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Help deciding on some books!


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I have been looking around today & found a number of books I am really interested in but would love to know your opinions on them & if they are all worth getting or some more than others!


Learn to crochet


Crocheted throws and wraps


Compendium of crochet techniques


Crochet stitch bible


Crochet edgings and trims


201 Crochet Motifs, Blocks, Patterns and ideas


Essential crochet




None of the shops near me sell these books so my only option is to view them online though i would love to page through them!:think

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I have the Crochet Stitch Bible and like it a lot. I think it depends on what you are looking for and what crochet skills you have developed so far. One you don't have listed is the book "A to Z of Crochet" which is very good for showing the basics clearly with pictures and good explanations, It doesn't have completed projects, but clearly explains each stitch, blocking your work, joining squares, etc. Also it is spiral bound so lays flat which is convenient. Again, I think it really depends on how you are wanting to use the book.

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The only one I'm familiar with is The Crochet Stitch Bible. I highly recommend it. I've found it to be a good reference tool and fun to use when putting projects together. It has great photos showing each stitch too, which I found very helpful.


Good luck and enjoy!

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I'll third the Crochet Stitch Bible. I love it. It's also spiral and lays flat, and as mentioned, the color photos are great. Plus each stitch is show in chart form as well as a written pattern.


I also have the Interweave Crochet Edgings and Trims (I think this is the one you mean),and I like it a lot. Good color photos, easy to read written patterns as well as charts. It's not spiral bound, but almost lays flat. I have a couple of the thin but large Leisure Arts or Annies Attics trims and edgings books, but I may like this one best of all. Nice mix of lacy and more manly edgings (important for my Project linus blankets for teen boys).


I don't have the other ones you mentioned. I do like the Teach Yourself line, though, for explanations of both basic and more tricky techniques.



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Hello! I am new to the Forum but wanted to respond to your question about books! I have checked a LOT out from my local library and bought a select few--I'm pretty impatient when it comes to patterns, so if the book isn't very easy to read and follow, I get frustrated. Anything by Jan Eaton is GREAT--I have two of hers. I also like Debbie Stoller, her writing style is a bit sassy but the actual instructions and drawings and etc are clear and easy to follow. If you're going to invest in books and use them for years to come, I recommend those two writers.


Best of luck. If there is something in particular you're looking for, you might also look her (or ask) or try some of the internet video websites. There are a lot of free "how to" videos out there which can be useful.


Good luck!! :)

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Try your library first. You may be able to get books through an interlibrary service so that you have a larger selection to choose from,


Also, you can look at the books and see if they are worth your money. Lately, with money so tight, it is worth it to check it out from a library first and then decide if it's worth the money to buy it for your collection.


Good luck.



Also, Overstock.com has a pretty good selection of books and their shipping fee is pretty reasonable.

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