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whoot Gonna teach someone to ....

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crochet YIPEEEE..


Well Remember The post i did about meeting this nice woman in the yarn isle at walmart, n telling her how easy it is to crochet when she was trying to decide weather to take up Crocht or knit? Well She N i been emailing since.. I sent her all sorts of links.. I even Told her n linked her here... Hopefuly if she hasnt yet.. after she gets going she will join,.. but Her n I made a time to meet up Thursday and Have coffee and Crochet! She said she's been praticing her chains.. and did a 500 long chain:eek.. LOL I told her that's great for pratice but she wont need to chain quite that big for a Ghan.. mabey 200 or 300.. Depending on what size bed.. but I told her I'll bring the things I'm working on.. n show her all the diffrent things she can make.



This got me thinking... While I may know how to crocet and can help with showing how to chain.. and do each of the basic stiches,

How could i go about tryin to Start mabey a Crochet Club N teach other ppl to do the basics. after all.. To make a ghan all you need to know is how to Chain, and the deiser stich you want to use and where in the chain to start... (For a basic simple Wing it ghan)


How should I anounce it? Mabey something Like Put up freecycle adds that I am offeing a free Crochet club.. come n have coffee n learn to do the basics?..


now by how i post n talk on IM youd never know Im shy when i get in a big group.. and I always feard talking outloud in class... but This would give me something to do.. n I thought I'd offer it to Other stay at home mom's who woud like to meet up at a nutral local... and learn to crochet for something to do during the day! while their kids are at school, after all some like me may not get to much time away with other adults other then Their spouse, and it may be the only time they can get out.



Figured pick A place with a playland so if they have to bring lil ones not in school the kids can have fun playing... but I figured see how it gose with Sue... so if she gets the basics down we can both Teach others,

then when summer hits down it to once or twice a month beacuse i'll be working... or move it to Eve's


whatcha think!? I stll have yet to tell uby my idea lol. as im sure eventuly I'd like to mabey host it at my house.. or once i establish a group have each person if they live in a reasonable distance from evryone play "host" by then I'll have enough funds to offer the "host" mabey some skeins of yarn for Playing "host"


well give me all the suggestions you can!..I'd love to hear them :):yay


So far here is what i was thinking.. let me know if i should change something or add somethhing or omit something


Anounce it on my local freecycleand word of mouth (like if i see someone in the craft dep)


Offer it once a week for mabey 1 or 2 hours at a time.. can go longer if we all get excited n talk.


What is a good hook size to suggest they go get to start? i was thinkin G, and Some Red heart yarn. as its cheepest. and can make a easy Scarf


Link them to patterns? they can pratice with.. If ya have one you think would work let me know. i'll be sure to tell them if it's your own design.


Am i forgetting anthing? for starting the basics. LIke how to do the slipnot or "pretzle not"... Chaining. and I figured start out with How to do Each stich in order.. but Have them work on a scarf with the DS as it works up faster.


anything else?

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me either, I am i think overly excited just like i was bout the pants i made lol

I just moved to GA 3 yrs ago an Realy do not know anyone, other then The ppl i talk to when out on my ICe cream truck.. There are the few who always buy from me and will come out when they dont just to say hi, but I mainly get kids who know me from mykids school lol...


I just also need to get out of this house, gets old after a while being just hubby n me all day long every day, and My mom don't do crafty stuff so we have limmits as to what we can do,, and i love to Crochet, it's by far my most fav thing to do, Well crochet and reading lol..... put a hook or a book in my hand and I go to my happyplace and only way to get me out of it is to yell at me or throw a stuff animal at my head (or so the hbby n kids say) Mabey that is why Ikeep getting bonked by That stuffed Elmo all the time:think

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We've been out here 7 years and really don't associate with the people we do know. I know how lonely it can be and love my computer cuz it connects me to friends all over the country and the world that I never would've met otherwise.


Congrats on finding someone to teach!


What's a deiser stich?


Put it up at supermarkets, craigslist, freecycle, ask the local churches if they would put it up maybe AND talk to McDonalds and see if they care if you hold it there once a week when it's usually dead. They'll at least make money on coffee and kids stuff.

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The Crochet Guild of America website has a section for chapters, with ideas on how to get a group going. The ideas can be used for any crochet group, whether or not you eventually decide to affiliate with CGOA.


Once your group gets going, you may decide it would be good to become an official CGOA chapter. CGOA's going to work on some ideas to really help and promote chapters this year, so there may eventually be some things offered that you'd really like to take advantage of.


I would recommend waiting to become a chapter until you see if the members all click with each other. If the group becomes a thriving group, you can see if chapter membership would be good for the group.


I also recommend meeting in a public place until you all get to know each other. Some people are very leery about meeting at the home of a complete stranger. Public meeting suggestions: Michael's or Hobby Lobby classroom, public library meeting room, some of our local grocery stores have meeting rooms the community can use for free, a church meeting room. When you start getting creative, there are all sorts of public meeting rooms you can usually get for free. The library really might be interested in hosting something like this. They like to have a full events calendar, and this wouldn't require them to organize it.

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Oh, yes, places like Starbuck's and local coffee or tea shops can be a good free meeting place. Well, maybe not so free, since you'd probably want to each buy a drink or something (maybe even a goodie) while you're there.


Some of those places have times of day that are fairly quiet when they might like to have a group meeting there to create energy.


Some bookstores also have large meeting areas. One of our Books-a-Million stores has a terrific area with comfy, cozy easy chairs and tables. The Barnes and Noble has a similar area, but with more hardback chairs instead of the cozy ones you want to sit in all day when it's cold outside.

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thnks all I did not intend on meeting at my house rite away. figured after we been at it a few months and got to know one another it could be a idea if someone wanted to host it at thier house, esp if we keep getting the same people and no one new,


Rose You asked what a deisr stich is... I was trying to say Desired stitch. Ya know the stich you want to use?... I didnt go bck n read to see where i said this.. if its not that its one of my many typos, I rattle off so fast on my typing I miss spell and don't bother somethings going bk to fix underlined words. I"m sorry if i confused you


The mcdonalds I plan on meeting the lady at and possible meeting is the one i use to work for sothey will not care if I come in. esp since rite now the 2 of us plan on enjoying coffee..


I'll look at that page you suggested bout the guild, gonna see how it gose thursday first then see what she thinks,


well Thanks all !:")

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I wish you lived near me! I'd join in a minute! Not only that, I'd let you use our hotel's conference room for the meetings free of charge. I've been wanting so badly to join a group but there's just not one near us, so I guess I am destined to be a lone wolf for a while yet. I had thought about starting a group a year or so ago but being the manager here keeps me busy enough without worrying about having the time to go out and recruit members. Being the manager means that even when I'm off, I'm really not off if there's a problem to deal with, so I didn't want to overextend myself. Anyway, let us know how your meeting goes on Thursday! I hope your group takes off for you! It will be great fun for you if it does! :yes

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