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Some good clean fun?!

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yea...dh wasn't thrilled about it at all. But I warned him a few weeks ago when we took the Monday off to go to Knott's..."If we do this, we have to leave early from your brother's house." And he agreed- until last night. :rolleyes


My head is better, thanks. I took some Motrin, right after the Terror hit Mia for using her Barbie. Less than 12 hours after we arrived home, and she started already. I told dh, we have to sit down and talk about this or I will be on anxiety meds soon. :(

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Oh that sounds good. I have 20% and maple cookies. I think they are a Canadian thing. They are cream-filled cookies that are shaped like a Maple Leaf and have a maple flavour. DD loves them. I'd wish mine were Oreos :dreaming

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Colleen! Trader Joe's sells them!! :rofl I bought some a couple weeks ago and they are soooo good! I am the only one who will eat them, though. :(


Shannon, that is cool. Did he convert after you were married?

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At my previous place of employment they threw a big party in conjunction with the Canadian embassy in Taiwan. Anyway, they had Maple Cookies at this fancy catered function. I wasn't there (never been to Taiwan myself), but my coworkers thought that was the funniest thing.

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I'll take a picture for you next time. :lol They're shaped like a maple leaf, with maple flavoring in the cookie, and maple icing. :drool Now I want some. I do have to go back in a couple days. :rofl

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Hi Sarah! How are you, girl?


Stacy- Yeah, right after we got married. His dad was Catholic and converted to MIL's religion. His half-siblings are Catholic. His sister joined the Pentacostal church where her DH's family goes. Kinda confusing.

Get a load of this. DH's dad used to let them receive Communion because he didn't want them to feel left out.

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Shannon, at the protestant churches I went to growing up people were allowed to receive communion if they felt they were comfortable, so that doesn't seem so strange to me. I passed my last rite exactly one week before my wedding. At our wedding, the priest accidentally gave my cousin communion and when she looked horrified he told her just to take it and go with it :rofl She was my maid of honour.


It was really funny, because we had each other's families on either side of the church, so the priest stood in the aisle to give out communion and DH's entire side filed up to take it. Then the priest moved over to offer it to my family's side of the church....you could have heard a cricket, no one moved :rofl

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My dad's family is non-practicing Catholic, except for my grandma. She went to church every Sunday and when she couldn't go by herself, the nun would come to her house and give communion. My mom's family is southern Baptist, and she hates Catholics. So that was really fun when I told her I was going to be baptised.

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:rofl That is so funny Colleen! But, you know us Catholics. We're all about tradition. You're supposed to make your First Communion before you receive Communion. I know. My mom taught First Communion for, like, 10 years.
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