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Anyone ever have to give an impromptu crochet lesson?

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So I had to take my son to the dentist on Tuesday because he fell and hit his teeth pretty hard. Sprained them actually. He might need root canals.


While we were in the waiting room, I pulled out one of my crochet projects and ended up giving a quick lesson in crochet. I ended up teaching another mom to do a chain. She did real well too. Unfortunately we were not there long enough to show her more. She said she always wanted to learn crochet and was going to take a class at JoAnne Fabrics. I suggested she do that, because she will probably learn more than I could teach her and she could make new friends and have support. I also told her where I worked since I work at the dry cleaning counter at the local grocery store, she can find me anytime.


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I've had this happen too.. at the dentist's office, no less. That time it was with one of the technicians. She asked about my project, which was a simple granny square( the ONLY one I know). I wound up giving her an impromtu lesson, which made the dentist laugh at us both when she came in. She wasn't laughing in a mean way though..it was just one of those neat moments we sometimes are gifted with.

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I was at Michaels buying some yarn and struck up a conversation with a lady that really wanted to crochet a scarf but didn't know how. I helped her buy some yarn and a hook, and we sat out in my car for over an hour while I started a scarf for her and she was able to do a single crochet and continue on. I gave her my number to call me if she needed more help, and I never heard from her so I hope she was able to finish the scarf!! :hook

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