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Some good clean fun?!

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HI guys! I was trying all day to get on here from school and for some reason it was blocked! But other sites were not! The internet has not been working right since the system was brought down a couple of weeks ago and the team of people don't seem able to bring it back up to work correctly.

Anyway, I watched the hockey game last night. It was a great game! Lots of good action and great plays! I fell asleep toward the end of the third period, but it was still a great game.

Joanne - Yes, it was great to go buy hubby "work" clothes! He officially starts on Sunday. He has to go meet with the district manager on Friday so we will see what that will bring. Probably all the paper work that needs to get done.

Colleen - How was your day at work and how much snow did you get? They are predicting that parts of Texas will get snow tomorrow depending on where you are. Not where I am, that is for sure! North of here, near Dallas is where they are predicting it.

Shannon - How was your day and how is Miss Janna today?

Beth - How are the inventions in your house today?


LeaAnne - How was the first day back to school for the chickens today? Were they okay getting back in to the swing of things?


Hope everyone had a great day! Hopefully I can log in to the 'ville tomorrow from school!



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:hi everyone,


It's been BUSY here today, or more acurately, Quicksilver has been driving her wheels off!!! My oldest had work, my dd had volunteering, we went grocery shopping at 2 stores, picked up oldest from work, took oldest to the doctor, went to the pharmacy, took dd to ballet, picked up prescription, took younger son to swim practice, picked younger son up, picked dd up, and I'm HOME!!! Deep breath. I didn't get much crocheting done today, just the morning christmas afghan ritual and the hat I'm currently working on during my wait-for-kids time.


Joanne, :xfin about a weekend off.


LeaAnne, hope your day back to the grind went well.


Vicki, how frustrating not to be able to use everything on your computer. I hope the problem gets resolved. soon. I'm still so excited about dh starting work.


Colleen, :cheer for finding the MP3 player! It's so much nicer to clean to tunes!


Mary, Shannon, Stacy, Scooby, Sarah, C4J, Frogger, Tena, and all our other buddies, I hope your Monday wasn't a Moan-day.


Oh, my dh got a reimbursement check from his last work trip. He asked me what I was going to buy with my half. It's not a lot, but it will buy some yarn!:c9 I see a very warm, fuzzy blanket in my future...

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Joanne - When I shoveled at 5:30 we had about 3 inches. I think it is letting up now for a couple days and then they say we'll get another few inches later in the week. Not a lot, but enough to make the roads messy. But, we are all home safe and sound now.


Beth - Wow! That was one busy day! I think Quicksilver will sleep well tonight (and hopefully you too!). :yay for yarn money! You lucky duck.


Vicki - I hope your internet issues sort themselves out.

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My daughter is wise beyond her years. Take a gander at the converstion she had with her daddy.


DH: Who leaves for work before you get up in the morning?


DD: You, Daddy.


DH: And who doesn't get home until it's dark outside?


DD: You, Daddy.


DH: Right, so who's the boss in this house?


DD: Mommy.


I love it!! Now if I could just DH to learn this fact!:lol

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Oh, before I forget. Janna got a TAG reading system for Christmas. It's really cool, and helps them learn how to read. She is loving Chicka Chicka Boom Boom right now! Her "magic pen" reads the book to her and plays games with the book. I wanted to tell you since we were talking about books last week.

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I've seen those. I'm glad she is liking it. My DD is ready to read, she gets frustrated though. We're working on it slowly. Sight words, sounding them out, etc. She is doing really well and catching on. Unfortunately they aren't learning to read at school yet. What can you do?

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I'm good. I made an appointment with the chiropractor today. I go on Wednesday. I'm really nervous about it. But I have to go. Other than that, I had a good day.

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When do they start learning to read? I started with Mommy, Daddy, love, those kinds of words. DD is doing really well with it. We spent a lot of time spelling words with her blocks today. Maybe your DD would like to do that.

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I've never been to a chiropractor before. I'm nervous because I know there's something wrong with my back. I just don't want to hear what it is. Does that make sense?

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I guess they are starting to learn to read already. They are doing letters and their sounds. It just seems sooooo sllllowwww. That is great that you are spending lots of time with Janna. We don't have blocks with letters on them. We have the magnets and I have scrabble :think DD got a game for her birthday that is My Friends Tigger and Pooh wordbuilder game. It's cute.

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Janna has that game, but she just likes to make me build a road with it for her cars. She doesn't pay attention to the words yet. Which is weird since she loves letters and words.

I like using the blocks because I can tell her which letter I need, and she can find it for me. In fact, my MIL got her a small set for Christmas because we couldn't spell her whole name with our set. The A's and N's our on the same block, and we needed a bunch!:lol

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Sometimes I feel like you have to know how to be a teacher to be a parent, but that's just because I want to do a good job. I had a parent-teacher interview today (we, both DH and I went), and we asked if there was anything we should be working with her on at home and the teacher said "no". :shrug We will continue to. Luckily I have a friend who is a teacher and she gave me some suggestions.

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So just a few more days until we get our March song at the Christmas CAL! I'm so excited! I'll have to adjust my charity stuff to fit.

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That's good. I feel the same way. Especially since DD needs help with speech. I really want her to be ready when she goes to school. It's very frustrating because I know she's super smart for her age, she just can't express it. And people hear her before they get to know her. It's a challenge.

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Oh, before I forget, The Letter Factory movie is awesome too for letters and sounds. It's Leap Frog, I think. DD says they have a word factory movie at school, so I should look for that one. That is how DD learned her sounds. Whe she sounds out a word she sings each letter like they do in the movie. :lol


Yep, only a few more days for the March song. I still haven't done anything for February :blush I guess I can always say I finished my ripple in February and it has red in it.

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