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My mom is from Mississippi.


I received everything in one night- baptism, communion, confirmation, and our marriage was blessed. It was a scandal to my MIL that we were married before I became Catholic. She was in tears that night.

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Sarah, you scared me! :eek:rofl How are you doing, girl?


Tired, sore, but glad to be done w/ remodeling for right now... we're taking a week or two off before we finish his mom's house (just have to put a little bit of baseboard back down, and finish painting and laying the laminate flooring in 2 rooms and painting the bathroom...

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Oh, Shannon- I messed up. He's not agnostic, he's atheist. Agnostic is the belief that no one deity is almighty, but atheist is the belief that no deity exists at all. That's what he is.

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I know, but it's true. He wasn't raised Catholic, and then he was an atheist, and now he's the deacon. And a very religious man.

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Oh, colleen, I had the full year of catechism, also. Funny story- dh and I were chosen to be my neice's godparents, but when he called his old church to get his confirmation papers, they told him he had never been confirmed. :eek He was shocked because he had always thought he was confirmed when at baptism (which is what they do in Mexico.) There was a confirmation ceremony the week before we were supposed to baptize her, and the nun said that he could be confirmed, since he had taken even class with me. The funny thing was that I was his sponsor! :rofl


Shannon, the night that I was baptised and our marriage was blessed.

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Goodness, Sarah. You've been busy. How was the birthday party? Any news on DF's sister?


the birthday party went well. Hannah (little girl) was really overwhelmed as she's never had a b-day party like the one's fiance's family throws, and it's kinda good it was short notice so it was only a small gathering (30 people) as I think a full one would've been way too much for her, plus everyone brought some presents for her brother too as a welcome home for him so he wouldn't feel left out.


Fiance's step-sister is not doing good. She's now got pnuemonia to add to the list of problems. No news yet on whether or not there is brain damage for sure but she's not coming awake much and when she does open her eyes they're rolled back in her head and she's not really responding to people/things.

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Okay, I know what atheist is. The deacon at my mom's church used to be one.


:rofl That is funny to read! How neat, though. :yes My BIL will never be convinced.


Sarah, you have been busy! I'm so happy that the birthday party went well. I'm so sorry to hear about the mother, though. :hug:hug:hug for you and the little ones.

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