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Some good clean fun?!

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I was thinking of doing the seasons and a fleur de lis. But now with my Lent thing I won't get them done in time. So I may just give them as they get done. I dunno!

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Yep, 14 inch pillows. I just have to add the buttons to the snowflake one, and I've started the many rows of sc's on the fleur de lis one. I wish I could crochet faster!

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I better go. I need to clean the bathroom, take a shower, and get the heating pad on my back. I'll try to come back later! Love you all!!

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Hey girls! Sorry, my girls wanted dinner. :blush Colleen, paczki is a deep-fried, filled doughnut. It's Polish- originally made on Fat Thursday (though some communities, rather, all of them nowadays on Fat Tuesday) to use up all of the eggs, sugar, etc. before the fasting of Lent. Yummy, but I hate to think about what they do to one's insides! :rofl

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It was Shannon who asked about the paczki. I am not a big donut fan, particularly not that kind of donut, but my DH loves them. My MIL makes potato pancakes for pancake Tues. but she makes them on Ash Wed because you are not supposed to eat meat, so that makes more sense to her. We are going there tomorrow for our potato pancakes. Pancakes here tonight, at school tomorrow and potato pancakes for supper tomorrow. Do you think we've had enough pancakes. :lol


How are the cupcakes, LeaAnne?

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I am going to call it a night. I'm all buggy-eyed from sitting at the computer so long :lol But it is so nice to fill up on my besties fix after a weekend away. I also have to go hang up that laundry I started.


Love you guys :hug Have a great night!

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Oh, Colleen- I knew that! :lol After I walked away from the computer, I was like, "Hmmm...I think Shannon asked about that." Enjoy your pancakes-all-day tomorrow. :wink I :manyheart potato pancakes.


Leanne, glad to hear your cupcakes were yummy. And WTG to your chickens for giving up soda. Since you asked- my kids had pancakes for dinner! :lol

Jorge had ribs leftover from lunch, so he had those, and I had granola with yogurt. I'm starting to re-think the coffee idea. I eat way too much cheese/yogurt/dairy products, so I'm thinking of giving that up instead. :think That would be really, really hard, though. Would rice milk or soy cheese count? Hmmm...


Well I need to go work on a few things finished, so I better get going. Good night, friends! :manyheart

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Just popping in to say good night before I go to bed. Canada won the hockey game :clap and our 2nd gold medal today :clap How fun is that?!


Mary - I bet you are enjoying your DGD. She must be about 1 now?


Joanne - I still can't get over how much you are crocheting lately! :eek:nworthy I'm kinda jealous :lol


Vicki - I hope you are staying warm.


Beth - I hope you get a good night's sleep. When you are tired you just have to rest. Have a nap or a big sleep in now and then. Are you still on the soda wagon?


Stacy - I don't think you should give up dairy products entirely. They are so good for you. Calcium, protein. Maybe you should look at the recommended daily allowance and see if you really are eating too much. Women need calcium :yes


LeaAnne - I hope your chickens made it through the post-playdate meltdowns and into bed.


Shannon - Good luck getting to Walmart tomorrow.


Scooby - Missing you girl!


Sarah - :hug Still thinking about you and praying for your family. Any news on DH's truck?


:hi C4J, Chaya, Frogger, Judy, and all our friends.


Good night friends :hug:sleep

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Thanks, Colleen. I told dh and he said that would be too easy. :lol I'm not worried about the calcium/protein, I'm more worried about the cholesterol. :blush


:clap for Canada winning the hockey game. The hosting country should always win lots of medals. :yes:wink


Good night, friends! (Really, this time. :lol)

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Just popping in to say good night before I go to bed. Canada won the hockey game :clap and our 2nd gold medal today :clap How fun is that?!


Mary - I bet you are enjoying your DGD. She must be about 1 now?


Joanne - I still can't get over how much you are crocheting lately! :eek:nworthy I'm kinda jealous :lol


Vicki - I hope you are staying warm.


Beth - I hope you get a good night's sleep. When you are tired you just have to rest. Have a nap or a big sleep in now and then. Are you still on the soda wagon?


Stacy - I don't think you should give up dairy products entirely. They are so good for you. Calcium, protein. Maybe you should look at the recommended daily allowance and see if you really are eating too much. Women need calcium :yes


LeaAnne - I hope your chickens made it through the post-playdate meltdowns and into bed.


Shannon - Good luck getting to Walmart tomorrow.


Scooby - Missing you girl!


Sarah - :hug Still thinking about you and praying for your family. Any news on DH's truck?


:hi C4J, Chaya, Frogger, Judy, and all our friends.


Good night friends :hug:sleep


still waiting to hear. they said it could be a couple of days. updated post in prayers/warm wishes. been a long day. laters.

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