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Some good clean fun?!

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Yeah, Colleen. That must have been it. That's why I'm grumpy!


She was tired. She moved around a lot last night and she's been gassy....


I wish we could keep these posts forever so we could show our kids what we share about them when they're older.:lol

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I know. It's just hard. We really need to take advantage of the situation to pay off some things, especially with the new car payment. But seriously- I have a headache almost every day, and it's to the point where I can't be in the same room with the Terror anymore. My kids aren't even allowed to play in their room anymore, because Mia just gets blamed for everything. We'll figure something out.


BRB, I think it's shower time.

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Not really. I think she's still getting cleaned out. The dr. said it could take up to 4 months to straighten it out. But she's doing better than she had been. She has to wear pull-ups again though. She knows it's because of her poopie problems and not because she's a baby. She's a good sport!

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Fun!! I tried to get DD to go to the hockey game with me the other night, but she didn't want to go. She wouldn't go to the parade either, but it was too cold anyway.

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:hug Thanks, Colleen. A hockey game and skating sounds like fun! :clap


Shannon, up to 4 months to get it straightened out? Wow. Did it end up being a medical issue, or was she just holding it? It's good that she understands why she has to wear the pull-ups again. :yes She's such a trooper.

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Yes, it will be fun. She enjoys hockey. It's an evening game, so she'll have to stay up late. If the weather cooperates we might go up north to visit SIL's family this weekend. She'll love that. But we're supposed to get 5 days of snow. So, we'll see how it goes.

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The dr. doesn't think it's medical. If she doesn't get regular in a few months, they can x-ray her stomach and see what's going on. But I've never been consistent with giving her mineral oil, because sometimes she'll go fine and then it'll be a while before she goes again. Like over Christmas, she was going a lot, but only when she was at MIL's.:) We even joked about getting MIL a pooper scooper for Christmas!!

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I know, Shannon- our weather people are never right! They *think* it is going to rain this day or that day, and it ends up being really dry. Then, when it does rain, it's a huge surprise. LoL It's supposed to rain tomorrow- we'll see.

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Colleen, where are you exactly? Will the Winter Olympics be getting snow too? I know they're going to need it.


Stacy is much closer to where the Olympics are than I am. If you flew straight north of Erie PA that's where I am. More East than West. Vancouver is on the West Coast.

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Colleen, my kids aren't big fruit and veggie eaters, either. Isabella and Mia will eat apples, broccoli, and sometimes carrots. Mia will eat way more than Isabella will, but only if Isabella isn't around. :think And Eva won't eat anything of the sort. :shrug

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I read somewhere that it takes up to 7 or 8 tries to get them to eat new foods. I have a cookbook that uses pureed veggies in foods to "trick" them into eating more. :wink

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