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Some good clean fun?!

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I'll have to look for that. Thanks!


I didn't finish my February either.:( I probably have another hour to go on it. Do you cheat on Sundays during Lent? My mom always said we could have what we gave up on Sundays. I didn't do it yesterday though. I may have to finish my tic-tac-toe this Sunday.


Your ripple is beautiful! I don't know if I told you. I love your doll blanket too. And I've been meaning to tell you that the quilt your mom made is amazing! Just gorgeous!

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Thanks. I still have to take a pic of the red/navy/gray ripple. Still lots of ends to weave in.


I've never heard of cheating on Sundays. That's a sweet idea. To be perfectly honest I cheat every day :blush:devil

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I pray every day that she'll be ready. And it's good that she gets to start a year late. She's going to need that.


She'll be ready in her own way. Try not to compare her to other kids because no two kids are the same. That's what makes them all special and all such a gift from God.

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What did you give up?


Nothing :blush I know, that's bad. I didn't grow up Catholic. I became Catholic as an adult, so giving something up for Lent wasn't a tradition we practiced when I was a kid. I did, however, make my family go to church on Sunday when they both wanted to skip it :tup

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Oh, I don't compare her to other kids. I never wanted to, but when we first realized she wasn't talking, I was forced to. I had to watch for other things that she was/wasn't doing when she was supposed to. But then I stopped, because of what you said.

My problem is that I don't want her to be put in special ed. because of her speech problems. And I want her to fit in and all that stuff too, you know?

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WTG getting them to church! I have friends who aren't Catholic who give something up for Lent. I cut back to one 7.5 oz Coke a day (I couldn't give it up, it's my only caffeine), crocheting only for charity, and no candy. It's just a daily reminder of what Jesus gave up for us. That's why I like to do it.

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I understand as best I can. Obviously I'm not in your situation. I would just worry that you might set you both up to fail, do you know what I mean? If she needs some sort of special ed, that's not a failure on her part or yours. It would be just what she needs. Just don't put too much pressure on yourself or on her. It sounds like you are both doing a great job!

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Hey girls!

We are home!!! And I drove all the way! That is huge, because I try to stay away from the freeways out here. :yes We left at 5 this morning, to make it back in time for Mia's class. Dh wanted to leave later in the afternoon. I missed 2 parent classes already, though, and the pre-k teacher helped us so much when she accepted Mia again, that I thought it wouldn't be a good idea to miss another one. Anyway, we made it back in time to take a shower and get the younger two dressed. Dh and Isabella stayed home.

We had a nice time! The IL's surprised BIL by coming also, and SIL was not thrilled. Oh, well- it wasn't her birthday. :heehee Anyway, dh and BI:L went out on Friday night. Saturday, they went shooting in the desert, then after they came home and showered, we went to watch a bike race. (Dh and BIL used to race on the amateur cycling circuit when they were younger.) Ordered pizza for dinner and watched a movie. Sunday we kind of lazed around for most of the day. MIL finally showed me how to make sopapillas (a Mexican bread/pastry that dh loves), which dh has been bugging her about for some time. Even FIL helped, which was neat. :yes We went out to dinner for BIL's birthday, then headed home and off to bed.

Poor Mia had terrible tummy aches after the pizza, and her mac-and-cheese at the restaurant. I will be making that call to the dr. tomorrow. :xfin that they can get her in soon. Dh also had some nasty side effects from the new b/p meds he is on, so he discontinued them and I have to make an appt. for him, as well.


After class, we went to Trader Joe's for some dinner things. My monthly migraine kicked in so I just got some things quickly and left- which means I forgot about half of my list. :ohdear I will have to go back tomorrow or Wednesday.

I wanted to check in but BIL doesn't have wi-fi and dh forgot his little broadband adapter for the laptop. I'll have to go back and see what everyone has been up to, and reply from there. I just wanted to check in now and let you all know that we arrived home safely. :hug

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WTG getting them to church! I have friends who aren't Catholic who give something up for Lent. I cut back to one 7.5 oz Coke a day (I couldn't give it up, it's my only caffeine), crocheting only for charity, and no candy. It's just a daily reminder of what Jesus gave up for us. That's why I like to do it.


That is great! So far I've only been crocheting for charity, but I don't know if I could go right through till Easter. See, I don't set myself up to fail either. :rofl Call me an underachiever. :lol

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Hey Stacy! Welcome home!


I have a funny story, since we were talking about Lent. DD went to the children's program at church and she came home telling us that they were talking about making choices. So each kid had to say what choices they made. Her answer was that she chose to have Corn Pops for breakfast :rofl

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Thanks. And I do know what you mean. I don't push her, and she's very laid back about it. If she says a word wrong, I try to get her to say it right, and she tries. She knows she sounds different. She's really trying. She's very strong and confident with who she is. She knows she's loved and the people in her life don't treat her any different. But I'm afraid that will change when she goes to school. She doesn't have to start until next fall, and she's gotten so much better in the past year. Especially since we started the seizure meds.

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That is great to hear that she's a strong person. She sounds amazing to me! Funny, smart and cute all rolled into one amazing kid! What a blessing! She will always have the people in your family and your friends to love her and support her and she will make other great friends over the years. Those are the only people that matter.

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You are so right! I guess it's like getting a present, and not being able to open it. Except she's the present, and other people can't open it. That probably sounds so stupid.


I wish I could type her version of We Are the World. She says it the same time, every time. It's so funny! I can get some of the words, but I think she just says what she hears with some of it.

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Nothing :blush I know, that's bad. I didn't grow up Catholic. I became Catholic as an adult, so giving something up for Lent wasn't a tradition we practiced when I was a kid. I did, however, make my family go to church on Sunday when they both wanted to skip it :tup

Hey, me, too! :h5 LoL dork alert, I know...but I grew up in a very religious town and it was sort of taboo that I wasn't really raised in any one religion. So I think it's pretty cool when others convert as adults, too.

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