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Pillowcase crochet edge

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What would you do???


I have my wing needle ready to prepare the edge of pillow case for simple crochet edging.


My question is the pillowcase is store bought - standard/full size with a large hem. Your typical pillowcase from the stores.


I really don't want to remove the store hem and I won't be able to cut it off and sew my own hem - I can on king size cases and make those into full/standard size case.


Would or does it look tacky to leave the store hem as is on the case and start my crocheting right on the edge????

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I would make the lace separately and sew it on, personally I think it looks better. You could sew it right on the edge or in a bit, whatever you like.


But, when you crochet on a fabric edge [except self-healing fleece], you wouldn't crochet it over a raw edge, you would create a narrow hem anyway, so what's the difference leaving the original hem?

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