetville for showing me that there are so many good people still out there who care for others, and are willing to go out of their way to support, comfort, and help total strangers whom they may never meet, just because it is the right thing to do. Thank you Crocehtville for encouraging me to step out of my comfort zone and to share my crochet passion at my local county fair and to have my skills judged. Without the encouraging words of the members here, I would have never even tried to step into that unknown. (The county fair is now one thing I really look forward to now each year). This community has been such a wonderful, encouraging part of my day. I am so thankful for each member here!


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I couldn't have said it better myself- Thank you for posting your thank you!!


Thank you everyone!!! This wonderful place is my first stop in the morning with my cup of coffee and the last place I visit before going to sleep at night. The friends I have met here really brighten my days and the generosity and caring exhibited by all is indeed very heartwarming.


Have a wonderful day Crochetville friends!

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What a wonderful idea!!!


Dear Crochetville,

I would like to take this opportunity to say THANK YOU. To all the people that work so hard everyday to give crafters like myself a place to gather and share so many things/ideas, help, encouragement and support. To all the members of Crochetville, THANK YOU, for being here. For being helpful, kind, encouraging......for being FRIENDS. I thouroughly enjoy coming here daily and spending part of my day with you all!

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Wow This is awesome...

I got lots to be thankful for here on the ville....

I want to say thank you to the owners of this forum for with out this forum i'd be lost...


Thak you to all the ladies I've met here on and the friendship you all have shared with me.... Thank you all that have at one time or another come to my aide with yarns for my charity works... and also for those of you that keep looking out for me one ways or another...


For the smiles and laughters and tears as well... and for allowing me to be part of your lives...


With out the ville like i said i'd be lost....

I've got lots of friends here that understand me when my own family sometimes dont..


thanks for all you talented ladies that share your patterns with us unconditionally and you are always giving with out expecting anything in return...


Hugs to all of you from the bottom of my heart....

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I want to add my Thank You also. First to Amy and Donna for all of their blood, sweat, and tears that have gone into making Crochetville the place it is today. Then to everyone here at Crochetville that have made this a very pleasant place to visit each and every day. I know I have said this in other postings on this forum but I am going to repeat it here. I am a semi-shut in and have been for several years now. Probably since about 2003. Most weeks I just get out of the house on Sundays for church. After my husband retired in 2008 we acquired a computer and it has become a wonderful way for us to stay in touch with friends, find old friends, and to make new friends. I love being able to visit Crochetville each day. I have made so many friends here. It is so enjoyable to "talk" with someone about my absolutely very favorite hobby - crochet. Of course we do talk about other things and that is fun too. So Thank You Amy, Donna, and everyone else here at Crochetville.:ghug:heart:ghug:heart

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I so appreciate this forum! It's more like a second home for me. It's a place I can come and If I don't feel like talking on a certain day, it's ok, I can just let others talk and visit and I can just feel at ease and listen comfortably. I can be with my friends and do my most favorite things in my housecoat, with no makeup on and my house may even be a mess but that is ok also, for I am on Crochetville, where we all accept and support one another. Thank you to the leadership we have at Crochetville so that this can happen each day!!!



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